The Flip Side

Chapter 37: You’ll See

Chapter 38 is available for Patreons. 

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[Thursday, May 15th]

Waking up, I stretch and yawn as I sit up. I feel much better today, even if I’m still a bit lethargic and achy. Thankfully, Mom is allowing me to go back to school today, but she did make me promise to take it easy and call her if I started feeling bad. Believe me, I have no thought about playing the tough girl and trying to push myself through this like I did Tuesday. I don't want to go back to the hospital. Regardless, I feel fine, so there’s no real reason I should stay home.

So, after Alla and I get ready for the day, we head down and eat, then Mom styles our hair. Heading out a little early, we drive to school and, as normal, find Dan and Brian are waiting for us in the parking lot, which makes me smile. At least I am until I see his expression. He may be smiling, but it doesn’t reach his eyes and gives me the impression he’s rather worried.

Glancing at Alla with a questioning expression, she sighs slightly, nods, and says, “Yes, he was worried about you all day yesterday. I tried to tell him you were going to be fine, but he kept asking me if I had talked to you.”

Frowning slightly, I ask, “Why didn’t he call me instead of bothering you? It isn’t as if he doesn’t have my number.”

She shrugs. “I told him to call or text you, but he said he didn’t want to bother you since you weren’t feeling well. He said…”

She cuts off what she was saying when Dan opens my door. He reaches across me to unbuckle me as he says, “Hi. How are you?”

Truth be told, I’m a little conflicted here. I’m happy that he’s worried about me, but at the same time, I’m annoyed that he bugged Alla about it instead of calling or texting to check on me. Hell, for that matter, he could have come over. I would have enjoyed cuddling with him, but, then again, maybe he was just trying to be considerate and allow me to rest.

Sighing to myself, I think, ‘Whatever. What’s happened has happened. I’m not going to jump all over him for something this minor.’ “I’m fine now. It’s nothing more than simple anemia. It’s nothing to worry about.”

He looks at me and it’s easy to see he’s upset. “Nothing to worry about?! Bullshit! Andie, you passed out!”

Reaching around his neck, I pull his head against my breast and stroke his hair. “Calm down. I’m fine or my mom wouldn’t have let me come back to school. There’s really nothing to worry about. I passed out due to a number of reasons. I’m taking care of it now, so it shouldn’t happen again, alright?”

He nods as he slips an arm around my waist, then looks up at me as he quietly says, “Andie, please, make sure that you do. You scared me to death.”

I smile reassuringly and I gently touch his cheek and think, ‘He truly does care about me.’ Leaning in, I give him a tender kiss. “Believe me, I don’t want to go back through that again. That said, please don’t bug Alla like that. If something happens call, text or simply come over.” I give him another soft kiss and then continue, “If you would have come over, we could have cuddled, even if all I did was fall asleep on you.”

We cuddle and make out until the warning bell rings, then he walks me to class. The morning classes do tire me out, so after eating a quick lunch, I go to the nurses office to take a nap for the remainder of lunch. After the final bell rings for the day, Mia tells me I won’t be participating during practice, so I take a seat with Dan and relax while we wait for Alla to finish and then head home.

I help Dan with his homework as I work on mine, then we make our way up to my room for a bit of alone time.

[Friday, May 16th]

I feel a little more like my normal self today and after we shower and dress in our cheer uniforms, we head down to eat. Once we finish and clean up, Mom puts our hair up and we head off for school. Alla and I grin when we see Brian and Dan waiting for us in the parking lot.

Today is a typical Friday for us from here. Classes, then we head out after the final bell and go to our favorite cafe to eat before we head back for the game. We won by 3 runs this time. After the game, Dan and Brian ask us if we’d like to do something. We call our mom’s and are told we can and to be back by 1:00.

We tell them and they agree to meet us at the house after we all change clothes. At home, I pick out a wine-colored sleeveless, mini dress with an open collar that shows a fair amount of cleavage, sheer nude stockings and my gold ankle strap sandals. I check myself over in the mirror and then head downstairs.

Downstairs, Mom does a double take when I enter the room and smiles. “You look fabulous, Baby girl.”

Alla chimes in with, “You’re definitely going to floor Dan when he sees you.”

I smile impishly as I reply, “That’s the idea.”

The doorbell rings and Alla heads off to answer it. She yells at us from the door, “It’s Brian. I’ll see you all later.”

We call out, “Bye” and Mom tells her, “Be safe,” which makes me roll my eyes. I’ll never understand why parents tell us what we already plan to do. Seriously, it’s not as if we are going to go out, do drugs and run around with a bunch of bad people. Hell, we haven’t even gone beyond kissing our boyfriends yet.

A few minutes later Dan arrives and I meet him at the door.

His eyes light up when he sees me and he says, “Wow! Just wow! You amazing!”

Which embarrasses me a bit. Don’t get me wrong, I love the compliments and I’m happy he likes the way I look in this. After all, I did dress this way hoping that he would like it as well. I just find it oddly embarrassing for some reason. Regardless, it nets him a few kisses, then we head out ourselves.

I have no idea what he is planning and honestly, I don’t much care either since I welcome any chance of us being together. He helps me into his car and buckles me in, which leads to more kisses. What can I say? I love kissing him.

After our short make out session, he heads around and gets in. We listen to music as we wind through the city streets.

Finally, curiosity gets the best of me and I ask, “Where are we going?”

He grins at me and replies, “You’ll see when we get there.”

I shrug, settle back in my seat to relax while I sing now and again. He even joins me in a few of them. While he can’t sing nearly as well as I do, he does have a really pleasant baritone and harmonizes fairly well with me, even if he is a bit pitchy in places.

My eyes widen in surprise when he makes the turn to go to The Fox Observatory. He glances at me and grins again. You might remember that we talked about us doing more stargazing because I really enjoyed the first time we did it. Of course, making out with him afterward was even better, but that’s neither here nor there.

We find a parking spot, he helps me out and I follow him to the trunk of his car. He hands me a blanket and a small cooler, then takes out a fairly large hard-sided case. We find a nice spot well away from the few other couples here and I spread out the blanket as he set up the telescope.

As always, a huge thank you to all of my Patreons.

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