The fifth personality, the nightmare starts with a dual identity

Chapter 373 A great victory

After escaping, after the gate of the trial ground is powered on, the survivors immediately receive a 5% movement speed bonus.

This is the skill carried by the perfumer. Not only can it be used to judge the time for the supervisor to retain the skill, but it can also obtain a continuous 5% movement speed bonus.

So the perfumer still has a certain degree of confidence.

But all confidence seems a bit cheap in the face of flashing skills.

Gu Hanshuang had always held Flash in her hand, and had not even used it when chasing the composer before.

Now it just works.

The moment the perfumer took the flap and turned around, a golden flame flashed, and the perfumer directly bumped into the body of Gu Hanshuang's supervisor who flashed over.

He didn't even realize what was going on. In the last moment of his rescue, the attack passed by and instantly deducted all the perfumer's health at once.

Perfumers were knocked out, and composers at this time were not even completely eliminated.

In despair, the perfumer didn't want to say anything anymore.

Treating girls relatively gently, Gu Hanshuang did not use a weapon to pierce the perfumer's shoulder, but dragged the perfumer's body directly to the nearby sacrificial seat.

The perfumer also gave up struggling at this time. After seeing the supervisor's body at such a close distance, he realized that the supervisor in front of him was so beautiful.

"you are so Beautiful……"

the perfumer murmured.

Gu Hanshuang was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a while.

As the actor who plays Madam Red, Gu Hanshuang certainly knows what Madam Red looks like.

Even without a little dressing up, Red Lady Mary is at least one of a kind beauty.

But Gu Hanshuang also knew Mrs. Hong's later history. In order to disguise her cruelty, Mary always painted her skin color into a cruel gray.

Like a dead corpse, this is what Gu Hanshuang looks like now.

But the perfumer still expressed his inner admiration, which made Gu Hanshuang feel a little emotional for a while.

Just feeling emotional, Gu Hanshuang said softly, "It's a pity that I can't let you go. You are very important to me now."

The voice is calm and nice.

Most of the perfumer's inner irritability dissipated instantly.

The trial is over and the perfumer has given up the struggle.

"Then I hope we can still meet each other."

Gu Hanshuang didn't know if the perfumer knew the truth about the supervisor, but at this time there was no way to continue chatting.

All I could say was, "I hope..."

When the perfumer is pushed to the sacrificial chair, even the composer has not been completely eliminated.

But now there are no survivors in the trial field, so the two have completely lost the chance to make a comeback.

There was no idea of ​​wasting time in the training ground. The shadow crouching near the sacrificial seat instantly became violent, and completely enveloped the two survivors with a sinister smile.

Without the increase in elimination progress, the survivors were directly devoured.

This is a scene that only Gu Hanshuang can see. After all, there is something different about the identity of the supervisor.

After the trial ended, Gu Hanshuang was a little lucky.

It’s rare that the first time a group wiped out survivors was on a regular training ground.

It can be seen that the survivors in the regular trial field are not absolutely strong. One mistake may put the survivors into an irreversible situation.

Gu Hanshuang became a little more vigilant, thinking that she should be more careful when participating in survivor trials in the future.

At the same time, the electronic synthesized sound also made the final judgment.

Gu Hanshuang won the final victory and could take a short rest in the Blessed Land.

The image of the regulator receded directly, and the various furnishings and layouts of the trial venue were also reset.

New regulators entered the scene, and the survivors also entered the preparation process.

One day later, Gu Hanshuang woke up from his deep sleep after hearing the results of the trial.

The person has returned to his room, the surroundings are empty, and he seems a little lonely.

Gu Hanshuang was vaguely excited as she recalled the results of her trial.

Finally, it is no longer necessary to keep the abnormal fusion degree unchanged.

The previous Gu Hanshuang had an abnormal fusion degree of 73.66. Although he had experienced a lot, he even participated in three trials.

But Gu Hanshuang's luck was not very good, and he has always maintained this progress.

It's actually quite good, and there are still many survivors who will regress after gaining the status of regulators.

In this trial, the abnormal fusion degree was obtained by 20%, which was increased by 5% if one survivor was eliminated, and an additional 10% was awarded for the overall elimination.

After deducting the cost of entering the trial, Gu Hanshuang's abnormal fusion degree has now reached 93.66%.

It has not been long since we were granted full supervisor status.

But even so, Gu Hanshuang did not dare to be careless. After all, before obtaining a full identity as a supervisor, there was a possibility of regression at any time.

Fortunately, after several trials, Gu Hanshuang will not easily fall into Mary's memory trap.

Now, although Gu Hanshuang cannot say that he has not been affected by his status as a supervisor, he can at least maintain his true intentions.

After the trial, I obtained a high-level treasure chest. After opening it, there were only a large number of nightmare coins and a useless trivial prop.

Selling it would only cost a few thousand Nightmare Coins, which would not be of much help to Gu Hanshuang.

Gu Hanshuang was a little disappointed, but after a short silence, she suddenly felt a little disappointed.

After every previous trial, Ningsha would knock on the door on time.

But this time it was very quiet.

Of course Gu Hanshuang knew what Ningsha had done, but he still couldn't help the change in mood.

After a brief hesitation, he did not rest in the room, but walked out of the door and walked towards the tavern.

Gu Hanshuang's room is on the side of the town, in the area of ​​the manor that was opened up after Xu Feng sacrificed the seeds of the manor.

Gu Hanshuang didn't feel anything wrong before, but with the opening of new blocks, Gu Hanshuang became more and more aware of the impressiveness of this manor.

The population of the core neighborhood is already growing, and as new neighborhoods are opened, a large number of new people are flowing into the estate.

The novice reception business has also become a lot more popular.

It's just that newcomers are always the fastest updating group. Even with Tang Yulong in charge, the elimination rate of newcomers remains high.

Tang Yulong brought order, but he did not bring more benefits to the newcomers.

But it's normal. After all, in the nightmare world, the only person the survivors can rely on is themselves.

Gu Hanshuang came to the tavern quickly and didn't even need to go to the auction house because she knew that Ning Sha and Lu Wei were responsible for the contact between the nightmare world and the manor recently, so they probably didn't have time to go to the auction house.

I didn't see Ningsha in the tavern, but I learned from Tang Yucheng that Ningsha was now in the nightmare world.

Gu Hanshuang walked directly into the passage without hesitation.

The next moment, there was a din.

In the short time that Gu Hanshuang entered the trial, the survivors who had lost their homes had already found this place.

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