The Fascinated I Only Want Salted Fish

Chapter 30

Chapter 28:

“Ming Ciyue, what about Aunt Huang, I’m here to give you a wedding dress!”

Ji Zheng didn’t know how he came here. One second before, he was in the main hall of Yanfu Hall, and the next second, there was a room with red silk and happy words in front of him.

The people around were lively and joyful, all clamoring to make a bridal chamber, crowded and pushed him and walked inside together.

“Uncle? Uncle!”

Lifting the ambiguous red gauze, before the happy bed in front of him, there was only one person standing with his hands behind his back. He was wearing a dark red embroidered golden robe, and the red satin tied on the bun hung down beside the snow-white skin on the back of his neck.

“Saint Shang really admired his face.” Ming Ci turned back the more he heard the sound, took a few steps to Ji Zheng’s side with a light smile, took the outer cloak from his hand and draped it over himself, and picked up the obvious little one. The little shirt made a gesture on himself, and raised his eyebrows.

“Sir, who is this wedding dress for?”

“This is the size of your youth…” Ji Zheng tried to explain.

“No, the sage is lying.” Those phoenix eyes stared at him for a moment, and in just a moment they came to the conclusion, “This piece is obviously the size of the sage.”

Mingci approached step by step, until he forced Ji Zheng to the paper window with the red letter on it.

The wedding dress fit him perfectly, even with the heavy shirt separated, but Ji Zheng felt that he was naked and wrapped in the wedding dress.

The paper window was hit hard and made a heavy muffled sound.

“Your Majesty, do you want to be the officiant, or…the bride?”

Ji Zheng couldn’t tell a lie at all, as long as the other party asked questions, his inner voice could not be covered and escaped from his lips and teeth.

“New…” Adam’s apple rolled lightly, and the remaining two words were lightly breathed.

His whole body was hot, and he shuddered uncontrollably under the touch.

“Who is the Holy One?”


“Who is the minister?”

“Uncle Royal.”


“…The emperor is, the bride of the uncle.” As soon as he finished speaking, physiological tears fell unconsciously from the corners of his eyes.

“Really…” The man chuckled softly, “It turns out that the Sage is so fond of his uncle in his heart.”

“Hmm.” Ji Zheng bit his lower lip all of a sudden.

No, this is not Ming Ci Yue, Ming Ci Yue will never force him to do things he doesn’t want to do.

He pulled his consciousness out of his confusion in an instant, and realized that this was another nightmare of his own. Like every previous nightmare, the more he was suppressed by the clear words, the more he could not guard against it, little by little, the quilt made his heart out.

But the frequency and timing of these dreams are too weird. Why do you have to repeat this kind of dream over and over again?

Is that sentence correct?

Indeed, in his heart, he thought of his uncle like this.

Such a noble and jade-like gentleman, treat him with respect, humility and loyalty, and truly respect him as the ruler of a country. But he used the yellow waste in his mind to think about Xiaoxiang, to defile that bright moon.

Ji Zheng was instantly disgusted, disgusted with such a self, and wished to wake him up from his dream, the more he didn’t know how to face the real clear words after waking up.

There was a trace of coldness on his forehead, helping him to relieve the unbearable hotness for a while, as if someone was taking care of him.

Just as the little healer soaked the towel in cold water and put it on for the emperor to put it on, the empress dowager strode in, shaking her skirt. He hurriedly bowed and stepped aside from the dragon couch. He looked up carefully, only to realize that Gu Jianzheng, the Sitianjian, was following behind the Empress Dowager.

“How is it, the heat hasn’t subsided yet?” The little doctor just wanted to explain a few words about the disease, but the Empress Dowager impatiently waved him aside. Gu Jian stepped forward and put his hand on the Holy Empress Dowager at the sign of the Empress Dowager. Above his eyes, he focused, as if he was sensing something.

