The Flip Side

Chapter 03: Oh Wow!

Chapter 06 is available for Patreons

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As I walk into the kitchen, Mom asks, “Who was at the door?”

Irritated even more, I puff out my cheeks and then tell her, “Hmph! That idiot Chris! What makes him think apologizing now is going to do him any good?”

She smiles gently at me. “Honey, you’re a gorgeous girl. You’ll probably have a lot of guys that never paid you any attention in the past do so now.”

Laughing harshly, I reply, “Maybe so, but that doesn’t mean that I’ll simply brush aside everything. They’ve ignored me and treated me like I don’t exist for a long, long time now. That’s not something all that easy to forgive and forget.”

She hands me my bowl of ice cream and we sit at the table to eat it. “Andrea, you have to take some of the responsibility for that too. You’ve always been so standoffish with them. You never returned their attempts to reach out to you to become friends, preferring instead to read and watch anime.” She chuckles at my flabbergasted expression. “What? You think I don’t know how you are? I’ve always paid attention to my child.”

My expression softens into a smile. “I know you have, Mom. I suppose you’re right that I’m culpable for at least part of this.” Sighing, I continue, “I guess I need to at least try to give them a chance.” Petulantly, I say, “Even so, that’s not going to be all that easy for me.”

She reaches across the table to lay her hand on mine. “That’s all that I can ask you to do, as long as you make an honest attempt to do so. Honey, all you need to do is smile and talk to them. The rest will come naturally from that.”

I nod agreeably. “I’ll do that when I go back to school tomorrow.”

She shakes her head and says, “Sorry, I withdrew you this morning, remember? I’ll have to make a call to tell them you won’t be withdrawing, but rather, you won’t be coming back for a few days. Not only that, but I’ll be taking you to see our gynecologist as well.”

Sighing inside, I think, ‘Great even more time spent alone until this is all done.’

When she sees my expression, she continues, “No need to make that face Andrea. It shouldn’t take long for all of this. Think of it this way, the delay will give you a little more time to get comfortable with yourself. You have a car now, so until you can go back to school, why don’t you go out and do something rather than sit in the house?”

Smiling brightly, I ask, “It’s really okay?”

“Of course it is, but be careful Andrea. You’re a very lovely girl now and there are some… Uh, shall we say, very pushy men out there, so try not to go anywhere that one of them might be able to trap you alone.”

I nod and reply, “Yes, I know. Chris might well be one of them. Okay, I promise I’ll be careful. There are a couple of movies I’ve been wanting to go see and sitting alone in the house isn’t all that appealing. Umm… Mom, will you help me pick out an outfit for tomorrow?”

“I’d be happy to help,” she says with a smile.

I shake my head and grin at her. “It’s not just help. Until I get a better grasp on fashion I’ll need you to coordinate my outfits for me. I’d rather not put together something that looks horrible and embarrass myself.”

“Like I said, I’d be happy to, Andrea. Why don’t you go soak in a nice hot bath? I’m sure today has been rather stressful for you. Don’t forget to add some of my bubble bath. It’ll help keep your skin soft and silky.” She takes my bowl and stands.

I call out to her, “Mom?”

Turning back to me, she asks, “Hmm?”

“Thank you for everything today. I’m fairly sure I’d still be freaking out over this if not for you.”

She smiles at me and says. “That’s what Moms are for. Now go take a bath.”

I might ought to tell you a little about our house. It’s a split level four bedroom, four and a half bathroom house that Dad and Mom had built when she found out she was pregnant with me. The design is a bit out of the ordinary since it’s set up as four master bedrooms with their own large bathrooms and huge walk-in closets. The four full bathrooms all have large garden tubs and walk-in showers. Upstairs it’s three bedrooms, while downstairs has their bedroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, and a mudroom with the washer and dryer in it and a half bath off to the side. It’s a big house at a little over 4500 square feet.

“Alright,” I say as I stand. Heading upstairs to my bathroom, I stop by our supply closet, pick up some bubble bath and Mom’s shampoo and conditioner. I start the bath filling while I undress. Once I have, I add some bubble bath to the water, which immediately fills the room with a soft lavender scent. Turning around I search the drawer until I find a large hair clip, wind my hair up and clip it in place. After it’s filled, I shut off the water, and slip into the hot water with a comfortable sigh.

A few minutes later, I begin to gently wash myself with my hands. I've not really done anything to get dirty or sweaty today, so this should be enough. Running my hands along my calves, up to my thighs and stop when a finger accidentally slips through the folds down there and suddenly I feel a strange, albeit rather pleasant sensation. Eris said I should explore my body, but I think I'll leave that particular line of inquiry for another time.

I actually haven’t masturbated much as a guy either. The idea of wrapping my hands around my pecker and jerking off was never all that appealing to me. I’m not saying I didn't have any urges, nor am I saying I never did. After all, I'm a healthy teenage boy, uh, girl.

