The Final Desperation

32 – Sea Battle

As the boat prepared to leave the shores, the guards who had stopped Genji's group received a few wanted posters. On these posters, an accurate depiction of the group was shown.

"Dammit. We've been duped!"

They realized that the people in the posters were the same individuals they had allowed aboard the ship. One of the guards rushed to the watchtower to sound the bells, while the others hastened toward the ship to delay its departure.

Seeing the commotion below him, Genji smiled and reached for his weapon. Then he arched back his spear and aimed it at the approaching guards. Upon entering his range, Genji released the spear, impaling an unfortunate target through the eyes and causing the rest to scatter.

When they regained their composure, they looked up to see Genji waving at them mockingly. They clenched their teeth, but there was nothing they could do but keep going.

"Lend me one of those, won't you?"

Genji approached his teammates and took a sword. Then he proceeded to the captain's cabin and kicked open the door.

"Who are you!?"

The sailors became alarmed at the sudden intrusion, but Genji didn't answer their question. He rested the sword on his shoulder and walked toward the most important-looking person.

"What are you doing?"

The person grew tense at the approaching threat. Genji answered by placing his sword at the captain's neck.

"This is a takeover. You either set sail right now, or I'll lop your head off."

Genji slowly turned to face the other people in the room, taking careful consideration to keep the blade on the hostage.

"And don't try anything funny. One wrong move, and I start killing. So what do you say, captain?"

Sweat dripped down the side of his face as he slowly raised his hands.

"Do what he says. Set sail."

As he was talking, his hands moved toward the insides of his coat, but Genji stopped him by pressing the blade harder.

"What did I say about sudden movements?"

The captain froze when he realized his attempt had been revealed. Genji reached into the captain's coat and pulled out a flintlock pistol. He placed the muzzle against the captain's head and lowered his sword.

"Well? Are you people going to do it, or should I start blasting?"

After that, the people in the room scurried to fulfill Genji's instructions. When he heard the flapping of the sail in the wind and the movement of the ship, Genji lowered his gun.

"See? That wasn't so hard."

Then he walked out to join his wide-eyed teammates who had witnessed the entire encounter.

"Why did you do that?" River Stream asked, a feeling of unease in his stomach. Genji looked at his face and understood what was on his mind.

"You're too naive. It was the most efficient method."

"But still. You could have talked to them-"

"Then what? Risk getting stopped by those stupid guards? Wake up. This is a life-or-death situation. If I hadn't done what I did, we might have been stuck on land and chased down by those guards. Even if we could kill a bunch of them, we would still have perished under their siege. Get it together! We need to do whatever is necessary if we want to survive in the realm. I am not taking any chances here."

"But how can you threaten someone so casually?" River Stream protested.


"Look here. If you're going to question everything I do, let me get something straight. The contract I signed consists of me removing all threats to you. All threats. Do you understand? And I will do whatever I can to fulfill that side of the bargain. Even if I have to leave behind the other teammates in the party."

River Stream was taken aback by those cruel words, but a small part of him was relieved at the reliability of this vicious teammate of his.

"Now now. I'm sure Enigma was just doing what he thinks is best," Logan said, stepping in to defuse the situation.

"I understand." River Stream accepted the situation and stopped fighting it.

"But there's something I don't understand," someone chimed in, "You said something about a different contract?"

"Hmm. I guess you all signed a protection contract."

"Yes. So what makes you any different?"

"Well, I bargained for something that fits my specialty instead of something I suck at."

"Which is?"

"My specialty or my deficiency?"

"Your specialty."

"Killing," Genji said nonchalantly, causing a few teammates to step back. There's something about the way he said it that unnerved them. He was way too casual about it like he was talking about the weather rather than murder.

"What? You've never killed?" Genji asked, seeing their grim expressions.

"Yes, but those were more in times of necessity."

"And that's what differentiates you from the strong. You see 7156 over there? He didn't even flinch when I said that."

They turned to see that 7156 was still as stoic as ever.

"Amateurs." Genji shook his head and walked off.



*BOOOOM Booooom splash splash*

Genji looked to the source and saw two navy ships approaching them. They had fired two warning shots to get their attention. Eager to get a better visual, Genji climbed up the crow's nest.

"Hey! What are-"

Genji didn't have time to listen to his nonsense, so he resolved it the way he knew how: by holding his gun to the guy's head. Genji took the telescope and looked at the people on the boats. The person was making some motions that Genji interpreted as "drop anchor and wait."

"You think I'm just going to do what you say?"

Genji climbed back down and kicked open the captain's office again. He pointed the gun at them and started talking.

"You know the deal. I want you to order the crew to ignore the two ships. And bring out the cannons. I refuse to believe you don't have any cannons."

A helpless expression appeared on the captain's face as he relayed the orders.

"Come with me. I will need your help soon," Genji called out to his teammates who were standing by.