“Returning to the Empress Dowager, it was the calamity star who was haunting the emperor, disturbing the emperor’s star movement, disturbing the emperor’s mind, and causing this fever. Forgive me to say bluntly, this time is considered light, if it goes on like this, I’m afraid…”

The Empress Dowager frowned: “But Li Ying has already returned to the Western Desert, and Ming Ciyue has also been kicked out of the palace, who else could it be?! Is it useless to just be kicked out of the holy side? ”

Gu Jianzheng said: “This has to consider how the disaster star got the opportunity to take advantage of it…”

The two exchanged glances. The Empress Dowager did not ask any further questions. Seeing that Ji Zheng seemed to be holding some dark red fabric in her hands, she wanted to go up and pull it out. Who knew that the more she pulled harder, Ji Zheng’s embrace Just subconsciously tighten it.

“So stubborn.” The Empress Dowager sighed, “You haven’t told Ai Jia what happened to the leg injury before.”

The thin body on the dragon couch responded with drowsiness and silence.

The Empress Dowager suddenly remembered something: “By the way, speaking of it, the more Mingci moves to the new residence, the housewarming banquet will be in these few days, right?”

Gu Jianzheng said: “It is today.”

“It’s today?” The emperor suddenly swindled the corpse from the bed, his face was pale, and he closed his eyes, and said to himself, “Then I have to go and take a good look…”

Go and see his Dabieye decoration is completed!

“Isn’t it still hot and lethargic, why did you only hear this sentence?” The Empress Dowager gave him a sideways look, “Isn’t the sage still ill and going out to catch the cold wind?”

“I’m fine, I just want to go out.” Ji Zheng simply recklessly said, “I’m the emperor of the dynasty, how can the imperial grandmother stop me?”

“Yes, Aijia alone can’t stop it.” The Empress Dowager threw up her sleeves and stood up, and gave him a condescending look, “Aijia also reminded me that sitting in a seat like the emperor, you should save your life. most important.”

The Son of Heaven is a puppet, naturally anyone can do it, and the most useful thing for this old woman is probably her life. And once her health is weakened, it will gradually lose its use value for her.

Ji Zheng didn’t answer, waiting for her front foot to leave, and her back foot was sick to prepare a car to leave the palace.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty!” A group of palace servants and maids slumped on the ground, clung to the emperor’s jade boots and refused to let go, trembling with fear, snot and tears, “If the sage insists on leaving the palace, the servants and the others will have to pay a small price. Life.”

It turns out that this is what the Empress Dowager calls a person who can’t stop it.

Ji Zheng faintly sensed what she was seeing through, and seeing through the bet that his temper was gradually softened, so soft that he was reluctant to let so many people die.

But what else can he do?

A group of people knelt on the ground and trembled for a long time, before the emperor kicked them away in a fit of rage. Someone cautiously looked up and found the little tyrant standing in the same place with a calm expression on his face. He breathed a sigh of relief and offered to serve. The sage sits back first, and massages the feet with warm water to dispel the cold and dissipate heat.

Ji Zheng let them help and serve, always thinking about the Zhengyue Mansion outside the city, the Zhengyue Mansion in Ming Ciyue…

Originally, the fever had not completely subsided, but after a while, the hot water servant made him half-squint his eyes again, and his thoughts sank. This hot water is like a small snake, licking inch by inch along the texture of the gap between the fingers.

The skin of his body was originally white and tender, and could not stand the heat. Soon, in the heat from the bottom up, from the soles of the feet to the ankles, and then to the neck, the face was slightly reddened, dyed with a layer of clouds.

After a while, he noticed that the touch under his feet had changed. He was no longer stepping on the soft water, but was wrapped in another soft object. He lifted the water, stepped on the air, and another hand was attached to him. above the eyebrows.

Ji Zheng slowly fluttered his eyelashes a few times, and he was still drowsy. He subconsciously said, “…Uncle Huang?”

The hand shrank abruptly, was dull for a moment, and moved away, allowing him to see the light of the sky again.

Ji Zheng blinked a few more times, only to realize that in front of him was another young man’s scallion-like ten fingers wrapped around his red feet. , with a smile, looking at him curiously and amusingly.

Seeing the emperor’s demeanor, he was somewhat absent-minded and surprised, and his ten fingers slightly bent and touched the bottom of the jade feet.

“Cough cough… Gu Congyun!” Ji Zheng threw a sudden splash, splashing water on Gu Congyun’s body.

