The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 553: Vali Lucifer VS Sona Sitri (2nd Round) Part III...

[Dugout (Sona Sitri)]

"That is quite disturbing" Sona deadpanned when Zhu loudly proclaimed that he had ruined his pants. That was not something Sona was expecting to hear. She was wondering if this was possibly Vali's plan to defeat her, but she quickly shook her head. Thankfully, she had quite a lot of faith in Saji. She believed that Saji could truly overcome this predicament.

"Oh my god, Sona! I am pretty sure that they are going to need mental therapy!!" Tsubaki gasped with a horrified look on her face. Sona gave her a curt nod…

"Yes, I believe that you are quite right, The Sitri Family is very rich. I can at least do that much for them, their sacrifice will be remembered" Sona said with a hard look on her face. Tsubaki could only stare at the Screen with a look of sympathy for them. For now, there was not much Sona could do except for watching the Match…

[Dugout (Vali Lucifer)

"Vali, nya~, where did you find that… disgusting thing?" Kuroka snapped while pointing towards the Screen.

"Well… he came looking for me. He really wanted to join my Team and I was kind of desperate to get strong members on my Team" Vali said with a straight look on his face.

"Goddammit, Vali!! I am mentally scarred! Forever!!" Bikou screamed hysterically while holding both sides of his head. He was already wondering if there was a Memory Manipulation Spell that could erase his memories. Bikou was prepared to pay any amount of money to get rid of these nightmarish memories.

Thankfully, Le Faty was saved by Arthur who decided to sacrifice himself for the sake of his sister. He had used both of his hands to cover Le Fay's ears. He didn't want his cute little sister from hearing any of such obscenities while Sha Wujing's innocence was protected by Gogmagog. Gogmagog might be a simple Golem, but he was smart enough to follow any commands given by Vali or anyone in his Team.

"Compromises had to be made" Vali added with a hard look on his face. For now, the others decided not to ask any more questions…

[VIP Box]

"Wow… he is a piece of work" Rumi deadpanned and the others could only nod their heads in agreement. There was nothing to argue about…

Everyone inside the VIP Box was frowning at the display, well, except for a quite few among Reo's group. Reo was smart enough to cover Kunou's ears and Yasaka was quite grateful for that. It was without doubt that Reo really cared about the little Kitsune and Yasaka also realized that Reo would be a good father… well, probably the best father for her daughter. So, she decided to ask him out for a date.

Yasaka knew that she was quite a beauty and many men would happily lay down their lives if they could get even a single date with her, but she wasn't delusional enough to think that Reo would fall head over heels for heels, especially with all the extremely beautiful women he was surrounded with, but there was no harm in giving it a try.

Maybe it would work out, maybe it wouldn't, but she could at least try to date him just for the sake of her daughter. It wasn't like she wasn't interested in him, but she decided to place her daughter's desires above hers. Her Kunou deserved having a father in her life and she wasn't thinking about the bastard who had sired her. Yasaka released a deep sigh… Maybe she will ask him out tonight.

Everyone outside quite a few of Reo's group was frowning heavily. Azazel could only hide his face with a sheepish look on his face. True, Azazel was a pervert, he had never tried to say otherwise, but he seriously didn't know anything about the masochistic tendencies of Vali's new teammate. Though, he was really worried about Lady Hela's reaction. He had no idea how she was going to react.

He was truly afraid that Lady Hela might react violently, thinking that the Fallen Angel Faction was making a mockery of the Tournament. That would be disastrous for his Faction, just like it was for the Church Faction. From the reports, he knew that the Church Faction was never going to recover from Lady Hela's retort. At least, their foothold in Europe was completely destroyed, except for the Vatican City, but everyone knew why Lady Hela had decided to spare the Theocracy.

Meanwhile, Hela was simply amused. She wasn't bothered by the personality of this Zhu Bujie or Bajie… or whatever. As long as he kept fighting and he maintained the spirit of this gladiatorial sport, she wasn't going to act. His sick traits aside, the piggy was a good fighter. At least he knew how to handle himself. She was looking forward to his future fights.

It was the Yachiru, Zhu Bajie's questionable traits aside, he was quite a good fighter. She was at least going to respect that. She had trained Genshirou Saji, so she was quite impressed that this Zhu Bajie could withstand his blows, especially when he was using his Rook Promotion. She hadn't trained either Ibis or Bennia, but the two of them were quite good too.

