The Fascinated I Only Want Salted Fish

Chapter 24

Chapter 23:

Ji Zheng sat on the soft leather chair on the main stage of the hunting ground, fumbling with one hand back and forth on the armrest, fidgeting.

The spectators below included Dayan’s imperial courtiers, as well as Ximo’s wolf master and attendants, all of whom looked nervous and emotional.

The difference is that they are expecting the result of the hunting competition, and Ji Zheng has already been spoiled.

After less than half a column of incense, Ming Ci Yue will hit the deer eye of the deer of heaven with an arrow at the outermost periphery of the jungle, ride sideways, gallop past, grab the neck of the deer, and lead it around the field for three times. The circle drew loud applause from the audience.

It’s not without reason that they were so excited. The heroes competed for each other, and the clear words became more and more successful. This was his announcement to all his supporters that he was determined to overthrow the tyrant, pursue the throne, and save Dayan.

Ji Zheng is not the heart of the Virgin, these deer are the prey kept in the paddock, and it is understandable to be hunted according to the hunting customs of the ancients.

Moreover, Ming Ci Yue let go of his steadfast ruler and minister Lun Chang and decided to seize the throne, which Ji Zheng liked.


Ji Zheng clenched his sleeve tightly, and the blood in his whole body seemed to be cold.

That’s his little deer, the little deer he pushed to the guillotine with his own hands, will Uncle Huang really kill his little deer…

The forest of the hunting ground is in front of you, and from the viewing platform where everyone is located, you can clearly see every move at the border of the forest.


Suddenly, a small deer came out of the jungle and ran fast with its hooves on the ground, followed by a group of people from the West Desert.

They were originally a nation who grew up on horseback. At this time, they were whistling loudly, their sharp laughter cut through the wind, and they stood on horseback and drew their bows at the deer.

Ji Zheng’s heart was pulled, full of nervousness, but he had to stare at the jungle, unable to look away.

Isn’t the winner the clear words Yue, where is the clear words?

Suddenly, an arrow passed through the bushes and went straight in the direction of the deer.

It is clear words.

The arrow seemed to be chasing the deer, but it seemed that it lacked a bit of strength. It broke in the middle of the road and plunged into the front horse’s hoof of the Western Desert hunter. The fierce horse knelt down suddenly and threw the hunter down.

Ming Ci Yue passed by his side, smiled condescendingly, looked at his mouth shape, and said politely, “Sorry.” He also pulled this guy up from the ground in a friendly manner.

He continued to draw the bow and chase the deer, but the accuracy of each arrow was extremely poor, tripping and dismounting five or six Western Desert opponents one after another.

The audience was stunned at first, and then there were shouts of sighs.

Only Ji Zheng was entertained, and could not wait to give the emperor a standing ovation.

This action is so rude.

But if it goes on like this, how will Ming Ci win and go through the plot, he can’t help but feel a little anxious and worried.

I don’t want the deer to die, and I don’t want to be defeated.

Ming Ci Yue followed the deer and circled the field for half a circle. After shooting all the hunters, his quiver was just empty, so he could only watch the prey go away with a little regret.

Suddenly, another arrow sprang out of the jungle, imitating the method of Ming Ci Yue just now, chasing his horse’s hoof away.

Ming Ci had to dodge reluctantly, but as soon as he diddge, the white horse rushed to the direction of the deer.

The hair of the young man on horseback was fluttering, his expression was bright, his face was like jade, and his light shirt was swept up by the cold wind. With a smile at the corner of his mouth, determined to win, he narrowed his right eye and aimed at the deer head.

But when he was about to aim, the dark horse of Ming Ciyue stopped again, and the white horse had to speed up.

One black and one white, walking side by side. The two people are very matched in appearance and harmonious, and they look like a pair of ink and wash paintings on the snow and the deer.

The audience was silent, and they were all shocked. The young man who could overwhelm King Jing was born? !

The young man was chased too tightly, and the arrow was on the string, so he had to shoot first, but was stopped by Ming Ciyue’s bow and swept the general on the road, tripping the deer.

The boy’s mood was not affected at all, and the Pegasus happily caught the deer, walked around the field to the emperor on the viewing platform, dismounted and bowed, eagerly waiting for the reward.

How can the winner not speak clearly? Isn’t Ming Ciyue the future emperor who usurped the throne?

Ji Zheng looked at the audience and was stunned for a while.

Someone in the seat next to him suddenly reprimanded, it was the Marquis of Wu’an: “Gu Congyun, don’t be rude in front of the saint.”

Gu Congyun? The little boy of the Gu family? No wonder… The one who can hold the protagonist in the limelight, of course, only the protagonist suffers.

The young Gu Congyun entered the palace and grew up with the original owner. Although he was only a companion, his learning ability and literary ability made the Taifu have to look at him a little bit. In terms of aspects, he also inherited the tradition of the Gu family, martial arts and civil examinations, as long as he wants to go, he can only be the champion.

This kind of life is in the contemporary age, so you have to ask him which one of Tsinghua and Peking University would you choose.

