The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 557: Vali Lucifer VS Sona Sitri (2nd Round) Part VII...

[Rating Game Field]

Once again Sona found herself standing on the opposite side of the elevated platform with a die in her hand and Vali was standing on the other side of the platform with a similar type of die in his hand.

"You are way more ruthless than I had anticipated" Vali said in a clipped tone. He didn't want to want to reveal the fact that he had read reports about her. Sona already knew that he must have read about her in the reports only inclined her head with a smile.

"I will take that as a compliment" Sona replied politely with a bright smile on her face.

"So, how did you grab the Excalibur Ruler? Did the Incinerate Anthem make you completely immune to Holy Aura?" Vali asked in an amused tone. Sona softly giggled softly.

"You don't expect me to tell you, right?" Sona questioned back with an amused look n her eyes. She expected Azazel to tell Vali about her Sacred Gear, so she wasn't surprised.

While Sona and Vali were having a conversation, Grayfia and Serafall could watch from the sidelines. There were no rules stopping two rivals from having a friendly conversation in between a Rating Game. Serafall was also having a hard time holding herself back from throwing herself into her sister's arms.

She had been really worried about Sona and now that she was officiating the Rating Game, she couldn't show any sort of favouritism. True, most of the people were quite familiar with her sis-con tendencies, but she still couldn't coddle Sona right now.

That would be very inappropriate and she didn't want anyone to think that the Devils were playing favourites. After all, the Devils are managing everything regarding the Tournament. It would be extremely easy for the other Factions to point their fingers.

Even though Grayfia and Serafall could clearly hear what Sona and Vali were talking about, the crowd couldn't hear them. Thankfully, all the conversations in between the Rating Games were being kept private or it would have publicly revealed that Sona Sitri possessed one of the thirteen Longinus, Incinerate Anthem. That is why Sona didn't have any problems talking about her Sacred Gear.

"No, I didn't expect you to tell me anything" Vali deadpanned and tossed the die in his hand towards the elevated platform. Sona also followed his example and tossed her own die. The dice landed with a clink, and after a few seconds of rolling around, the dice finally came to a stop.

"The sum of the dice is Four, but since Vali Lucifer no longer has any Piece to send considering the value. So, he loses the round by default. If he is unable to send Pieces for two more Rounds, then he will lose the Match by default" Grayfia announced in a neutral tone. Since it was a rule of the Game, nobody could complain.

Vali couldn't help but grimace… yes, sending his Unnamed Pawns in the First Round of the Game was a mistake. After that, he had to send either Le Fay or Sha for the Second Round, and once again he had lost a member, Now, during the Third Round, he had lost Sha too… Sending Sha in the Third Round had been a mistake.

Vali and Sona picked up the dice from the elevated platform. "Good luck" Sona said with an amused tone and tossed her die on the elevated platform. Once again, Vali could only grimace after hearing Sona's words. He knew that she was mocking him, but there was nothing he could do except for rolling the dice.

The dice collided against each other with a clink as they continued to roll on the elevated platform. After a few seconds, the dice finally stopped rolling and the sum of the dice came out to be 10. Once again a big number and Sona already had an idea who to send.

"Both Teams are being given 5 minutes to select their Piece or Pieces" Once Grayfia announced in a monotone. Both Sona and Vali were already heading back to their dugouts.

As soon as Sona entered her dugout, she turned towards Tsubaki. "Tsubaki, I can leave the next Round to you, right?" Sona asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't worry, Sona. I will be able to handle myself" Tsubaki answered in a confident tone. Sona gave her a sharp nod. "How do you think he is going to send?" Tsubaki asked curiously. She was confident enough to know that she was going to win the Match, but at the same time, she was also curious to know who Vali Lucifer was going to send for the next Round.

Sona tapped her chin with a thoughtful look on her face. "...If he is not stupid, then he will send Kuroka and if he is dumb then he will send either that Golem or Bikou" Sona answered after a few seconds of silence. Tsubaki nodded her head in understanding.

