The False Summoner

Chapter 40 - Integration of Man and Machine (2)

Chapter 40: Integration of Man and Machine (2)
Translator: Pan Junqian
Proofread by Peter Gong

Back in the dormitory, Rowen starts to concentrate on practicing the Sun and Moon Mind Method. His body is still a bit sore, so he needs the breath of the sun and moon to cure it. And he also realizes that though his physique has been improved greatly that the index increases from 30 to 70, his physique is still not very good.

After the breath of sun and moon has circulated for a few weeks in his body, Rowen feels his body has recovered and stops practicing for the time being. He already practices the breath to the first level. But there is an important thing that he cannot decide on.

He has devoted himself to the cultivation of the Sun and Moon Mind Method and completely abandoned the practice of magic power. That is to say, he has made no progress in being a summoner during this period. He has only reached the level I of a summoner, and is barely able to summon one summoning beast.

The Sun and Moon Mind Method needs to be practiced during the day and night, and the meditation is usually in the evening. If Rowen wants to make progress in both, then he has to slow down the practice of the Sun and Moon Mind Method. But he cannot completely give up the practice of magic power. He is a summoner, and must keep on being a summoner. If he is not a summoner, he cannot summon the iron armored beast which makes him stronger and stronger.

But in that case, how could he plan his time for practice?

Besides, he has classes during the daytime and could no longer devote all his time to his practice as he has done before, which brings Rowen a feeling that it isn’t a good thing that he goes to the Royal Knight College.

“What a trouble!” Rowen mutters. He has to think it well about how to solve the problem.

There is a sudden knock at the door, and then Carl’s voice comes into Rowen’s ears, “Rowen, are you there?”

“Yes!” Rowen says hastily and rises to open the door. “What’s wrong, Carl?”

“Time to eat!” Carl says quickly, “Nina’s waiting outside for us. Let’s go!”

“Oh, OK!” Then Rowen remembers that he keeps their board expenses.

They hurry out of the boys’ dormitory, and Nina is waiting for them at the door. Then they go to the College canteen together.

“Expensive, so damn expensive!” After walking around the canteen, Carl begins to complain, “Even the cheapest set meal costs ten coppers. Kidding me?”

“Here is the Royal Knight College, and things must be a bit more expensive.” Rowen looks a little helpless, too. Most of the people who come here are rich people, so it is a bit expensive for them to spend ten coppers for just a set meal, but it isn’t surprising for students here to spend one gold coin per meal.

“Ten coppers for a meal, thirty coppers for three meals a day, and almost one gold coin for a month. And we can only eat the cheapest one, if we eat a little better, we will only spend two gold coins a month. How can we get so much money?” Carl says bitterly, “Maybe there’s something else to be paid for. By the way, Rowen, how much did the Patriarch Brain give us?”

“Let me see.” Rowen takes out his purse. Actually, he hasn’t counted, but now it turns out to be quite a lot of money after he counts. At least it is a fairly large amount for them: they have a hundred gold coins.

After thinking for a while, Rowen divides the gold coins into three parts for Nina, Carl and himself respectively, “Carl, Nina, take these coins and use them for yourself.”

“Why do you give so much to us?” Nina counts and finds that she gets forty gold coins, and so does Carl, which means that there are only twenty coins left for Rowen.

“Nina, you’re a girl. You will spend more on something like jewelry and clothes.” Rowen explains, “As for Carl, you might meet a girl you like, and you must spend some money for her, but I don’t have to. So twenty gold coins is enough for me.”

“But, Rowen, twenty gold coins is too little for you!” Nina feels unhappy.

“That’s my decision, let’s go to eat first.” Rowen doesn’t want to spend too much time as regards this problem.

Their first meal at the Royal Knight College is a ten-copper set meal. But Rowen enjoys it very much after exerting too much strength in the afternoon.

“I can’t believe that there are so many beautiful girls in the canteen!” Carl exclaims. He also enjoys the meal while looking at those beautiful girls.

“Carl, can you stop being so lustful?” Nina cannot stand it, “I tell you, the more you look like this, the less the beautiful girls like you!”

“It doesn’t matter. I like them.” Carl says casually.

“I can’t stand you!” Nina gives Carl a blank look.

“Nina, I’m doing this for the whole family.” Carl seems to have good reasons.

