The Flip Side

Chapter 16: Supercon (Again)

Chapter 22 is available for Patreons

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Sorry, I've been away for a family funeral and then we had a get together afterward since it had been a long time. Finally back though, and I'll get back to writing after I get some rest. 

[Thursday, Apr 11th]

The alarm wakes us at 6:00 and we make out for a while. I wish things had gone like they did in my dream and she woke me up at 5:00 to make love, but whatever, I’m just happy we’re back together.

A little while later, we get up to shower, dress and eat. After we clean up, Mom styles our hair for both of us.

Once we arrive at school, I park and we walk toward the entrance. Mia spots us and waves at us. Mia and several of the other cheerleaders come up to us. Mia asks, “Good morning. How are you today?”

Alla and I tell her, “Good morning.” Then I say, “I’m awesome, yourself?”

Mia chuckles and says, “I’m great. By the way, even though we held practice yesterday, we’ll still have practice this afternoon.”

I nod and say, “No problem. I’ll be there.”

The rest of the morning is business as usual. After we eat lunch and head out to our usual benches to talk and get some fresh air, John Bailey walks up to me.

He asks, “Andrea, can I talk to you for a few minutes.”

I look up at him and frown. Sighing, I tell him, “We have nothing to talk about, but I suppose you’ll keep bothering me until I hear you out.”

He looks at the other girls and asks, “Can we talk alone?”

I shake my head. “I’m not going anywhere with you, so if you want to talk, then talk.”

He sighs and says, “I don’t know who told you I have a girlfriend, but I don’t.”

I look at him incredulously and state, “Look John, I saw your expression when I said you had a girlfriend. You don’t react like that unless you’ve been caught. Do you want me to ask around and find out what school she attends and go talk to her?” His dismayed expression gives me my answer. “John, there are a lot of things I can tolerate, but lies and liars will never be amongst them. So, I think we’re done here. Goodbye, John.” He frowns, but thankfully, he leaves. I blow out my breath and look at Alla. “I’ll never understand why some boys do things like that.”

She says, “I suppose they think that we’re stupid because we’re cheerleaders.”

I shrug and say, “Whatever. Hopefully, he’ll leave me alone.”

The rest of the day goes by without further incident. As our last class ends, Alla and I gather our things and walk down to the locker room. Once we change clothes, we head out into the gym. Mia doesn’t have me perform any tumbles, jumps or stunts, we spend two hours running back through the routines and then works with me on the ones I don’t know.

Unfortunately, after practice all Alla and I are able to do is make out a little before I have to go home to make dinner. Although, she invites me to spend the night with her on Saturday since her mom will be gone overnight. I tell her that I’ll ask my mom about it, kiss her goodbye and head home.

[Friday, Apr 12th]

The alarm wakes me at 6:00. After showering, I brush out and blow dry my hair. I then put on a sports bra, sheer, glossy nude pantyhose, dress in my cheer uniform, dance shorts and put on my white sports shoes. Then I take a few moments to check myself over in the mirror.

In case you’re curious, our cheer uniform is a spandex black skirt with wide white stripes that circle the skirt at the bottom, black dance shorts underneath and a spandex black, sleeveless crop top. Our school name and mascot is in white on the top. Personally, I think it’s cute as hell and I look great in it. Of course, if my dad ever saw me in it, he’d probably have an utter meltdown and demand that I quit cheerleading.

Heading downstairs, I walk into the dining room and start breakfast for the two of us. As I’m cooking, Mom comes in and gushes, “Andie, you’re so cute in that!”

I look over my shoulder, smile at her and say, “Thank you. I think I am as well, but if Dad ever saw me in this he’d have a fit.”

She frowns and says, “You’re right, he would, so we won’t tell him about it.”

I nod and say, “By the way, Alla asked me if I wanted to spend the night on Saturday after the Supercon.”

“Andie, you know we have church on Sunday.”

