The Flip Side

Chapter 28: Date (Part 2)

Chapter 33 is available for Patreons

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Oh, I forgot to say, Brian is coming over to my house and we’ll be taking his truck on the date since he has a crew cab truck. Dan and I have sports cars and it would make it a bit cramped in back if we took one of them.

Back at home, Alla and I start getting ready at 6:00 because Brian and Dan are supposed to pick us up at 7:30. After we’re ready, Alla slips my sling over my head and places my left arm in it. Then I place my wallet, phone and makeup inside my black clutch and we head downstairs to the living room to wait for the few minutes until the boys show up.

Mom comes in a moment later and tells us, “Girls, have fun tonight, but I want you two home no later than 1:00, alright?”

I didn’t really expect her to let us stay out that late, so I smile, nod, and tell her, “Don’t worry, we’ll be back before then. All Dan would tell me is that we’re going out to eat and see a movie. I have no idea if he planned anything else.”

“Okay, but call me if anything happens.” We nod in agreement and she heads back into her room. A few minutes later, the doorbell rings. Alla heads to the door and comes back with Dan.

When I stand up, he smiles and exclaims, “My God, Andie, you’re gorgeous!”

Smiling happily at the compliment, I tell him, “Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself.”

A moment later, the doorbell rings again and the three of us make our way to the door. We walk out to his truck and Dan walks me to the drivers side, opens the door for me and helps me in. Once I’m situated, he bluckles me in while I smile at his thoughtfulness. Touching his cheek with my good hand, he looks at me and I softly kiss his cheek for a moment and murmur, “Thank you.”

He grins at me and says, “You’re more than welcome, Andie.”

He steps down, closes my door and walks around to get in the other side. Once he buckles in, he offers me his hand which I take. Then Brian asks, “Where are we going Dan?”

“First stop is at Mandolin Aegean Bistro.” Even I’ve heard about this place. It’s a Greek restaurant and not only is the food great, but it has a rather romantic atmosphere as well. Dan and I quietly talk for the 40 minute ride there. Once Brian parks, Dan comes around, unbuckles me, and helps me out of the truck. He never releases my hand as we head into the restaurant and I think again, ‘I could damn sure get used to this.’

Glancing at Alla, she winks and grins at me, which makes me smile in return. Inside, Dan gives his name to the host who leads us to our table off in a quiet corner. Looking around, I notice there are very few empty tables. Dan and Brian hold our chairs out for us and seat us.

I return my attention to Dan when he asks, “What would everyone like for an appetizer?”

I quickly scan through them and say, “Why don’t we share the grilled tiger prawns?”

Everyone agrees and our waitress comes over shortly to ask for our drink and appetizer order. After she writes everything down, she leaves and I return to looking at the menu main courses. Once I finally settle on what I want, I let Dan know, so he can place my order for me. The waitress comes back a few minutes later with our drinks and appetizer. She takes our order and leaves again.

I have to say, Alla and I could share it and it would fill us completely up since there are 24 of the huge tiger prawns. Alla and I have a few apiece and Brian and Dan make short work of the remainder of them. We talk while we do and I have to say, so far, I’m having a really good time with Dan. We continue until the waitress comes back with our food.

After she passes it out, she asks, “Do you need anything else?”

Brian looks around and we all shake our head and he tells her, “No, but thank you.”

Taking my arm out of my sling, I try my best to pick up my fork. I ordered the lamb chops and orzo pilaf and I’d hoped I could cut it up on my own, but Alla or Mom has had to help me cut up my food since this happened. It’s not all that surprising since my cast goes all the way down to the second knuckles on my fingers and thumb, so it doesn’t allow for much movement. I finally give up and turn to Dan.

Embarrassed and blushing, I quietly ask Dan, “I’m sorry, but would you mind cutting up my lamb chops for me?”

