The Flip Side

Chapter 26: Daniel

Chapter 31 is available for Patreons

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Suffice it to say that after dinner, we lock ourselves in my room and make love. Afterward, we shower and then crawl into bed. I doubt it takes me more than a couple of minutes to fall asleep once I cuddle up against her.

[Tuesday, April 30th]

Usual morning routines for school today. Shower, dress, eat and Mom does our hair. Of course, Alla drives us to school as if I should have to tell you that. It’s going to be several more weeks until I get the cast taken off, and I’m definitely looking forward to getting rid of this heavy thing. Not only is it annoying, but I’ve hit myself, and Alla, with the damn thing several times.

On the way to school, I lay my cast on the arm rest and once we’re on the highway, she gently entwines her fingers with the tiny bit of mine that are outside of my cast. At school, Alla parks the car and we are walking into the quad when Daniel walks my way smiling, which makes me grin in turn.

Alla looks back and forth between us, murmurs, “Spend some time with him this morning. I’ll be with everyone else if you need me,” and I watch her as she heads off to the quad where Mia and the rest are talking.

Turning my attention back to Daniel, he tells me, “Good morning, Andrea.”

“Good morning, Daniel, and please, just call me Andie.”

Smiling brightly, he replies, “Then call me Dan. Uh, about last night, I had a lot of fun. I’m really glad you agreed to go on a date with me and I’m really looking forward to it.”

“I am as well, but, umm, about Saturday. Would you mind if we double date with Alla and Brian?”

His smile diminishes a bit and after a short pause, he says, “Why do you want to double date?”

“Honestly?” He nods. “I told you last night that I was a wallflower until recently. That wasn’t a joke. I’ve never really had any friends for a long time now and I for sure have never been on a date, so I’m more than a little nervous about this. I want to go out with you, please, don’t even think that I don’t, but this is a little scary for me.” I pause, look down, bite my lip for a moment, then look up at him through my eyelashes and lay my hand on his arm as I almost plead, “Dan, please, do this for me.”

He sighs. “What can I say after that? I really wanted it to be just us, so we can learn more about each other. If you’re that nervous though, sure, we can double date.”

Smiling happily, I lightly squeeze his arm as I reply, “Thank you, Dan. You know, even with Alla and Brian there we can still learn more about each other.”

He grins as he tells me, “I can already tell that you are going to wrap me around your little finger.”

I giggle and then say, “Oh? Is that a bad thing? Am I not worth giving into on a few small things?”

He chuckles and nods. “I’d have to say yes, but for some reason, I don’t think it’s going to be just a few things.”

I shrug and grin mischievously at him. “Well, I am a little obstinate, so you might just be right. Look, Dan, I’m going to be perfectly honest here. After what my father has put me through over the years, I’ll never let another man control me like that again. So, if that’s a problem, you probably shouldn’t go on a date with me.”

“Andie, I’d never try to control you, alright? I like you, so why would I do something that I know would make you unhappy?”

“Dan, you barely know me, so how can you say you like me with such certainty?”

“Okay, let me rephrase that, I like what I know of you. I know that you’re smart, kind, sweet, athletic and you love anime, manga and light novels.” He shrugs again. “The rest of it will come with time. Assuming you give me the time, that is.”

Sighing, I say, “I never said that I wouldn’t. I was just giving you fair warning. I finally have friends and I’m enjoying myself for the first time in I don’t know how long. Dan, listen, I like what I’ve seen of you so far. I love that you protected me without a thought when Chris hurt me. You’re very charming and that doesn’t hurt either, but even if we start dating and I become your girlfriend, you aren’t ever going to dominate my time, although you’ll have a claim to a lot of it. I guess what I’m saying is don’t push me too much, I’ve been through a lot.”

He gives me a small smile. “Andie, don’t worry, I’ve waited this long to get a chance to go on a date with you, so I’m more than willing to be a little more patient. I believe you’re worth the wait.”

Which, of course, makes my heart flutter again. Grinning at him, I release his arm and lightly punch him in the arm as I tell him, “There you go again, you smooth talker you.”