"Oh… and if it is Kuroka, then don't hurt her too badly. I have heard from Yachiru-Sensei that she is one of the Destroyer's lovers" Sona said, surprising the whole group. Tsubaki gulped, but she still nodded her head in understanding. She hoped that the Destroyer didn't come after her for defeating one of his lovers in a Rating Game…

Meanwhile, Vali was having a hard time deciding whom to send for the next Round. Sending Kuroka would be the best, but Vali already suspected that Sona was going to send her Queen. Vali released a sigh… Kuroka was the best option he had, but he didn't know if Kuroka would be able to defeat Tsubaki or not. The reports they had were useless, so he knew that even Tsubaki Shinra was going to surprise them.

"I don't like this" Bikou said while shaking his head. "How can the reports be so wrong?" Bikou questioned and Vali didn't have any answers for that. From Azazel, he knew that the reports might be slightly outdated, but he had no idea that the difference would be so huge.

"I have no idea" Vali answered drily and then he turned towards Kuroka. "Sona Sitri is probably going to send her Queen in the next Round, you can handle her, right?" Vali questioned softly and Kuroka excitedly nodded her head.

"Good and forget about the reports. The reports are probably going to be outdated in her case too" Vali said while shaking his head.

"Don't worry, nya~, I was already expecting that. Yachiru Unohana had been training them and I would have expected nothing less from them, nya~" Kuroka answered in a cheerful tone.

"You could have told us that before" Bikou grumbled and Kuroka shot him a nasty glare.

"I did tell you, nya~. You were busy watching monkeys on Discovery Channel, nya~" Kuroka almost snarled and Bikou turned towards Vali for confirmation and he found that Vali was looking away. Bikou thought that he might have made a mistake, but according to him, it wasn't a big deal.

The 5-minute break was finally over. From Vali's dugout, Kuroka stepped forward just like Sona had suspected and from Sona's dugout, Tsubaki stepped forward, just like Vali had suspected. Moments later, both Kuroka and Tsubaki found themselves standing over a floating platform.

"In the next Round, we are going to witness the battle of Queens. Kuroka, the Queen of Vali Lucifer is going to face Tsubaki Shinra, the Queen of Sona Sitri. Now, let's see which Queen is superior!!!" Serafall's voice rang throughout the Rating Game Field. "Start!!" With that, the Match was a go, but neither Tsubaki nor Kuroka made a move.

"I heard that you are one of the Destroyer's lovers" Tsubaki spoke up, breaking the ice and Kuroka immediately understood what Tsubaki was pointing at.

Tsubaki was still worried that the Destroyer might come after her if she defeated Kuroka, after all, he had said that he would exterminate Devils just because of a foolish comment. Tsubaki was even more worried over the fact that he might send Lady Hela after her… that would be worse than being killed by the Destroyer. If Lady Hela came after her then she would end up in pieces.

"You don't have to worry about him, nya~. He understands that this is a Game and he had told me to inform my opponents that neither he nor Lady Hela will be coming after them as long as I am alive after the Game, nya~" Kuroka revealed in a cheerful tone. Tsubaki released a relieved sigh…

"I see… that is good. I was really worried" Tsubaki said in a relieved tone and Kuroka's tails started to twitch.

"Can we already start fighting, nya~?" Kuroka asked in an impatient tone and Tsubaki simply grinned and pulled out her Naginata. Tsubaki knew everything about Kuroka, or at least what was known publicly. From what Tsubaki knew, Kuroka only trained with Vali and his Team, so Tsubaki and Sona had speculated that Kuroka was still primarily a Magician, which wasn't too off from the actual case.

That is also why Tsubaki decided to pull out her Naginata, Kuroka would have to be careful around her sword and Tsubaki wasn't a slouch in the Magic Department, so Kuroka would think twice before trying to surprise Tsubaki by attacking her in close range when Kuroka would realize that Tsubaki was better than her in the Magic department…


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