The born genius has a strange temper, and the young man is high-spirited.

The prince matches the little prince, the gentleman who forbears the attack matches the young man who accepts Zhang Yang, and immediately fights for the deer, **** for tat.

Ah, this **** stubborn beauty, this wonderful bowl of dog blood.

Ji Zheng twitched the corners of his mouth and stared at Gu Congyun with a frown. The teenagers stood side by side beside Ming Ciyue, but it was very eye-catching, with his hands behind his back, his figure was tall and straight like a pine, and his slightly innocent face had begun to show the prototype of a handsome adult man.

…like who?

Oh, this is really like a juvenile Ming Ci Yue.

Ji Zheng suddenly came back to his senses, and he almost forgot, wasn’t the original book about the protagonists attacking and falling in love with each other and killing each other. And he is a background wall who will retire sooner or later. In the future, he will be surrounded by a prince in the capital and will eat and drink spicy food. Why do you want a bicycle?

He became a Buddha all of a sudden, and he didn’t have any extra thoughts. He nestled in the big animal skin chair and slammed the dried fruit offered, staring lazily at the bottom. The protagonist Shou did not follow the script as soon as he appeared on the stage, and robbed the protagonist Gong of the crown. Ji Zheng wanted to know what Ming Ci Yue was going to do.

Li Yang, who was surprisingly silent today, suddenly said, “This deer does not have a logo on its front legs. It is not the deer chosen by the emperor as a sacrifice. It stands to reason that there will be another round.”

A Western Desert hunter knelt down and said: “The deer disappeared in the depths of the jungle at the beginning, and all of us hunted and never found it.”

Ji Zheng recalled the temper of the deer, and it seemed that it was also a lazy and salted fish deer. He didn’t know where to hide in the woods, and it would not be easy to find in the next round.

He noticed that Li Yang’s eyes changed when he saw Ming Ciyue, he was less hostile, and more meaningful, and even showed great tolerance for Ming Ci’s behavior that tripped the Western Desert Hunter.

He didn’t think much about it, and turned his head to listen to Gu Congyun’s speech with interest, “It’s natural to have the next round, but according to the records in “The History of Dayan”, the first round of Gaozu’s winter hunting in the second year of the year was not found. In the case of offering sacrifices, Gaozu and the winner of the previous round rode together and went to the hunting ground to watch the game in person.”

Whoa… Ji Zheng’s melon seeds spilled.

What is Dayan Beeshi? He looked at a loss, the ancestors can still have such a wonderful precedent, and it’s great to be able to endorse it…

The audience did not know that the winner of the first round could still be treated like this, but there was historical evidence to testify, and no one could refute it for a while.

The more Ming Ci stared at the white horse in the field, the hand holding the longbow clenched silently.

After all, no one knows that the winning prize will be the Holy One.

Ji Zheng was helpless, so he had to get off the field in person and stepped onto the white horse, sat behind Gu Congyun, and was led by him to the depths of the jungle.

As the horse swayed gently and passed Ming Ciyue’s side, Ji Zheng didn’t look at him or say anything.

As soon as he was far away from the crowd watching the game, Gu Congyun’s back straightened and immediately slackened off, becoming a normal person.

He whispered, “Why doesn’t the sage hold a prayer feast recently, and he didn’t announce me.” It still sounded twisted.

“Don’t call me to eat dumplings on the winter solstice.”

“I am not allowed to visit if my kidneys are not good.”

Ji Zheng: …

Zhang Yang is a young genius, but your character is gone.

He had been avoiding Gu Congyun deliberately before, just because Gu Congyun was too close to the original owner, and it was easy for him to act in a play if he couldn’t handle it well.

Besides, it’s definitely not a good thing to be involved with the protagonist.

“I don’t want to hold a scripture feast and study in class. What can I do if I ask you to enter the palace.” Ji Zheng, “You also treat kidney deficiency?”

“Sir, it’s better to sit in front of me.” Gu Congyun got up on the horse’s back at will, trying to bring Ji Zheng to him.

“You only need a co-pilot rear seat for one horse?” Ji Zheng jumped in shock, with rejection written all over his face.

The young man turned his head and approached with a displeased expression, “Your Highness is the trophy I won.”

“Why, King Jing’s body moves forward, but mine doesn’t work?”

Suddenly the jungle shook, and a small deer’s head appeared like this. The hemp rope was tied to the front hoof, and he cautiously approached a few steps. He seemed to smell the familiar smell of Ji Zheng, and limped closer with joy. .

Ji Zheng desperately clamped the horse’s belly to get away, but Gu Congyun’s eyes instantly lit up, he stabilized the horse’s head, and quietly approached it a little bit.

“The sage’s cavalry and archery were all practiced with the minister at the beginning, do you want to…” He handed Ji Zheng another bow and arrow, “Comparing who will shoot the deer first?”

The deer had obediently got to Ji Zheng’s feet, where he could kill him with a single blow without using a bow and arrow.

