The Feed of the Fledgling

Chapter 16 – The Council

Chapter 16

The regality I expected extended well into the apparent conference room. The walk from the elevator was quick and led right into massive doors flanked by guards on both sides. They were in three piece suits and reminded me of the secret service. When we appeared, they opened the doors and moved to the side.

I looked over at Chelsea trying to gauge any sense of what I should be prepared for. Her eyes seemed hardened and the casual Chelsea I’d come to expect was gone. This was more similar to the one that caught me sneaking out of my old apartment; the rage filled demon. 

Tory was almost in a calming trance. She caught my eye as I looked at her and gave me a soft smile. It relaxed me slightly. My breathing was pitching up in speed as we started to make our way into the room.

I half expected it to be dark and moody, but the opposite was true. There were no pitch black backgrounds intending to insinuate that we were underground. No candelabra taking up the whole middle of the large conference table. It simply looked like a New York office.

There was spacious lighting and expensive technology lining the walls. It looked like this place was intended for work and used for the correct purpose. The only things standing out were the people in the room.

At the head of the table, turning their head to the new visitors, was a man with midnight hair and pale white eyes. The irises seemed to blend into the whites. If it weren’t for my enhanced eyesight, I’m not sure if I would’ve recognized that he could truly see. It was almost as if he had cataracts but it was more white. He wore a deep red suite that looked black until he moved slightly and the light shone on it. His beauty was evident. Not handsome, but beautiful. There was an unnerving power in his presence though. His mouth flicked into a small smile as his eyes landed on me, making me squirm in fear. I felt like I had to run and it was difficult to push those thoughts down.

I turned away quickly, trying to both avoid his gaze and take in more of the people. Sitting in a chair to the left of him was a white haired woman. Her skin was a dark olive tone and contrasted the stark white garments she wore. Her eyes were like black voids, begging me to be stuck to them. I wasn’t sure who she was but she intrigued me. She reminded me of a goddess of some sort, both powerful but elegant.

A red headed man sat across from her. His shapely beard and handsome features were turned right towards us, but he looked stern. With his dark red eyes and clothing it almost made him look the most out of place. It was as if he time traveled from the Victorian era. A cane sat to his right with the head peeking over the chair it was leaning on. On one side was a roaring lion while on the was the barrelling head of a horse.

Closest to us, on the right side, was another man casually dressed. He looked as if he was in everyday wear. A casual shirt, nice pants, with flaring muscles. He looked all business and refused to look at us. His short hair sprawled in neatly kept waves. From just the side and his build, he almost reminded me of Blade for the trilogy of vampire movies and I had to stifle my laughter at the irony of a vampire looking like a fake vampire hunter.

Across from him, there was a beast of a woman. Her massive arms looked like they could’ve crushed me both now and before I was ever thrown into this vampire world. She kept her hair short and looked like she was ready to go to the gym. There was still a light dusting of makeup indicating that she cared somewhat about general appearances. The simple mascara she had accentuated her bright blue eyes.

To her right, and closest to us on the left side, was a fairly unremarkable man. He looked like an average New York investor. Maybe his suit was expensive? I couldn’t tell. He had soft brown fluffy hair and his youthful look made it look like he just left college. He even had the soft brown eyes to match. He was the least shocking of them all.

“Ahhhhh,” the man with the white eyes spoke and everyone abruptly turned towards him, “the little sparrow and her mother have finally arrived.” His soft english accent was pleasing, but put me on edge as I recognized it. It was the same voice that was garbled into Chelsea’s when he spoke through her earlier. Elric.

“Please, please. Have a seat. All of you. Wouldn’t want this meeting to go for any longer than it must, do we?” He said with a cockshire grin towards Chelsea.

“No El,” she said flatly, “we don’t.” Chelsea dropped behind both Tory and I, taking the available seat that directly faced Elric. Tory grabbed my arm and guided me to stand next to Chelsea on the left while Tory took the right side. Neither of us sat in the last available chair.

“Ahh, it seems we are missing a chair. No matter, standing will do you two some good then. No need to bother the help,” he chuckled. “Now, what is this ‘situation’ you so desperately need to figure out?”

The eyes that were glued to Elric shifted almost simultaneously towards Chelsea. She seemed to tense in stress before she took a deep breath and began to speak.

“As you all know, there’s been a cross territory feeding pro–”

“This horse shit again,” the red headed man interrupted her. “It’s obvious you just want another territory war you vile Hudson!” He spat at the table in anger. The rest appeared calm, but were obviously on edge.

