The Feed of the Fledgling

Confusion Pt. 1

**TW: Physical Harm and implied mind control**


The rest of the night was riddled with an awkward uneasy feeling. Chelsea wanted Tory and I to spend some time with her in the foyer, but, after about five minutes, she became wound up in her phone. Tory and I sat on the floor getting ready to play a card game, while Chelsea sat in one of the ornate chairs. Tory got up and saddled over to Chelsea. 

“Everything all good, Chels?” Tory softly whispered. I was surprised I could hear it with how quietly she said it. I guess I was still on high alert after Hazel’s threat.

“Yeah, but I have to go,” she sighed, “there’s been an issue near the bridge.”

She stood up. Her elegance still seemed to baffle me every time. Gorgeous and beautiful, she made her way to me, leaned down, and kissed my forehead. My mind seemed to freeze and I felt my body go warm with comfort. Her mere existence calmed me.

“I’ll try to be back as soon as possible, my lovelies.” She glanced at both of us. “Tory is in charge. I want you to make sure she gets access to food if I’m not back in an hour.” She said the last part gesturing toward me while glaring at Tory.

“Of course! What do you take me for? A fool?” Tory said with a sly smile.

Chelsea’s wonderful laughter echoed the sentiment as she continued.

“I know you’re smart! Just make sure she’s ok, alright? Also, if I’m not back by tomorrow night, call Peter.”

Tory’s face seemed to go white at the mention of the name. She straightened up and abruptly answered.

“You can count on me.”

Her body exuded confidence, but I could see the cracks on the surface. She was terrified. I could almost physically feel how she really felt. Chelsea didn’t seem to pick up on it or ignored it as she finished.

“Alright, I’ll be going now.”

In seconds, she was out of the penthouse. The elevator doors closed and I looked up towards Tory.

“What was that all about? And who’s Peter?”

Her eyes went wide. She rushed over to me and put a hand over my mouth. Her nails dug into my cheeks drawing blood as she spoke the next words.

“Don’t speak his name. To us, he’s the Great One. Do. Not. Say. It.”

The pain welled in my face as tears began to seep out. I hurriedly nodded up and down then Tory slowly pulled her hand away. I looked away in fear. My mind reeled.

Why did I ask? It just led to pain. Don’t ask again. Don’t ask again. Don’t ask again!!!!!

I mentally rammed my head against an imaginary wall. Suddenly, I felt hands wrap around my shaking frame. It was Tory and she was hugging me. Her hand stroked my hair.

“Shhhhh. I’m sorry. That had to be done and it’ll heal quickly. Pain will grow less fearful in the future.” She continued stroking, making me feel calmer, “think of Chelsea. She does a lot for us and she’ll be home soon. That’s what makes me feel better.”

She pulled away and looked into my sobbing eyes. I stared back at her through the watery film. Already my thoughts had wandered to Chelsea and her warm loving demeanor. The thoughts truly did calm me down. My hiccupping sobs stopped as I looked at Tory. She reached her hand out and wiped away a tear on my cheek.

“Thanks,” I said as my eyes shot downward, not feeling worthy to look at her.

“No problem! Come on,” she reached out to pick me up. I took it and felt myself yanked up. “Let’s get you some food.”

My ears perked up at the thought of blood. My mouth started to water at the opportunity. She pulled me towards the kitchen fridge and pulled out a bag.

“Chelsea might be back soon, but I’ll just tell her I fed you,” she said with a smug smile.

I thought back to earlier and how she said I was only supposed to have Chelsea feed me. I wondered if this was breaking any rules, but then I remembered who Chelsea left in charge. Questioning thoughts left my head as quickly as they came. Chelsea was here in spirit just through Tory. I felt a chill run up my spine as I thought about how much Chelsea mattered to me, when it wasn’t too long ago that she took away my old life. The worry evaporated as soon as the top came off of the blood bag.

The smell saturated the air and my eyes locked on its source.

“Here, little lady,” Tory’s tone mirrored the tone someone would take when calling a pet. She giggled as my sight never left the bag. “Wow, you’re going through the blood lust.”

I couldn’t care less that she was speaking. All I thought of was the taste of the blood I could soon have. I started to drool a little, when the bag was thrown in the air. I leapt a little off the ground and grabbed it with my hands. I forced the top into my mouth and sunk my teeth into the excess bag. I could swear my teeth ripped a little at the bag. I didn’t have fangs yet, right? A second of pure bliss passed and the bag was empty. My breath was ragged as I felt like the world was brighter.

“Awwww! You have little baby fangs!” Tory’s squeaky excitement pulled me away from my daze.



She pulled out her phone and snapped a quick photo. Swiveling the phone around, I could see the image. On it, my black hair, indigo eyes, and face still shocked me. I felt the warmth of happiness flow through me, then I looked towards what she meant the picture to show. My mouth was slightly open and I could see the slightly extended canines. It was odd but it definitely reminded me more of an animal than human.

“Okay, well with that development, you should really get in bed. The changes will start any second now.”

I forgot about that part of the feeding process. Feeding brought about the changes that turned me into another version of Chelsea. My feet really started to hurt as my standing position faltered. Howling in pain, sharp knife-like stings spread across my shin. Tory’s hands wrapped around me and picked me up.

“Come on. I got you.”

The pain didn’t stop, but being princess carried by Tory helped me take my full body weight off of them. The stabbing continued and seemed to cut the trip time in half. The bed seemed to approach quicker than possible as I was suddenly enveloped in the sheets.

“Go to sleep sweetie,” she rubbed hair away from my face and kissed in the same spot Chelsea had. The pain seemed to subside for a small second as I remembered Chelsea.

“I’ll be back tomorrow.”

She stood next to the bed and pulled something out of her pocket. I couldn’t tell what it was because the pain still pulsed through me. She blew some sort of substance at me and my world went dark. No pain. No thoughts. Just Nothingness.

Sorry I haven't written anything in a while! I had to finish my thesis and then I just started a new job! The previous schedule (that I'm sure you all totally remember :P) is dead. I plan to release this story every weekend. I'm not sure if that will be Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, but definitely one of them! I know this chapter is probably smaller than I normally post, but I wanted to get something out so I could be more accountable. As always, thank you so much for reading and any comments are appreciated!!

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