The Fool's Freedom

Chapter 167

“Are you sure?” Enid pouted. “Classes are not all that much. I don’t have one and look at me…”

She stretched lazily as a whole tree appeared beneath her and conformed to her figure as if nature itself was bending to accommodate her.

She was truly beautiful, but the strangeness and awkwardness of it all made Alan frown. She hadn’t acted like this when Odu had been there. It was almost as if… she was trying to seduce him. He shook his head.

As if.

“No, Enid. I’ll be forever thankful for your help with Bonez, and Odu, but I’ve bled for this, and… being a [Warlock] is not for me. I need this.”

She sighed and stepped on the ground, then closed the distance between them. Being touched was almost too much, but her hand felt nice as it suddenly cradled Alan’s cheek. “You humans and your pride. Very well, I’ll owe you one. How about I tell you of what the fatty gave you, and maybe help with it?”

Oh? That sounds awesome. I was wondering what [Establish Spirit Domain] is.

“Sure, that sounds lovely. Can it wait?”

Enid smiled – a sweet smile that made Alan feel like he’d drank two glasses of sweet red wine. “Sure, call me.” She giggled and disappeared into the mists.

Was that a reference to phones…? The hell? A moment later Alan was back in the closed underground room, and darkness once again came over him. As if he was falling asleep, but what awaited on the other side was much sweeter…

You’ve qualified for the following classes in Tier Two:

Wild Warlock (Rare)

A [Warlock] is not defined by their Patron.

You’ve chosen to walk alone and refused the call of the powerful. Instead, you gain the ability to bond with lesser powers and form symbiotic relationships. There is strength in alliances built on mutual trust, rather than servitude and power disbalance. And in time, who’s to say this path won’t surpass the natural?

You will gain [Minor Pact] and one class-related skill.

+100 base AP to Will, Mind, and Magic each.

+5 base AP to Will, Mind, and Magic per level.

An interesting variation and quite an attractive one… if it was offered long ago. Alan instantly thought of Xil and how they could help each other, but remaining a [Warlock] was not something he had considered.

The choice back then had been made on a whim and mostly due to factors that were no longer relevant. Alan’s path had long deviated from what a [Warlock] was supposed to be.

Shadowmancer (Rare)

A mage focusing on the element of shadow and controlling it. Your power is great, even if it’s not as direct as some of the other elements.

Shadows define you, fill you, and give your life meaning. You’re one with them and they’re one with you. Make the intangible physical and shape it as you wish. The limits are only set by your own personal strength.

Each of your skills will change to contain the Shadow element. If not applicable the skill will be replaced.

You will gain two class-related skills.

+100 base AP to Will, Mind, and Magic each.

+5 base AP to Will, Mind, and Magic per level.

That was a decent one. It was reminiscent of Kalyntha’s [Metalmancer] but she was a tier three apparently. Which meant that either her class was stronger, or that she had foregone changing it in lieu of some other advantage.

However, it didn’t strike Alan as something he wanted. He had plenty of unrelated skills that he didn’t want to ruin before managing to master them, no matter what. Shadows had proven that while great, they were not as suited to direct combat as other elements.

It was time to change that.

Dragon Attendant (Epic)

You’ve found your place in the world and even better, you’ve known the power of a dragon coursing through your veins. You’ve decided to dedicate your life to recreating that feeling and seeking out that strength. There is no greater glory, nor greater fate.

You cannot resist a Dragon’s will, and your ultimate goal is to fulfill their wishes.

You will gain four class-related skills.

+200 base AP to each Attribute.

+3 base AP to each Attribute per level.

Alan tried to grimace and curse, before forgetting he was in some sort of waking sleep state. This was even worse than Rat Catcher. A glorified servant to the arrogant dragons. Sure, the Void Dragon had saved him and was the only reason he was still alive, but… being a willing slave?


The bonuses were huge, but the class was ridiculous. Who except those forced would accept such a class? It was worse than remaining a Warlock and battling off thirsty Patrons like a lone girl at a bar.

Void Caller (Epic) (Warning!)

A mage who has touched the void, lived in the void and understands emptiness better than most. Call upon the endless expanse separating the Realms and making it your own. Summon its myriad dwellers, and unleash their brutality upon the world.

Everyone relies on magic and you hold the power to suffocate it.

You will gain two class-related skills of your choice.

+150 base AP to Will, Mind, and Magic each.

+5 base AP to Will, Mind, and Magic per level.

Warning! Class [Void Caller] is illegal in the Myriad Realm, as per Decree 522 of the Sun Empire, holders of the Third Throne. You WILL be persecuted and punished if found out.

A law-breaking class? What are the odds? Alan was a bit worried the dragons would come looking, but hopefully, there were other newly integrated worlds and the protections would be enough to keep him safe. His bloodline had changed too, and it mentioned nothing of the dragons for now…

It was an interesting class, and one Alan kept in mind. However, the next one was right in his alley.

