The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 550: 2nd Round (IV)...

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"That was a great match, but Hela, how are the Game Fields being selected? I mean the Game could have been more interesting if the Game Field wasn't a swamp combined with a raging rainstorm" Momo questioned while looking at Hela. The green-eyed woman opened her mouth to give an answer, but moments later, she snapped her mouth close with a confused look on her face.

"...To be honest, I have no idea. It seems that I need to speak with Grayfia as soon as possible" Hela said with a thoughtful look on her face while rubbing her chin. "And I agree that the Game could have been much better if the Game Field was something nice" Hela agreed with Momo with a nod of her head.

Wendell and Eilene Sitri were extremely pleased, they couldn't be any more proud of their youngest daughter. They already had a chat with Sona after her Rating Game against Diodora Astaroth and they have discovered that Sona's personality had changed a lot. Sona was almost the same, but she has awakened some sadistic and cruel traits.

Wendell and Eilene were more than slightly worried due to their daughter's sudden personality change but after having a chat with Serafall, they finally realized that it wasn't so bad, especially when Lady Hela and her closest associate Yachiru Unohana were grooming Sona. They were completely fine with it because all of their complaints died down when they discovered that Lady Hela was probably directly involved in their daughter's personality change.

"Well, you can talk with her as soon as the 3rd Game starts" Reo pointed out and Hela gave him a curt nod.

"Or you could also talk with Serafall-San and Belial-San, after all, they are involved in the management" Yachiru reminded Hela with a polite smile on her face.

"Yes, but they aren't directly involved in the Game Field scenario creation" Hela answered and Yachiru simply inclined her head.

"Lady Hela, I know where the control room is. You can talk to them directly" Ajuka suggested from the side. Hela slowly turned her head to look at Ajuka.

"Good… take me to the control room" Hela said and she immediately shot out of her seat. Ajuka also stood up and left the room followed by Hela…

[Rating Game Field]

"Whew! That was a pretty exciting Game wouldn't you agree?" Grayfia asked the crowd and the crowd roared in cheers. When the crowd finally calmed down, Grayfia decided to move on to the next match. "Now, let's move on to the next Match. I am sure that none of you wants to waste any more time" Grayfia announced and once again the names started to shuffle on the Magical Screens. After a few seconds, the names finally stopped shuffling…

Lint Sellzen VS Grimgerde (Yggdrasil Climb)

The Game was going to start after a thirty minutes break, so like usual, the other teams decided to leave while only Lix Tetrax and Grimgerde decided to wait inside the Game Field along with their Teams.

The break was finally over and both Teams were teleported inside the Game Field Yggdrasil scenario. Fortunately for the Church Faction, Lint Sellzen wasn't trying to avoid a fight this time. So, the Teams collided quite a few times, and a few members from each Team were also eliminated, but it was Grimgerde who ended up winning the Match.

Grimgerde's Team was a lot stronger than Lint Sellzen and her team. Even though Rating Games were a Team Sport, individual strengths played a major role in the Games. With the third Game over, Grayfia decided to move on without wasting any more time. So, once again, the names started to shuffle on the Magical Screens…

Griselda Quarta VS Jessica Lagerkvist (Normal Rating Game)

Jessica Lagerkvist wasn't happy with this particular matchup in the slightest. Jessica wasn't delusional enough to think that she could win a normal Rating Game against someone like Griselda Quarta. The spectators also pitied the poor Brave Saint for drawing a match against Griselda Quarta.

Jessica Lagerkvist wanted to throw in the towel to save herself from embarrassment, but she simply couldn't. She didn't know how Lady Hela might react if she threw in the towel. So, even though she wasn't happy, she could only fight. At least, Griselda wasn't cruel enough to go out of her way to humiliate her.

Just like everyone had suspected, Griselda's Team wiped the floor with Jessica and Team members. Griselda didn't even need to get involved in the Game and just like that, the 4th Rating Game of the 2nd Round was over. Vali Lucifer was the only one who didn't get to fight today and since it was already late, Grayfia decided to call it a day…

[Rating Game Field (Backstage)]

While the spectators were leaving the arena as the first day of the 2nd Round came to an end, Hela was having a meeting with the people in management. The people responsible for creating the Game Field scenario were gathered around Hela. Since the matches were going on, they couldn't leave their stations to talk with Hela.

Well, Hela allowed them to man their stations, if she wanted to talk with them urgently, then there was no way that they could have refused Hela… At least, they wouldn't have refused Hela if they knew what was good for them. Right now, most of the team was shaking in their boots, they didn't know what they had done, but it was pretty clear that Lady Hela was displeased for whatever reason and they knew that a displeased Lady Hela wasn't good for their health.

"Which one of you is responsible for creating the Game Field scenarios?" Hela questioned in a bored tone while looking at her nails. Everyone gulped loudly and looked at each other. After a few seconds of awkward shuffling, a middle-aged bespectacled woman stepped forwards.

"All of us are responsible for creating the Game Field scenarios" The woman answered nervously. Hela finally looked up and stared at the woman. The woman almost shrunk back in fear when her eyes connected with Hela's, but she barely held her ground.

"And who is the one who selects them?" Hela quirked her brows as she asked the question.

"We have an AI. The AI selects the scenarios randomly" The woman answered and Hela gave her a curt nod.

"You see, the Rating Game is a blood sport. People want to see fights, but how are the participants even supposed to fight if they can't even see what is in front of them?" Hela questioned and everyone finally understood what the problem was. Once again, they started to shuffle uncomfortably.

Hela released a sigh and her features softened. "I understand that different types of scenarios are important, but you should understand that Rating Games are basically glorified gladiator matches, so the Game Fields should be suitable for fights" Hela softly explained, surprising everyone in the room. Once again, everyone simply looked at each other with unsure looks on their faces.

"So, can I presume that this mistake won't be repeated?" Hela asked and everyone shook their heads in denial without missing a beat. "If this happens again then I might become very displeased and I am sure that everyone knows what happens when I become displeased…" Before Hela dismissed the team, she decided to leave a threat hanging.

Without wasting any more time, Hela left the room. Ajuka along with Grayfia, Diehauser, and Serafall were waiting for her outside the control room. All of them beside Ajuka greeted Hela. "Lady Hela, I have a request" Serafall added as soon as she finished greeting Hela.

Hela simply raised one of her eyebrows in question. "What sort of request are we talking about?" Hela questioned curiously. Serafall had been quite loyal to her since she had sworn her loyalty to Lady Hela. Hela was completely fine with the request as long as it was nothing excessive.

"Lady Hela, I want to join Fia-tan on the stage!" Serafall blurted out in a cheerful tone. It took Hela a moment to understand who this Fia-tan was, but she quickly remembered that Serafall had a habit of shortening everyone's name and adding a 'tan' at the end and it was her dutiful maid who was referred to as Fia-Tan by Serafall.

Internally Hela was pretty glad that her name was quite short or she was sure that Serafall would have also given her a pet name behind her back. Getting back to the topic, the request wasn't anything major and it wasn't even a request from Hela's perspective. Serafall could have joined Grayfia without asking her, it wasn't anything major.

"Sure… have fun" Hela shrugged off in a dismissive manner, but Serafall started to cheer, looking extremely giddy. Grayfia also started to smile softly after she saw how happy Serafall was.

From the beginning, Serafall wanted to join Grayfia on the stage, but Serafall had to hold herself back due to her other duties. Now that her duties have lessened quite a bit, she decided to join Grayfia on the stage, but she wanted to do it with Lady Hela's permission…


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