As I continue washing, I realize just how soft and silky my skin is. I smile as I discover that all the minor scars I had are gone leaving me unblemished.

That done, I lean back, close my eyes and relax to allow the hot water to work it's magic while thinking, ‘Maybe, just maybe, this won't be as bad as I think.’

"Hello Andrea."

Startled, I gasp as my eyes fly open. Peeved that she's here while I'm bathing, I look down to make sure I’m covered by the bubbles, then look back to her and growl out, “What are you doing in here?”

Smiling gently, Eris says, “Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I’m just checking up on you.”

Frowning, I reply, “Don't you think this could have waited until after my bath?”

Still smiling, she shakes her head. “Andrea, I designed that body of yours, so you needn’t hide or be embarrassed. Regardless, how are you settling in?”

I think, ‘She makes it sound like I changed rooms or something rather than my gender.’ Sighing, I reply, “I’m okay I suppose. I appreciate the database, innate knowledge, or whatever you want to call it. It’s made today a lot easier on me.”

She nods at me. “Good, I'm glad. So, did you give any further thought to any changes you want made to you?”

“I did. Honestly, you made me look exactly like I’ve always imagined the perfect girl, so I don’t have any physical changes that I’d want.”

Grinning, she says, “I thought you’d say that, but you never know. Alright, I’ll leave you to your bath and make sure not to disturb you in the bathroom again.”

“Thank you, I appreciate the courtesy. I may be a boy, but this is a girl's body.”

She smiles wryly and says, “Do you really still believe that?”

I’m more than a little confused since what she said could be taken several ways. “What do you mean?”

She grins at me and replies, “Think about it and we’ll talk more next time. Things aren’t always what they appear to be.” She pauses while looking at me with a serious expression. "Andrea, I truly did this to help you, not hurt you. There’s a good reason you had problems and it’s never been that you didn’t understand girls. You’ve simply never been willing to admit it. I can’t say as I blame you with the way your father thinks. Like I said, we’ll talk more next time, just think about what’s been said, okay?” I nod. “Good. I’ll see you before too long.” She waves and disappears.

Why do they always have to be so cryptic? It’s always the same in anime and light novels. It’d be a lot better, and faster, if they simply laid all the cards on the table. I wonder what she meant by saying, ‘It’s never been because I didn’t understand girls?’ ‘Whatever, I’ll worry about that later,’ I think as I settle back in and close my eyes.

Several minutes later someone knocks on the door and Mom says, “Andrea, I’m coming in.”

Sitting up, I look at the door to see Mom come in and start undressing. I ask, “What do you think you’re doing?”

She grins at me as she says, “I’ve always wanted to do this so I’m going to take a bath with my daughter.” Sighing, I scoot forward and she gets in behind me. After she sits down, she pulls me back against her. I settle into a comfortable position as she tells me, “I told them at work today that I won’t be able to work as late as I normally have. I’ll be coming home by six every night.”


She kisses my cheek, rests her head against mine and says, “Because I want to get to know my daughter. I missed your first sixteen years, so I want to spend more time with you.”

“Mom, you realize I’m a girl in name only, right? I still think like a boy.”

“That’s one of the reasons I want to spend more time with you. Anyway, how long do you think you can continue to believe you’re a boy when you look like this?”

I shrug slightly. “I dunno. I may look like a girl, but I sure don’t feel like one.”

She hugs me a little tighter as she says, “I’m sure you’ll be surprised at how quickly things will change. You don’t have any choice since Eris already told you she wouldn’t change you back. Besides, I think if you give it a chance you’ll find there are a lot of advantages to being a girl. Especially a beautiful one like you.” I “Mmm” noncommittally and she chuckles. “Do you want to wear a dress or a skirt tomorrow?”

You might remember all we bought me today were skirts and dresses and I didn’t complain once. There’s a good reason for this. We belong to a Southern Baptist church and women aren’t allowed to wear jeans or slacks. It’s outdated in my opinion, and they are also the reason I was freaking out about Dad knowing about my change. My Dad has the same attitude as the church when it comes to LGBTQ+ communities. Mom is more open minded. Suffice it to say, I’m so glad I didn’t have to deal with that. I have no idea what Eris really thinks about this, but unless she comes down and forces them to change their mind about it, it’ll never change.

Absentmindedly, I reply, “Hmm… I don’t really care, so surprise me.”

“Alright, but if I do, you’ll wear what I pick out for you without complaint, okay?”

I nod and say, “Okay.”

“Honey, you need to care about this. How you present yourself to the world is how they will take you. First impressions are very important.”

“Alright, I’ll make an effort.”

I can hear the smile in her voice as she says, “That’s my girl.” She hugs me for a moment. “Alright, I’m getting out now so I can pick out your outfit for tomorrow.”

I sit up and turn to look at her. “Hang on and I’ll help.”

