The Flip Side

Chapter 18: Can Things Get Any Worse?

Chapter 24 is available for Patreons

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Settling back against my pillows, I wait for Alla to arrive. A few minutes later, the doctor comes in and says, “Hi Ms. Williams. The nurse said you’re hurting?” I nod slightly. “On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the least, how bad is it?”

I hoarsely whisper, “An 8.”

“Does your throat hurt too?”

I nod again and Mom says, “Her dad was choking her, in addition to beating her.”

“I assumed as much when I saw the bruises around her neck in the ER… Okay, give me a minute and I’ll get you something to make you more comfortable. I’ll make a notation that they can give it to you when you need it, but try not to take it as much as you can.”

I nod again and he leaves. He comes back a couple of minutes later and injects it in my IV port. He says, “There you go, Ms. Williams. You should feel better in a few minutes. Try to rest as much as possible, you’ve been through a lot in the last 24 hours.” I nod. “Alright, I’ll look in on you later.”

I nod again and he leaves. A few minutes later, I sigh in relief as the pain dies down to something I can tolerate. Turning on the TV, I flip it over to the news and try to find a comfortable position. Suddenly, my stomach cramps and I feel my crotch become damp. Removing my covers, pull up the hem of my gown and look to see my panties are spotted with blood. I think, ‘Wonderful, can things get any worse?’

Blushing furiously and more than a little upset, I look up at Mom and whisper, “Mom?” She looks at me. “I started my period.”

Mom smiles and says, “That’s okay, baby girl. I’ll take care of it. I know this is going to be embarrassing, but bear with me on this.”

She opens her purse and removes a tampon. After taking off my panties, she has me spread my legs and inserts it. Taking my panties to the bathroom, she rinses them out. “Once Alla gets here, I have a few things I need to take care of. When I come back, I’ll bring you some fresh panties and some tampons.”

I nod slightly and whisper, “Thank you, Mom. Can you bring me a nightgown too?” I pull the front of the gown away from me. “This this is rather rough.”

She nods and says, “Of course, baby girl.”

 ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

[Alla’s POV]

I immediately head downstairs and tell Mom, “Mom, I need you to take me to Homestead Hospital.”

She turns around, looking at me quizzically. “Why?”

“Andie’s father beat her yesterday and she’s in the hospital.”

She frowns deeply for a moment and says, “Go finish getting dressed. I’ll call the school to tell them you won’t be there today and then drop you off on my way to work.”

“Thank you so much, Mom.”

She nods and “Mhmm’s,” then I hurriedly make my way up to my room to dress.

[Andie’s POV]

I’m dozing as Alla arrives at 8:00. Mom’s touch wakes me and I look at Alla. Tears fill her eyes as she immediately rushes over to me and hugs me. “My God, Andie! What has he done to you?!”

I hoarsely whisper, “Gently, even with the pain killers, I’m still pretty sore.”

She leans back and gently touches my face and neck while looking at me worriedly.

Mom stands and says, “Alright. Now that Alla’s here with you, I’m going to pick up the protective order, get an attorney to file for divorce and then swing back by the house. I’ll see you soon.”

Alla tells her, “Mariam, I’m not going anywhere, so do what you have to do. By the way, where’s her dad?”

“He’s in jail and will probably remain there.”

Alla emphatically states, “Good! I hope he rots in there!”

I whisper, “Me too.”

“Don’t worry girls. I plan to ask the Mayor to talk to the DA and make sure Michael is held without bail.” She comes over and kisses my forehead. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. I love you, baby girl.”

I pull her to me for a gentle hug and whisper, “I love you too, Mom. Listen, no matter what you think, this isn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known that he’d do this.”

“Thank you.” She looks at Alla. “Alla, take care of my baby girl for me.”

Alla forcefully nods, which makes me smile. “Of course. I’m not going anywhere.”

Once Mom leaves, Alla walks over and closes the door to give us a bit of privacy. She turns around and even though it hurts to do it, I hold my arms open for her. She comes over, sits by me, and gently holds me at my hips as I slip my arms around her neck and whisper, “I’ll be fine. Please, don’t worry.”

Alla murmurs, “How can I not worry? By the looks of it, he tried to kill you.”

