The Feed of the Fledgling


**TW: Mind control, Strong mentions of gore, Implied sexual action (it's not smut, just heavily implied)**



Her indigo eyes were locked onto me. Panic was all I felt as my breathing started to quicken.

No, no, no! Why is Chelsea here? Here of all places?

In retrospect, it wasn’t like I knew her whereabouts all the time. My thoughts were just rambling. She had been here the other day and that’s the entire reason I’m where I am right now. I just couldn’t stop my thoughts as my pulse pounded.

Her face turned up in disappointment. My entire world seemed to fall out from under me, realizing that she was upset.

“I was going to wait until we got home to talk to you about this, until I realized you were here. What were you doing at your old apartment? That version of you is dead.” She said the last part with anger. My anxiety was in control now. I had no chance compared to her the way she was. She was calm. I was frazzled. She was domineering. I, most certainly, was not. She had information. I was ignorant.

What does she mean we were gonna talk about this later? Did she already know?

“Playing dumb isn’t going to get you anywhere,” her gaze was still fixated on me. “Speak, my child.”

Her voice seemed to echo in my head. It took everything I had to not blurt out my entire consciousness. She clearly had control over me and I needed to figure out how to stop it. My mouth moved on its own in the moment and I spoke.

“I was meeting an old friend.”

Her eyebrow raised quizzically.

“Who? And from where?”

“A girl I knew from Virginia.”

“That clears up where from sweetie, but what. Is. Her. NAME.” She seemed to scream into my ear as her eyes turned a dark blackish red. It was almost like she grew an aura of fear and demonic energy as she spoke. I swear I saw her hair rise as if it was floating. The pointy fangs struck out making her look like she actually came from Hell. My thoughts of defying her flew out the window.

“H–Ha—Haz—Noo!” I cowered down to the ground as the whole world fell away. Eyes closed I refused her again.

Unbeknownst to me, Chelsea turned towards Victoria. She nodded her head and the girl still in the diner went to the back. I heard a door close and opened one eye to look up at Chelsea. Gorgeous as ever, if not a bit terrifying from what just happened, she stared at me. She didn’t look as angry, but there was a scary smirk plastered across her face.

“Since you don’t want to be a good little girl and listen when her mother asks a question. I think it’s time we solidify your obvious weak little blood bond.”

I didn’t know what she meant. It felt pretty damn strong to me. I still didn’t even know how she knew where I was unless—ahhhh! That’s it! I must have thought of her stupid (No! Lovely <3) name. I tried thinking back to when I must have mentally said it. Was I looking at Hazel? I wasn’t sure, but I needed to get word to her. If Chelsea found out she was in the James clan, it would be bad.

Still cowering in fear, I started to sit back on my sneakers trying to get a better understanding of what was happening. The weak light of the diner made the dark road look iridescent. Nobody was on the road which I thought was odd considering it was only 12ish. This was New York City for Christ's sake. Nobody was out?

Tory came out of the back room and stood next to Chelsea with two clear ponchos in hand.

“Thank you daughter dearest,” she said, giving a tight smile to Tory. “It’s time your sister here learned how to be like you.”

“Of course, mother”

The two had twisted smiles that evoked a deep terror into me.

What did they mean?

“I will say, you look a little basic Isabelle. Maybe a little splash of color will really liven the mood.” Chelsea grinned. I could’ve sworn her hair started to float again.

She snapped her finger and Tory was at my side, digging her nails into my shoulder while covering my mouth. Pain coursed through my body. I went to scream out but it was muffled by Tory’s tiny hands. She seemed to dig into my shoulder as I felt the familiar feeling of my new dark, red (almost black) blood seep out. She pulled upwards and I moaned out in pain. Stifled again, tears began to stream down my face.

“You won’t be so defiant after this little experience.” Chelsea whispered into my ear.

All I could think about was trying to get away, but I literally had a person’s hand inside the muscle near my collarbone. Plus, the strongest vampire in south side Manhattan was right next to me. I was well and truly fucked.


I tried to struggle most of the way to wherever we were going, but Tory was much stronger than me. With her hand in my muscle and other over my mouth, I was basically a puppet. Her and Chelsea just chatted away as if this was a normal thing. We finally started to approach a door that was similar to the registry one, dingy and creepy. This one had a little red neon light on the outside that lit up in the form of a red cross. There was another, smaller, light under it that had the venus female symbol lit up in a neon purple. The two lights could have been written off as a tacky art piece some idiot tried to hang up in an abandoned alleyway, but it was obvious that this was a vampire thing.

Chelsea knocked on the door three times then scraped her nails across the steel in downwards then across, like she was making a cross. The door creaked open exposing an empty dark hallway. Tory pushed me inside and Chelsea put her clear poncho on. After the door closed, Tory finally let go of me and went to put her poncho on.

With the pain finally gone in my right shoulder, I gasped for air feeling the dried salty tears on my face.

“What the fuc–” I tried to get the words out as I looked back at Chelsea and Tory. Chelsea’s palm, along with her nails raked across my face. Pain struck me with the slap and the claws she basically had. She left a slowly healing mark across my cheek.

“For now, you speak when spoken to.” The fire seemed to return to her eyes and I seemed to fall into myself as I sulk backwards.

“Turn around and go.”

I nodded my head and went in the direction she spoke of. 

