The Foreigner on the Periphery

Chapter 75: Hell of Disbelief (3)

After washing his body and changing his clothes, the priest Johaim immediately brought up the main topic. "The high-ranking priests of our denomination are being brutally murdered."  

Seeing the picture he took out, Minjun frowned. ‘Are we seeing too many bad things in one day?'  

The first victim in the photo was an Orc living in Germany, the church's stronghold. He was pierced vertically by his skewer, covered in blood and filth that appeared to be his own. Dozens of incense candles containing hallucinogenic substances were lit under his feet, and his body was slowly burning from the tips of his feet. The second victim, the troll priest, was nearly reported to the media as ‘race unknown.' This was because German investigators did not accept the concept of a troll whose skin had completely disappeared. It was hard to imagine how many times her culprit would have torn her shell off until her regenerative abilities had completely faded away.

The place where the priest’s horrific body was found was in the bathtub of the Dreamland Chapel, buried in the corpses of snakes and rats that filled it. The third victim, Balien, was Indian. In a pioneering church in the country with the second-largest membership after Germany, the highest-ranking priest was found with 57 nails nailed to his body. The bloodstained wings were exposed as white flesh as a slaughtered chicken, but an autopsy revealed feathers filling the esophagus and stomach.  

"It didn't just kill him." Minjun said, holding back his insults. "It was a ritual."  

At the site where the murdered priests were discovered, the characteristics of the Dreamland religious ceremony that Minjun and Dragon had to watch for 12 hours today were revealed little by little. “Yes. The appearance of the site… is almost identical to the traces of the rituals we carry out to attract the attention of the gods."  

It was too serious to be dismissed as an imitation by an unbeliever. That fact meant one thing. "Is this on the inside?"  

“That’s right.” Reasons for quietly addressing this matter had been revealed. A case of serial killings of high-ranking priests by insiders of the church. It was probably Dreamland with a bad image, but if such news was released, missionary work would become almost impossible.  

"I think there are some suspects already in mind."  

He had been doing all sorts of weird things these days, but strictly speaking, Minjun wasn’t a problem solver. Whether as a prisoner or as an agent, he did not step forward unless aliens are involved. Joheim, who must have known that, dared to find him meant that the suspect was not from Earth.  

“Yes.” Minjun’s guess proved to be correct. The suspect that Johaim spoke of turned out to be an alien and a priest in Dreamland. However, Minjun did not expect his rank.  

“…Sre you the Patriarch of the Earth Parish of Dreamland?”  

The head of the members of the Dreamland district. Joachim mentioned his name. ‘Does this make sense?'  

It was a case in which a religious leader killed the high-ranking priests who believed in him and followed him. "When this fact becomes known…"  

“Yes. Our denomination may be torn apart. Therefore, it is officially stated that the Patriarch is recovering from health problems."  

At this, the dragon and the agent exchanged glances. How the hell did this happen?  

"As you can see in the picture, the Patriarch is not an indigenous people of the Earth. You know that Dreamland is not a religion that originated on Earth. He came to Earth to promote this religion, which in that dimension is called ‘Elahu-Praga.' And while he was continuing his missionary work by devoting his body and mind to his missionary work, he was left on Earth due to a sudden lock-down on the level of his hometown."  

Hearing the story, Minjun read a string that only he could see…  

(Strategy) Performing special missions commissioned by the Agency. 48. See and report what is happening within dimension #77-102, which has been placed into self-containment: 610,000 talents . . .  

The Patriarch was a race from Dimension #77-102, who closed all terminals of his own will. During his mission, he was suddenly left in an alien world, and it was said that he had been preaching in the dream of one day returning to his hometown. As if to express such a will, he seemed to have endured to this day, only renewing his residence permit every year without obtaining Earth citizenship. Dreamland was being treated as an emerging religion these days, but it was only a few decades ago that they first set foot on Earth.  

Anyway, thanks to the efforts of the alien patriarch, Dreamland was gradually expanding its presence on Earth… ‘Did you suddenly run out of perfume? A religious leader who was quietly concentrating on propaganda turns around and kills the priests in one day?'  

Minjun then looked at Yo-haim with a look that asked for more explanation. "For some time now, the Patriarch has been unstable in his words and actions. I often had to mumble or suddenly scream in front of people without context saying that I had to go home sooner rather than later. And, decisively, he disappeared on the day the first victim occurred and has not been traced until now. Since then, two more have been brutally murdered."  