Shepherd of the Broken (Unique)

A user of magic shrouded in mystery. Your skills are myriad, your path an incomprehensible illusion to the eyes of others. You walk with long-lost remnants and listen to their advice as you seek the forgotten and the buried. You commune with spirits and demons as an equal and your existence is one of emptiness. Void and shadows heed your call.

You choose the path and what awaits ahead.

You will gain the class trait [Unidentifiable].

You will gain one class-related skill of your choice.

+200 base AP to Will, Mind, and Magic.

+5 base AP to Will, Mind, and Magic per level.

A (Unique) one was certainly a surprise. It was also the first time he saw class rarity on class choices. Previously, only the [Squire of ???] class had been dubbed so.

Broken again, huh? The class description was fitting and quite different compared to the rest. Alan was well aware that his skills were all over the place, but each served a specific strange purpose. It didn’t sound like the strongest offensive class; however, it was tailored to him and it gave the most Attributes, possibly to compensate for giving only one skill.

He had earned a Legacy, he had a strange Bloodline

He had passed on [Initiate of the Order of the Broken] due to his pride and due to the fact that it sounded too much like a monk’s theme. Not something Alan from back then could remotely relate to with his weak constitution and broken body.

[Unidentifiable] was a great boon too, considering everyone strong seemed to be seeing right through him. Old Greyheart and that creepy lady from the fractal who had sniffed out his new bloodline came to mind.

Would that stop them from doing it again? Hopefully. I should also get an identifying skill, goddamn it.

There was, however, one last offered choice, and it was [Unique] too.

Heritage Thief (Unique)


Take it all! Bloodlines, legacies, traits, and skills! Kill, rob, lie, and cheat! You’re a jack of all trades and unlimited in the tools you may use or possess. There is no sense of honor that can stop you, nor morals to impede your blade as it takes another life. All that matters is gaining as much strength as you can.

You gain the (Unique) skill [Mine!].

+200 base AP to Will, Mind, and Magic.

+5 base AP to Will, Mind, and Magic per level.

That…. That was interesting. Alan didn’t remember ever stealing much… apart from Riasko’s ritual and its benefits. Maybe the legacy he owned was someone else. No, it had come from his own skill. The class once again came with a warning thought.

Warning! [Heritage Thief] is a legacy class and may lead to irreversible changes to your biology, traits, or mental state. Proceed with caution.

Yeah no. I won’t be losing my mind or growing a tail. Where did this thing pop from anyway?

He knew what he was going to do. It was obvious. All his skills he would be able to improve on his own now that he had experience in doing so. Isind had helped a lot, and [Last Glimpse] and the experience it had brought him was invaluable.

He had a bloodline and a legacy that had helped quite a lot already. There was no need to ‘steal’ more. And if he really wanted to, he still could steal things without randomly throwing himself into another race change or driving himself crazy.

The choice is obvious. Here goes nothing…

Congratulations! You have become [Shepherd of the Broken] (Unique).

Congratulations! You have stepped into Tier Two.

He felt the change overcome him. Something inside of him snapped like a thin wall hit by a tsunami. It was not unpleasant, but it permeated his being and seemed to change every single centimeter of who he was and what he was. An experience much more profound than when he had become a [Warlock].

He swore he could hear whispers that hadn’t been there before. Was it the shadows from [Monochrome Armor], or was it something else?

A sense of purpose filled him for an instant almost making him wish to weep, then fled as if it had never been.

And just like that, Alan took a breath and opened his eyes. His attributes were brimming with newfound power, but that was not the only change.

All the confusion and anxiety, all the suppressed rage and sorrows were gone.

Not suppressed like he had done many times, but completely gone. His mind felt lighter than ever, and while Alan was sure it was high from the change and he would still have to deal with his issues, at least for the moment… He was free.

And the world rejoiced with him. Even the dark abandoned room, twisted by the System and aged by forces beyond his understanding, was beautiful. Colors and shades the likes of which he couldn’t have imagined before filled his eyes, and the warm air filled with the dust and the smell of earth was pleasant.

Was this a higher state of being? Did it simply allow him to appreciate even the darkest corners of existence more? It’s amazing…

Alan stood up, long having forgotten any sense of worry that something might come for him, and stretched.

He hadn’t felt so good in his life before. Both physically and mentally. He could already sense the serenity pass him as thoughts wormed their way into his mind.

There was one thing left to do, however, and that was check out his gains from selecting the class.


You have gained a new Trait: [Unidentifiable] (Epic)

Trait: Unidentifiable (Epic)

You are safe from most prying eyes, as few can see what truly hides behind how you present yourself.

Way simpler than Alan had guessed, but that was amazing too. He had [Shadow Mind] to protect his mind from anyone who could peek inside, and he had [Unidentifiable] to protect him from outside skills that could tell what he was or what he could do.

Trait: Monochrome Armor (Racial) is compatible with Trait: Unidentifiable (Epic). Do you wish to combine them?

Alan grinned. Synergy was great.

He agreed without a second thought. And after that… he could select his new class skill as well. It was a great day in the apocalypse.

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