Ji Zheng swallowed his saliva, stared at Gu Congyun’s back, and said coldly: “Gu Congyun, I am the emperor, I think the deer is bloody, and I order you to turn around and leave.”

“This is the Winter Hunting Tournament, and the opponents are all from the West Desert.” Gu Congyun’s smile that had been hanging on his lips faded, and he turned to look at Ji Zheng deeply.

“I want to win the deer and the hunt for the saint.”

“If the sage makes a move, he can hit the deer’s heart directly at such a close distance. If I make a move, it’s hard to say that the arrow will hit the head.”

Gu Congyun licked his lips, and raised his hands to fill the bow.

Ji Zheng had to be the first to draw the longbow in his hand.

He closed his eyes, and his ears were no longer Hunting Winter Wind, but the words of Yue Yue, “Sir, remember, this is the feeling of archery.”

Archery, Ming Ci Yue has taught him, he will know.

“Your Highness, if you want this deer to die, you want to win the hunt.” Gu Congyun whispered encouragingly as if hypnotized.

The arrow aimed at the deer’s neck, but it licked the toe of Ji Zheng’s boot unknowingly.

Ji Zheng suddenly couldn’t let go, and felt a chill for no reason. His face was pale, and the arrow trembled. He was clearly aiming at himself who was trapped in the deep palace walls.

These days are too absurd and leisurely, and the reality always reminds him from time to time.

He is also in the hunting ground all the time, and there is no blessing, both the hunter and the prey have to run to survive.

“Your Highness.” Gu Congyun’s hand moved over to help him stabilize his bow little by little, “What are you… hesitating?”

The sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded in the distance, from far to near, stepping on the mud, stepping on the dead leaves and coming here.

When the two horses meet.

In an instant, his waist tightened, an arm wrapped around him, and he was thrown into the air, his heart flew up in an instant, and then landed warmly.

Ming Ciyue’s dark horse was still galloping forward, but the steady and enthusiastic heartbeat in his chest was clinging to the black armor on his back.

“Your Majesty, this minister is late.” Ji Zheng felt the man’s heat on his head.

“The minister is here to **** the sage.”

“How did you find me in such a big forest?” He didn’t forget to ask aloud when he was startled.

The busier Ming Ci was driving the horse, he gasped inaudibly: “I heard the sage calling the minister.”

The author has something to say:

Then push the child next door to pre-collect woo woo~

“Rebirth into the white moonlight that died early in the immortal world”

[Cheezy and underestimated, absolutely gorgeous and cool Xianjun beauty suffers ×

Debauchery, unruly and unruly ghost king and wicked attack]


Wen Fei, the first seat of Linjiangmen Xianmen, found out that he was living in a storybook before he died. The protagonist was his talented apprentice, and he was just a stepping stone to block the fatal blow of ghost repair for the protagonist. Xiuwei has fed the dog.

The great master of the right way in the whole cultivation world watched him fall and fall off the cliff, but no one came to rescue him.

Reborn once, go back to the ghost cave to pick up the key node of the unfortunate sacrifice apprentice.

Wen Fei rolled up her sleeves and patted her apprentice on the shoulder: “You go out first and leave it as a teacher.”

In the depths of the cave, a group of ghosts swarmed, and said frivolously: “Your Excellency has a righteous spirit of the immortal way, and it is an advantage for him to sacrifice for him.”

Wen Fei took a deep breath, abandoned her sword, and lay flat: “Well, come on.”

Ghost King: “?”


In the world of immortality, the cold and serious Qianci Xianjun is missing, and there is an idle and useless person who grows flowers and walks birds.

Everyone in the world of immortality has a ghost, and no one cared about it at first.

I don’t know when it started, strange things happened frequently, such as—

The little disciple who once stole Wen Fei’s magic weapon, a string of black handprints appeared beside the bed.

Yuanbai Jianxian, who once seized Wen Fei’s opportunity, suddenly turned to himself.

The Sect Master of Taiyuan Sect, who once practiced with Wen Fei Jindan, doubled the thunder tribulation on the day of transcendence.

They all had the same dream that night.

In the dream, the man pierced his heart and lungs with a sword, his blue clothes fell on the cliff, his hair was white in an instant, his lips were blood red, his body was like a crescent moon, and his bright eyes looked back at the cliff with scorn.

The next day, the entire cultivation world went crazy, and he had to find a person three feet deep into the ground.

They never expected that such a cold-hearted person would put themselves on the top of their hearts, separated by yin and yang, and never forget their dreams.

Wen Fei: ? Varied?

? To dream? Dig?

Wen Fei: I am still in the world!



The ghost king, Qiu Wuyan, was sealed in the ghost cave for hundreds of years, and finally waited for the opportunity, leaned over as a fairy, returned to the fairyland, and looked for the enemy.

Until one night, he saw that Xianjun was sleeping with wet undershirt, scattered blue silk, pale complexion, and bit his lip, “…Ah Yan.”

Qiu Wuyan sneered, immediately transformed into a real form, bullied him up, and grabbed his wrist viciously.

“found it.”

But why, he was flustered.

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