The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 1577

Chapter 964 The days when Sun Jiro is away [Part 2]

[There will be tomorrow, I didn’t pay attention to it for a few days, and I was blocked for a few more chapters]

Qiu Yunfei said goodbye to everyone from the Yihongyuan, striding straight to the front yard, knowing that he had just bypassed the covered bridge in front of the door, and suddenly mixed garlic at his feet, if he hadn’t caught the pillars with quick hands and eyes, he would almost fall back and forth.

“Master Qiu, you…”

The young man next to him hurriedly stepped forward to help.

Qiu Yunfei lifted his hand away from him, and shook it away: “This wine has some stamina today, so please do something, and just let me rest here.”

As he said, he leaned on the railing and closed his eyes and rested.

Upon seeing this, the young man deliberately went to ask for a bowl of sober soup for him, but was afraid that he would fall into the water accidentally and he would not have time to rescue him.

When he was in a dilemma, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Banhe and Saw Hong carrying an empty bucket, and walked over with a smile while talking.

The young man was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly greeted him: “Brother Crane, it’s a coincidence that you are here, hurry…”

“Look, see.”

But before he could clarify the words, Ban He first smiled and pointed: “I said this kid is a dog nose, but if there is something precious, I can’t hide it from him!”

Sweeping a red smile next to him: “Look at you in a hurry, just the three of us are on duty today. Can my friend and I be short of your advantage?”

With that said, he took out a small paper bag from his arms and threw it into the arms of the young man.


The little servant hugged subconsciously, and glanced in confusion, but before he had time to think about anything, he hurriedly said: “No, I…”

“That’s a lot.”

But Banhe suddenly became cold: “The best tribute tea is worth a few taels of silver. If it is deducted, it will be held by someone, but there is no good fruit for us!”

Saw Red was also helping out: “Let’s pick up the corners and corners, saying that we are greedy and want to try something new. Even if the second master Bao knows about it, we won’t say anything.”

After a pause, it seemed that he was afraid that the young man would be dissatisfied, and then pressed his throat to raise: “When you sell out, just tell people that it was awarded by our second master, you will not lose you!”


Banhe shook off his sleeves triumphantly, and bragged with thumbing up: “In these days, wherever the three characters of our Rongguo Mansion are stained, even a few pieces of rotten wood can be used as copper, not to mention the tribute of Bao Erye’s “reward”. tea?”

“is not that right!”

The little servant on the opposite side also forgot about business for a while, carefully put away the teabags, and said with a frothy mouth: “Qianer came out of our house with a cradle bed, and somehow it was pulled on the head of our second master. It was immediately speculated at a sky-high price, and was bought by a country rich man with 85 taels…”

As I was talking, I suddenly saw the two cranes in front and the sweeping red bend over, bowing to the courtesy:

“Master Qiu.”

The young man was a violent soul, and then he remembered his original intention, and hurriedly turned around and asked with a smile: “Master Qiu, are you better?”

“Maybe something.”

Qiu Yunfei tucked his chin: “Master has official duties to deal with, let’s go.”

As he said, he rushed to the front yard along the willow dike.

The little servant looked bitterly at the companion crane and swept red. Seeing that the two were angry at each other, they explained a few words deliberately, but he didn’t dare to leave Qiu Yunfei aside, so he had to offer his hand and leave the sentence’Wait for me. I’ll tell you when I come back,’I’ll catch up like flying.

However, Qiu Yunfei was walking forward with his hand in his hand. He hadn’t traveled far, and suddenly he saw something dark in the flowerbed beside the road. He looked closely and found that there was a dense layer of tea leaves.

Thinking of the conversation between the three little servants just now, I couldn’t help but pause.

It just so happened that the little servant caught up from behind, and Qiu Yunfei pointed to the flower garden and asked, “How come such good tea leaves are scattered in the flower garden?”


