The Final Desperation

8 – World Settlement

Genji was floating in the void again. The same void as before. Emptiness. Pure nothingness.

"What happened," he wondered to himself.

"I could have sworn I died."

[It has been detected the slayer is in critical condition.]

[Initializing emergency treatment.]

His entire body started glowing and the familiar itchiness overwhelmed him. The only difference was that this time was far more intense than before. He squirmed and scratched himself, forming many bloody marks, only for that to start shining as well. 

Minutes later, his wounds stopped shining. He had been completely healed, but that kind of torture was something he never wanted to experience again.

"What exactly happened? There's no way the realm was kind enough to save me on the verge of death."

And Genji's correct on that. To explain what had happened, we would have to go back to his final stand.


That was the time left on the mission when he fell. For context, EverRealm doesn't teleport people back once the mission is completed. It teleports people once the time or condition is met.

And 30 seconds was not enough for him to completely lose all signs of life. By this miraculous coincidence, Genji was teleported back to the EverRealm before he died. And once he got back, his vitality is locked in place so he stopped bleeding out. After a few minutes, Genji recovered enough to see the system prompts. The following is what he missed during this period:

[It has been detected that the trial taker has passed the test.]

[Notification suppression has been released.]

[Generating world settlement report]

Notification suppression? What's that? Did it have anything to do with the fact he had to do everything by himself? As he was waiting for the reports to be generated, Genji figured he might as well look through the notifications that were suppressed.

[You have entered the domain of the Koho lord.]

That was the town.

[You have met rebel Maria.]

[You have met helper Tenjiro.]

[You have met secret npc Masamune. Please pick wisely.]

[You have slain the Koho lord. Triggering response mechanism: Invasion of two lords.]

[You have started a war between the Fu and Su lords. Casualties have been exceeded. Triggering response mechanism: Emperor's decree.]

[You have slain the Su lord. Triggering response mechanism: Cautious Fu lord.]

[You have entered the capital city: Guware.]

[You have slain the emperor. Triggering response mechanism: Relentless attack of the guards.]

[You have attacked the guards a second time. Triggering response mechanism: Bring the intruder down at all costs!]

Response mechanisms. A mechanism that triggers when the explorers do something extreme and outside of the expected progression sequence the realm had planned. This often spikes the world's difficulty and forces the explorer to bear the consequences of their actions. 

Genji was speechless when he read the explanation. How come there were so many response mechanisms? It's not like he did something crazy. He only killed a few people. Ok, maybe a little more than a few. Just a little bit more...


Settlement: Trial World


  1. Kill the Koho lord
  2. Start a war between the Fu and Su lords
  3. Protect the domain from harm
  4. Kill the Su lord
  5. Travel to the capital
  6. Entered the Emperor's palace
  7. Kill the Emperor
  8. Survive the onslaught of the guards
  9. Massacre half the guards in the manor
  10. Collapsing the structure of the Empire
  11. Indirectly started a world war that caused millions of deaths

Rating: Unknown. New calculations need to be made.

Stats points awarded: 18

Ever coins rewarded: 13500 (This is after deducting the cost of healing)

Other rewards are being calculated...



[The slayer tag has been removed. For completing the trial, you have been granted the rank of Explorer.]

[For triggering one response mechanism, your rank has been upgraded to Champion.]

[Calculating rewards.]


[Many achievements uncalculated.]

[Reevaluating ranks.]

[Reevaluation finished.]

[Champion rank is deemed insignificant for your accomplishments.]

[Creating new rank.]

[You have been given the rank of Nightmare!]

[For the sake of secrecy, you will appear as a Champion to everyone else.]

[Please review the privileges of each rank.]

In the EverRealm, there are many ranks. From lowest to highest, they are:

Slayer: This is a temporary rank given to anyone who manages to kill a member of the EverRealm. They will plunder the invitation card of the slain member and join the realm. Whatever rank is on the card is what the slayer needs to achieve in the trial world.

Servant: These are half members of the realm. These are people who have failed too many missions and have been demoted. Killing people of this rank does not grant a slayer rank or invitation card. These are the people who work in the realm to make it more lively. Because of their weak strength, they are sent on missions on a lower frequency than the other members.

Explorer: Anyone who passes the initial trial is granted this rank. Their achievements are not that noticeable so they are the foot soldiers of the realm.

Enforcer: As the name suggests, these uphold the rules of the Realm. These are people who have demonstrated high combat powers in the trial world.

Champion: The highest rank in the realm. These are people who have demonstrated feats of a one-man army in the trial world. Every one of them is a powerhouse among those of the same level. They are the valued members of the realm. Very few of them exist, but all of them are unrivaled in strength. This is also the only rank where killing them provides severe repercussions to the slayer, but very few have been killed in history.

Nightmare: A terror to everyone that meets them. A custom rank for you. Achievable only because of his last feat of causing a world war. The criteria are now set as causing lots of death. May no one achieve this rank again.

Genji read over the descriptions of each rank and the perks each rank provides.

For the Explorer rank, he gets access to Insight, a skill that gives basic information about a target.