There was no longer a smile on Joachim’s face. "I am well aware of how the outside views of our denomination. We know that our religious practices are disgusting and offensive to unbelievers. But we never injure or kill the most intelligent during the rites. The Patriarch is driven by madness and commits horrific crimes against the doctrine he has taught us directly. We need to stop this before it becomes uncontrollable."  

Minjun tilted his head. "As long as the culprit is identified, it would be meaningless to sell more motives. But I’m curious about this. Why did you come all the way here to submit a quest? If it is a denomination that has the ability of a priest, there must be an old dragon attached to it as a sponsor, right?"  

“Yes. The great dragon Callieter-sama, who took over Germany, Austria, and the eastern part of the Czech Republic as his domain, is supporting us."  

"If we have signed a contract to protect the church, shouldn't we just ask the old dragon? I want you to quietly kill the patriarch who is killing the priests."  

"It is impossible. If you look at the contents of the contract between the dragon and the denomination, there is a sentence that you must not harm or illegally manipulate the key figures of the denomination. That clause existed in her contract with her, led by her patriarch."  

Minjun frowned. “…I see. In principle, it is impossible for a dragon who has sworn to protect the denomination to harm the leader of that denomination."  

"Unless you sign a new contract, yes. And in this state, the only way to renew the contract is for the Patriarch to step up and renegotiate with the Dragon, which is practically impossible. So, the denomination has no choice but to deal with the patriarch at will."  

He then looked straight at Minjun and said, "However, if we had been able to do it on our own, nothing like this would have happened. The Patriarch is one who can exercise the most powerful divine power in the denomination."  

"I understand that you need a helper, but why did you even go to Korea?"  

"Caliether, who came to discuss this matter, directly pointed out the agent and told me to ask for help."

At this, Minjun then stroked his chin. Callieter was an old dragon who worked together during the Oslo School sweeping operation. At the time, he didn’t reveal all of his skills, but it seems that he was quite impressed and remembered. "You said that you have skills, but you said that you would be an agent with the experience of fighting and winning the most races among those living on Earth right now."  

It was not wrong. However · · ·

"Honestly, I don't like it."  

Hearing up to this point, Minjun frowned slightly and said. "Although the target is clear, I am not sure which country the alien is currently roaming in. Find it and kill it? I’m such a lazy person…”  

"I guess I'll come to Korea."  


At this, the priest began to speak again with some amount of certainty in his voice. "Because I am here. To kill me, the Patriarch unconditionally comes to Korea. soon.”  

He then pointed to the picture and explained. Those who had been killed so far were the priests who were directly behind the Patriarch and rank 2nd to 4th in the order of sacred power within the denomination.

In addition to this, Joachim Steinmeier in front of them was the fifth most powerful person after them. "If you look at the patterns in the meantime, they will come to Korea and try to kill me within a week at the most."  

Minjun was deep in thought. ‘He said he was going to be the bait. And I just need to break the earthen pot at the moment the alien priest who turned around after being attached to me rushes in.'  

They then exchanged glances with the dragon. If an alien criminal roamed in Korea, it was true that one would have to catch it from the agent’s point of view. However, from the prisoner’s point of view, it was difficult to pour the time simply because he had to deal with one important task soon.  

‘I don’t really like the security job…’  

After a brief telepathic exchange, Minjun said, "I can only be with you for a week. If the Patriarch does not appear there, the contract will be renegotiated. Of course, even if he does not appear, the promised reward will not be returned. Also, if you sign a new contract a week later, it is a condition that you have to pay an appropriate remuneration again, and depending on my circumstances, I may not renew the contract at that time. How is it?”  

At this, the priest agreed. A strong sense of conviction flashed in his eyes.

"It will definitely come. He will come to kill me in a week."  

In addition to this, only after Yohaim accepted the other condition that Minjun gave them, the two signed the contract. "And as long as I am with you, you must never do such a terrible thing, whether it is a worship service or a ritual, or anything. Do you understand?”  


=This is it, sister! Thank you for using it today!=  

Listening to the lively chatter of the frying pan, Cathy transferred the finished dish. Today’s work was Sichuan-style fried eggplant. He then tasted it and smiled with satisfaction.  

