The Flying Emporium

Chapter 246

Severin was shaking and much too upset to think clearly. The best he could do was to focus on not shouting and cursing the little brat in front of him. Now standing in the light, it was easy to see by his expression just how oblivious the boy was; he clearly didn’t have the slightest idea about the mortal danger he just barely escaped.

Instead, he wore an excited expression, one which, in light of these circumstances, only further worsened Severin’s mood.

The third person of the group, however, seemed to have a very food idea of what had had just happened. And so, again, Severin felt a hand on his own as Mylana took it onto herself to defuse the powder-keg the boy didn’t even realize he was sitting on.

“A business opportunity?” she asked softly to move the conversation along.

“Huh?” the boy who until now had only stared at the chubby man with the stiff expression, was momentarily taken aback.

Who was this old woman?

But it didn’t take the boy long to figure out the relation of the two. Or at least that they were somewhat close.

With this realization also came the understanding that he had succeeded, that he was given an opportunity to make his pitch. Anything else, such as the woman’s actual identity, at this moment were simply irrelevant details.

“Of course,” he croaked overeagerly.

Ahem, and then cleared his throat.

Next, the boy’s high-pitched voice became stiff and unnatural. Almost mechanical, as if he was simply reciting words he had obviously memorized.

“Hello, Sir Severin,” he started while still actually looking at the woman. “My name is Isaac and I am very grateful for your time of day.”

The [Shopkeeper] could only roll his eyes.

“The reason I have come to find you is that I have a business proposition for you.

It is thanks to your open portal policy these last couple of days that-”

“My open what?” a still disgruntled Severin suddenly demanded brusquely, disrupting the child’s pitch and drawing his attention back onto himself.

Clearly the boy didn’t know how to handle this situation


“Eh?” asked the boy in confusion, looking back and forth between the two adults in front of him.

“This so called open portal policy. What do you mean by that? What are you talking about?”

“Uhm? I mean… that’s what they called it back in Hanvia.”

“How they called what back in Hanvia?!” still on edge due to the incident that almost made him kill an innocent person, Severin’s impatience and unhappiness grew by the second. Noticeably.

In turn the boy only became even more intimidated.

Unsure how to read the situation, Isaac turned back towards the woman for help. Who, to his visible relief, nodded at him in encouragement.

That much was all he needed; ensured that he wasn’t in any trouble, the boy finally went on to explain,

“That’s how the officials called it. Open portal policy. During the broadcasting event, they announced that the entrance fee through the portal was even further reduced for regular people than usual.

And entirely free for children under the age of eight. It’s only because of that, that I am here in the first place. It’s also the reason I had to wait here for you. I can’t afford to-?”

Severin wasn’t aware that any of this had been happening; he certainly hadn’t noticed any dip in his share of the profits made by the portal.

‘So it’s something Jasmin took onto herself,’ he decided inwardly, but it was something else entirely that really drew his attention.

“You’re saying you aren’t eight yet?” Severin didn’t even try to hide the skepticism. Sure, the boy looked young. But not that young.

“I. Uhm.” the fidgeting intensified as the called out boy was looking to make an excuse.

“Severin,” a female voice rebuked. Before softly commanding the boy to, “continue.”

Thankful for the out, the boy obliged all to gladly. Hurriedly he explained,

“No-Not only was I lucky enough to see the event firsthand, but I also got my hand on one of these.”

Saying that, he rummaged through the pockets of his relatively clean but thoroughly worn out trousers. Until he didn’t just produce one, but several items.

“Got your hands on, huh?” Severin observed in a dry tone, as he looked down onto a whole set of [Transmitter crystal] and [Receivers].

“Severin!” this time Mylana’s scolding was way harsher than before.

“Fine,” the [Shopkeeper] gave in reluctantly and refrained from voicing his suspicion. But not without expressing his displeasure by crossing his arms.

“And then what?”

“Ah,” started the boy, seemingly relieved he was once again let off the hook; which in turn made Severin only even more suspicious.

“I heard it was free, so I went to watch the show. All of it! It was amazing. There were so many people. And yet most of the ones actually participating weren’t.”

Severin wasn’t sure where any of this was going, and by now he was losing even the last bit of patience. “Boy,” he reprimanded.

“Eh? Oh, yes. I mean. I just thought it would be so amazing to share everything with the ones who couldn’t make it. So when I finally figured out how to use these things,” he gestured with his hands holding the small crystals,”I started to record. Everything.” That said, a proud smile appeared on the boy’s face.

“And that business opportunity of yours?”

“Yes! So when I told people of the record, everyone wanted to see it!”


“So I thought if I had more of those things, I could create even more copies. You won't belief how much some of those people offered to pay me for it. Whole gold coins, I tell you. Can you believe it?! We could be rich! I would only need a few more, and then-”

“And then you could sell them?”

“Exactly,” the boy nodded incessantly, too excited to notice the expression the two adults wore.

“I thought I could maybe open a stall around here somewhere? You won't find people with so much money anywhere else! I would just need a bit of help, of course.”

“Of course.”

The supposed confirmation only fired Isaac up even more.

“And if you could organize even more of those events! Just imagine. Then I could directly record them and make even better copies. I mean quality wise.”

“I admit, you got some nice ideas there. But what exactly would we need you for?”

“Wha~?” the boy suddenly lost all color. His body became rigid, his expression horrified.

“Hahaha, look at you, you brat,” finally Severin’s mood had lightened up. “Relax. Come, follow me. We’ll further discuss this matter inside.”

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