For the Enforcer rank, he gets access to a bigger spatial storage for his items. This is available only in the worlds EverRealm sends them to. They can not use the storage in reality.

For the Champion rank, he is allowed to use his spatial storage in reality and conversion to legacy equipment. The first is a huge perk to ensure their survival. That explains why the target was able to pull weapons out of nowhere. And to think he managed to kill someone like that. As for the second one, Genji has no idea what it means.

[Notoraization finished. You have a total of three pieces of equipment from the trial. Please review.]

Genji pulled up the tab and saw a long katana in a wooden sheath and his two daggers. He clicked on the icon of his right dagger. The icon disappeared and an item started materializing in front of him.

[Sharp dagger]

Rating: rare

Damage: 9

Durability: 2/100

Prerequisites: none

Description: A good dagger that had been through a hard battle.


Genji then clicked on the other dagger.

[Sharp dagger]

Rating: rare

Damage: 8

Durability: 9/100

Prerequisites: none

Description: A dagger that's in better condition than its twin.


And finally, the long katana.


Rating: epic

Damage: 23

Durability: 125/125

Prerequisites: 8 str, 8 con

Note: When clearing the trial world, everyone is guaranteed a piece of equipment that symbolized their accomplishments.


  1. Bloodthirsty (passive): The more blood this sword spills, the sharper it gets.
  2. Cursed(Active): +2 str until canceled and a random cursed status effect.

Description: A cursed sword that symbolizes the death of an emperor. Anyone that tries to wield it without enough power will be eroded by its curse.


"What is conversion to legacy equipment?" Genji decided to ask about this part.

[This perk allows you to convert a static piece of equipment into one that will grow with you after every world. This type of equipment is called legacy equipment.]

Genji considered the implications of this. Doesn't that mean he will never have to worry about that equipment? It's like forming a partner for life. Then Genji debated if he should use this perk or save it for later. That's pretty easy. Of course, use it now. Although he can get better equipment later, he needs to survive until then.

With how difficult the trial world was, he doubts the official worlds would be any easier. Granted, he did make his life difficult on his own, but he got lots of rewards for it. Genji doesn't plan on becoming mediocre now that he's got a head start. Now as for which weapon to convert, Genji is undecided on that.

It's a tough choice. Should he switch to the katana because it's stronger? But if he does that, all his hard work with his daggers will be wasted. But if he doesn't pick the katana, is he going to pick one of his daggers? What's the point of only converting one of them? The two of them are designed to work together. Only then, can he unleash the most power.

No matter how he picks, it seems wrong. If only...

"Realm. Can I convert both my daggers as a set?"

The realm didn't answer him. A few seconds passed. Just as Genji was starting to lose hope, the realm replied.

[After much deliberation, the answer is yes. But doing so will split the power between the two, causing them to not be strengthened during the conversion. This will also cause the growth of the equipment to be slower in the future.]

Genji pondered the implications behind this and asked one more question.

"How is the growth determined?"

[The growth of the equipment is affected by your accomplishments in the world.]

Genji considered this point and disregarded the problem. So what if his daggers grow slower? Can't he just make up for that with higher ratings? He's already decided to do everything he can to get stronger so why hesitate?

"Very well. Convert my daggers."

The two daggers floated up and started shining in a blue light. It was a beautiful ocean blue that calms the heart. Just watching this light made Genji feel peaceful inside. After a few minutes, the light faded and two repaired daggers drifted down to his palms.

[Please give your legacies a name. They will be your partners for a long time.]

Genji smiled. He has the perfect name for them.



Rating: rare

Damage: 10

Durability: 120/120

Prerequisites: Bound to you


  1. Growth(passive): After every world, this equipment will grow with you.
  2. Sharpness(passive): +1 sharpness. You can now cut through objects easier.

Description: This is the right half of the set, [Lethal Opportunity].



Rating: rare

Damage: 10

Durability: 120/120

Prerequisites: Bound to you


  1. Growth(passive): After every world, this equipment will grow with you.
  2. Control(passive): +1 control. You can maneuver your weapons better.

Description: This is the left half of the set, [Lethal Opportunity].


Genji looked at this with satisfaction. Although [Lethal Opportunity] is weaker than [Muramasa], it won't be for long. For now, Genji decides that he will use [Muramasa] in the next world if it requires frontal combat. Otherwise, he will use [Lethal Opportunity] for quick kills. A perfect combo for any situation.

[World settlement has finished. Please visit the strengthening hall for your talent awakening and stat points.]

As soon as Genji finished reading that, he realized he was no longer in the void. Instead, he was in a decent size room. The room was a simple one with no decorations, but all the necessary living accommodations. A large bed, a couch, a simple kitchen, and a decent-sized bathroom.

Genji looked around and noticed there was a shop where he could purchase decorations. Genji decided that he would pass on that for now and walked to the door.

[Before entering EverRealm, please pick a nickname.]

"A nickname? I guess it makes sense. Given the nature of this place, it might not be the best idea to reveal one's identity. Very well. From now on, I will be Enigma; an enigma so people will never see the real me."

[Nightmare Enigma. Confirm?]