Elric held up his hand, his white eyes furrowing in anger, “Quiet, James!” The apparent James’ clan leader bit his tongue and relaxed slightly in his chair with his arms crossed. “I will not give you another warning. Speak without reason to disrupt this session and you will learn your lesson. Now stop acting like a petulant child and let Hudson speak.”

“Yes, sir Elric.” The scolded leader mumbled, but the second he finished the words he sat up in his chair with a sudden flash of white irises then they returned to their reddish color.

“As you were saying Hudson.”

Chelsea looked enraged at the simple act that she’d been spoken over. After taking a shallow breath to calm herself, she continued.

“Thank you sir Elric,” she winced, but nothing happened. Another shallow breath, “there’s been a cross territory feeding problem. That is clear.” She looked angrily at the James’ clan leader. “As to the results of that problem, we have nothing. But,” she paused looking at the other leaders, “my dear new daughter seems to be the interest of some–witches.”

The collective air in the room seemed to freeze. The woman with black eyes cocked her head as if she was a puppy waiting for a treat. She bore into my soul staring at me.

“What would this little one have to fear from the witches? She was just sired to you was she not? How could they know of her already?” The woman in white asked.

“That’s why we’re here, Braganza.” Chelsea turned to me with compassion in her eyes. “Could you explain?”

She wanted me to explain?! My heart started to beat near a normal human pace as all the colored eyes landed on me. I felt small in the room, almost like the walls were closing in. Elric cleared his throat.

“Oh, ho, ho. The little sparrow is more interesting than meets the eyes isn’t she?” He leaned back in his almost throne-like chair, crossing his legs.

I swallowed the mass of spit that had coalesced in my mouth from the moment everyone’s attention snapped to me. I suddenly felt like a child again. One who got in trouble for drawing all over the walls.

“Uh,” I started, “Uh, yeah.” Tory’s arm reached out and leant her reassuring presence to mine. I took a soft breath as I looked at her. She gave me a soft consoling smile to help my confidence. I coughed lightly. “Yes,” I said stronger. “Today, Chelsea, Tory, and I were walking down the street when the world seemed to slow down significantly. I was moving at normal speed, but felt a searing pain in my neck. I turned and saw the cars, people, including Chelsea and Tory, slowed to a snail's pace. The pain got worse and worse which caused me to turn around.

I locked eyes with someone covered in darkness. Their eyes were glowing blue, almost like ice. I moved slightly, breaking their line of sight. They ran, then the world returned to normal. After that, I–” I choked up, remembering the pained look I saw in Tory’s eyes after I came out of the Blood Raze. Tears started to obscure my vision. A soft hand took my own. I looked to its owner, Chelsea, giving me a sad look. She rubbed my hand, giving me a soft sense of calm. I took a deep breath.

“I went into a Blood Raze.”

“Impossible.” The James clan leader spat the words, seemingly infuriated by my tale.

The woman in white never turned away from me as she spoke, “Quiet, James.” The command was simple, but soaked in power. “How could a Turned experience something few Pures have?”

I shrugged and looked at Chelsea. She started to speak only to be interrupted again.

“Braganza is right. There’s no way that’s the truth. Hudson, explain.” The man with the rippling muscles and sunglasses commanded authority. I felt even smaller as his deep voice rebounded around the room.

“Gladly, Bronck. When Isabelle was turned, we quickly noticed some–anomalies. She didn’t just drink blood; she inhaled it. When anything was handed to her, it would be gone in a matter of seconds. Along with the sire, she’s been blood bonded to me. Her will is stronger than I’ve ever felt with a blood bond. It’s almost like she can reject me at times.”

“She’s quick to learn and quick to do. Her training has only just begun, but she’s already far exceeded my expectations. You all can speak to Nek if you want confirmation, but the girl has special abilities. One of them being some influence on time which occurred when she was attacked.”

What the heck did she mean by one!?! I had more than one ability? What!? My inner thoughts circled.

She continued to speak. “We’re bringing this to the attention of the council in detail because I feel it may be able to answer questions about the recent feeding. I’m inclined to believe there’s some sort of witch trickery going on with the cross-feeders. If it satisfies the body, I would like for there to be an investigation into the James’ clan's lower leaders and ensure protection for Isabelle as she continues to blossom.”

The James’ leader looked like he was about to pop a blood vessel. His face was almost as red as his hair as he tried to avoid speaking and incurring the wrath of Elric. He was fiddling with the end of his cane as he stared daggers into Chelsea.

“This pleases the council,” Elric soft voice began. His face turned into a wry smile, “all opposed to an investigation into the James’ clan’s lower leaders say aye.” He passed the onus onto the members.

Two hands shot up, the buff lady’s and the James leader’s. “Nay.” They spoke in unison then set their hands. Each face had different emotions. The lady’s was indifferent but disappointed while James’ looked enraged at the rest of the members.

