The Final Desperation

20 – Increased Difficulty


Health: 3681/5100

Energy: 259/80

Con: 11

Str: 11

Dex: 9

Int: 4

Spc: 4


 - Mini-boss physique: +2000 Health

 - Named: 2x health and energy (This effect has priority)

 - Transform: Change the body into a combat form

 - Medium regeneration: Convert stamina into healing


Genji examined the fluctuating values of this chubby mutant's health and energy. This had to be one of the weirdest profiles he had seen. Let's start with the energy stat, which had far exceeded its maximum by multiple times. The total energy count even surpassed Genji's full capacity by approximately twice, despite his extraordinary stats.

Then there was the Named skill. The note about priority was a concept Genji encountered for the first time. Although he wasn't sure of its implications, he could speculate that it had something to do with the mutant's incredible health value. Instead of merely doubling the health derived from his stats, it doubled both his usual health and the added health as a mini-boss.

Though Kazuya's physical attributes didn't seem to match up, his survivability might rival that of the Troll of Grief he had barely defeated.

"This isn't going to be pleasant," Genji thought to himself as he turned to flee. At this moment, becoming entangled with such a mutant could significantly hamper his reputation grinding speed. Moreover, engaging in combat amidst all these bodies could lead to him being surrounded.

Even though Genji was formidable considering his stats, he preferred not to deal with something so risky. He had already slain a boss in this world and obtained a decent drop. His rating was assured, making it unnecessary to take such a risk at this time.

It would be more efficient to maximize his faction mission for greater rewards during world settlement. Yet as much as Genji wished to avoid confrontation, Kazuya had a different plan. Seeing Genji retreat, Kazuya recognized that the attacker was alone. Hence, he chose to chase him, confident that he could engage in battle after creating some distance.

"Since you're so insistent, let's find a secluded spot to settle this."

Genji wasn't one to shy away from a challenge. He'd given his opponent a chance to withdraw, but that didn't imply fear of Kazuya. He simply found battling a tanky opponent cumbersome, as it drained his stamina—stamina he'd prefer to spend on more kills.

Genji scanned the surroundings and led the teenager away from any bystanders. Once he confirmed they were alone, he tightened his grip on the hilt of [Muramasa] and turned to face Kazuya.

Seeing Genji halt, Kazuya too stopped at a distance. His tails had fully regenerated by now, leaving him remarkably composed. Genji crouched down, drawing his sword to intercept three of the approaching tails. With a twist of his body, he evaded the last tail's strike.

Shifting to a two-handed grip, Genji brought down his blade on the final tail, severing it anew. Feeling the pain, Kazuya swiftly withdrew his tails. Genji seized the opportunity, closing in on the vacated space. Sensing the impending danger, Kazuya activated a transformation he had neglected—the blade arms.


Kazuya thwarted the incoming strike, forming an X in front of his chest. Genji infused energy into his leg, delivering a forceful kick to Kazuya. The impact left a deep gash, propelling Kazuya backward. This cut was a novel application of Genji's energy manipulation.

Since shadow energy was naturally inclined towards cutting, Genji pondered the outcome of infusing this property into blunt attacks. The result was an unconventional blend of blunt force and cutting effect. Odd as it seemed, Genji embraced the innovation, believing that inflicting additional cuts was always advantageous.

Kazuya ricocheted off a stone pillar and his wounds started regenerating, though it struggled to match the pace of the battle. Landing gracefully on his feet, Kazuya deflected another attack. This time, he employed just one arm, freeing the other to stab. Leaning in, Genji leaped up, utilizing the blade contact as a pivot to deliver another sharp kick to Kazuya's chest.

Being pressed against a pillar, Kazuya remained steadfast in his position. Genji somersaulted backward and landed on his feet. Then in a fluid motion, he swung to cleave another tail. However, this time, the cut was more superficial. Genji detected the slight tail adjustment before the strike.

"He's improving."

Evading to the side, Genji executed an upward slash against a tail approaching from his right. Darting forward, he executed a cartwheel to evade yet another strike. Unconcerned by pebbles striking his back, he swung backward without looking.

Vaulting over a low strike, Genji lunged for Kazuya's head once more. Kazuya blocked, then attempted a thrust, leaning on his bloody tails for support.

A dark glint flashed in Genji's eyes as he channeled a substantial amount of energy into his blade. Based on their prior interactions, Genji realized he shouldn't grant the mutant distance. To secure victory, he needed to close the gap between them. Otherwise, the chance to close in might not arise again. [Muramasa] sharpened and glided through Kazuya's arm blade.

*Puchi slash*

Genji lunged with a stab toward Kazuya's abdomen, following it up with a diagonal cut across Kazuya's torso. Swiftly retracting his left hand, Genji struck Kazuya's head with the bottom of his fist.

Kazuya momentarily blanked out from the impact but quickly regained his senses. However, that split-second loss proved fatal. Before he could react, Genji plunged [Muramasa] into Kazuya's heart and cleaved right. A bone-chilling agony coursed through his being as Genji severed Kazuya's arms. Genji then rolled to evade the sluggish tail attacks.