Not only did Gu Congyun not dislike it, but he massaged him seriously, and said with a smile, “I haven’t seen these jade feet for many years, and they have grown whiter and softer, not even a single flaw, like fairy feet that don’t fall to the ground. , if this toe is embellished with a few dankou, it will be more delicate and beautiful than the jade feet of the sisters in Goulan in the whole capital.”

At the end of his meal, his expression suddenly serious, “I will give ten points to the emperor.”

This is the other side of Gu Congyun, his actual age is a little younger than the little emperor, but he can’t stop him from being very romantic and unrestrained. breath.

Ji Zheng was annoyed by him, he yanked it abruptly, broke free and said coldly, “What do you mean by not seeing him for many years! That’s how you compare my feet with those girls with hooks?”

“What’s this?” Gu Congyun blinked innocently a few times, “When the sage was still a prince, he didn’t grow up naked and naked with his ministers, but when he became an emperor, he gave birth to his ministers.”

Ji Zheng’s eyes widened and he coughed a few times. This is the most difficult part. The original owner was just the lucky child of a palace maid, and his status among the princes was extremely low. When he was still an unknown prince in the harem, Gu Congyun followed him and witnessed his most dejected moment and most helpless appearance. And the original owner could eventually ascend to the top without the support of the Gu family.

How did the original owner treat Gu Congyun?

He couldn’t grasp the scale of distance between him and Gu Congyun at all, and he would be noticed when he got too close.

“Just kidding, how can the saint really believe it?” Gu Congyun took it with a smile, “I heard that the Empress Dowager said you want to see the completion of Zheng Yue Mansion?”

Ji Zheng responded vaguely.

Sure enough, Gu Congyun’s ability to enter the Yanfu Palace quietly must have been instructed by the old woman. The Marquis of Wu’an family is a firm party of the Empress Dowager, and it is really difficult to deal with it when you think about it.

“What’s so good about Zhengyue Mansion?” Gu Congyun curled his lips, “I only applaud the Yucheng Villa built by my Gu family to protect the emperor from the cold.”

Ji Zheng smiled and didn’t say a word. In the original book, Yucheng Villa was not built at all, and it was abolished after Ming Ci became higher.

He looked at Gu Congyun’s wet shirt, and suddenly had an idea. He pulled a cloak from the side and threw it on him, “I made it for you, try it on.”

Gu Congyun has a slender figure, handsome appearance, and is good at lingering among restaurants. This is a walking signboard for free living.

Ji Zheng immediately decided to appoint him as a brand friend and global ambassador for the Royal Garment Industry.

Gu Congyun suddenly restrained the unruly look he had just now, and carefully picked up the outer cloak, “Your Highness… Made for me?”

Ji Zheng casually said nonsense, “Yeah, it’s the only one in the whole country.”

In fact, this piece is a regular garment made according to the size of Mingci, and the embroidery pattern is still the one that will be mass-produced.

After Gu Congyun put it on, his shoulders really widened a lot, covering the person empty. But the man didn’t seem to notice it at all, raised his lips and smiled, “The outer cloak specially made for me by the Holy One is warm and fit.”

“Yeah.” Ji Zheng recognized it cheekily, “Wear it as long as you like it, and wear it more.”

Gu Congyun was in a really good mood. He seemed relieved from the “Uncle Emperor” just now, and tentatively asked him if he wanted to leave the palace for a walk, “The Marquis of Wu’an and Zheng Yue’s mansion are far apart, only one street away.”

Ji Zheng’s eyes lit up instantly.

Out of the palace! Don’t be wild!

Hearing that the emperor was going to set up the Marquis of Wu’an, the Empress Dowager suddenly gave up blocking, and seemed to support the emperor and the Marquis of Wu’an to move more and get closer. As long as they were led by the third son of Gu, they would be free to leave the palace.

Ji Zheng took the baby deer with him and let it go to the new home after the early visit.

The carriage went around the main entrance of Zhengyue Mansion where the new red silk plaque was hung, and then went to the main entrance of Marquis of Wu’an Mansion. The distance between the two was really close. Ji Zheng walked a few steps to the back door of Zhengyue Mansion. On the day of the housewarming banquet, the whole mansion went up and down It was lively, and even the back door was left open at will.