I whisper back, “He did a fairly good job at trying. Had Mom not stopped him, he would have. Regardless, I won’t be seeing him again, so don’t worry… Alla?” She leans back to look at me. “Thank you for coming to see me. It means more to me than you know. I’m so sorry that I’ve worried you over this and I know I look horrid, but thank you.”

She reaches up and touches my cheek. “Andie, even now, you’re beautiful and strong. I cried for days after my father did that to me and all you seem to be worried about is me.”

I have no idea why it does, but my heart flutters as I look at her and whisper, “Alla, I care about you, so how could I not worry?”

She simply looks at me startled for a few moments and then smiles. “I care about you too. Do you think I’d be here otherwise?” I shake my head slightly and she leans in to softly kiss me, which I happily return. Thankfully, it’s a rather gentle kiss or I’m quite sure it would have hurt, even with the pain meds.

Alla breaks our kiss and looks at me once more with a smile as tears appear in the corner of her eyes and asks, “Do you want to tell me why he did this to you?”

Sighing, I murmur, “He was already angry that I wasn’t there to greet him when he got home Saturday. He became enraged when I said I spent the night with you and accused me of being a lesbian. I got mad and yelled back at him. He hit me and kept on hitting me. After he knocked me down, he climbed on top of me and yelled, ‘I’ll kill you before I allow my daughter to be a lesbian!’ He continued to hit me until he knocked me out. I really believe he meant to kill me.”

As I tell her what happened, her frown becomes deeper and tears trickle down her cheeks. Reaching up with my right hand, I brush away her tears and she quietly says, “I hope they lock him away and he never sees the outside of a prison again.” She leans down and gently rests her forehead against my own and murmurs, “You really should rest right now, Andie. I’ll be here watching over you, I promise, I’m not going anywhere,” then leans back and gently caresses my cheek. Getting up, she moves over and sits down in the chair.

I smile at her and nod slightly, “Thank you, Alla.” I lean back into the hospital bed, close my eyes and rather quickly drift off to sleep.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

[Alla’s POV]

I watch as Andie falls asleep. Looking over her injuries as she sleeps, I just don’t understand how our fathers can be this way. I mean, aren’t they supposed to love and protect us?

My father always said he loved me, but the second he got upset about anything, he’d hit my mom and me. Until the last incident where he put me in the hospital, he was always careful to never leave a visible mark. He’d apologize the next day and swear it would never happen again, but as you know, it always did.

I think back on how Andie said her father became enraged over him assuming she was a lesbian. He isn’t necessarily wrong, but he can’t possibly know about us. Are we lesbians though? I know we both find boys attractive. Regardless, we just might be, given what’s happened between us, especially Saturday night, but either way, how can us wanting to be together possibly be wrong? We’re not hurting anyone and it’s none of their business.

I shake my head a bit to try to clear away my depressing thoughts and think back to the previous night and the other times Andie and I have spent together. The feelings we have for each other, I hold them close to my heart and cherish them. Honestly, I like Brian, but he’ll never even come close to touching my heart the way Andie can and does. Andie, well, she’s special to me. Smiling to myself, I think, ‘I can’t believe it’s only been a week since I met her.’

Whatever this is, I’ll be here for her in whatever way she needs me. My Mom and I didn’t have someone there for us when my Dad finally took his abuse too far. However, I can and will be here for Andie. I won’t leave her alone and I’ll be damn sure to be here as her support. Reaching up, I gently hold her hand and lay my head on the bed as I watch her sleep.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

I wake up when Mariam touches me. Sitting up, I look up at her and she smiles at me as she brushes my hair out of my face. Quietly moving the other chair next to mine, she says, “I’m glad to see you got her to rest.”

I nod. “She needs it. I still don’t understand why her possibly being a lesbian would make him do this.”

Mariams face hardens and she growls out, “It’s that fucking minister’s fault. He harps on about how anyone who isn’t straight is sick and evil. Michael swallowed it hook, line and sinker. He’s gotten steadily worse and more and more controlling of Andie over the years because of that intolerant asshole.”

Frowning, I reply, “People should just mind their own business and leave others alone.”

