The Final Desperation

18 – Aftermath

Pierre walked back into the church, ready to finish the job when he sensed a bloody aura emanating from the side. Sensing the threat, Pierre quickly transformed his arm.


Pierre was sent flying out of the building, breaking through the stone wall along the way. He finally came to a stop after crashing into a tree, snapping it in half. He managed to get back on his feet just in time to witness a silhouette emerging from the settling dust. Soon the figure became clear. It was Kazuya, now sporting four tails, and smoking wounds.

"How is this possible?" Pierre asked himself, bewildered by the sudden surge in power.

To understand how this came to be, we need to rewind to Kazuya's side of the story. Lying there alone, he had been hearing the sounds of intense combat. He couldn't discern who had the upper hand, but he believed that Langeth would win. He held onto the conviction until Pierre's extending arm pierced through the walls. Then he heard the conversation between them.

"No stamina? Wound? What was he talking about?" Kazuya puzzled. Langeth must be in dire straits, but he had confidence that Langeth would manage to turn the tide.


"Sadly, this is the end."

Then the sound of an organ being crushed reverberated through the chapel, blood pouring through the hole. Illuminated by the moonlight, Kazuya caught a glimpse of the remnants of a shattered heart.

Witnessing this horrifying scene, something within him snapped.

"No. This can't be. It must be a joke. Yes, it's a joke. Or a dream. Maybe if I fall asleep, everything will return to normal when I wake up. Yeah, that's it."

Then a grating voice resounded within him.

"But deep down, you know it's not a joke."

"Shut up. You're just a monster in my head. You're lying to me so you can take control of my body. I refuse to believe you. Lalalala."

"*Sigh* You know I'm not a monster."

"Lalalalala. I don't believe you. You're lying to me. Lalalalalalala."

"Why are you like this? You know very well that I am you."

"Lalalalalalalalalala. Lies."

"You're only deceiving yourself."

"Lalalala. I don't care. You're the devil. Lalala."

"Snap out of it! You're losing control."

"Don't care. I want to lose control. If it means escaping this pain, then let me descend into madness."

"What about Risa? Are you just going to give up on everything? Do you realize how heartbroken she will be if you die? If we die?"

Hearing Risa's name, Kazuya snapped out of his frenzy, only to be further consumed by grief.

"THEN WHAT CAN I DO? Langeth died trying to save me, and now I'm facing a psychopath who's trying to kill me. Even if I survive, the weight of all this guilt will crush me. How am I supposed to live like this? It's better to just end everything now."

"If you can't bear it all, then don't. Swap places with me and let me handle everything for you. When you've healed, you can take control again."

The offer was enticing to Kazuya. He could let his other self navigate his life while he sleeps his sorrows away. Since he would still live in some capacity, there would be no regrets. He wouldn't need to regain control; he could simply exist as an underlying presence, supporting the main consciousness. No thoughts, no self, no identity. Just Kazuya.

"I agree."

"By the way, if you're contemplating eternal slumber, there's something you should know. I am merely your combat instincts. While you can rely on me to fend off threats, your main personality will influence my actions in other matters."

"Is that a problem?"

"Yes. Your innocence and naivety could be dangerous. If you don't address those issues, your lack of judgment might lead to our demise. There are beings far stronger and more cunning than us. If you keep falling into traps, it's only a matter of time before we're killed."

"I'll try to improve."

"Thank you. Now rest."

As their internal dialogue concluded, color returned to the world, and time resumed its flow. Yet Kazuya's eyes held a new gaze, replacing the prior sorrow and pain with an unprecedented serenity—an absolute calm devoid of emotion.

"No fatal wounds," he assessed, surveying his injuries. Adjusting his posture, two additional tails sprouted from him, coiling around the spears embedded in his body. With deliberate care, he extracted them and partially healed his wounds, but only enough to not be hindered. Repeating the process, he removed the remaining spears and healed himself to a functional state.

Kazuya stretched briefly, then sprang into action as Pierre returned. That's the sequence of events that led to this moment. Stepping outside, Kazuya nonchalantly cracked his knuckles with his thumb while his other hand hung loosely by his side.