Their proficiency with their scythe was quite commendable… True, she knew quite a few people who were way proficient at handling a scythe, but they had decades if not centuries experience with that weapon. These two were quite young when compared to them… Well, anyway, getting back to the topic. Zhu Bajie was able to hold his ground against the three of them and that was commendable.

Even though Rumi was complaining, she was impressed with Zhu Bajie's combat skills, not that she was ever going to admit it loudly and she was never going to take him as a student. As a teacher, she needed her students to have a good personality, and Zhu Bajie kind of lacked that…

[Rating Game Field]

Saji's gauntlet-clad fist collided against the Iron-Toothed rake of Zhu. Saji's eyes grew wide in surprise when the rake didn't even budge an inch. That was quite troublesome, but Saji decided to continue attacking.

Saji pulled back his feet and kicked Zhu. Once again, Zhu used his rake to protect himself. Zhu took a breath and he was about to spew flames out of his mouth, but he froze when something slashed against the back of his knees. Zhu squealed in pain while looking toward the sky, releasing a stream of flames at the sky. Saji decided to use this opportunity and landed a reverse kick on Zhu's flabby tubby.

This time Zhu wasn't able to shrug off the blow. He spat out a mouthful of blood as he was blasted away. Thankfully, Bennia and Ibis had been able to move away from behind Zhu or they would have swept along with Zhu. Zhu crashed into a nearby building, creating a massive hole in the wall. Saji glanced towards Ibis and Bennia and gave them a nod. Moments later, the three of them were heading towards the hole.

They froze mid-stride when a stream of flames came out of the hole. Moments later, Zhu came out and this time, he looked kind of different. He looked kind of intimidating, especially with his glowing red eyes. Even though Zhu looked slightly different, he decided to continue attacking.

"The three of you have been giving me pleasure, now it is about time that I return the favour" Zhu growled with a serious look on his face and lunged towards Saji. Saji was quite surprised by Zhu's sudden boost in speed, but he still held his ground. Zhu arrived in front of Saji and swung down his rake. Saji stopped the attack with his hand. Zhu grinned and both he and Saji were engulfed by his flames.

"Saji-Senpai!!" Bennia exclaimed and she was about to rush towards the stream of flames, but Ibis stopped her.

"No! Don't" Ibis grabbed her hand while shaking his head.

Zhu's laughter was heard from inside the flames as the flames started to subside. "So, how do you feel? Do you feel pleasure due to the pain I have caused you?" Zhu asked while laughing, but moments later, a foot came out of the flames and slammed on Zhu's face. Zhu squealed as he dropped back while clutching his face.

Slowly, Saji emerged out of the Flames, his clothes were at most, dishevelled. "You call that pain? My training was way more painful than that, you piggy" Saji snarled and lunged toward Zhu. he landed over Zhu's chest, making him spit out a mouthful of blood. Saji kneeled down over his chest and started to rain down his fists over Zhu's face. Zhu couldn't even squeal anyone and within a few seconds, Saji had almost flattened his face.

Zhu finally started to disappear into white particles and that is when Saji finally stopped raining down blows on poor Zhu. To be honest, Zhu never expected a reaction like that. When he was finally eliminated, he was barely conscious and barely recognizable… Well, it ended much more pleasantly for Zhu than what Saji had planned for him. Saji had planned to slice away the fat from his body and that would have ended up worse for Zhu.

"One Rook of Vali has been eliminated. Sona Sitri's Peerage has won the First Round of the Game" Grayfia declared and after only a second, Saji, Bennia, and Ibis were teleported back to their dugout. They were immediately congratulated by the other members of Sona's Peerage and Sona herself.

"I would like to ask Vali Lucifer and Sona Sitri to join me on the stage so that they could roll the dice" Once again, Grayfia's voice rang throughout the arena. Without wasting any time, Sona and Vali made their way toward the stage from their respective dugouts. Both of them arrived in front of Grayfia and picked up the dice from the elevated platform.

Sona noticed that Vali was staring at her with a speculating glint in his eyes. Since there was nothing she could do about that, she simply tossed her die towards the elevated platform and Vali's die joined Sona's die only a second later on the elevated platform…


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