Elric grinned, “All for?”

The rest raised their hands and spoke, “Aye.” Elric was the last to raise his hand and did so dramatically, drawing out the event. “Then it’s settled. Lennox and James. Enshrine your disagreement with the council. The rest will do the same. Should this matter prove to be unfruitful, you will be rewarded in the future. Were it to yield acceptable results, you will be required to be at attendance of the member’s matter you disregarded beck and call depending on the outcome.” As his words finished, each member reached out and pricked their fingers on standing points located near the edge of the desk. Each poured a drop of blood onto parchment before it disappeared and was collected by attendants in black uniforms.

I watched the display with rapt attention. Something just happened and I wasn’t sure of what yet.

“As for the matter of your protection, I suggest the Breucklen clan intercede on these matters.” Elric nodded towards the normal looking guy. He quickly sat up straighter and made a clear and affirmative, “Yes, Elric.”

“Is that all the matters you have for today Hudson?” Elric questioned.

“Yes, with regards to my daughters and confidentiality, I request to be excused from today’s session,” Chelsea spoke. Her calm demeanor helped ground me in the sea of fear that seemed to emanate from each person.

“Request granted,” Elric turned to me, “Little Sparrow,” my body stiffened and it felt like there was something crawling on my spine causing me to shiver. Elric’s eyebrows rose. “Interesting. I do hope to see you again my dear.” His toothy grin gave me the creeps, but I nodded respectfully and gripped onto Chelsea’s shoulder.

Chelsea rose and the three of us exited the room.


I felt like I was leaving a thousand foot hole. The air just outside the room was already easier to breathe than anything in that heck hole. The whole group seemed to be breathing easier.

“Ow, Belle. No need to almost rip my shoulder off,” Chelsea grumbled rubbing her shoulder.

“What? I didn’t do anything,” I said, genuinely surprised.

“I get it, El is terrifying. When he spoke to you I almost ripped the chair arms off, but you clenching my shoulder was hard to not show anything.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I genuinely felt bad and it wasn’t like I was trying to do anything.

“Whatever,” she shook her head, “I get it. No worries, just, uh, be careful with your strength.”

I nodded quickly.

“I hate going in there,” Tory said, then made a show of shuddering. “It feels like someone’s always gonna eat me.”

“I feel that,” I said quietly. Chelsea chuckled and pulled us more towards the elevator.

“We have to wait for the meeting to be over to speak to Adrian, but I’m sure as hell not waiting up here to meet the rest of them.”

“Who’s Adrian?” I asked.

“Breucklen,” Tory said, “He’s the guy El put in charge of extra protection while this matter is solved.”

“Oh,” I said, crossing my arms as we waited for the elevator, “have you been to many of those then?”

“Not really,” Tory shot an accusatory look at Chelsea, “She knows I absolutely hate them.”

“No one but the council is supposed to be there anyway dear,” Chelsea said, while reaching out a hand to brush my hair slightly. “We don’t bring anyone else unless circumstances require it.”

The elevator arrived and we quickly entered. I think all of us were excited to put distance between that room and us.

The elevator dinged closed and started to descend.

“Do any of you even like each other?” I posed to Chelsea.

She shrugged, leaning into one of the corners of the classy elevator. “Not a ton. Catherine, Hendrik, Adrian, and I get along fine though.”

“Which ones were they? Catherine Braganza was the one in white. She leads the Queens clan. Hendrik Bronckwas the big buff guy. He leads the Bronx clan. And Adrian Breucklen leads the Brooklyn clan. They’re all give or take around my age and are a part of the original founding families of each district in New York.”

“Wait a second, like each of you straight up founded New York?”

“Yeah,” the elevator dinged and the doors opened as Chelsea continued to walk and talk. It looked like we were headed for the bar. “Originally our families were either from England or the Netherlands, back then it was the English versus the Dutch when it came to New York. Both Adrian and Hendrik’s families were on my, the Hudson's, Dutch side while Charlotte Lennox, the big buff lady, Catherine Braganza, and Thomas James were on the English side. When the council was formed we found we needed someone to break ties and that’s when El came along and was installed as leader.”

“That’s crazy,” I said as I pulled out a bar stool and sat on it, both Chelsea and Tory doing the same.

“It’s not crazy. It just is. That’s what happened. After you’ve been alive for a decade or two longer you might come to slightly understand,” Chelsea said downcast and fiddling with a napkin.

The bartender approached, a well built man with a close cropped haircut and a handsome face. He took Chelsea and Tory’s drink orders while I just got water.

I continued to talk while our drinks arrived. “Wait, why are there five boroughs and six of you? I get that Manhattan is split, but like why?”