Seeing that Gu Congyun was still holding the outer cloak in his hand, he followed slowly behind him, and then he hurriedly greeted him and put the cloak on him in person.

“But it was bestowed by the saint, minister…” Gu Congyun pressed the clothes tightly to his heart.

“I want to see you dressed.”

Gu Congyun was dumbfounded for a moment, then gave Tianzi a meaningful look, his ears were reddish, and his attitude changed immediately, “Okay, okay!”

The next moment, he was pushed by Ji Zheng to a crowded place to advertise on social media, and he couldn’t get out for a while.

Ji Zheng was still feeling the wind and cold, and although he was wearing ordinary casual clothes, he was tightly wrapped and put on a soft hat. He had almost only one pair of eyes, which were exposed in the blink of an eye.

The whole mansion was very busy, and no one would notice the “ordinary people” who came in through the back door, with only three or two entourages.

Ji Zheng didn’t want to disturb this harmonious atmosphere, forcing everyone to kneel down and shout to the sage. He was alone with the baby deer happily leisurely, wandering around, imagining the retirement day of his dreams.

This Zhengyue Mansion is really lavish, with rockeries and pools greening everything, the scenery is infinitely good, layer upon layer, changing scenery every step.

“I want to put a reclining chair under this vine, it’s the most comfortable for being warm in winter and cool in summer.”

“I want to live closer to the kitchen, so it’s convenient to wake up in the middle of the night from hunger.”

“This room looks simple, so I’ll make it for you as a fence? But I have to remove all the porcelain pots and flower beds at the door to save you from stomping your hoofs.” Ji Zheng carried the baby deer up and sniffed the door of the house. ,result…

“Wait! Don’t be here, it’s a fence and not a toilet!”

Just when Ji Zheng was in a hurry to stop him, the door of the house creaked open.

“Sacred Lord… But you want to live here in the future?” The voice came out of the lips and teeth with difficulty, the voice was hoarse and low, but the tail sound was slightly raised, cautious and full of expectations.

The Lord… appeared.

Just now, he had just arbitrarily arranged his courtyard in front of others. He also uttered maddened words that the main house of the master should be turned into a livestock pen, but this animal was a man who couldn’t hold back the toilet and used the pen as a latrine.

Ji Zheng suddenly remembered the dream last night, and his cheeks burned like he had a fever again. He pretended to pass by unintentionally, turned his head and left without saying a word.

The more Mingci was, as usual, he followed behind him step by step, and the voice was neither hurried nor slow, and he also caught up.

“Sir, I will show you around.”

“Such a big yard can’t be used, why don’t you pick a few more fences for the deer.”

“Sir, every courtyard of the kitchen has it… it’s very close to where you live.”

That voice carried a faint smile that was not easily detectable, “If the Sage is willing to stay, Zheng Yue’s residence will always be the Sage’s Beppu.”

Where did Ming Ci think more and more?

Ji Zheng couldn’t explain at all that this was really his other courtyard, and the palace was Ming Ciyue’s home.

Walking quickly, many people came in front of him. Now Ji Zheng had nowhere to avoid. He was recognized by the soldiers and generals in the army column.



They slipped on their feet one by one, knelt down and performed a bunch of indecent etiquette for Ji Zheng. Only then did Ji Zheng realize that all of these had become drunks at this housewarming banquet.

The marchers are naturally bold, and the commander who has been loyal to him for many years is finally willing to get married. They are happy from the bottom of their hearts.

“Reporting to the sage, King Jing Jinwu hides Jiao, saying that her sister-in-law is unwell, and she is ashamed and reluctant to see outsiders. She has been hoarse by the people of Western Desert, and she will be married only if she is cured.”

A few people knelt on the ground, they were drunk on festive days and didn’t care about the rules, and they winked at King Jing who was behind the emperor, “If the princess doesn’t leave the pavilion, it’s naturally inconvenient for the brothers to visit, but I don’t know if the emperor Dayan is qualified or not. How about meeting the servant girl in the West Desert?”

The Son of Heaven was notoriously self-willed and playful, and he was considered the number one royal scoundrel in the capital. They wanted to urge the emperor to take the lead in making trouble for the bride.

