The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 74: Causing Mayham (I)... [edited]

[POV Reo]

Several screams were heard from inside the house, after a few seconds the house turned completely silent. I could still feel their life signs inside but all of them saw that they couldn't run and must be waiting to ambush me.

The only problems I could face were from Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasley and for Peter, I decided to stay cautious, he could be carrying his wand too. If I remember correctly he had No Nose's wand with him.

Their door had metal hinges and a metal doorknob so I easily opened their door and walked in. I felt them hiding in several places, the smallest life signs were hiding on the top floor and two life signs were on the ground floor.

One adult was hiding behind the door frame of the next room while the other was hiding behind the couch so that they can attack me from two sides at the same time. If I had to go upstairs I needed to walk up the stairs which was in the next room.

"Good hiding places... but rather useless if you ask me" I said in a calm tone but nobody moved or came out of their hiding spots. The iron sand was moving around me slowly but I could feel the blood in their bodies started moving faster.

"Fine by me if you want to play like this" I said and the iron sand immediately rushed towards the person hiding behind the couch.

"No! No! what is this?!!" A loud female shout was heard behind from the couch and as soon as the woman shouted the person hiding behind the door frame came out and fired several spells at me and all of them were stopped by the wall of iron sand. It was Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasly was the one who was behind the couch.

"What the hell is this? Who are you?" Arthur Weasly screamed while firing spells at me. Seeing that I didn't answer he continued firing spells. "Let my wife go you bastard!!" Arthur Weasley said and kept waving his wand at me while several different colors of spells hit the shields.

Arthur couldn't hold it back anymore. "Bombarda Maxima!" he pointed the wand at me and a white light sped in my direction. I enforced the iron sand shield in front of me. As soon as the spell hit the shield a huge explosion happened which blew apart the whole front of the house but my shield was completely intact.

Soon the dust dissipated and a shocked Arthur could be seen kneeling on the ground. "My... my... that was quite a strong spell" I said in a mocking tone and by this time my iron sand has gripped around Arthur and took his wand out of his hands.

Both Molly and Arthur wrapped around in iron sand floated in front of me. "Rot in hell, you Death Eater bastard!!" Molly Weasly screamed and spat at me which was stopped by a new wall that rose up.

"Please don't compare me with those thugs of No Nose half-blood. I am similar to you in some ways... as I myself don't hate muggles or preach pure-blooded bigotry even though I am a pure-blood" I kept speaking while I kept walking around looking at the damage they did.

"Bombarda Maxima... a nice spell. It's lovely meeting both of you but unfortunately, I have some business to conduct, now if you don't mind please follow me" I said and entered the next room and picked up Arthur and Molly's wands.

"Wands... such a marvelous creation but pretty useless. Both of you are pretty brave and intelligent, you waited for me to come closer so you could attack me. Good..." I said and threw the wand at a nearby table. Usually, I never use monologue like a typical villain or a bad guy but I wanted to make an image for myself as this was my first appearance in this persona. I found the stairs and started to walk upstairs completely ignoring the protests I was getting from Arthur and Molly Weasley.

I finally reached the top floor and found everyone hiding inside a metal trunk. I used my powers to rip away the locks from the trunk and found 5 kids huddled together in fear but I didn't let my guard down, as they were from a magical family they could be also carrying a wand and they could get lucky if I am not careful.

I looked carefully and found the Rat, I immediately used my powers to bring the Rat towards me. The Rat started to squeak in pain when I used my powers on his blood. I was careful not to hurt the Rat too much for now. I grabbed the Rat within my hands and looked at it. None of the kids tried anything... they were too much horrified to see me and their parents captured.

"Well aren't you a fat little Rat" I said to the Rat and the Rat squeaked more and more. I used my lightning power and paralyzed the Rat.

"Well... I got what I came for. Next time, I expect better hospitality" I said and walked down the stairs while Arthur and Molly were completely gobsmacked seeing me leave them wrapped in iron sand just like that. I could even imagine that they what they were thinking... they must be completely shocked to see me do all these just for a Rat.

"Who the hell are you?!" While walking downstairs I heard Arthur's voice. Oops, I forgot to tell them my name.

"Magneto... call me Magneto" I said while walking downstairs and I was easily loud enough for them to hear me.

