The Exorcist Detective

Chapter 21 Li Kang VS Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange raised his hands covered with wounds and smiled bitterly, "I also want to choose, but my two old guys won't allow it. They can't stop shaking even when holding a coffee cup. I won't choose a weapon. You can do whatever you want." That’s it.”

Looking at the hands that seemed to be pieced together from fragments, Li Kang could feel the pain in Dr. Strange's heart. As a surgeon, his hands became like this, as if life was meaningless. However, it was this kind of accident that made Strange The Doctor found a better option, he found magic.

"Then I won't use weapons. I'll give you three seconds to prepare, one, two...!" Li Kang whipped out a magic whip, and the bright red magic whip sizzled on the ground.

When Li Kang counted to two, Doctor Strange, who was still smiling playfully, suddenly took action, and swung out a magic whip like lightning, and stabbed Li Kang directly in the eye. This happened very suddenly, and most people were caught off guard. Maybe he was really hurt.

Good guy, this is also a person who doesn't like to play his cards according to common sense.

But Li Kang is not an ordinary person. When he used magic to sneak attack people, Doctor Strange was still a neuromedical expert who looked disdainful when magic was mentioned.

Li Kang dodged sideways, flipped his wrist, and the magic whip wrapped around Doctor Strange's left foot like a poisonous snake. Doctor Strange jumped slightly, and Li Kang followed him closely, and the magic whip in his hand struck violently, even though he was I'm a person who likes surprises, but that doesn't mean I like others to play this trick with me. In fact, what Li Kang hates most is "surprises."

Doctor Strange is the strongest among the apprentices. Although he is the latest among the apprentices, his progress is unparalleled. In just three months, ordinary apprentices are no longer his opponents. Now his The training object was changed to Master Modu, who was the most powerful magician in the entire Holy Sanctuary besides the Ancient One Master.

But even if Doctor Strange has such conceitedness, the reality is cruel. He is still not at the same level when facing Li Kang. From the sneak attack at the beginning, in the following time, Li Kang will attack unilaterally. , the pressure made Doctor Strange breathless.

"For a moment, it's amazing that you, as an apprentice, have been able to stay in a stalemate with me for so long." Li Kang secretly praised in his heart. No wonder Master Ancient One valued Doctor Strange so much. Some things cannot be achieved through hard training. In the magic world , talent is as important as hard work.

Doctor Strange's feeling for magic is innate, as if he was born for magic. The opponent's attacks are extremely fast, and the magic whip is like a light curtain. It is impossible to follow it with the naked eye, let alone Doctor Strange. Even the people watching could only see a brilliance and could not see clearly the reality inside.

Relying on his sense of magic, he first sensed the flow of magic power and his body reacted on its own. Otherwise, Doctor Strange would not be able to receive even three attacks.

"Aren't you a so-called star? Show some skills and let me see if you are as great as you boast? Don't be like a coward! Attack!" Li Kang roared, irritating Doctor Strange. Let him show more potential.

The apprentices present were all dumbfounded. They rarely saw a magician of Li Kang's level take action, and Doctor Strange, who was usually particularly mean-mouthed, was beaten so hard that he couldn't even speak one day.

The apprentices couldn't help but think to themselves, if the people on the field were replaced by themselves, how long would they be able to last?

Although Li Kang had been merciful, Doctor Strange's performance still exceeded his expectations, so he decided to be more cautious. He had already made a preliminary judgment on Doctor Strange's defensive talent. Next, he would have to take a look at him. Do you have any special talents offensively?

Doctor Strange inexplicably felt that the pressure on his body was much lighter. Magicians can use magic to create defensive shields and offensive weapons. Stronger magicians, such as Li Kang and Casillas, can create weapons that are larger than reality. Weapons, but also realistic and powerful magic weapons.

But a magician of his level can only create a shapeless weapon like a magic whip. In fact, the so-called magic whip is the primary state in which magic is shaped. It is still very unstable and has very limited lethality.

After Li Kang released the water, Doctor Strange began a fierce counterattack. The magic whip in his hand was like a shining poisonous snake, attacking Li Kang's body from all angles. At this time, Doctor Strange had completely lost the mood to tell jokes. The enemy is too strong, even stronger than Master Modu. If it drags on like this, failure will be an inevitable fate.

However, Li Kang has seen too many attacks of this level. The magic whip in his hand is facing each other, meeting Doctor Strange's magic whip at every turn. From a distance, it looks like two people are dancing in tacit agreement. Gorgeous dance, but this kind of dance is lethal enough.

"What's wrong? That's all you have? Aren't you very humorous? Why don't you tell me a few jokes? If I am happy, I might let you go. Aren't your hands going to be disabled? I am I won't bully a useless person." Li Kang didn't

Doctor Strange is irritated by his trash talk.