Pierre rose to his feet and lunged forward. Kazuya evaded the attack, struck off the ground with his tail, and leaped toward Pierre. In response, Pierre raised his other arm, poised to impale the airborne Kazuya.

To his surprise, Kazuya managed to evade what appeared to be an inevitable strike. He enveloped himself with his tails, merging them into a drill shape that defied expectations. Initiating a spinning motion, Kazuya hurtled toward Pierre.

The fur-tipped drill collided with Pierre, birthing a colossal crater beneath them. As dust and debris dispersed, Pierre spat out multiple mouthfuls of blood and prepared for retaliation. Yet, Kazuya granted him no respite. A flurry of tails materialized from varying directions, overwhelming Pierre's senses.

Despite Pierre's attempts to block or evade, a tail would inevitably breach his defenses, inflicting a deep wound each time. The cumulative damage only grew as Kazuya's relentless assault continued.

Adding these wounds to the exhaustion Pierre faced previously, it didn't take long for Pierre to run out of breath. As for the dust, Kazuya ensured he struck the ground continuously whenever the particles began to settle.

"Shit! I need to get out of here quickly."

Pierre initiated his rapid healing and extended his limbs. Crossing both arms in front of him, he charged, brushing off Kazuya's blows with an almost impenetrable force. No matter what Kazuya did, he couldn't alter Pierre's trajectory, so he resorted to inflicting as many wounds as possible, hoping to weaken Pierre.

Emerging from the dissipating dust cloud, Pierre sported numerous wounds that were gradually sealing shut. Dispelling his transformation, he gasped for air. Turning at the sound of approaching movement, he saw Kazuya landing before him, tails poised. Pierre met Kazuya's gaze and realized a transformation had occurred.

"You've changed."

Kazuya remained silent, his tails extending and launching another frenzy of attacks on Pierre. Fresh wounds proliferated as Pierre's body struggled to regenerate.

"His movements have slowed," Pierre noted.

Yet Kazuya persisted. The battle raged on, with Kazuya maintaining a moderate distance, barraging Pierre with tail strikes while Pierre tried to minimize his injuries. Soon, Pierre had to disable his automatic healing, recognizing his dwindling vitality.

"Forget caution. It's time to gamble," Pierre decided.

Concentrating all his energy into his right forearm, Pierre arced his arm back, positioning his body as if preparing to hurl a javelin. His left arm thrust forward, while his right palm emitted an ominous glow, saturating the air with an impending sense of danger.

"I can't afford to block this," Kazuya thought to himself

Pierre's hand changed it into a colossal lance, causing Kazuya's eyes to widen. His tails joined together to form a mass of fur that destroyed the ground beneath him. Then he drilled downward with all his might, desperate to survive. Following the pull, Kazuya dove downward, narrowly evading the impending strike. It was a close call considering the savage wound on his back.

Furthermore, Kazuya's tails suffered damage from resisting the impact force. Several areas tore open, releasing copious amounts of blood. He ignored the pain and lunged at Pierre, unwilling to give him any chance to recover. Pierre, though, managed to retract his arm in time to block one tail strike. Seizing this opportunity, Kazuya wrapped the tail around the arm and jerked it aside. Then his remaining tails lunged for the heart.


Pierre froze, blood seeping from the corner of his mouth. He glanced down shakily before his eyes glazed over. Kazuya completed the maneuver by wrenching his tails out as forcefully as possible, shredding his organs, and sending Pierre tumbling to the ground.

Seeing no sign of movement from Pierre, Kazuya relaxed, withdrawing his transformation. Heavy fatigue swept over him, but he resisted the urge to sleep. He returned to the shattered church and retrieved Langeth's body. Determined to provide his role model with a proper burial, Kazuya departed from the scene.



7156 pursued the swift Langeth, but it would be minutes before he could catch up. Currently lacking any abilities to enhance his speed, 7156 relied solely on his base dexterity stats. Even from the name "dexterity" as opposed to "agility," one could infer its primary focus. While movement speed did fall under dexterity's purview, it wasn't the sole emphasis. Instead, movement speed was a combination of strength, constitution, and dexterity.