Not receiving a killing prompt, Genji sprang to his feet and swung again, aiming for Kazuya's neck.

"Is this how it ends for me?" Kazuya asked himself as Genji's blade came out the other side of the neck. "No! I refuse to accept it!"

Suddenly his arms shot up, supporting his sagging neck. His eyes turned crimson as a tremendous amount of energy was consumed. In an instant, an ultra-rapid regeneration commenced. His flesh strained to reconnect the severed nerves between the divided parts.

Then Kazuya's teeth sharpened into fangs, and fur sprouted across his face. His features morphed, forming a snout as his razor-sharp arm blades reverted to hands. Unlike his normal hands, however, the fingertips elongated forward and curved downward, assuming a clawed form.

The rock pillar behind him cracked as a fifth tail emerged. With one hand clutching his neck, the new tail propelled Kazuya into the distance. Witnessing this transformation, Genji was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. This was the first time beheading someone had failed to kill.



Health: 843/5200

Energy: 76/80

Con: 11 -> 12

Str: 11 -> 12

Dex: 9 ->11

Int: 4

Spc: 4


 - Mini-boss physique: +2000 Health

 - Named: 2x health and energy (This effect takes precedence)

 - Transform: Change the body into a combat form

 - High-speed-regeneration: Convert stamina into healing


The shift in the mutant's stats left Genji acutely aware of the newfound danger. Mid-battle, the mutant had garnered an immense boost, accompanied by an upgraded healing ability. Genji noticed the energy drain as Kazuya's health replenished at a staggering pace.

Kazuya landed on his feet and abruptly fled, causing Genji's eyes to narrow with resolve.

"I can't let him escape. Otherwise, my remaining survival time will become hell."

Genji's mind raced, searching for a way to close the gap with the retreating figure.

"It's going to be tough, but I have to try."

Dagger Arts: Threading the Needle

Though he wasn't wielding a dagger, Genji sought to apply the technique's movements to his situation. It was rough, but it sufficed. Genji materialized behind Kazuya and severed his neck with a swift motion. To prevent any miraculous recovery, he kicked the decapitated head aside. And to further ensure nothing unforeseen occurred, Genji extended the motion and cleaved the head into two.

*Huff huff*

Exhaling laboriously through gritted teeth, Genji dropped to one knee.

[You have slain the Child of Fate of this world, Kazuya]

[Your maximum energy has increased by 6. This increase bypasses all resistances you have accumulated through energy absorption in this world.]

[You have obtained Injection of Fate]

[Injection of Fate]

Rating: Epic

Type: Consumable

Effect: Upon consumption, gain a full recovery and +2 to all attributes for 10 minutes


 [As you have killed the Child of Fate, you have disrupted the intended story progression.]

[Warning: This action will lead to devastating consequences for this world.]

[Mission difficulty has been severely increased.]

[You have triggered the response mechanism: Pursuit of the Red Kitsune]

Description: You have slain the mate of the Red Kitsune, greatly enraging her. She will now relentlessly pursue you until your demise

[Warning: The Red Kitsune is a boss-level creature. May you survive, Nightmare Enigma.]

As these prompts appeared, Genji found himself unsure of how to react. What were the odds? To think he had killed someone so important. As for the consequences of his actions, he didn't care. Given the chance to turn back time, he would still make the same choice. Sparing someone who aimed to kill him was simply stupid.

Besides, the rewards for slaying that mutant were significant enough to make the risk worthwhile. A complete recovery was nothing to scoff at. No matter how dire his circumstances turned, Genji possessed a trump card that could flip the situation in his favor.

At worst, he would trade his life to kill the Red Kitsune, or whatever she is. He refused to believe she could withstand a decapitation if he chose to take such drastic measures.

In a sense, he'd be exchanging one drop for another. While this trade might be cumbersome, Genji was confident he'd survive. After all, he'd already confronted and vanquished a boss. Can it be worse than that?

Genji tucked this thought away, directing his focus to his immediate state. At present, he was significantly drained of energy and stamina. An ambush in his current condition might force him to waste the reward he'd just obtained. To avoid this, Genji lifted himself from the ground and ventured into the darkness to tend to his wounds.



Genji got up from his position and began wandering the underground area. Occasionally, he would jump out and behead a few weaker mutants before retreating. As for the stronger ones, Genji avoided them like the plague. His body was exhausted from the previous battle, so encountering any of them would be troublesome. In fact, the best move right now would be to retreat and remove himself from this raid.

However, Genji was unwilling to let such an opportunity go to waste. He stuck around, killing the mobs instead of fighting the stronger mutants. He used hit-and-run tactics, occasionally utilizing his pistols for ranged damage. He also meddled in group battles whenever he came across them.

Whenever a group battle occurred, he waited for the opportune moment to assassinate some unprepared souls before disappearing back into the darkness. This not only earned him reputation points but also reduced the casualties on CEC, causing his reputation to grow.

To the mutants, he's a feared being they must constantly guard against. If they relax for even a single moment, this assassin could appear and reap his harvest. It's as if the grim reaper is hovering over their heads, waiting for their time to come.