I nod again as I fix our plates and set them on the table. “I know, I’ll be back by 7:30.”

“Alright. You can spend the night with her, just be sure to be back when you said.” She pauses and looks at me affectionately. “Andie, I’m so proud of you. I know this has been hard on you, but you’ve handled it much better than I thought you would. You have no idea how happy it makes me that you’ve opened up and made friends.”

I grin at her and reply, “Thanks Mom. Since I went back to school, I’ve really enjoyed myself. It's wonderful having friends and I love being a cheerleader.” We finish eating, clean up and then Mom styles my hair for me. I give her a hug, kiss her cheek, and tell her, “I love you. I’ll see you late this evening.”

She tells me, “I love you too. I’ll see you later,” and grins at me, which makes me think she’s up to something.

Picking up my purse and bookbag, I head out to pick up Alla. Once I arrive, I ring the doorbell and Nadia answers the door. She tells me, “Alla’s in her room getting dressed, so go on up.”

“Thank you.” I head up to her room, knock, go in and shut the door behind me. Walking over to her, I slip my arms around her and give her a long, deep kiss. Pulling back, I say, “Good morning, gorgeous.”

She smiles at me and replies, “Good morning to you as well. I want another one of those.”

I lean back in and kiss her for a few minutes, savoring the feel of her soft lips against mine. When I finally pull back, I tell her, “Damn, you’re so cute in that.”

She kisses my cheek. “Thanks, so are you.

I let her go and sit on the bed as she puts on her shoes. “Oh, Mom said I could spend the night on Saturday, but I have to be home by 7:30 Sunday morning.”

“Great! I’m looking forward to Saturday night now.”

I smile. “Me too.”

Once she has her shoes on, she comes over to me. “Don’t even bother to bring a nightgown with you.”

I giggle and tell her, “I wasn’t planning on it.”

She smiles at me. “Smart girl… Okay, come on, let’s get going.”

We make our way out to my car and head off for school. Once we arrive, we gather our bags and walk toward the entrance.

Partway there, Mia sees us, waves and comes over to us. Smiling sunnily, she says, “Good morning!”

We reply, “Good morning.”

I’m not even going to bother telling you about my day at school since nothing of any real interest happens. After school, Alla and I go get something to eat and then head back to my house. We go up to my room and turn on some anime. We snuggle in bed and occasionally make out while watching. At 5:45, we head back down and drive to school. Once we park, we make our way to the field house to meet everyone else.

As we enter the field house, we are met with a chorus of, “Hi.”

Alla and I reply, “Hi.”

Mia leads us through some stretching exercises until 6:45. Then we make our way to the field and see the players of both teams are warming up on the field. When Daniel sees me, he smiles and waves. I give him a small smile and wave back.

I noticed Mom enter the stands shortly before the game started. Now I know what she was grinning about when she said she would see me later. I’ll skip the overall details of the game. Suffice it to say, we lost by two runs, but I had a lot of fun cheering for them and the fans seemed to love our tumbling, jumps and stunts we perform. I have to admit, I was nervous at first, but I never had a problem remembering our routines.

After the game, I take Alla home, and after kissing her goodnight in the car, I head back home too.

[Saturday, Apr 13th]

The alarm wakes me up at 6:30. After showering, I brush out and blow dry my hair. I then dress in a halter top, skirt, stockings and high heel sandals. I grab my school shoes to wear with the costume, my purse, phone and keys, and I head downstairs to eat. I make myself a breakfast of sausage and eggs. I eat, clean everything up, pick up my purse and overnight bag, and head out to my car.

On the drive over to Alla’s, I decide to follow the script from my dream. Hey, why not? It turned out so well then.

I ring the doorbell and she answers while still half asleep. I don’t say a word and take her in my arms and kiss her. It takes her a few moments to return my kiss. I pull back a few moments later and smile at her and say, “Good morning.”

“Good morning. What time is it?”

