The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 28: From Peace…

After the sunset, it was too chilly to stay in the forest. The flowers in the meadows blossomed every season, though it helped that it hadn’t snowed yet. Fenris shifted into his beast form, laying before me so I could mount his back.

This wouldn’t be the first time I felt his fur on my fingertips, but it would be the first I would ride him like this. When his fur touched my limbs, I felt a rush of electricity course through me. It felt so much different from his humanoid hair.

It’s so soft.

When Fenris stood up, it caused me to fall onto him, grabbing his fur in tight fists. I had only felt his coat like this once before. On a chilly night, when the building heaters failed, one winter storm after holding me for most of the night, I woke up the following day to radiant heat overwhelming me.

He had shifted into his beast form to keep me cozy throughout the night, and he never left my side until they fixed the heaters. I told him I was okay with a warm blanket, but he refused to go, no matter how often his phone rang; instead, he spent the entire day as my heater.

Not that I minded, but he received a scolding from Ryker the following day. However, he didn’t care for the elf’s words, either.

“Late is better than never.” Fenris sassed back at Ryker, much to his annoyance.

Heat radiated into every inch of my body, touching his fur even then. He was a warm, fluffy cloud in this form, to me at least. I didn’t have to fear the fangs he would bear for his enemies.

Before taking off, he shook his body to check if I was holding him tight enough not to be blown off. Shade again held onto my dress for dear life when the wolf ran at a blinding speed. He wasn't as graceful as Cora, but just as fast.

I closed my eyes, holding on to him tightly as we ran through the dark forest I used to call my home and into the lights of the town before coming to a complete stop. To my surprise, we weren’t in the Cerberus headquarters but in an alley.

It was a place I quickly recognized as it was the part of the town I had destroyed fourteen years ago. Fenris dropped on the floor to let me off again when I tightened my grip on him, hesitant to do so.

I don’t belong here! So many people died because of what I did! Why did you bring me here?1

Over the years, Ben had drilled into me that it wasn't my fault, even if it was in a failed attempt to save them. However, I still felt responsible for everything. The shadow demons from the nether realm went out of control because I couldn’t control my emotions.

Noticing my hesitation, Fenris shifted back to his humanoid form, even though I was still on his back. The sudden change caused me to grasp onto him as a baby monkey would to her mother. When his form stabilized, my arms ended on his shoulders and around his neck. The rest of my body rested on his back.

I tightly wrapped my legs around his hips, refusing to touch the ground. A small chuckle rose from his lips as his hands and knees were on the floor.

"Lilith—" Fenris began, but I wouldn’t let him finish.

"No! I can’t!" I refused to know what he wanted.

Even though I didn’t know why he brought me there, I wanted to leave.

"Lily! It’ll be okay." Fenris assured me.

He brushed aside my worries, but I didn’t, couldn’t, step in this part of town ever.

"No!" I disagreed, burying my face in his back.

The wolf released a sigh, standing up with me on him, triggering me to hold tighter onto his neck. Sadly, gravity wanted me to fall onto the ground below. Shade climbed up onto his head when he grabbed onto my arms, which held him hostage.

"Lily," he gently voiced, shifting his grip onto my thighs to make sure I wouldn’t fall by accident.

I declined to continue answering him.

"Oi, I’m going to do something mean again if you don’t listen to me," he warned.

I ignore, pouting somewhat.

You won’t get the best of me in this matter.

"I don’t care!" I declared.

My words caused his grip on me to tighten. "Oh... Well, then, I’m glad you consented to this." He snickered.

Before I realized it, I was in the air.


The crazy wolf launched me upward to get me off his back. On the way back down, he swiftly caught me, pinning me in between the wall and himself. One of his hands held me up as the other ripped my stocking from my underwear.

My heart raced, worried anyone would be around, making the light breeze the least of my worries. Luckily, everyone was busy doing other things than coming through this alley. The sky was devoid of any light, too.

No one could look in there and see us unless they were a vampire. They had excellent eyesight at night.

"Fenris... No... Someone will hear us here." I worried.

He unbuckled his belt once again.

Just what did I get myself into?

I knew this wolf was insatiable. However, the cold wasn't even a worry to him, thanks to the heat radiating from his skin.

"Well, maybe you should’ve gotten off when I told you to." Fenris huffed.

I gripped his shirt tightly.

"No... Why didn't you take me back? You’ll get into trouble too!" I tried to persuade him, but once he had a goal in mind, he wouldn't relent, and I loved that part about him.

"Liam will make an excuse for me. And for you... Well, you’ve behaved like such a good girl these past years. That I’m sure they think you’re in your room." He murmured into my ear.

His breath brushed against it, triggering shivers to run down me. With one swift movement, he moved aside my hindering clothes, leaving me to gasp when he slipped himself into me.

“Fen—” I couldn’t finish his name, feeling his length touch my core.

Everything we had done before lingered in me, and he was pushing it ever more profoundly.

"And for not taking you back. I want you to see how the world has moved on and how you should, too." He added, licking my neck.

By the gods, I’m nothing more than a plaything for you!

Not that I minded.

"Then show me!" I whimpered, unable to control my legs jittery.

In response, Fenris’s heat went into my walls entirely, grinding into me. My legs tensed up when he slowly thrust himself into me at a steady pace.

"Too late for that. Now, you’ll have to please me first. Hold your voice if you don’t want unwanted eyes to look our way." He teased, knowing full well I couldn’t.

The sensations he sent through my body were too much to contain. I was addicted to this feeling.

"Fenris!" I whined, grasping at his shirt.

My lack of control caused him to click his tongue, yet there was a peaceful solution to my roaming voice. Feverishly, he kissed me to quiet me, an attempt to silence me that I didn’t mind. However, we were in public, which caused my nerves to run wild.

Thanks to what he was doing to me, I overlooked the bracelet's failure to respond to my growing instability. Unaware of my turmoil, Fenris separated himself from our kiss, only to trail down my neck before thrusting himself deep within me.

It caused me to whine again, making me bite into his shirt soon after, snuffling the mewls.

"Lily... Don't squeeze me like this. I don’t know if I can control myself if you do this to me." Fenris panted lewdly in my ear.

Just who’s at fault here!? You aren’t even trying to control yourself in the first place!

My blood boiled because of the playful wolf’s words. In response to his tease, I yanked him into another kiss, triggering him to hum happily. Our tongues locked with one another, unable to pull away from each other as my hips began to move into his.

Focusing on our kiss, he stopped thrusting into me, leaving me bucking my hips into him, searching for more before plunging himself into me again. Moments before our release, he stopped, tugging away from my lips.

Something had caught his attention, and I wasn’t me.

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