“What? How is your lechery related with our family?” Nina curls her lips.

“Nina, you are wrong. We are a small family, so we are bullied by others. And I decide to contribute to our family by marrying 17 or 18 wives and giving birth to 70 or 80 children!” Carl says as if he took it for granted.

Nina is speechless for a moment. After a while, she says, “Are you giving birth to babies or pigs?”

“Whatever you say, that’s my thoughts.” Carl feels a little pleased, “Nina, you can’t catch up with me in terms of this. Anyway, you can’t have 70 or 80 children even if you have 17 or 18 husbands.

“Carl, you want to be punched, don’t you?” Nina is furious. “I don’t want to marry17 or 18 husbands!”

“I know, you just want to marry… Oh, it hurts!” Carl is about to say the name when Nina’s little fist lands on his head. Carl lets out a painful cry and dare not say any more.

“You deserve it. How dare you talk nonsense!” Nina snorts.

From the entrance of the canteen suddenly comes a disturbance. Dozens of people rush in, and then the noisy canteen suddenly becomes a little quiet, unusually quiet. It seems that everyone is looking at this group of people who just came in, but they all dare not speak.

“Wow, it’s the enchanted princess!” Carl says in a low voice excitedly with his mouth watering.

“Who is the enchanted princess?” Rowen feels puzzled. He looks toward the door and vaguely sees a familiar figure. That is Quinn whom he saw in the bamboo grove some days before, but now his enchanter girlfriend isn’t there.

Quinn and other dozens of boys are standing together around a girl, as if a myriad of stars surrounded the moon. This girl is very striking, not only because she is very tall, even among a group of boys, but also because she is dressed in a red enchanting robe with red hair on her shoulders. But it isn’t just the color that makes her enchanting robe attractive.

Ordinary enchanting robes are very loose, but the girl’s enchanting robe is firmly attached to her body, which shows her perfect body figure—big breasts and wide hips, slim waist and long legs, sexy but coquettish. It is very easy to arouse men’s desire. Compared with her unique dress and sexy figure, her beautiful face is not so attractive.

“That enchanter in red, it is said that she is the dream girl of many boys in the College!” Carl says quickly, “Her name is Diana, a third-year student in the Department of Enchanter, and she is said to be a level-6 enchanter. She has a good talent for being an enchanter, so she is called enchanted princess. Besides, she is also the leader of the Knight’s Bodyguard. Oh, yes, I heard she has a bad temper and often burns someone with fire or kills someone, so many people are afraid of her.

“What is Knight’s Bodyguard?” Rowen asks when he hears the word again.

Are you sure you have carefully seen the student handbook? The Knight’s Bodyguard is an official organization set up by the Royal Knight College students. Originally, they use it to solve troubles from outside, that means they protect the Royal Knight College, so it is called Knight’s Bodyguards. But now, no stranger will ask for trouble here, so the Knight’s Bodyguard is mainly used to deal with College students.” Carl keeps talking all the time, “Anyone who breaks the Rules for Students is likely to be punished by the Knight’s Bodyguard. Anyway, they have a lot of power, so it’s best not to offend them.”

“Ah, the enchanted princess is coming towards us!” Carl suddenly exclaims with excitement.

However, Rowen frowns. After Carl tells him the story of the Knight’s Bodyguard, he has a feeling that those people are looking for him.

As expected, the enchanter in red called Diana is already in front of Rowen, “Are you Rowen Wolf?”

Diana’s voice is pleasant to ears, but her domineering look makes Rowen uncomfortable.

“Yes, I am.” Says Rowen causally.

“Did you cut down the bamboos by Lover’s Lake?” Diana keeps asking.

“Is that lake called Lover’s Lake?” says Rowen indifferently. “I did it, is there a problem?”

“Well you just admit it!” Diana snorts coldly. “Now, come out with me!”

“Can’t you see I’m eating?” says Rowen indifferently, “Wait till I’ve finished eating.”

Hearing Rowen’s words, countless strange and pitiable eyes fall upon Rowen. It seems to them that this guy must be dead: he dare speak to Diana in such a tone!

Some also look at Diana, wondering what Diana is going to do with Rowen next. To burn him with fire or to strike him with lightning, or, anything worse?

The canteen is still silent. All people are watching Rowen and Diana, and everyone is looking forward to the next second!

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