The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 55: Shie Hassaikai (I)... [edited]

[POV Reo]

Throughout this whole week of working with Rumi, I didn't even get to fight any villains and this thing depressed both of us. So, we fought each other at the end of the day. Though Rumi always lost but never once did her battle-hungry smile faded away from her face.

Throughout this week, Momo told me that Ochako has been employed by Ryoko's Hero office, she was introduced by Nejire. They had fought against two unknown villains with gigantification Quirks and they also used Triggers. That means the story is still on the line. The media was all over them, well it gave them a nice stage for their debut, though it won't matter much because Momo would travel with me.

Last night another fight also happened but it was in another area. Red Riot also fought and defended the civilians bravely. They also took down a group of villains who were dealing in some stuff. According to the police report, they didn't say it publicly but I knew from my memories that they were dealing in Triggers and Quirk-Erasing bullets. Damn but no one released anything about their base location and only Heroes and police know this.

I checked my memory again but didn't find anything about the location of their base. If it was ever released in the canon I don't remember it. Another reason to learn Occlumency. I can't let these memories getting out of my head. For now, they are my strongest power.

Thinking all these I finally reached Rumi's house and found her grumbling about something while pacing in front of her house, as always she was already wearing her hero costume.

"What happened, Rumi?" I asked her finally bringing out of her grumblings. She looked quite annoyed and noticed me only when I called her.

"This is bullshit!!... why the other kids are getting to fight with the villains and here we are just running through the city doing races and not even finding a single villain!!" Rumi yelled in an annoyed tone. Well, now at least I know why the hell she is annoyed like this. It's like someone took away her candy.

"Don't be like that... we will also find some villains I am sure of it" I tried to reassure and calm her down.

"And now I received a notice from Sir Nighteye calling for a meeting! Why the hell is he calling a meeting when we could be looking around for villains for ourselves!!" Rumi kept on ranting but my ears perked up hearing that Sir Nighteye had called a meeting. Didn't this happen much later, not the day after the fights? Does this mean the future has slightly changed?

"Um... maybe we should go to the meeting. It might be something important!" I told her. I needed to know what has changed.

"Yes, I know that. I have been a Pro-Hero for a long time but it doesn't lessen my annoyance" Rumi said while finally getting calmed down.

"But meetings are boring..." Rumi whined "But you are coming with me, so I won't be the only one getting bored" Rumi spoke again. I did a victory dance inside my mind but my expression remained the same on my face.

"Unlike you, I like making plans and going to meetings" I deadpanned.

"Yeah, whatever, let's go now" Rumi said turning completely serious. Both of us immediately left for Sir Nighteye's Hero Office.

On our way, Rumi received another call saying the meeting is already starting but Rumi only said that we were on the way and cut the call. Since now, both of us could use our Quirks freely we decided to jump over the buildings instead of taking a cab like we should have done. No, I wasn't complaining just pointing it out.

We finally reached Sir Nighteye's Hero Office, we were lead straight to the meeting room. The door opened and I saw that the meeting was already on the way. Except for Sir Nighteye, everyone else in the room were quite surprised to see our arrival.

I scanned around the room and found Sir Nighteye's group. It was the same team I remembered from the anime. Sir Nighteye, Bubble Girl, Centipeder, Deku, Lemillion, and Eraser Head.

From Ryuko's group, there was a small change. Instead of Tsuyu, Momo was here. Her group members were Ryuko, Nejire Chan, Uravity, and Creati. I decided to call everyone by their Hero names because they are already getting recognized.

Next was the Fat Gum group, their members were Fat Gum, Suneater, and Red Riot. Suneater had a bandage wrapped around his shoulder. Looks like he still got shot but then why the hell is he here??

The other known Heroes in the room were Rock Lock, Kesagiriman, and Mr. Brave. Gran Torino and Naomasa were also present in the meeting.

"Good! Thanks for coming here Mirko!" Nighteye greeted Mirko, he too used her Hero name here. I wonder if they use their Hero names to call everyone.

"I was quite bored so it's quite fine but please tell me that we are going to fight villains!" Rumi said making all the students in the class except me bewildered. The Heroes didn't even flinch... which means she must be usually like this.

"Yes, we will be fighting but before discussing, Mirko and Magneto please take your seats" Sir Nighteye spoke while gesturing us towards our seats. Wow... he might be the first guy to use my Hero name. I didn't even think that someone would know my Hero name but it seems that Sir Nighteye knows. Did this guy saw my future with his damn Quirk???

It might be a reason this dude called me and Rumi here. I didn't think of this before but thinking that this guy saw my future creeps me out so much. I took my seat towards the students but my eyes stayed on him and I kept looking at him, searching for any signs he give away.

But he didn't give any signs and as soon as both me and Mirko took our seats he began to explain again.

"As both Mirko and Magneto don't know about this but let me show you something" Nighteye said and pointed towards two odd-looking bullets that were kept on the table.

"These bullets were shot by a villain, one of those bullets grazed the shoulder of Suneater. Getting only grazed by the bullet rendered him unable to use his Quirk for about 3 hours. From further research we have found that these bullets have the ability to damage a person's Quirk Factor" Nighteye said, Rumi was looking at the beginning but by the end, she was leaning on the table and her face was completely serious.

"What's in those bullets? How did they even get their hands on such bullets?" Rumi asked with a face that meant no-nonsense. I have never seen Rumi serious like that.

"I am glad you asked that... this bullet is made from human DNA. The person whose DNA is used to make these bullets is identified as Eri, daughter of Kai Chisaki" Nighteye spoke and the display behind him showed a picture of Kai Chisaki.

"This person is also known as Overhaul, his Quirk's name is Overhaul. He is a Yakuza and the leader of Shie Hassaikai. His Quirks allows him to disassemble anything and then rearrange them according to his wishes, we have currently speculated that he is using his Quirk on his own daughter to get her DNA..." Nighteye was speaking while several pictures of Kai Chisaki were shown on the display behind him. But before he could continue Ryuko cut him off.

"What kind of monster uses his own daughter like that??!!" Ryuko screamed, the rest of the room was also enraged.

"Apparently this kind of" Nighteye said and pointed towards the screen displaying Kai Chisaki.

"So, when are we going to attack?" Mirko seemed to ask the most important question now.

"Today, but first we need to give you all the information we have" Naomasa spoke and walked right in front of the giant screen.

"These are the guys we have confirmed as members of Shie Hassaikai, together they make a group called Eight Precepts of Death" Naomasa said and the screen displayed pictures of 8 people. Their names were written just below their pictures.

"We also have information that Dabi who was previously subordinate of All For One has also joined Shie Hassaikai" Naomasa said and the display showed a picture of Dabi speaking with Kai Chisaki.

"Everyone you would be meeting in that building except Eri is to be considered hostile" Naomasa spoke while walking forward. He came up to me and handed me an envelope.

I accepted the envelope in confusion, what the hell did he hand me the envelope for? I opened the envelope and immediately understood what it was. They gave an unofficial pass to go wild and if it was possible for me I could even kill Kai Chisaki. Why the hell did they hand me this?? I read the whole thing and this was a request from the police chief and I could deny his request but why the hell would I do that?? They are giving me an open pass to cripple the villains and kill the man behind the scenes so why won't I do that?

At the bottom, it was written that no matter what decision I take I should destroy the envelope.

I looked at Naomasa who stood silently in front of me waiting for my answer. The others in the room were also looking at me completely confused and curious.

"I accept" I said and lightning thundered on my hand turning the letter and envelope to ash...

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