The Flip Side

Chapter 30: Do You?

Chapter 34 is available for Patreons. 

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[Sunday, May 5th]

…Waking up, I stretch and smile as I remember last night's date with Dan.

Goddess! That boy sure knows how to kiss! I find it a little funny that I had to invite him to kiss me for him to do it. Hell, I’d been hoping that he would kiss me since we saw the movie. He sure wasn’t passive once I showed him that I was more than willing though and I have to say, I’m still surprised at how much of a gentleman he is. Not once did he try to touch me inappropriately and I really liked how gentle he was with me.

A knock on my door interrupts my thoughts and Alla comes in with her change of clothes and says, “Good morning,”

Smiling, I reply, “Good morning. Umm, Alla, thank you for coming with us last night. I was so nervous to go on a date with Dan.”

She shrugs. “That’s understandable. It was your first date after all.”

I nod, then ask, “So, how did things go with you and Brian?”

Her brilliant smile pretty much tells me how it went, but she says, “Really well. We had a long talk about him staying so busy and never being able to see me other than a few minutes here and there. I told him if things didn’t change that I was going to break up with him and he promised to make more time for me.”

“Good, I’m glad he realized what’s really important. You are such a special girl Alla and I’m so grateful that you’re my best friend. I have no idea what I would do without you.”

She leans in to hug me and murmurs, “Right back at you.” She releases me and continues, “Are you ready to get cleaned up and dressed?”


Standing up, she offers her hand to me and helps me up. In the bathroom, she turns on the shower to allow it to warm up, strips down the both of us and then wraps my cast to keep it from getting wet. From there, it’s our usual morning routine.

However, today is a little different since when I step in to allow the hot water run down me, she reaches around to cup my breasts and asks, “So, did you let Dan feel you up?”

I tense up as my eyes widen, blush and gasp out, “No! I wouldn’t allow him to do that on our first date! I’m not some horny little slut you know!”

Alla releases my breasts and giggles. “I know that. I’m just teasing you.”

“Hmph! He was a perfect gentleman, though I have to say, he’s great at kissing.”

“Awesome! I’m still trying to teach Brian how to kiss properly. He’s just so forceful and sloppy when it comes to that. Although he’s better now than when we first started dating.”

We continue to talk as she washes me, my hair and conditions it and then does the same for herself. She dries us both off and then blow dries and brushes out our hair. You have no idea how relaxing having someone do all of this for you can be until someone actually does it for you. Honestly, I’m going to miss having these times with Alla when I’m healed and can do things for myself again.

Back in my room, I head to my closet. I look through my outfits, pick out a cobalt blue summer dress to wear today, along with a matching bra and panty set and walk into the room. Once Alla finishes dressing, she helps me dress, puts my sling around me and sets my arm in it.

We are just about to head down when Mom knocks on the door and announces, “Girls, breakfast will be ready in a few minutes, so hurry up.”

I open the door and tell her, “We were just coming down, Mom. What’s for breakfast?”

As she heads downstairs, with us following her, she replies, “Scrambled eggs with cheese, hash browns, and sausage.”

I sit at the table while Alla fixes both of us a cup of coffee, then places mine in front of me and sits down herself.

Once Mom serves everyone, she sits herself and looks at Alla. “Alla, invite Nadia to dinner tonight. I have something to talk to her about.”

Alla looks at her curiously, but says, “Sure, no problem.”

After we finish eating, Alla helps Mom clean up while I’m watching TV when I hear my phone ring. Quickly making my way upstairs to my room, I pick it up to see that it’s Dan.

Smiling as I answer it, I say, “Hi Dan. I didn’t expect to hear from you this soon.”

“Good morning. I have a question for you. How would you like to take a walk with me at John Pennekamp State Park a little later today?”

Smiling broadly, I gush, “I’d love to! I have to make sure that it’s okay with my mom though.”

“Okay, go ask. I can wait.”

“Alright. Umm, Dan?”


“I had a really good time last night. I didn’t know you were so knowledgeable about the stars.”

“The stars have always fascinated me, so astronomy is kind of a hobby of mine.”

“Then, would you mind teaching me more about them? I really enjoyed it.”

“Sure. I’d be happy to do that. Next time we’ll use my telescope and I can show you some of the planets.”

“Now that I’d love to see. Okay, give me a moment while I ask my mom for permission.” I mute my phone and head downstairs to where Mom and Alla are in the kitchen. “Mom, Dan asked If I can go for a walk with him at Pennekamp. May I go?”

She looks at me and smiles. “Sure baby, just be back before dinner.”

Returning her smile, I tell her, “Thank you.” I unmute my phone and tell him, “I can go, but I have to be back before dinner at 6:00.”

I can hear the smile in his voice as he says, “Great, I’ll be over within an hour.”

“Okay, see you then. Bye.”

He tells me, “Bye,” and hangs up.

“Alla, when you’re done, would you help me get ready?”