Together, the group walked down to the hidden cannons with the captain. A series of makeshift trapdoors covered the side of the ship, concealing the cannons. The group hurried to set up the artillery as Genji gave them a rundown of how to operate them. Genji then placed a cannonball into the barrel and adjusted the angle.

"Shoot and reload. If the shot hits, report it and specify where. If it misses, shout out how far it missed."

Although confused by his instructions, the group followed his words as Genji had proven to be a reliable teammate. Genji then moved to another cannon and adjusted it differently from the first.

*Boom splash*

The first shot missed as he finished setting up the second cannon.

"About 30 meters."

"Angle it up 6 degrees and shoot again."

Genji used this information to set up a better angle for the next shot. Seeing this, the group understood what Genji was doing. He was trying to get used to the trajectory of these ancient weapons of war.

*Boom splash*

The two ships returned fire but also missed. Genji ignored everything and continued his adjustments. Soon, a cannonball found its mark.

"Hit, side of the boat."

Genji looked out and saw a big hole in the middle of the ship.

"Angle it slightly to the right and fire rapidly. No need to report to me after."

Genji then adjusted the other cannons according to that information. Soon, all the cannons began tearing holes into the wooden navy ship across from them. Genji then walked to the other side and aimed the cannons at the second ship.

"This should be close."

He signaled to the people on this side to start.

"Miss, too high. It went over."

"I know. Did it get close to the sails or the mast?"

Hearing this, the group became speechless. Why was he trying to hit that part?


"Then aim higher and at the sail."

Genji continued to perfect the trajectory until it finally showed results.

"BOOOM crunch."

After taking many hits from cannonballs, the tall mast finally broke, snapping and smashing the side of the deck. Then it slipped off and sunk into the ocean.

"Success. Now let's go at full speed."

Genji once again threatened the captain, and soon, they left the broken ships behind. As for the passengers who expressed concern about the situation, Genji "calmed" them with his trusty sword and pistol. Everyone was very civil and understanding about what had happened, so they managed to get along well. If only people in real life were as reasonable as this crew.

[Current mission has been completed.]

[Storage restriction has been lifted.]

[Next mission link has been obtained.]

[All who have failed the first mission have been executed.]

After 24 hours, the realm gave them the expected notifications for their escape. Genji quickly equipped his equipment and checked the team page. On it, about 2/3 of the names had become dark, an obvious indication of what had happened. Genji found the others and discussed the next part.

"Find and obtain the Jewel of Nereid."

"Jewel of Nereid? What's that?"

"I don't know. I guess figuring that out is part of the challenge."

Genji had a thoughtful look as he read the simple mission.

"What are you thinking about, Enigma?"

"Since we don't know, why can't we just ask EverRealm?" Genji asked the question on his mind.

"Ask? Why would you consider that? EverRealm is a callous existence that doesn't care about us. It would be a miracle if it listens to us."

"Really? Because I just got a response."


"What did it say?"

"The jewel is the heart of the sea in the form of a pearl."

"I guess that's something to work on."

As the group was talking, they noticed Logan becoming depressed.

"So what's wrong with him?"

"Don't know. Maybe he has sudden mood shifts."

"Wouldn't be the first person I saw break down."

"Shut up. That's not the reason," Logan clarified to prevent himself from earning a reputation.

"Then what is?"

"I just remembered a saying common in EverRealm."

"Which is?"

"EverRealm treats its Champions like its own child; the enforcers like an adopted child; explorers like a disposable tool; and servants worse than dogs. I think I finally understand that statement."

"Nah, it can't be that bad, right?"

"I wish, but that demonstration more than proved my point. How often does EverRealm tell you things? Never. It just throws these missions at us, and we do it. Everything else is stuff we have to figure out on our own."

Hearing this explanation, Genji realized why EverRealm seems to answer his inquiries whenever he asks. So it's not because EverRealm is friendly to newbies, but because of his rank. This guarantee was assuring as he could use this perk to make his life more convenient instead of worrying about it disappearing.



The crew was peacefully sailing along the waters when the booming of cannon fire sounded from outside. Genji got up from his meditation and ran up the stairs. When he stepped on the deck, he saw a bunch of passengers running around in panic. The captain was shouting orders at the sailors and trying to calm everyone. It was a chaotic scene.

"What's going on?" Genji demanded from the captain.

"Pirates!" The captain pointed at the ship in the distance.

"They shot the cannonball from over there?"


Something didn't add up for Genji. He knew how far a normal cannon could shoot, but that distance was beyond normal. In fact, even in modern times, he would struggle to find a cannon with that range.

"That shouldn't be possible. Gunpowder doesn't shoot that far."

"They're not normal pirates. They are cursed. I've heard rumors of how cursed pirates can accomplish superhuman feats, but I never thought I would come across them."