As soon as he agreed, the door unlocked. Genji stepped out and looked around. How should he describe it? It's like a normal city. Just more spread out. Everything was surprisingly normal for how supernatural everything was. Genji looked around and realized he had no idea where he was.

As he pondered how to navigate this unknown environment, he spotted someone in a tacky outfit walking by. I say tacky because the person's wearing a trenchcoat with a cowboy hat and a blade by his side. If he had a gun, Genji wouldn't have said anything, but it's a fricking giant saber for god's sake.

"Hey, Sir! Do you know where the strengthening hall is?" Genji called out to the person.

The person turned and looked around to make sure Genji was the one that asked the question. After seeing no one else was around, he walked over to him.

"You must be new here."

"I am," Genji nodded.

"That's good. How about I give you a tour of this place?"


Since the person's offering, Genji has no reason to refuse.

Over the next couple minutes, the man showed him the auction house, the commercial area, and finally the strengthening hall. The auction house was for people who have high-value items they want to sell. By using this feature, one can get a larger audience to sell their items to, but at a price. When using the auction, a 5% fee will be incurred when the item is sold. Think of it as publicity costs.

If one doesn't have anything valuable, they can rent out a stall in the commercial area. Anyone that walks by can take a look and make an offer if they're interested. In addition, there are also other shops in the commercial area run by servants. As for the specifics, Genji would have to explore everything by himself. It's a big city after all.

"There you go. That's the strengthening hall." the man pointed at a plain building in the distance.

"Thank you, but can I ask one thing?"

"Go for it."

"Why are you being so kind? Most people I know wouldn't help a stranger like this," Genji's eyes narrowed.

The man grinned at his skepticism.

"Quite a distrustful one, but you're correct. You shouldn't easily trust people in this place. Anyways, when you stay in the realm for a period of time, you will get some missions by the realm."

"Like?" Genji reached for his dagger.

"Calm down. Just know that we are not allowed to harm anyone when we are here. The realm doesn't care when we are in a world, but that's off-limits when we're resting. It's very strict about everyone's safety here."

"So the missions?"

"There's a bunch, but the one I'm on right now is showing the newbies around the place."

'That explains why he was so eager to help me out,' Genji thought to himself.

"Is the reward good?"

"Not really."

"Huh?" Genji was not expecting this answer.

"Don't get me wrong. It's like pocket change. Something that you wouldn't go out of your way to look for, but if it comes to you, you take it. It's like the difference between a few consumables."

"Very well. I will get going then," Genji walked toward the strengthening hall, completing the man's mission.

When he walked in, he saw a lady at the desk.

"Hello there," she greeted him. "Do you need an explanation of the place?"

"I have a general idea, but give me the run down anyway," Genji replied.

"Very well. Although this place is called a strengthening hall, it's more like a mansion. You go to an empty room to use the facilities. When you are in a room, the door will lock automatically and you will have complete privacy."

"So how do I check which rooms are empty? I can't be expected to look around by myself right? Or is that why you're here?"

"I can check which rooms are available, but it would be easier for you to do it yourself. Depending on your rank, the realm provides different privileges. Some rooms have a better environment that is reserved for higher ranked members."

"That makes sense. So how do I check anyway?"

"You know the black invitation card?"


"You can summon it and send your thoughts into it. It will then give you a response. Also, take good care of the card. It's like an identification tag for people. The only times you should lose it should be death or banishment."

Genji was about to ask how he could summon the card, but when it suddenly appeared in his hand. Unlike the previous invitation the card had, this one only has his username: Enigma.

'That solves that problem.'

"Out of curiosity, how much is the pay for working as a clerk?"

The girl shot him a questioning look since most people never bothered about this. It felt strange for someone to care about such details, but she answered nevertheless. "3000 per month."

"Is that a lot?" Genji realized, that again, he had no idea what the value of a currency was.

"Let me put it this way. That's the minimum people will get for clearing a mission. And we're not including item sales."

It didn't sound that good to Genji, especially when he got 13,000 on his first world. Furthermore, it only took him about 2 weeks to do so. That was when he realized something. "You're a servant?"

"Yes," the lady admitted. 

"You don't seem that upset about it?"

She smiled at him. "Of course not. We servants only need to go into a world every 3 months instead of the insane frequency you members have. Think about it. Every time I enter, there's a chance of death. So it's a good thing to take it slow. The only problem is that our income is very low so we have to do some side missions or offer our services some other way."

Something about the statement feels off to Genji. Why does she hate entering worlds when he can't wait for it? It's such an interesting adventure. Seeing a new world and everything it has to offer. And the thrill of fighting a strong opponent. It's not something any fighter can give up.

"Did you not get invited as a fighter?"

"Nope. The realm recruits talents in all fields. And I just happen to be one of them. I didn't enter this place hoping to risk my life or do those crazy missions."

"Makes sense. I'm Enigma." Genji reached out his hand.

"Cupcake84, you can call me Cake," she took his hand and shook it.

Genji rose his brows at this very RPG-like name. 'To each their own, I guess.'

"Well then Cake, I will go to do my thing now. Take care." Genji waved and followed the directions provided by his card.

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