At first, the little servant heard the word tea, and his heart was aroused. Later, Qiu Yunfei asked about the flower gardens. This was a little broader, and he hurriedly said with a smile: “Isn’t this just doing the “honey burned deer lips” , The thing has just been made and it is smelly and sweet. It must be rolled in the best tea soup to remove the smell and greasy, and then soak some tea fragrance…”

Having said this, he raised his finger and pointed at the flower garden: “But this tea that has been brushed with grease and honey can no longer be used, so it can only be used as flower fertilizer.”

The tea in the flower garden is afraid that it will weigh more than a catty!

If only a few small servants had never brag about it, wouldn’t this dish cost hundreds or thousands of taels? !

Rao is a dude like Qiu Yunfei, and he can’t help but slap his tongue a little.

About the color on his face, the young man peeped out and explained with a smile: “That is to entertain you today, otherwise our second master is still very frugal, unlike the big master. Raise a few prostitutes, just go out from Jinshan Yinshan…”

When he talked halfway through, he awoke suddenly, closed his mouth hurriedly, and forced a silly smile on his face.

After all, I have been huddling in the door of the mansion all the year round. I naturally understand the truth of misfortune. It is only because Qiu Yunfei heard the owner’s tea secretly that he was righteous. When he was worried and uneasy, he would inevitably talk more.

But Qiu Yunfei didn’t mean to ask carefully.

Besides, he is responsible for the post of Shuntian Mansion, and he is also the son of the deputy commander of the Five Cities Soldier Ma Si. Doesn’t he know what the great master of the Rongguo Mansion did?

Speaking of it, the birth of these two princes has only been more than half a year, although the voice of Yi Chu is growing, and even the concubine empresses take the initiative to endorse the two princes, but the Rongguo Mansion is also swelling faster!

The big master Jia She and the minions, let’s not talk about those deceitful acts that are rampant and overbearing.

Even the most stable second master, Jia Zheng, has recently acted frequently. He has written to the court officials for various illegal acts, and the limelight has even overshadowed many imperial officials.

Although this is not a crooked matter, the people who offend and the troubles left behind are more than those on Jia She’s side!

I really want to have something…

Secretly shook his head, Qiu Yunfei stepped on his legs again, and hurried to the front yard-the father and the mother were married, and each person would take care of each other, so he should dispose of the official affairs in the yamen first.


In the summer of the fifteenth year of Guangde, the Gyeonggi pandemic occurred.

Those who are old and weak, declining are countless.

By the Mid-Autumn Festival, the epidemic gradually slowed down.


August 23.

In the south of Beijing, the autumn breeze is rustling, and a field of wormwood is rolled up.

Under the banner of hunting and hunting, Sun Shaozong believed that he sat on the back of a dark cloud on a snowy back, looking over the heads of everyone, looking at the majestic city in the distance.

Finally back!

Had it not been for the prince of the courtesy department to lead the way, he would have liked to gallop and gallop…

This was really what I was thinking about. I was wishing that I could rush forward, and I saw a rider galloping up, and the people who were strangling in front of the team stood up.

Before the horseshoe fell, the knight already shouted: “The toffee is sick, and the world is in the same sorrow. All officials at all levels need to change their mourning clothes at the station before they can enter Beijing!”


The emperor’s biological mother died?

Sun Shaozong is still thinking about what effect this matter will have on the fight for storage. The gray-bearded Libu Langguan next to him has long been unable to bear to come forward to inquire about it.

“Dare to ask why the concubine empress died suddenly? When I left Beijing five days ago, I never heard that the concubine empress was infected with the epidemic?”

The official who sent the letter never concealed it. Seeing Sun Shaozong’s gaze, he even took the initiative to raise the door.

Just listen to him: “The empress dowager did not contract the epidemic. It was the second prince who contracted the epidemic. As a result, after the death of the second prince, the empress was overwhelmed with sadness and passed away.”

The second prince is also dead?

Suddenly, Sun Shaozong felt a surge of inspiration, and his mind was full of four words:


I was hit!

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