Mingci said more seriously that the princess was hoarse by poison? Isn’t this the real princess of Xi Mo… Ji Zheng slammed into the wedding dress in his arms, frowned slightly, turned his head and lowered his voice, “I asked you to find someone to act on behalf of you temporarily, where did you find someone, could it be that? Ye Dangzhen also robbed the lady of the West Desert?”

This makes sense. Why did Mingciyue forcefully ask for a marriage before? It makes sense!

The more Ming Ci was really unable to hold on to himself, he robbed the West Desert Princess! Still “touched”, you have to be responsible to others!

Ji Zheng coughed a few times when he thought of the self-introduction he had subconsciously brought in before, and suddenly felt that the cold was going to get worse again.

Before Ming Ci could say anything, he was robbed by the drunks behind him, “Your Highness, who else could it be if it wasn’t a lady in the West Desert?”

“I’ve stayed in the capital for so many years, but I haven’t seen His Royal Highness King Jing be moved.”

“His Royal Highness King Jing doesn’t look down on our Dayan woman. She’s not strong enough in her bones, and it’s the people of Western Desert who have the strength.”

“Where’s Aunt Huang?” Ji Zheng glanced coldly at Ming Ciyue, then turned to negotiate with those people, “Is the identity of the emperor of Yan, qualified to let her bow down to meet you?”

A group of people bypassed Ming Ciyue, escorted Ji Zheng to the main room, invited him in, and helped him close the door.

The red silk tents and heavy curtains in the room are long, although it is different from the imagination in the dream, but the atmosphere is warm and ambiguous enough.

After retirement, the residence became the newlyweds’ nest, and he became the owner of the second-hand house. Ji Zheng frowned in displeasure.

The last layer of the red tent is in front of you, and Ji Zheng’s hand is on it, clenching it tightly but unable to open it.

Looking vaguely over there, there really is a graceful and slightly thin figure sitting obediently and silently.

The door opened and closed with a creak behind him, and footsteps slowly approached.

“Aunt Huang is very beautiful, so I won’t bother you any more.” See no evil, Ji Zheng lowered her head.

The young couple is newly married, and even if it is Dayan Sheng, who gave the marriage and the presidency, there is no reason to stay.

“Really extraordinary.” Ming Ciyue’s voice was indifferent.

A thin, narrow-sleeved arm stretched out from his face and opened the curtain.

The graceful Aunt Huang was clearly a half-human-high large vase covered in red cloth, and the one she had given her as a reward.

There was a mess behind the curtain, how did the mahogany big bed come here, how was it put there, not to mention making the bed, even the cloth was not taken off, the lacquered wood wardrobe stood upside down, and the bottles and jars, calligraphy and painting pendants were piled up in a pile It is used to accumulate dust, without the slightest gratitude and respect for the gifts of the palace.

“Why don’t you take care of it for me?” Ji Zheng was astonished, and he didn’t have time to be embarrassed. He raised his eyebrows and looked back at Ming Ciyue, “Don’t you like it?”

Only then did he have time to take a closer look at Ming Ciyue. He hadn’t seen him for a few days. As soon as he saw each other again, he still had to say that Lang Yan is unique and unique in the world.

But if you pay attention, the usual meticulous bun is slightly loose, the green stubble under the chin, and the dark pupils of the eyes have a little bloodshot.

The bright moon is still the bright moon, but with a thin layer of overcast clouds.

“Your Majesty, here…” The moment he opened his mouth, it was hard to hide his muteness, “I can’t keep the minister.”

The author has something to say: 2 in 1, I’m sorry for being late, it’s last night, I’ll give a red envelope when I come late, and the first 50 comments on this chapter are also posted, thank you for your support.

Oh, by the way, I just saw the comment, that Dabieye (Villa) is a stalk, not a typo, hahahaha embarrassed me, my toes are scratching the ground, I’m sorry to play less of this word in the future.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-26 14:08:42~2020-10-2810:47:47~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 41 bottles of Puppet Bacteria; 25 bottles of Yifangao; I can!, 5 bottles of Ruoxiaochu; 451738302 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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