The Flying Emporium

Chapter 59

The flying artifact became bigger and bigger as it approached the mountaintop.

If one disregarded the missing masts and sails, it truly appeared to be a ship. The size of the thing even trumped the one Samuel used whenever he was accompanied by his two mentees; Even though the same couldn’t be said about its overall quality, most importantly, its speed.

In comparison, the flying artifacts used by Andreas and the rest of his group could only be considered to be boats at best. The same group that needed to travel while spread over three or four artifacts would’ve easily found enough room to fit on this one ship.

If the dimensions of the thing weren’t enough to convince everyone of the visitor’s identity, then its emerald-green color did.

A few hundred meters before reaching the mountaintop, it started its landing approach. Differently from all the other visitors so far, the artifact wasn’t dismissed upon arrival. Instead, it came to a stop right next to the mountaintop’s edge, barely half a meter or so above ground level. It was as if the ship was docking in a port. A gangway appearing, seemingly out of nowhere, to bridge the small gap between ship and mountain further reinforced that impression.

At the same time, a group of people, too small to really justify the use of a vehicle this size, could be seen standing on the deck. Of this group, four people headed for the mountaintop and towards the people curiously awaiting them. The others stayed behind.

By now the group surrounding Severin had tuned down their chatter and waited with bated breath for things to unfold.

That was until the group of four was close enough that everyone could take a good look at them.

“What is he doing here?!”

“You would think he’d be too embarrassed to show himself here ever again.”

“What is he plotting? Bringing the Society?”

“They might just be fake?”

“Maybe the backlash last time has turned him stupid?” another one made an educated guess.

Two of the approaching people were obviously Simon and his attendant Edward. Based on their facial expressions, they were clearly able to make out large parts of the discussion.

The latter was visibly uncomfortable with the situation as a whole, not just because of unfriendly comments, and tried to make himself as small as possible as he followed behind Simon. He still felt that something was off. Something about the arrogant young man’s claims just didn’t feel right to him.

Simon himself, however, had a self-assured gait. As if he had already forgotten the humiliation he had experienced last time. He continued to approach the area belonging to Severin’s store determinedly. Hearing the voices, however, even if he wasn’t slowing down in his approach, it was still enough for his face to turn into a deep red. He was just about to open his mouth and return some of the insults in kind when someone else beat him to it.

“Are you guys tired of living!?” one of the two remaining people started to shout. “To denounce official envoys of the Adventurer’s Society as impos…” A raised hand from the person walking at the front was enough to shut him up.

The latter two both wore a simple but sharp uniform; Its color was similar to that of their flying vehicle. Just that design was enough to set themselves apart from all the present adventurers whose gear seemed to be randomly thrown together, with apparently no concern for fashion whatsoever. The golden badge, depicting two crossed swords behind a shield, on the one man’s chest, clearly identified him as the designated leader of the group.

As the very same symbol was nowhere else to be found, not even on the bow of the flying ship, Severin wasn’t sure if it was the sign for the organization itself or if it was rather indicating the man’s rank within the same.

Tolerating no further delay or squabbling, this man led the group until they arrived in front of the wooden stakes, which clearly demarcated the store's premises.

“I’m Krey, representative of the Adventurer’s Society,” the lanky middle-aged man clasped his hands in a strange greeting while nodding his head. The gesture didn’t constitute a bow but seemed very respectful, nonetheless.

“May I know who the owner of this emporium is?” the voice was void of the mockery one might expect when hearing those words. The grey eyes locked onto Severin made it certain the question was only for appearance's sake, however. Krey had clearly been informed in advance by either Simon or Edward. Either that or the Lion’s Head’s adventurers’ curious gazes had given it away.

Severin still had no idea what this was all about. At first, he as well thought that it was just Simon wanting to make trouble and try to embarrass himself one more time. But in that case, getting someone from the Society to accompany him didn’t make any sense. ‘Unless they really are impostors. Or corrupt,’ he thought inwardly.

Severin had already long stood up.

“That would be me,” he said and nodded. His eyes wandered from Krey over to Simon and the rest of his group, before returning back to the leader at the front. “Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Drop the act, we co…”

“Would you mind if we come inside?” Krey simply talked over Simon, not giving him any chance to let the situation escalate.

“Sure.” The [Shopkeeper], joined by Emily, simply turned around and headed towards his shop, counting on his guests to follow him while thinking, ‘the guy wouldn’t just bring me new customers, would he? Unless he really hurt his head?’

The two representatives began to move without losing another word. Simon too was about to follow after them but soon stopped when his attendant nudged him.

“What is it now?” he hissed. A meaningful look, however, was all the answer he needed to avoid another clash with a certain defense mechanism. He grudgingly remained at the spot. Edward wanted to head back to the ship where the remainder of the crew observed the happenings on the mountaintop, ready to jump into action the moment their leader gave the signal.

The young [Warrior] didn’t budge a millimeter.

He wanted to witness the situation from as close as possible. The moment the scammer and his accomplices of the Lion’s Head guild would be taken care of was a spectacle he wouldn’t want to miss for anything.

Krey was taken aback when he noticed the oh-so eager Simon not following behind. Still, he didn’t halt his steps. And neither did his subordinate, Ingar – as Severin’s map soon revealed.

The raid group of adventurers made way for them. Besides a few whispers here and there, everyone was surprisingly quiet.

That was until, to their regret, the two visitors entered the store and closed the door behind them.

“What’s going on?!”

“What is an Enforcer doing here?”

The voices of about twenty curious Adventurers erupted.

“Hey. Why did you bring these guys?” The focus soon turned towards Simon.

“Hahaha. You think playing dumb will save your skin?” Simon couldn’t help but snort and laugh in glee, deciding to selectively ignore all of the insults hurled his way.

Edward’s feeling, on the other hand, just got worse. If they were truly criminals colluding to swindle people, wasn’t this the point in time where these guys should turn tails and run?

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