He looks at me with a serious expression as he says, “Andie, that’s not a line or anything. I meant every word of it.” Unfortunately, the warning bell chooses this moment to ring. “Damn it! I wish we had more time. How about you give me your school bag and I’ll walk you to class?” Smiling, I hand him my bag, and think, ‘I could get used to being treated like this.’ Once he takes my bag, he offers me his hand and I take it. Hand in hand he walks me to class. Along the way, he asks, “Andie, would you have lunch with me?”

“Sorry, the cheer squad always eats together.”

He has a disappointed expression when he says, “I knew you guys ate together and hung out afterward, but I didn’t know it was required.”

I shake my head. “It’s not required, but it’s something we do and something I look forward to everyday. I like hanging out with my friends during lunch. It’s not as if you don’t do the same thing, right?”

He nods. “Yes, I do, but I never had a reason to do anything else. Honestly, I’d much rather spend the time with you,” which again makes my heart flutter.

Once we arrive at my classroom, he walks me inside while everyone stares at us. He sets my bag beside my desk and tells me, “I’ll see you later.”

“Bye Dan.” I sit down as he leaves and pull out the things I need for class.

Alla leans over and asks, “How did it go?”

I shrug and say, “It was fine. We talked a bit, I asked him if we could double date on Saturday, which he agreed to, he asked me to have lunch with him and I turned him down. I enjoy hanging out with everyone then.”

The rest of our day is fairly typical, except after the final bell rings for the day Dan shows up at my classroom, takes my bag from me and we talk as he walks us to cheer practice. He watches as we run through the routines. Since my cast throws off my balance, the most basic ones are the only ones I can do. Once we’re cleaned up and dressed again, he walks us to the car.

Along the way, he says, “I never realized how hard you guys work to cheer for us.”

I turn to look at him and reply, ”We’re just as much athletes as you guys are. In some ways, more so.”

“How do you mean more so?”

“Come on, Dan. How many of you guys think you could do the gymnastics we do during our routines? A lot goes into that. Spatial orientation, strength and stamina are part of it. In our jumps and throws, you have to be able to judge not only distance, but speed as well or someone could get seriously hurt.”

“Oh, I can see that. I just never thought about it until now.” He reaches over and gently touches my cast. “How long until you get this off?”

“A few more weeks, but even then, I’ll have to build back up the strength in my arm before I can do more than basic cheers.”

Once we reach the car, he opens my door for me and I get in. He reaches across me to buckle me in and says, “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

Smiling, I tell him, “Thank you, but I’m not completely helpless. I can buckle myself in, you know?”

He grins at me and says, “Maybe I just enjoy doing things for you.”

“Dan, are you trying to spoil me?”

He chuckles. “In my opinion, you deserve some spoiling.”

Reaching up, I pull him toward me, lightly brush his cheek with my lips and tell him, “I think I’d like that. See you tomorrow morning.”

He nods and closes the door for me. As Alla pulls out, we wave to each other.

Alla asks, “You look happy. You really like him, don’t you?”

“Mhmm. I do.”

“At least he’s treating you right, so far, so I’m not going to complain.”

“Thank you, but don’t worry. We’re BFwB’s and always will be, remember?”

She glances at me and grins. “You think I could or would ever forget something like that?”

I giggle, smile and tell her, “No, I’m just reminding you, that’s all. Hey, why don’t you invite your mom to have dinner with us?”

“Okay. I’m sure she’d enjoy that.”

Once we get home, Alla calls her mom and she agrees to come over for dinner. It’s enough to say, we had a great time during dinner. Once she left, Alla and I complete our homework, she undresses us and we make love for a while, which I have to say is absolutely phenomenal. Afterward, we clean up and then go to bed.

I might ought to mention, Chris has, so far anyway, not said a word to me and has stayed away. I never asked him to do that, just to never touch me again, but I guess this might be his way to make sure. Although it’s more likely due to the fact that Dan punched him for hurting me and Dan has been with me almost constantly since it happened.

As always, a huge thank you to all of my Patreons, especially:

Issue Master

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