Within this trio, strength governed output, constitution controlled maximum velocity, and dexterity determined the finesse with which one managed their speed. As for 7156's stats, while they could rival the elites in this world, they were nowhere near the level of the top fighters. Furthermore, nearly all mutants possessed some form of movement ability or transformation that augmented their speed.

In Langeth's case, his wings reduced air resistance, facilitating swifter movement. Regarding other mutants like Kazuya and Pierre, whom 7156 had yet to encounter, readers were privy to their respective modes of movement.

While sprinting, 7156's ears caught the unmistakable sound of an explosion emanating from the heart of the city. He pivoted and witnessed the tallest skyscraper erupting in flames, briefly illuminating the night sky like the midday sun. The dazzling blaze quickly waned, replaced by a somber shroud of gray smoke. The spectacle was astonishing, particularly against the backdrop of the nocturnal sky.

"What caused that explosion? Isn't CEC's headquarters located nearby?" 7156 asked himself.

Despite his intrigue, 7156 couldn't afford to be sidetracked. Furthermore, the explosion had occurred behind him, opposite his intended direction.

Discarding his curiosity, 7156 refocused on his mission. Minutes later, as he approached the location, he encountered a woman with black hair.

"I need you to stop here" she commanded, her arm transforming into a bird-like claw.

In response, 7156 raised his dagger and pistol.

"Friend or foe?" he inquired, vigilance evident in his posture.

"Neither," the woman calmly replied.

"Then step aside."

"Don't be so impatient. We're awaiting our leader's appearance."

7156 chose to ignore her, attempting to bypass her. As anticipated, the woman gestured with her clawed appendage. 7156 promptly leaped back, his gun aimed at her head.

"So, you're a foe."

"Listen, we don't intend any harm. Our leader merely wishes to have a private conversation with Kazuya."

At the mention of the name, 7156's eyes narrowed. Could this be a mere coincidence? How did they come to know about Kazuya, and what was their objective? An onslaught of questions surged through his mind, but he remained wary. Matters were growing intricate, and he feared a single misstep could entangle him in a vortex of peril.

"Can you guarantee his safety?"

Pausing momentarily for some thought, she said, "There should be no cause for concern."

"I'll wait. But if anything happens to him, I will kill."

Although 7156 didn't intend to fight for Kazuya, they don't know that. That way, he puts pressure on them and makes room for later negotiations.



Kazuya carried Langeth's body and walked along the street. Despite the sorrow he felt, his face remained emotionless. It was an unwelcome change, but he understood the price he had to pay. To gain power, sacrifices were inevitable. In this case, he had relinquished his capacity for emotions, becoming a combat machine.

As he walked, he noticed an individual with a hood over their head. Kazuya gave the person a brief glance and continued walking past.

"You killed Pierre?" a voice inquired.

Kazuya halted in his tracks, his body tensing. This was not what he wanted to encounter right now. Not in his current weakened state.

"What does it matter to you?" he shot back acridly.

Despite his reluctance, Kazuya knew he couldn't back down. Memories of past bullying experiences taught him that yielding would only make matters worse.

"Nothing. I simply wish to extend an invitation to join us."

"Which is?"

"We go by many names, but most know us as the Dark Forces ."

Kazuya clenched his teeth as memories of Langeth's mention flooded his mind.

"Was Pierre one of yours?"


Kazuya's suspicion grew, but he maintained his composure.

"Why would I join such an organization?"

"One bad apple shouldn't taint the entire group, just as you shouldn't judge all of us based on the actions of an outlier. Pierre was always an eccentric even among mutants. None of us were particularly close to him. As for the Dark Forces, it's an informal gathering of mutants that convenes on significant occasions."

Kazuya found a slight sense of relief in this explanation, knowing that no one would be seeking revenge for Pierre. Still, his guard remained up.

"And if I decline?"

"Then we won't press the matter."

Kazuya was surprised by the lack of insistence.