“About 7:30.”

“Umm… What are you doing here so early?”

“I’m hungry and I want to eat before the Supercon.”

She sighs and says, “Come on in, but you know I can’t cook.”

After she closes the door, I ask, “Who said anything about cooking?”

She looks at me with a confused expression and asks, “What do you want to eat then?”

Grinning like the Cheshire Cat, I take her in my arms again and kiss her. A few minutes later I break it, nuzzle her cheek and murmur, “You.”

She leans back to look at me and smiles. Taking my hand, she wordlessly leads me upstairs. After undressing, I make sure we take our time to slowly and steadily arouse each other. When she brings me to orgasm, everything whites out for several minutes.

Once I have myself back under control, I roll over on top of her and kiss her. Then I move down to her breasts to suckle and nibble on one while I tease the other. Continuing my way down her luscious body, I kiss and lick my way along her abdomen. Wasting little time when I reach her vagina, I plunge my tongue inside her to find she’s sopping wet, which I eagerly lap up while massaging her clit. She gasps loudly and arches her back while squirming and moaning loudly until she finally cries out as she orgasms, gasps and shudders as it rampages through her.

When I climb back up and cuddle on top of her, I kiss her again and then nuzzle against her neck as the echoes of her orgasm continue to thrum through her.

Once she settles down, she murmurs, “You sure know how to wake a girl up the right way,” which makes me giggle.

I raise up and look at her. “It’s all your fault.”

She quirks an eyebrow at me and asks, “How so?”

I grin playfully at her and say, “If you weren’t so damn sexy we wouldn’t have this problem. I can’t help myself when I look at you.”

She laughs, hugs me tightly to her and gives me a kiss. After glancing at the clock, she says, “Come on, let’s shower and get dressed. I’d like to be there when they open.”

Now, I’m sure you remember that last time we made love again. I’ll let it go this time around because there were other things we wanted to do and never got a chance to since we got a late start.

We get up and head into the bathroom to shower. Once the water is warm enough, we step inside. She picks up her razor, which I take it away from her with a grin. Picking up the shaving cream, I lather her legs and crotch, then I carefully shave her, much to her delight. We wash each other, our hair and dry off. Then we blow dry and brush out each other’s hair. After dressing, we put in our contacts and put on our chokers, check ourselves over in the mirror, make a couple of minor adjustments and gather our things to head out to my car.

On the ride there, she holds my hand as we talk about what we’re going to do at the Supercon. She has several panel discussions she wants us to see and there are several performances as well. She said she’d like for us to try to get several autographs from some of the celebrities that are attending and last, but certainly not least, for us to take part in the amateur cosplay contest.

After we park my car, we have a good distance to walk to the entrance since I always park in the back of parking lots. I glance at my phone to see we still have ten minutes until they open the doors.

Well, I’ll skip all the details and give you the highlights-only version of our many hours at Supercon. We sit through three discussion panels. One of them was animators discussing possible upcoming anime productions, which we thoroughly enjoy. This time we watched four performances instead of two. One of them was the Love Live! cosplay group performance. I have to say, their choreography shows just how hard they worked on this. After that, we entered an amateur cosplay contest and we again place third, winning $500.

We also got several autographs: Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, Jonathan Frakes, J. Michael Straczynski and my absolute favorite one, Joss Whedon. Happily, we were able to get more autographs than we did in my dream.

Joss Whedon told us that the cast of Firefly will be at the Megacon in Orlando in May. Alla and I exchanged a knowing look, so as you can guess, we will be attending.

We walked around looking at tons of exhibits as well. During all of that, we were stopped innumerable times by people asking to take our picture.

Again, I have no idea how many guys, and a few girls, asked us for our numbers, but it was quite a few. Truthfully, by 7:00 we were both tired and made our way out to my car. On the way home, we stopped and got cheeseburgers and fries. After we eat, we head back to her house and make love until late into the night.

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