"Okay, very good."  

= I’m satisfied too, sister! It’s been a long time since I cooked fried food, so it’s exciting! still feel I can feel it!=  

Telepathy was brimming with excitement. Cathy then put another piece into her mouth and grunted. "It's a pity that I have to eat something so delicious by myself. I’m going to play this for practice today and do it again later to bring it to the office.”  

= Huh? Why don’t you take this? Didn’t you cook for the older brother who hired you? As always.=

Cathy thought about it for a moment. She thought about how far she could tell the story Minjun had told her. However, she soon wondered what he was like. After all, the frying pan was an artifact that only the people around Minjun could touch.  

It had always been like that. Talking with this artificial intelligence that resided in the cooking tools would help one to unravel stories that one did not even think of. The frying pan was a better listener than anyone Cathy knew. The frying pan said this when he heard that Minjun was now in charge of the personal escort of a religious person and that he was being guarded 24 hours a day.  

= Is it? He told me not to even come to the scene?=  

Of course, there were such safety concerns, but before that, Minjun didn’t seem to want Kathy to come into contact with Yo-Him. This was because, in some respects, Yoheim considered it to be something more terrifying than a frying pan…  

= What kind of religion is that? =  

"Dreamland. Have you heard?"  

=No, this is the first time I’ve heard of it.=  

However, when Cassie added a few words, the frying pan screamed. =Ah, ‘Ellahu-Praga'!= "Ella… what?" = This is the name given to the dimension in which the religion was founded. Did you translate it as ‘Dreamland’ here? It’s not a mistranslation, but it’s too simple a semantic substitution. The multi-lingual beauty of the original text doesn’t live up to it… Well, that must have been the best thing. =

= Then you mean we have to catch the alien who first introduced that religion to Earth?=  

"Yeah, I’ve never heard of such a bizarre mission. Besides, I felt a little embarrassed because my opponent was the strongest priest in the denomination. Minjun's abilities didn't match well. But the more I listened, the less worried I was."  

As Johaim explicitly demanded, in order for them to properly exercise their divine power, it seemed that not only the clergy themselves but also the mobilized members must all fall into a state of ecstasy. There was a reason why a large number of hallucinogens were mobilized in the exorcism ritual.  

"I wondered if a cleric who was drugged and running would be a threat to Minjun. No matter how powerful it is…"  

However, the frying pan didn’t seem to agree with Kathy’s opinion. =Ah… that’s not necessarily the case. You say that Patriarch is from dimension #77-102? =  


  = Isn’t this taxonomy widely used on Earth? This is the method used by the committee. Anyway, if the priest was a native of that place, he wouldn’t come because he was drugged. =  

“What do you mean?”  

= I explained it in human standards so that my sister can understand it. When humans think religiously, certain parts of the brain… specifically, a part called the ventral striatum is stimulated. But isn’t that the area related to ‘reward’? It is the part that controls the happiness and pleasure response of the brain in return for doing something. You can think of it as one of the factors that causes the fullness, happiness, and satisfaction that faithful religious people often feel.=  

At this, Cathy wanted to know why the frying pan suddenly brought up this story. “Therefore?”  

=Dimension #77-102 There are similar parts in the indigenous brain. But the reaction is much more arbitrary and voluntary. =

=Priests of Elahu-Praga exert their most powerful divine powers when their brains are in a state of ecstasy drenched in pleasure. Humans need drugs to get to that stage. But the race I’m talking about can’t take medicines. Those people can control the release of intracerebral drugs more easily than the human species. Especially if you’re a trained clergyman, just memorizing scriptures in your head, praising gods, or thinking about gods will dazzle you! That part of the brain would react easily to religious thoughts.=  

At this, Cathy’s expression hardened upon hearing that. “If that’s the case… just in case you don’t know, I’ll have to tell Minjun-san.”  

= Yes, yes! It will definitely help.=  

"By the way." Cathy looked at the frying pan with a questionable expression. "You really know everything, don't you? Why do you need such knowledge for cooking utensils?"

At this, the frying pan answered. = In order to become companions of high-class owners, it is a trend these days to have this level of liberal arts knowledge required! So, what kind of dish can I help with next? Since I’ve warmed up my body for a while, I’m going to use boiling oil for the next dish….=

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