"Our organization operates on a voluntary basis. If you wish to join, you're welcome. If not, we won't force you."

"But then, why approach me?"

The situation seemed contradictory to Kazuya. Why would they approach him to join if their organization truly operated as described?

"We had other business tonight. You were merely an unexpected encounter."

"I see. And what's in it for me?"

"By becoming a core member, we can train you to get stronger."

Without hesitation, Kazuya accepted the offer. Survival was his ultimate goal, and an organization that provided support and growth opportunities was exactly what he needed.

"How do I become a core member?"

"We'll discuss the details later. For now, let's meet up with our colleague."

Guided by the hooded figure, Kazuya found himself facing a woman with black hair, who was engaged in a standoff with a familiar man. He had seen the man around Langeth, but they never got to know each other.

The woman cast a sorrowful gaze upon Langeth's body. A tear escaped her eye.

"So he died," she said softly, her voice choked with emotions.

Kazuya found himself oddly affected by the sight of a stranger mourning his mentor and friend.


"He was always meddling, couldn't stand not interfering. But perhaps that's what made him such a good friend."

More tears followed, yet Kazuya was unsure how to respond.

"Did you know Langeth?" Kazuya asked, hoping to understand how she was related to his friend.

The question led Kazuya to reflect. How had he become so close to Langeth in such a short time? He hardly knew the guy, yet they felt so familiar together. When did that change occur? Was it when Langeth took him in? Or when he tried to shield him from Pierre, displaying parental protectiveness? Perhaps it was when Langeth had risked his own life to save Kazuya. Whatever the catalyst, Langeth had become a father figure, filling a void in Kazuya's life.

"I'm just a fragment of his struggles," the woman added.

Kazuya chose not to delve further, shifting his attention to 7156, who provided an explanation for his presence.

"I promised to ensure your survival," 7156 stated.

What he didn't mention was the oddity of the mission he received. In hindsight, 7156 found it odd that the mission solely focused on Kazuya's survival, not mentioning Langeth at all. It was as if Langeth didn't expect to survive the encounter.

This realization stemmed from the distinction between missions issued by EverRealm and those originating from the inhabitants. While EverRealm acted as the messenger, the missions given by individuals were influenced by their goals and beliefs.

In a way, this mission subtly communicated a singular truth to 7156: Langeth's thoughts were centered solely on Kazuya's survival during that critical moment, disregarding his own.

"What a loyal friend you had," 7156 remarked with a sigh before walking away.

[Ding. You have completed the faction event: Save the Damsel 2.]

[You have gained 10,000 coins and 1 stat point.]



Back at the church, an uncanny phenomenon began to unfold. All the shredded organ remnants and blood initiated a slow, deliberate movement, gradually converging toward a single point. They sludged along the ground, gathering around a lifeless body—Pierre's body.

The pieces reassembled themselves and found their original positions. Minutes passed as flesh regenerated, wounds stitched, and a morbid puzzle of tissue and tendon took shape.

Strips of flesh intertwined and drew muscles taut. The heart reconstituted and resumed its rhythm, flooding the body with life. Then Pierre went through another transformation. Flesh and fat shriveled, revealing the contours of the human skeleton wrapped tightly by skin. An emaciated Pierre opened his eyes and struggled to rise. Then he limped toward the front of the church where the pedestal was.


Reaching the pedestal, he toppled it sideways, revealing a concealed safe. With practiced precision, he entered a series of numbers, and the safe clicked open to reveal a bag of raw steak. He tore into the muscle with his teeth, consuming it ravenously. The sunken skin beneath his eyes showed a slight improvement, yet his overall appearance remained that of a starved figure, a skeletal frame clad in paper-thin flesh.

Pierre disregarded the state of his body and reached for a hidden phone. Then he dialed a number and waited for the person to pick up. When the call connected, he spoke first.

"The plan has succeeded. Kazuya now craves power."

"Thank you. You've done me a great favor," a crisp female voice responded from the other end.

"My pleasure. Now to each our own." Pierre replied before ending the call.

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