Hearing this term, Genji thought back to the world introduction and understood the main power system in this world.

"We don't have many options. I'm going to set up the cannons."

Genji ran down with a few sailors and waited for the pirates to approach. From what he could see, the ship was moving at an uncanny speed. Another feature to note about this cursed system. When the ship got into range, Genji ordered the people to fire, but most of the projectiles missed the speedy boat. As for the few that landed by sheer luck, they bounced off and plopped into the sea below.

"Seems like that's not going to work."

Genji took over one cannon and personally aimed for the vulnerable spots in the ship. As his projectile hit the rudder at the front of the ship, Genji realized that normal cannon fire barely made a dent in that ship.

Although the materials appeared to be the same as the previous ships, there was a protective membrane surrounding the entire structure. It was this blackish film that seemed to repel the cannonballs shot from the ship.

Left with no choice, Genji racked his brains for another option.


A huge impact came from the other side as everyone got flung against the wall. The floor of the ship tilted as the cannons flew toward them. Genji pushed off the floor to dodge the heavy conglomerations of metal, but the others weren't so lucky. Blood splattered as a few sailors got crushed beneath the unsecured weapons. There was even one person who got his leg stuck under a few boxes of cannonballs. 

As the ship started to stabilize and tilt back to equilibrium, Genji ran back up, ignoring the injured sailors. The impact on the ship could only mean one thing: the pirates were trying to board the ship. It wouldn't make sense otherwise; if they sought to sink them, they could just fire from a distance.

Since that was the case, it meant Genji had a chance to enter close combat. He refused to believe the pirates were as durable as the ship. And even if they were, so what? He had his shadow energy and a legendary weapon. If that wasn't enough to cut them, he would have to reevaluate the danger of this world.

Genji pulled out [Jaguar] and slashed a pirate. Seeing this giant green saber coming at him, the pirate drew his sword and put it above his head, which he supported with both hands.


A huge downward force hit the pirate's arms as he struggled to fend off the heavy strike. Genji raised his leg and kicked the knee, causing a snapping sound. While the pirate was falling, he brought his saber up slightly before cleaving down through the chest. Genji then ran past the dying pirate and toward the opposing ship.

At this moment, trying to defend against an onslaught of superhumans was a recipe for disaster. It would be more efficient to threaten their ship and force them to retreat. Genji cut down another pirate as he tried to sneak attack him, kicking the body into the waters. Then he approached the connecting point that consisted of ropes with hooks.

He jumped over the railing of his ship and onto the other one. As soon as he stepped foot on the ship, he felt a chill run up his feet. Something about the ship felt sinister, yet this feeling did not trigger any danger warnings. Genji ignored the chill and rushed toward the pirates aboard. Seeing him close in, the pirates were very surprised. It's not often that someone would dare board their ship during a raid.

But this surprise didn't slow their reactions. The group of criminals grabbed their swords and charged at him.


Genji disappeared from their sight and appeared behind them. A red line formed on their necks as the group froze. Then a breeze blew against them, causing their heads to topple over.

[You have gained 8 points of max energy.]

Seeing this sight, the eyes of the other pirates widened. Genji looked over and took a step forward.


The strongest of the group parried his attack as Genji appeared in front of him.


Health: 1900/1900

Energy: 30/30

Con: 18

Str: 18

Dex: 15

Int: 3

Spc: 0


 - Elite: +1000 health

 - Sword Mastery (Experienced)

 - Quick Strike: Attack with 150% speed


Genji's palms tingled from the collision, but he disregarded it and sent out another attack.


Another parry. Unlike the opponents in the previous world, Khan is decently skilled with his sword. Although he was only an elite, he was comparable to the bosses Genji fought in his previous world stat-wise. Deciding that it was not worth getting tangled up with him, Genji flashed away and appeared on the other side of the boat.

He cut down many of the weaker pirates before Khan caught up with him. Hearing the sound of air being cut, Genji tilted his body awkwardly and fell down. To Khan, it seemed like he had lost his balance when he took a wrong step.

"Heh, amateur. Can't even get your footwork right. The only thing you have going for you is your speed. Without it, you are nothing."

Yet Genji was not as inexperienced as Khan thought. Before he could fall on his side, Genji reached down with his left hand and caught himself. Then he kicked off the floor and burst forward. During his movement, he swept his saber at the pirate's legs. Surprised at the sudden attack, Khan jumped up, but not before receiving a deep cut.


Genji pulled out the flintlock pistol from his pocket and shot at Khan's dominant arm. Flustered at this, Khan moved his sword in front of the bullet. Using this chance, Genji pushed off his arm and hopped onto his feet. Then he raised his saber and channeled a decent amount of energy.

When [Jaguar] came down on Khan's sword, it cleaved right through and bisected him. Genji swung his saber one more time to clean the blood before strapping it onto his back. Then he walked back to the merchant ship.

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