“Profit,” Tory said while taking a sip of her expensive looking Martini.

“Oh shut up,” Chelsea laughed, stirring her Negroni. “There’s more to it, but she is somewhat right. When the English came and colonized some of the Dutch families didn’t leave but just accepted the new rule. We expected vampires among them would be wealthy so we sought to avoid a war and just split up the profitable districts as they happened. Some of those with the wealthiest parts have changed as America came to be. Manhattan was just too large of a scale area to let one family control. As New York grew so did our influence.”

“This is absolutely nuts,” I muttered. “First your over 300 and now you found New York City. What next? Did your parents control Rome?”

She laughed and so did Tory.

“Well actually…” she started then started laughing again. “We can talk vampire history later. Let’s just enjoy this moment for now,” she said and took a sip of her drink.

“Amen to that,” Tory said, raising her glass for a phantom cheers.

We continued to talk while waiting for Adrian.


It was about half an hour before his normal self walked through the archway separating the bar and the lobby.

“Adrian! Good to see you outside of the confines of the council.” Chelsea stood to greet him and wrapped him in a tight hug. By this point she had drained two more Negronis. I sipped my dirty Shirley watching the two. I’d gotten bored and wanted a drink so why not. It sounded nice and Tory encouraged me. 

The two looked more like college graduates than anything but they were clearly old friends. I couldn’t tell but this didn’t seem like a romantic encounter, but then again I always was pretty piss poor at understanding signs.

Adrian sat down next to Chelsea, both on my left. He waved at the bartender getting his attention and got himself a gin and tonic.

“So,” he said turning and looking past Chelsea towards me, “this is the new little Hudson. Quite marvelous and interesting too.” He laughed.

“Isn’t she?” Chelsea turned to me too and gave me a sweet smile. “We’ve had our ups and downs, that's for sure. She’s still teething you might say.” She giggled softly making a motion towards her fangs as she said “teething.”

Tory shook her head dismissing the whole thing jokingly while I just rolled my eyes at my rocky relationship at best.

“Shall we get down to business then?” Adrian asked. “You wanted protection right? What did you have in mind?”

“I was hoping for some of your best guards to join my own detail I’m planning on putting together. They’d need to have been trained for magical attacks. The witches are damn shifty.” Chelsea said.

He nodded. “Easy enough,” he placed his glass down, “I can put that all together with you anytime. We could always, uh, meet up whenever you want.” He stalled on the meeting part. I was definitely picking up some form of interest now. She made him nervous, but for no other reason than her existence.

Chelsea actually giggled. Like actually. It almost sounded like a school girl if she wasn’t slightly intoxicated. “I think that can be arranged,” she said, giving him bedroom eyes.

“Excellent!” Adrian raised his hands up in excitement. “I look forward to it. If that’s all you need me for my three lovelies, then I have to be off. I have an important appointment I can’t miss.” He stood up, downed his drink, then crouched down and whispered something to Chelsea. She started giggling again.

Ok. This was definitely some sort of relationship going on.

He made his way out of the bar, glancing back occasionally with a dopey smile on his face.

I just looked at Chelsea questioningly, eyebrows knitted.

She was still smiling and looking at her drink. I glanced at Tory who was just laughing quietly, so I looked back at Chelsea continuing to stare.

It took a moment, but she finally looked up at me from her stupor and grinned stupidly. “What?”

I didn’t say anything and just started to laugh. “Nothing, I swear.”

“Shut up okay,” she drew the last part of the word out. I just shrugged and laughed. “You know what,” she said jokingly, “I am sooooo gonna get you back when you find someone interesting. You’ll have the same stupid smile on your face and it’ll be so much better because you won’t realize it.” She crossed her arms dramatically as if she’d won some imaginary argument.

I laughed. “Whatever, Chels. If I look anything like you just did, it would be warranted.”

Her mouth dropped open and she feigned shock then lightly punched my shoulder.

“Ow,” I whined, “be careful, you don’t know your own strength.” I mocked.

“I can’t with you two.” Tory said giggling.

“Ugh, I can’t win. Are you two ready to go?”

Both Tory and I nodded. “Good, I’ll call the car then. I’m tired and I’m ready to just relax.”

Hi everyone!!! I'm back! It took a little longer than I wanted to get this chapter out, but I did :D I hope you enjoyed it. I really did have a ton going on. First bottom surgery took a lot, then writer's block, and the weekend I aimed to write on I got the literal worst sickness of my life because apparently food poisoning is contagious if its a specific version. Don't get the norovirus whatever you do. It's awful. Regardless, I had a fun time writing this chapter. Let me know what you thought of it!

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