“You won’t get an argument out of me there. Honestly, it’s both side’s fault and this won’t end anytime soon. At least, as long as they are trying to force their ideals on everyone else… Alla, listen, I know about you and Andie.” My shocked expression makes her grin and chuckle softly. “I’m not stupid and I know my daughter very well. I don’t care if you two are in a relationship. What I care about is Andie being happy, and you make her very happy. I don’t even remember the last time I saw her like this, so thank you.”

I smile. “You’re welcome, but you needn’t thank me. Andie’s a very special girl. Merely seeing her smile makes me happy. I get this feeling when I’m with her that I don’t get with others. I-I don’t fully understand these feelings myself, nor do I know if we are actually lesbians, but I've been so much happier being with her in this past week than I have in a long time.” I pause as I feel my cheeks flush a bit. “I’m not certain if what I said makes a whole lot of sense, but I really like Andie, a lot.”

She gives me a huge smile and shrugs. “There’s no rush to define what you two are. Friends, sure. Lovers and girlfriends? Well, that’s something you two will have to decide at some point.”

I look at her questioningly and ask, “You really don’t have a problem with us being together?”

She smiles. “No, Alla, I don’t. I told you, all I care about is that Andie’s happy. I haven’t seen her smile as much as she has this last week in a very long time. Meeting you and becoming friends with the other cheerleaders, becoming a cheerleader and those boys asking her out. It all adds up to a happy Andie. She’s been so closed off…”

Andies groan as she opens her eyes cuts off what Mariam was going to say.

Mariam smiles at Andie and says, “Hi baby girl. How are you feeling?”

Grimacing, she replies, “Hurting like hell.”

Mariam glances at her watch and says, “It has been six hours since you had anything for pain.” She reaches over and presses the call button. A few moments later, the nurse comes in and Mariam tells her, “Andie’s hurting a lot. Can you give her something?”

The nurse nods and says, “Sure, give me a moment.” She leaves the room and comes back a couple of minutes later. She injects it into Andie’s IV port. “Give it a minute and she’ll feel more comfortable.”

Miriam tells her, “Thank you. Umm… What was it that you gave her?”

“The doctor ordered 20mg of Demerol every four to six hours. It’s fast acting and lasts for quite a while.”

I ask, “Isn’t that a lot?”

The nurse nods and says, “It’s a fairly heavy dose, but with all of Ms. Williams injuries, she needs it.”

[Andie’s POV]

As they talk, I feel a wave wash over me and the pain lessens considerably. Sighing in relief, I murmur, “Thank you, that’s much better.”

The nurse smiles at me. “You’re welcome. Let me know if you need anything else. Oh, by the way, tomorrow morning they’ll be taking you down for an MRI to see if the bleeding has stopped.” I nod. “Okay, well, dinner should be brought up soon, so relax for a little while.”

“Thanks.” She leaves the room and I look at Mom to ask, “Did you bring my nightgown and panties?”

“Of course. Do you want to change now?”

I try to forcefully say it, but it comes out as a harsh whisper. “Hell yes! This gown is irritating me!”

Mom and Alla chuckle. They help me stand and make my way to the bathroom where I remove the gown. First, we change my tampon while I blush heavily and then Alla slips my panties on me. They remove my gown and help me slip on my nightgown. They help me back to bed to get me settled in. Then Alla pulls my covers up and tucks me in.

Scooting over a little, I pat the bed and she climbs in beside me. I lay my head on her and relax as she holds me.

As always, a huge thank you to all of my Patreons, especially:

AcPz, Andrew Meyers, Britney Fletcher, Christiine Govinden-Loh, Christina Colclazier, ClamyCupcakes, CoffeeCat, eeleater, George Glader, Iori Daemona Angel, Jessica Clark, Johnie Kirk, Ken, kirindas, Kuroko, Lord Lucifer, Ly, Matthew Tiffany, Mika Wayne Rogall, MisoTsu, Necrotyr, Patrick Frake, Phisit Wattanasuk, Rene Gropp, Sean Robbins, Some BS Deity, Spencer Huston, Steven Yao, Suolojavri, Terry Carter, TiwN222, and William Dawson

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