The magician's ability is inseparable from his emotions. Sometimes, the outburst of anger will bring unexpected effects. Doctor Strange obviously cares about his hands very much. Li Kang aimed at this and used his poisonous tongue. Tease your opponent's anger.

Sure enough, with the violent fluctuations in emotions, the shape of the magic whip in Doctor Strange's hand began to change.

He used to be a talented neurologist, but due to a car accident, his hands were severely injured and he could no longer use a scalpel. This was his reverse scale. People around him usually avoided his hands, and even His eyes would not linger on his hands, which were the scars in Doctor Strange's heart.

But Li Kang's words were like a sharp knife, piercing his heart deeply. Powerful magic was forged in the furnace of anger. Originally, with his ability, he could not create magic weapons, but under the strong influence Under the stimulation, the magic whip in his hand slowly faded away from its bright red color like fireworks, and turned into a smoke-like arcane silver sword.

Li Kang was also surprised. This was the first time he saw someone undergo such a transformation during the competition. After this transformation, Doctor Strange could officially bid farewell to his apprenticeship and become a qualified magician.

"Whoosh..." Doctor Strange's inner rage turned into ecstasy. The secret silver sword in his hand cut through the air and stabbed Li Kang's left eye. Li Kang tilted his head and dodged. The magic whip in his hand also instantly transformed into a secret weapon. The silver sword faced Doctor Strange, and the two faced each other face to face. At this time, it was already a competition between two magicians.

"Okay! Come on Stephen! Defeat him!" The apprentices on both sides cheered and cheered for Doctor Strange. They were all at the same time as Doctor Strange, so of course they would cheer for their own people.

"Hahaha...are you still laughing at me now? Which one of us is the court jester now, you should laugh again." Dr. Strange raised his eyebrows, and the expression on his face was very wonderful.

Li Kang sighed. It seemed that if he didn't show some real skills, he would be looked down upon by others. He concentrated his magic power, and the secret silver sword in his hand suddenly ignited with green flames. "Hoo!" He struck Doctor Strange on the head with a sword. .

Doctor Strange raised his sword to parry, but felt a huge force coming from the opponent's sword. His knees softened and he knelt on one knee.

Suppressing his opponent with one move, Li Kang raised his foot and kicked Doctor Strange in the face, knocking Doctor Strange two or three meters away. Nose blood trickled down Doctor Strange's nostrils.

Don't think about running away, it's not over yet, Li Kang thought in his mind. He held the secret magic silver sword with both hands, and with a little force, one sword suddenly turned into two swords. He dived over, and struck out with the two swords in succession. The sword in his left hand was fighting with each other. After Doctor Strange's swords collided, Li Kang's secret silver sword suddenly deformed and turned into a hand, grabbing the opponent tightly. At the same time, the other sword turned into a glove, and Li Kang aimed at Doctor Strange. His stomach was punched three times in a row with "Bang Bang!"

"It turns out that magic can still be used in this way." Doctor Strange staggered back two steps and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You still have a lot to learn." Li Kang shook his neck, stepped forward, and gave Doctor Strange the final blow to complete this little special training.

Just when Li Kang was about to knock down Doctor Strange with one blow, Doctor Strange suddenly kicked the ground hard. His body was like a cannonball and flew into the air with a bang, as fast as lightning.

Li Kang was startled. He turned around and saw Doctor Strange's body flashing several times in the air. He suddenly came to the back of Li Kang's head and punched him in the side of the face.

"Cobra attack!" Li Kang recognized this attack mode at a glance. He tilted his head, raised his hand and lightly grabbed Doctor Strange's fist. He threw him over his shoulder and put Doctor Strange to the ground. .

"Admit defeat!" Doctor Strange raised his hand and patted the ground several times.

"This Cobra attack was taught to you by Mordo, right? I'm not afraid to tell you, in fact, this attack mode was originally created by me." After testing Dr. Strange, Li Kang indeed found a very powerful talent in Dr. Strange.

"Maybe it was your original creation, but it was carried forward in my hands. I improved this move. Maybe you were too conceited and didn't realize this." Doctor Strange said without giving in at all that his improvements had killed the original.

"Why don't you take some pain medicine, let's go back to the field, and have a real competition between magicians. I still have a lot of original creations waiting to be improved in your hands. Maybe I should take this annoying bird of yours by the way. Improve your face, too." Li Kang deliberately emphasized the word "hand". He couldn't stand Doctor Strange's arrogant attitude. Every time he saw such a person, his hands were very itchy and he was in urgent need of help. Punch the person in the face a few times.

Doctor Strange cares most about what others say about his hands. He rushed towards Li Kang with anger on his face. Li Kang was ready to teach Doctor Strange a painful enough lesson this time.

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