It seemed like we were going deeper and deeper underground. The air got thicker and it smelled less and less like New York. The dark hallway quickly turned into a dimly lit hospital setting. The fluorescent lighting made the room look like it was out of a horror film with only the front being lit. It seemed to rest on the front desk and the attendant. The rest of light disappeared as the hallway forked off into two directions. Foreign lettering labeled each fork, but I had no clue what either said.

“Hi there!” The chipper voice seemed too shrill to be in this location, too normal. She quickly continued her introduction, “what can we do for you, your grace Chelsea Hudson? I see two ponchos and a fledgling, the initiation I suspect?” She looked too young to be here too. She had pigtails and was wearing a candy striper uniform. Being involved in vampire stuff, I doubted she was a true hospital volunteer. My mind turned back to what she said.

The what??

“Ahhhh Jasmine. You know me too well. This little one is being a tad difficult to do the transition on her own. Plus she has a blood bond so we might as well go for the best transition into vampire hood shouldn’t we?” A smile seemed glued to her face as she spoke.

“Of course, your grace. Do you want the largest room we have then?”

“Exactly.” The devilish smile seemed to pitch higher as she glanced down toward me. In her heels and me in sneakers she was towering over me. I gulped and looked back towards Jasmine.

“The thrall will escort you to the room. Enjoy, your grace.” She stood from her seat then bowed. The whole thing felt like an absurd scene. I thought we were done until she grabbed Tory’s arm. Head still bowed, she spoke quietly to Tory, just enough that I could barely make it out in my state.

“When will it be my turn for initiation, madam.” The words were quiet and shaky.

Tory glanced at Chelsea only moving when the latter nodded. She whispered something in the girl’s ears that only they could hear then joined us again. To our left, a person dressed in scrubs stood at attention. He glanced at Chelsea’s shoes, bowed, then began walking.

The walk seemed to take ages as we finally approached a door. It looked like a psych ward room turned into a club. The walls were still covered in padding, but they were stained red. The intoxicating smell of blood seemed to envelop the entire room. My mouth started salivating. There were luxury chairs, a bed, and even a small bar with another man dressed in scrubs. The floor wasn’t padding, but still a plushy red carpet with a small dance floor hollowed out in between the bed and the chairs. The whole thing was bizarre. At the top of the ceiling, it looked like there were sprinklers.

“I can already tell your hungry Belle. I can feel it.” Chelsea’s lips traced my ear as she spoke, lighting a small fire in me. Butterflies flew throughout my stomach as lightning coursed up and down my spine. 

“Sit down in the chair, sweety.”

Almost as if in a trance, I walked towards the plush red and black chairs and took a seat.

“I think we’re ready,” Chelsea said commandingly to the man who guided us. He stepped out of the room and closed the door. He knocked twice on the preview glass embedded into the door then was gone. The knocking must’ve been a sign to start, because suddenly the smell of blood filled my nostrils.

Intoxicated just by the smell, I looked around sheepishly for the source. Suddenly, I felt a drop hit my nose, then another. My hand instinctively touched the source and I immediately put my hand in my mouth when I saw it was blood. Ecstasy seemed to explode through me. This was good blood. The drops kept coming as I looked up and realized the sprinklers were showering the room in blood. It was warm and lovely, not from a bag. I was lost in licking my hands and didn’t see Chelsea or Tory go to the bar. My eyes were glazing over in pleasure. My imagination of pleasure seemed to take over. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the experience.

Suddenly, my eyes were open and there was a person’s arm in front of me. Music was blasting now. I looked to my right and saw a scantily clad blonde smiling at me. My instincts took over as I bit down with my new fangs into her wrist. I seemed to black out from the pleasure.

The night continued, but I only remembered snip-its until the morning. It felt like I was black out drunk but so much better. I was dancing with several women all dressed in club attire and piercing their skin whenever I felt like it. Blood gushed from their wounds and I was covered in the substance. The warm stickiness seemed to be on every surface in the room.

I blacked out again. Now, I was in the bed with them experience orgasm after orgasm along with the erotic sensations that came with drinking blood. Tongues raced up my now naked body as I truly experienced feminine love. Hair was tossed around along with the mixes of skin tones on top of me. Second after second, I had something in my mouth. The world went dark again.

My eyes slowly opened to the sunlight streaming into my room. It wasn’t as piercing as it was yesterday. The grogginess was in control. It felt like I was hungover. My stomach was aching but it was less like nausea and more like hunger. My mouth felt sore.

My mind went into overdrive as I realized what happened last night and went over it in my head.

I drank at least 1 to 2 (3-6 Litres) gallons of blood. So far I’d only been drinking a pint (500 mL) that came from donations. I laid in the bed and started to sob. I had to be a full vampire now. I just had to be. I refused to take stock of my body and just cried.

I need to know every detail of what happened last night and what I’ve told Chel– no, just C.

Hi everyone! Sorry, I haven't been as consistent with this story as I'd have liked. I got a little demotivated after the last chapter but only planned to take a week off. The next week my dad got covid, then I got covid and have been completely wiped. My job is stressing me out as well, so I want to use this more as an outlet than anything. Please let me know what you thought of the chapter! Any feedback is appreciated. Special shoutout to Moonlit, because I feel a little more accountable when you comment on my page, lol. Again, sorry for the delay!!

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