As for CEC's side, Genji gained a reputation of hope and surprise. It seemed no one could track this mysterious agent, yet he always emerged during desperate moments. By eliminating squad leaders and causing chaos in the backlines, he turned the tide of battle in their favor.

The time for the final battle approached. The remaining Dark Forces assembled for a last stand, realizing separation was no longer an option. Seeing this, CEC agents also gathered, recognizing that dividing now would result in unnecessary losses.

Genji decided to retreat and call it a day. The main reason was that fishing in troubled waters during a frontal battle would be challenging. He had done his part, leaving the rest to the agents. Assassinating leaders wasn't even a consideration. It was difficult and not worth the effort.

*Step step*

Genji walked out of the building and took a deep breath. The fresh air was a relief after being in that stuffy place for so long.

"Why are you here? Aren't we still fighting?"

Someone noticed him. Genji looked over but ignored the person.

"Hey! I'm talking to you."

Genji walked past him and sat down in one of the vehicles. He pulled out a mint candy and popped it into his mouth.

The man fumed at this display of disobedience. No one had dared to treat him like this since he attained this position.

"State your name! I swear, I'll demote your ass for desertion and insubordination when we get back!"

Finally getting tired of the pestering, Genji stood up and drew his sword to rest on the man's neck.

"Will you now?" He asked in a questioning tone.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Lower your sword!" The man started panicking as he felt the breeze caressing his vulnerable neck.

"No, I don't think I will. So, why don't you tell me what you're going to do?"

Sweat slid down the man's forehead. This person didn't seem to be the type to hesitate. He was pretty sure one wrong response might cost him his head.

"I believe there's a misunderstanding," he said, trying to stabilize the situation.

"Is there?" Genji asked in the same questioning tone.

"Yeah. I shouldn't have been so inconsiderate. You've fought hard tonight, and you deserve rest."

Genji finally lowered his sword at the man's surrender.

"See? That wasn't so hard. If only everyone can cooperate so well."

"This is a good negotiation technique. Maybe I should use this more often," Genji thought to himself, "It makes life so much easier than having to navigate relationships."

Feeling the blade leave his skin, the man stumbled away from the psychopath who dared to threaten his superior.

'Just wait. This isn't over,' he thought as ideas for vengeance surged through his mind.

"Oh, yeah." But Genji's words caused him to instantly disregard them.

'What does he want now? Is he going to kill me anyway? No, that would be absurd. We're in plain sight. He'd have to be crazy to attempt that.'

Trepidation coursed through his heart as Genji approached him.

"Do you have any food and drinks? I haven't eaten in a while."

"Of course. There's some stored in the cabinet over there."

The man let out a sigh of relief when he realized the mental patient wasn't going to try anything else. It was scary dealing with someone who disregards the consequences of his actions. Seeing Genji rummage through the snack compartment, the man quickly found a place to hide.

'This guy's a total demon!'



An hour later, agents emerged from the underground area. Many were wounded, with makeshift bandages. Some were slightly injured, while others needed stretchers. It was a grim sight.

The agents slowly walked over, settling their equipment. Genji opened his eyes, preparing to return to his truck to continue recovering.

"Hey, isn't that Reaper?" Genji heard someone yell loudly as he walked.

"Yeah, I think you're right."

Then Genji found himself surrounded by agents.

"What's going on?"

"I recognize that cloak and sword anywhere. Reaper-sama, thank you for saving me."

"You were so cool back there."

"Reaper? Who's that?" Genji was very confused at this point.

"Oh yeah, that's just the name we gave you. We never got your agent name."

When the man saw the enthusiasm everyone had towards Genji, he realized he should give up on his revenge. Genji was intimidating enough alone; now, with everyone's admiration, taking action would only provoke these high-ranked agents.

The man put this thought aside and went to meet the commander.

"I assume the operation was a huge success?"

The commander, however, had an unpleasant expression.


"Then why do you look so upset?"

"Because I didn't find any of the higher-ups of the organization."

The man jumped to his feet.

"How is that possible? The area was underground. There's no way down except for the one we took, right?"

"That's what our intelligence said, but I suspect they had a secret passageway."

"Damn it! These people are slipperier than we expected. To think they are ruthless enough to sacrifice so many people to cover their escape."

"Yes. It's very troublesome. This operation was meant to wipe out the Dark Forces. Now we have a huge problem as they can strike back anytime. For now, clean up this place and see if we can find this secret passage."


The commander left to reassure the agents and bring them back to the warehouse for transportation to their cities. With the operation over, they needed to return and address any troublesome corruptors that might arise. Leaving a city undefended without strong agents like this was a risk they only took due to the magnitude of the Dark Force's threat.

When Genji returned to his city, he received a promotion to rank 6 agent for his campaign in Cavean town. It was a shock to all the scouts to learn that this forbidden place had been eradicated.

How did this agent achieve this feat? Did he have any teammates? If not, can they invite him to their team? These questions went through their heads as Genji accepted the promotion. Then he returned to his hotel to rest as it's been a long day.

Time passed, and night fell again. As Genji meditated, he received a prompt.

[The Red Kitsune has locked onto your location. She will now approach you.]

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