A few minutes later they have everything cleaned up and we head upstairs to my room. She helps me slip on some nude stockings and the black cross-strap sandals I choose. Then she applies my makeup. It’s nothing more than eyeliner, mascara and some smudge proof lip gloss. I believe you already know, but in my opinion, I feel as if I don’t really need makeup to look good, but between my mom and Alla bugging me about it, I gave in to the bare minimum. I have to admit that the eyeliner and mascara do bring out my eyes and the lip gloss does make my full lips more noticeable as well as protect them.

Once she’s finished, she gives me a once over and nods in approval. I ask, “Brian’s off today, right?”

“He is.”

“You can take my car and go see him if you’d like.”

She smiles and says, “Thanks. I’ll do that.”

“Have a good time.”

“You too.”

I hand her my car keys and she heads over to her room to get ready. Walking over to the closet, I pick up my black shoulder bag. Heading back to the desk, I drop my makeup and phone in it and head downstairs to wait for Dan. He lives just a little farther down the Keys than we do, so it doesn't take him long to arrive.

When the doorbell rings, I give Mom a hug and then tell her, “I’ll see you a little later.”

Opening the door, I say, “Hi.”

“Hi. Ready to go?”

I nod and he offers me his hand. Taking it, he leads me out to his car, which is a grey BMW Z4. It’s a nice car, but I still like mine much better. He helps me sit in the passenger seat and buckles me in.

Smiling mischievously, I grab his arm and say, “Nuh uh. You’ve forgotten something very important.”

He looks confused for a few moments, then it seems to dawn on him what I want when I slip my good arm around his neck and offer my lips to him for a kiss. As he leans in to me, I close my eyes in anticipation. He gives me a tender kiss that makes my heart pound and almost takes my breath away.

When he breaks our kiss, I nuzzle his cheek and whisper, “I want many more of those just like that one.”

He grins at me. “Anytime you want.”

Leaning back, I look him in the eyes. “Dan, please, don’t make me have to ask every time.”

He murmurs, “I promise I won’t.”

I lean forward again and give him a soft kiss. “Good.”

He shuts my door and walks around to get in. When he starts the car and takes off for the park, I reach over and turn the music down a little, until one of my favorite songs by Shawn Mendes, If I Can't Have You, comes on. I turn it up a little and sing along with it. I smile at his surprised look as I continue singing.

When I finish the song, he says, “Is there anything you aren’t amazing at? I had no idea you could sing so well,” which makes me giggle happily.

Blushing, I reply, “I don’t think I’m all that amazing, but thank you.”

He reaches over and gently pats the fingers that stick out of my cast. “Trust me, you are. I can see that I’m really going to have to work hard to keep up with you.”

I look over at him to ask, “Who says that you have to keep up with me or anyone else?”

“I do. My grades aren’t all that good, so my college options are rather limited.”

“Dan, we’re only sophomores, so that’s not something we have to worry about right now.”

He chuckles for a moment and then says, “So says the top student in our grade. You’ll be getting scholarship offers from colleges everywhere just on your grades alone. Me? I’ll be lucky if a smaller one picks me up on a baseball scholarship.”

“There is far more to people than just their grades. SATs count for far more in that respect, but you’re right, grades do help colleges determine if you are eligible for a scholarship. Dan?” He glances at me and I continue, “Would you like me to help you study to improve your grades?”

“You would really help me with studying?”

I reach over and pat his forearm. “Of course, I enjoy being with you and this just gives us another reason to spend more time together.”

“Thank you, Andie. I’ll take you up on that offer.”

He returns his complete attention to the road while I settle back in my seat and occasionally sing until we arrive at the park.

Once he parks, he comes around, opens the door, unbuckles me and helps me out. Taking his hand, we walk over and he pays our admission fees. Then, we slowly walk hand in hand along the Mangrove natural trail while we talk.

Half an hour later, we sit down to rest on one of the benches along the path.

Turning to me, he asks, “Andie, you don’t need an answer me right this moment, but do you want to go out with me and be my girlfriend?”

Truthfully, I’m only a tiny bit surprised by his question and even though I sort of expected it, it still makes me happy that he asked me. I really enjoy his company and I’m very comfortable with him. Not to mention how happy and safe he makes me feel when we’re together. I love how he spoils me and how much of a gentleman he is, so I don’t have a problem with being his girlfriend, but I do have one question.

Suppressing my smile, I ask, “Dan, do you remember what I said when we first started talking?”

“About me not dominating your time?” I nod. “Of course. What about it?”

“You’re not going to have a problem with me spending time with my friends, are you?”

He smiles. “No, everyone needs their friends.”


“Okay, what?”

Smiling happily, I reply “Okay, I’ll go out with you.”

As always, a huge thank you to all of my Patreons, especially:

AcPz, Andrew Meyers, Christiine Govinden-Loh, ClamyCupcakes, CoffeeCat, Crystal Harding, eeleater, GAbO1254, George, Glader, Issue Master, Jessica Clark, Johnie Kirk, Jordon Gotthold, kirindas, Kuroko, Lord Lucifer, Lunas, Matthew Tiffany, Mika Wayne Rogall, MisoTsu, Necrotyr, Nikolas Zane, Patrick Frake, Rene Gropp, Some BS Deity, Spencer Huston, Steven Yao, Terry Carter, TiwN222, William Dawson

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