The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 347 Response

Although the manor under the leadership of Tang Yucheng is far larger than the other manors.

But before, there were only a few full-fledged supervisors in the manor.

Tang Yucheng and Tang Yulong are one, and Li Wanying, Wu Liang and Shu Wenbai are all.

Although Tu Hu and others have also participated in the management of the manor business, they are only temporary supervisors after all.

And even though so much time has passed, few supervisors with complete identities have appeared.

That is, Xu Feng, plus Qiu Ke, whom Xu Feng later recruited, are two relatively safe identities.

Everyone else is still immersed in the difficult increase of abnormal fusion.

However, with Xu Feng's contribution to the manor, the scale of the manor has been further expanded, and the number of temporary supervisors has also increased. Among them, the number of full supervisors has gradually increased.

However, Xu Feng was busy with many things and was not very familiar with these newcomers.

Now it's just a familiar sight.

Some people don't understand what the wanderer means, and some are trying to explain.

After a brief introduction, most people have a certain understanding of the current situation.

Someone summarized the current situation, "In general, a manor has indeed been destroyed now, but it doesn't seem to have much to do with us."

The supervisors looked at each other. The characteristics of the manor meant that there would be very little communication between the manor and the manor.

If it weren't for the last crisis at the Source of Nightmares, I'm afraid most regulators wouldn't care what was going on nearby.

Just like Xu Feng, I'm afraid he still hasn't had the opportunity to contact other supervisors in the surrounding area.

After all, the scale of the nightmare world is huge, and even if you start exploring, it doesn't have to be near the manor.

Several veteran supervisors, including Li Wanying, are more cautious. Unlike the new supervisors, these people have obviously seen more dangers.

Shu Wenbo said coldly, "Whether it has something to do with us or not, we need to be sufficiently vigilant."

"Rovers are like vultures, really make them aware of our presence, and in the end it could lead to a large number of outlaws."

Some people were not convinced, "Then let them come. The source of nightmares has not been able to break through us. Are we still afraid that their attack will fail?"

The atmosphere was briefly tense, and finally everyone looked at Tang Yucheng.

As the well-deserved leader of the manor, how to deal with it ultimately depends on Tang Yucheng's decision.

Of course, Tang Yucheng knew the situation a long time ago, and because of his relationship with Tang Yulong, he also knew what the situation was earlier than these people.

Without wasting too much time, he arranged, "Although it is unlikely that the Rangers will attack us, we still have to prepare in advance."

"I will soon arrange for people to investigate the attacked manor. If possible, it would be better for us to resolve this crisis."

Of course, the regulators had no objections and quickly withdrew after reaching a consensus.

In the end, only Tang Yulong, Tang Yucheng, and Xu Feng were left in the room.

Xu Feng has now become the second-in-command in the manor. Although Xu Feng never cared about it, Xu Feng's response to unknown events has always been pretty good.

Tang Yulong and Tang Yucheng did not need too much communication and quickly decided on their respective tasks.

Tang Yucheng continues to be in charge of the manor. There is a tavern blocking the entrance to the manor from the nightmare world, which can avoid many dangers.

But there are also survivors who belong to the manor in the nightmare world, and these people cannot be given up easily.

So Tang Yucheng arranged, "I will let the supervisors take turns stationed in the settlement until the crisis is resolved."

Xu Feng naturally had no objections, but after learning that the manor had been breached, Xu Feng had been thinking about a question.

Seeing that Tang Yucheng had completed the arrangement, he asked, "Do we need help for those survivors who are living in the nightmare world?"

Tang Yucheng paused, then Tang Yulong said, "The nightmare world will eliminate those who are unqualified, and the remaining people will slowly gather into the core circle."

Seeing that Xu Feng obviously had other ideas, he asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

Xu Feng said, "Our settlement has taken shape, and with the existence of Xi soil, we can feed more people."

"Although the manor will eventually be filled with people, is it possible that we can recruit some people to be responsible for exploring the nightmare world in the future?"

Yin Zheng and others have been tested before, and although they can explore appropriately, they are overall unqualified.

I originally wanted to train hard, but I was involved in various things.

Now a group of homeless people suddenly appeared. If they could gather into a settlement and let them be responsible for exploring the nightmare world, they would definitely make a profit.

But Tang Yulong was still a little worried and said, "If they are allowed to come to the settlement, is it possible that the doves will occupy the magpie's nest?"

After all, they are survivors who have experienced the baptism of the nightmare world. Their ambition and ability are not comparable to those who were arranged to the nightmare world.

Once a strong force rebels, it will be somewhat unfair to Yin Zheng and others.

But Xu Feng didn't have so many worries and said, "If they really have this idea, there is no reason for us to let them go."

"Although this is a gathering of survivors, we have our support behind the scenes."

The meaning is obvious enough. If the new recruits have the courage to occupy the magpie's nest, then it is up to them, the supervisors, to drive them away.

Tang Yulong did not insist and said, "Let's talk about this later. It's better for us to go directly to the manor that was attacked to take a look."

Of course Xu Feng is not in a hurry to help these survivors who have lost their homes, and even Xu Feng does not provide help to these people without any cost.

The nightmare world will cleanse the souls of these people. After these people get used to life in the nightmare world, they can be of greater help when they come to the settlement.

As for the exploration of the manor, Xu Feng certainly would not let Tang Yulong go alone.

Xu Feng happened to be somewhat interested in the compromised manor, so he simply followed.

Tang Yulong's ability was just enough to lead people, and the two quickly disappeared outside the manor.

The supervisors were preparing to deal with the enemy. Although most people did not believe that the wanderers dared to attack such a large manor, Tang Yucheng spoke and no one refused to obey the arrangements.

But no one noticed that after Tang Yulong and Xu Feng left, a figure quietly retreated in the space near the settlement.

Feeling the area near Xirang, the man's expression gradually became surprised.

Through some means, the news was spread to the outside world, "It seems that the soil that was sold by the auction house some time ago has been found..."

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