While I kept walking downstairs I slowly kept retrieving my iron sand. Soon I walked out of the burrow and kept walking out of their ward coverage area and Apparated out. Even though I ripped apart the ward before entering the house, old families still kept some traps if someone wanted to Apparate out without the owner's permission and Weasleys were definitely an old family. Even if they were light they could be hiding something stupid and outrageous spells.

I quickly returned to Castle Ravenclaw, I didn't bother to greet Momo or Rumi now and directly headed towards the dungeons. I have already prepared a special room for my new small guest. I have prepared a small ward that would prevent someone from turning into his or her Animagus ward. Apparently, our whole castle had an Animagus ward but it was inactive for now and I copied the ward from there.

Momo and Rumi didn't know about my plans. They knew that I would be going somewhere and doing something nefarious but they didn't say or ask me anything because they knew that I will tell them later tonight.

I finally arrived in the dungeon and opened the special cell I have already prepared and threw the Rat inside. As soon as the Rat entered the room it changed into Peter Pettigrew and collided with the wall and dropped on the ground. Peter groaned in pain and started to stir awake and tried to fire a spell with a wand he had been hiding. But before he could do that all four of his limbs were shackled.

"How do you like your new room Pettigrew?" I asked him. I was still in my Hero Costume.

"Please... let me go! I have to go into hiding or someone would try to kill me" the man immediately got on his four and started to beg while acting. Wow... I have to say he acted really nice.

"Yeah... I know Sirius Black... but don't worry you will be meeting him soon. Won't it be nice that two Marauders will be reuniting again?" I asked him in a mocking tone and a look of horror marred his face. Before he could say anything I walked away from the cell closing the metal door.

I can't stay here chatting... I still have places to be tonight...

[Back in 'The Burrow']

"Auror Report!" Amelia Bones finally arrived at the Burrow and asked the Auror who was making the report. She would be naturally called here as this was the biggest attack after the boy-who-lived vanquished you-know-who.

"Madame Bones... it was a single person, he ripped through the wards like a wet paper. None of them saw his face as he was wearing a metal mask and metal armor. We have already received their memory and the most shocking thing is that the attacker didn't use a wand. He was controlling sand-like material Wandlessly and he wasn't even carrying a wand" the Auror reported.

Amelia Bones went into shock after hearing the Auror's words. She has never heard someone to be that strong. Yes... Weasley wards weren't the best there could be but there was no one who could directly rip right through them. Even Dumbledore would have to fire several spells to drop the wards.

And Wandless magic... what the hell was that? Yes, she knows that a lot of people can use magic Wandlessly and she herself could use several spells like that. But they were usually weak magic spells like the summoning charm or Lumos but this guy did everything Wandlessly??

"So... how many dead?" She finally asked the most dreading question. Weasleys were poor but they were a pure-blooded magical family. So, it would cause a huge uproar and they are also one of the biggest supporters of Dumbledore. Many light families would cause an uproar.

"...No casualties mam... no one was even harmed. Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasley tried attacking the assailant but he just unarmed them and wrapped them in the sand like material and went to the kids but he also didn't do anything to them. He only took their pet Rat and said he got what he wanted and left" the Auror said with a straight face. Amelia Bones was completely stilled, this must be a joke, right? Someone tore right through someone's wards and attacked a whole family to take a pet Rat? What a fucking joke...!!

"Did you just say that he did all this just for a pet Rat?" Amelia Bones asked again to make sure.

"Yes ma'am, we think that his objective might have been something different but for now we haven't found anything. He walked straight into the house, immobilized Arthur and Molly Weasley, took the Rat, and left after that. He must be simply a crazy drunk bastard" the Auror said.

But Amelia Bones did not think that the person was just a crazy drunk bastard. No strong guy who could rip through wards like paper is not a crazy bastard. She was sure that there was much more to it. She could have thought more but he only took a pet Rat which was pretty much crazy. But Amelia knew that this guy would be a lot more trouble.

"Oh... and mam. The guy called himself Magneto" the Auror said and waited for the order.

Amelia Bones for now etched the name in her mind. There was something in her mind that was whispering to her that she was going to meet this Magneto person quite soon... she didn't know how right she was...

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