The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 67: Setting Up Everything (I)... [edited]

[POV Reo]

I think the house-elves might have a secret agenda. They might be trying to kill all of us by feeding us so much...

Though Momo is a keeper and ate all of the extra food Rumi, Nemuri, and I weren't able to finish. It's quite ridiculous to see a 4-year-old gulp down food half of her weight. What's even more ridiculous is that the elves looked quite happy with themselves when they saw Momo gulp down everything on the table.

"Dixy do you know if the Ravenclaws had a treasury or not? A place where they could have kept some legacy wands?" I asked looking at the small creature.

"Oh yes, master Reos Dixy knows such a place" Dixy said while jumping. Honestly, I have thought that I could understand them before I came to this world but now it seems that they are out of his comprehension. Even though I am really weak in the science department, I don't think they work on that.

Dixy led us through the castle while the other house-elves decided to take over their regular duties. After walking through the castle for about 8 minutes we finally arrived in a huge basement. The basement was filled with gold coins, usually referred to as galleons. Silver coins, known as Sickles, and bronze coins known as knuts. If I remember the conversion ratio correctly it would be 29 knuts in a sickle, 17 sickles in a Galleon, meaning 493 knuts in a Galleon. And honestly, the room is completely filled with literal mountains of those.

"Am I seeing right or this room is actually filled with gold?" Momo said completely shocked.

Now, that I think this, I never explained the currency to them. I then went and explained to them that this was wizarding currency. It wasn't shocking that a rich family like Ravenclaws would keep money stored like this in their basement but there is something that I find really odd and I have noticed this since I arrived here.

"Dixy, Ravenclaw is an old magical family so, why don't I see any magical portraits in this castle of any of our ancestors?" I finally decided to ask Dixy, I have been dreading over this fact, there could have been a portrait here like of Walburga Black, after all, the Ravenclaw family in this world was destroyed by inbreeding.

"Oh... that, the beliefs of the family that knowledge should be acquired and not given so if some new heirs should ever show up they should acquire all that knowledge from books instead of portraits" Dixy spoke with mixed feelings. She must be missing her old masters because she doesn't have any remainder of them. On the other hand, she couldn't complain as it was a decision taken by her masters.

Well, it works better for me this way, I have all the required knowledge for now, at least. I could mess up several plans of No Nose and Dumbledore with the knowledge I have of the future but I can't underestimate them or stick my head in the sand thinking that they won't plan anything new.

I don't plan to babysit Harry Potter, but this doesn't mean I can help him indirectly. I honestly pity Sirius Black, after being framed for selling out the Potters to No Nose and killing the RAT and twelve muggles. He rotted in actual hell called... Azkaban. Even though he was able to escape and confront the RAT, he still wasn't pardoned and finally died as a criminal because of other people's schemes.

After the conversation with Dixy, we decided to look throughout the room. The first thing I found was a huge metal trunk with several stasis charms placed on it. I didn't know what was inside but using my power I opened the trunk while standing slightly away from the trunk. The trunk was an expandable trunk and within its huge space, it was filled up to the brim with potion vials.

The trunk was filled with Aging Potion, Polyjuice Potion, Felix Felicies, Veritaserum, and several other types of potions stored there. I knew about what they were because of the tags under them. Wow... these helps my future plans and schemes so much. I noticed the girls also looked confused and interested after they saw so many vials. It was even hard to count them.

I explained to the girls what they were, Nemuri immediately demanded that I use the aging potion on everyone and fuck them right here right now. I somehow calmed her down saying that we have much more important stuff to do right now. Nemuri sulked but agreed and followed us while pouting.

After looking around the room for about half an hour I finally found the place I have been looking for. It was a stand where I could clearly see the wands. The wands were stacked up nicely there, there must be nearly a hundred wands there.

"Finally, what I have been looking for" I said and walked through the room towards the stands, the girls followed me silently.

"Didn't you say that a wand chooses the wizard? So, would it be fine if we use these wands?" Momo spoke while picking up a wand and waved it around but nothing happened. From what I remember, if a wand would give the chosen wizard or witch a warm feeling when touched for the first time, even though these wands won't fit us perfectly but I think that these could be used for the time being.

"No, I don't think that they would fit us perfectly but we still could use them for the time being. It would be much better than having nothing to learn magic with. If the wands fit you they would give you a warm feeling, take the wand that you feel the warmest in your hands" I explained and started to pick up wands one by one. The girls shrugged and also followed my lead. After an hour passed the four of us finally found our match, Nemuri was the hardest, her wand was also the most odd-looking one. Her wand was the smallest, about only 6 inches and I could easily say that even this wand wasn't suitable for her.

Rumi's wand was completely black around 12 inches, she said that wand gave her the feeling of thrill, the thrill that she got while fighting. I have no idea what wood or what its core was, I might have to look into wandlore also in the future... or maybe not as long as I have a functional wand.

Momo's wand was completely white in color similar to ash, it was 13.5 inches long. I also didn't have any idea what her wand was made of.

I found my wand the quickest, it was 15 inches completely black, and other than that I have no knowledge about it. But even though I found my wand the quickest and a lot of wands gave me the same feeling though I did feel something missing from them. It was almost like I was missing half of the puzzle.

Now, the first thing I needed to do was visit Gringotts and buy ourselves a muggle house along with muggle identities. I also needed some fake documents related to our parents. I know I didn't know many spells but Gringotts didn't pose any threat to me because of all the metal weapons they carried along with them. I could even kill them with the Galleons they love so much if I wanted.

"Girls, we have one more important thing to do before we can get raunchy get using those aging potions so let's get it over with" I said and Momo immediately started making clothes for our adult bodies, I have already shown her how wizards and witches like to dress so, it was quite easy for her. As soon as the dresses were done, I picked out a vial of aging potion and all of us stripped out of our clothes. I remembered from the canon about how much Fred and George Weasley needed to drink because they only needed to become a few months older.

After the calculations are done, it was quite easy for us. We downed the amount we needed and our bodies immediately started to age. After all of us finished aging we checked out each other, I liked this a lot and due to that I immediately got hard. Yeah, I have seen them naked and had sex with them a lot of times but that doesn't mean they have lost their appeal. All three of them smiled seeing me already hard down there.

"As you can already see that I want nothing more than having a foursome but that have to wait" I said and started to get dressed. The girls also reluctantly nodded their heads and started to get dressed, Nemuri looked like someone had killed her puppy but didn't complain. Within a minute all four of us were completely dressed like any wizards or witches.

"Dixy!" I called and the elf popped beside us in an instant. I thought that the elf would be surprised to see 4 twenty-year-old people but it didn't even faze Dixy. Maybe it has to do something because we are connected by the Castel Ravenclaw now.

"What can Dixy do for master Reos and his misses?" Dixy asked and looked at us expectantly.

"Can you take us to the Gringotts, Dixy?" I asked the house elf.

"Yes... Dixy can take master Reos and his misses to the Goblins Bank" the small creature jumped in joy while saying this. Though I like how she started to call the girls my misses. Dixy then asked us to grab her and the next instant we were gone from Castle Ravenclaw.

The next instant we were in front of a snowy white building that had bronze doors and two goblins were guarding the door dressed in red and gold. It was one of the worst feelings I ever had... damn!! I felt like I was being pushed through a straw it wasn't something I hated and seeing the girls I think they didn't like it too... somehow I and Rumi held ourselves back from emptying our stomachs but Nemuri and Momo weren't that strong...

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