Look, it’s one thing for Alla or Mom to help me, but Dan? I find it makes me feel like a little kid having to ask him to help me. I suppose I could have asked Alla, but I don’t think it would be right for me to interrupt their first date in a very long time, even though I know she would happily do it for me.

He leans over and whispers, “Andie, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, alright? I’m happy to help you, so don’t worry about it.”

I murmur, “Thank you.”

He reaches over to dice up one of my lamb chops for me. Picking up my fork, I take my first bite of them and it’s so delicious! I eat as much as I can, which isn’t a lot comparatively. Of course, this means I’ll be taking some home with me since these are far too good to let them be thrown away. After we eat, Dan and Brian pay for dinner and we walk out to the truck where Dan again helps me in and buckles me in.

I still don’t know what all Dan has planned for us tonight and to be honest, I don’t really care at this point since I’m simply enjoying being with him. It turns out, he doesn’t just listen to me, but he remembers what I say as well since the next place we go to is my favorite movie theater to see Ad Astra. I’ve wanted to see it since it came out and I told him about it Tuesday morning along with my favorite place to go see movies.

They buy our tickets and we find some good seats to watch the movie. Once it’s over and we’re talking about it as we head out of the theater, I find that everyone enjoyed it just as much as I did. Reaching out, I slip my hand in his and move a little closer to him as we walk. Once he helps me into the truck again, he quietly talks to Brian for a few moments and then gets in. He takes my hand again as Brian pulls off heading to wherever they discussed.

An hour later, I look at Dan quizzically when we enter Markham Park and he just smiles at me. We drive for a few more minutes until we pull into the parking lot at The Fox Observatory. Getting out he comes around to help me out again as Brian helps Alla out and then pulls a couple of blankets and a couple of pair of binoculars out of the bed of the truck. He hands one of each to Dan and walking hand in hand, we make our way to a grassy area away from the crowd around the observatory. Dan spreads out our blanket and we sit down and he spends the next hour with him pointing out various stars and constellations.

Even as warm as Florida is, it’s starting to cool off and when I shiver, he moves me between his legs and I lean back against him. Smiling, I turn to look at him. It only takes him a moment to get what I want and he leans in to give me a very soft, sweet kiss. When I pull him back to me, I deepen our kiss and he pulls me a little tighter against him.

I have to say that he is rather good at kissing and I enjoy every single moment of it until I finally break our kiss and murmur, “That was nice.”

He grins and says, “I thought so, too.”

I settle back against him comfortably and sigh happily. When he starts to point out more things, I turn to look at him and say, “Dan?” He looks at me and I continue, “I don’t really care about the stars right now. I’d much rather you pay attention to me.”

Sitting up, I turn around and sit down in his lap facing him. Removing my arm from my sling, I drape it over his shoulder and pull him to me with my other hand. He surprises me when he rolls over on top of me and kisses me for a few moments.

When he raises up, he stares at me with a slight smile and I ask, “What?”

He shakes his head slightly and murmurs, “I just can’t believe how gorgeous you are. I don’t mean just your looks either.”

Which, of course, makes me blush and I mutter, “Shut up and kiss me.”

Grinning like an idiot, he leans back in to kiss me again. We kiss and cuddle for over an hour and frankly, I’m amazed that his hands never wander to my privates. After another half hour it finally becomes too cool for Alla and me. Getting up, we gather everything, place it back in the bed of the truck and then they take us home.

Once we’re there, Brian and Dan walk us to the door where they give us a kiss and tell us, “Good night.”

After we tell them, “Good night,” we head inside and make our way up to my room. Alla undresses us and we crawl into bed. She kisses me, which I happily return, but I guess she got that I wasn’t really in the mood for more at the moment, because she simply pulls me a little tighter against her and closes her eyes.

It’s much later in the morning when I suddenly wake up and realize, I kissed him and I really liked it.

As always, a huge thank you to all of my Patreons, especially:

Suolojavri, George, and Ruan Wilken

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