We get out, dry off and wrap towels around ourselves since neither of us brought anything to wear. Mom unclips my hair and as she brushes it out, tells me, “You’ll have to do this every night to keep your hair soft and silky.”

“Then I’ll do it.”

Once she finishes, we head into my closet and delve through my outfits. I pull down a spaghetti strap black one-piece and ask, “Mom, how about this?”

She looks at it and smiles. “That will do nicely. It’ll really show off your fair skin, which reminds me, with your fair skin you’ll need to use sunscreen everyday or you’ll burn.” Kneeling down, she opens a drawer, pulls out a black strapless bra and panties. Closing it, she opens the drawer below it and pulls out some sheer, nude stockings. After closing it, she looks over my shoes we bought for me and asks, “What color shoes would you prefer to go with that?”


She shakes her head slightly. “Too bland. Choose something to give some contrast to what you have there.”

I look over what I have and say, “How about my green heels then?”

“Which ones? The t-strap or ankle strap?”

I look at her blankly and say, “Huh?”

She picks up two pairs of heels and shows them to me. Holding up the ones in her left hand, she says, “These are called t-strap. See how the straps make a ‘T’?” I nod. “Okay, that’s why they are called that.” She holds up the ones in her right hand. “These are ankle strap heels. See where the strap is at?” I nod again. “It will go around your ankle, so that’s why they are called that. There are other types too and I’ll teach you about them, assuming your database doesn’t tell you. So, which do you want?”

“Ankle strap, please.”

“Good choice, but both would have worked well with your dress.”

Leaving my closet, she walks over to the wall hooks by my desk, hangs the dress on it, sets my shoes below it and lays everything else on my desk.

Turning to look at me again, she says, “Andrea, practice walking in your heels before you leave the house tomorrow. These have a three inch heel.” I nod and she hugs me. “Good night,baby girl. Sleep well.”

“Good night, Mom.”

When she leaves my room and shuts the door behind her, I flop onto my bed and get right back up when I remember I’m wearing a wet towel. Taking it off, I drop it to the floor, flop back onto my bed with a sigh and think, ‘It’s going to take a lot of work to get used to the new me.’ I roll over onto my side and my arm brushes across my nipple, which sends a pleasant sensation surging through me, I think, ‘Wow, those are sensitive!’

Sliding my hand up to my nipple, I gently brush across it and my database kicks in telling me what I should do. Squeezing and rolling my nipple between my fingers, I feel a warm surge of pleasure course through me causing me to take a sudden breath. ‘Oh man, that feels awesome,’ I think as I continue rolling my nipple between my fingers to get more of those sensations.

Stopping, I trail my fingers along my body, loving the feel of this on my overly sensitive skin while thinking, ‘This is wild, how does this feel so good? Is this normal for a girl?’

Sliding my right hand further down to lightly stroke along my inner thighs, for the moment, avoiding the area I desperately want to explore. The sensations my light strokes are eliciting from my inner thighs are intoxicating and I couldn’t stop now even if I wanted to.

My patience finally breaks and I slide the tip of one finger gently across the lips of my vagina, triggering delicious surges up into my stomach. It’s all I can do not to plunge my fingers inside myself, and give in to what my body is demanding.

My fingers slip between my folds and I gently, yet eagerly, explore. I find areas down there that makes me gasp and whimper even as my body screams at me, ‘Yes! There! More!’ I gently stroke those spots to find out the best way to increase the firestorm building within me.

I found it just then. No, it’s not the entrance to my vagina, that’s an obvious spot. After a few wandering moments, I found my clitoris. I think I found it briefly when I was bathing. Who knew it was this sensitive?! I find that gently stroking it sends enormous tides of pleasure surging up my spine and up into my stomach.

It didn’t take very long for the warmth to turn into a flame and then soon after into a full blown inferno. The sensations threaten to overwhelm me with every stroke of my finger. The clincher that brings me to the cusp is when my other hand once more finds my nipple.

As my orgasm takes me, I’m cast adrift into a sea of warmth and ecstasy. I struggle to even breathe properly, as every muscle in my body quivers in delight and I grab my quilt, balling it up in my tiny hands. I have no idea how long this goes on, but I’m a spasming, euphoric mess.

Giggling happily, I feel absolutely incredible as the echoes of my orgasm reverberate through me. It isn’t just the pleasure of the orgasm itself that makes me so happy, it’s the realization that I had just masturbated as a woman and it felt so much better than I ever had when I jerked off as a guy. There’s none of the awful sense of self loathing and loss afterwards. Instead, I’m giggling and smiling while basking in the afterglow of the pleasure I had given myself.

Rolling over, I pick up the towel I had discarded earlier and wipe myself off. Not even bothering to dress in a nightgown, I roll into my quilt and happily drift off to sleep.

As always, a huge thank you to all of my Patreons, but especially:

AcPz, Duvet, & eeleater

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