The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 65: Trust

Hello! Thank you so much for reading this far! I need a moment of your time, please! I'll change this series's schedule: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays! This change is happening because I struggle to keep up with updates and quality edits to make the story a better experience!

I'm also adjusting it to write more new things, as editing has been consuming most, if not all, of my time, so I'm changing it to three times a week since I'm also updating my other story twice a week. Thank you so much for reading! This schedule will start this coming week!

Also, if you have any characters you want to have side stories about, let me know! I might write them for you! Thank you for your time!

For a moment, the black wolf studied me without saying anything.

"Yes... I do... but why are you saying these things?" She questioned.

"I promise I won’t hurt you," I whispered, unsure if this was the right way, but there was no going back.

All I could do was believe I would control it long enough for her to see what I wanted. I took a few steps towards her, removing my second wrist inhibitor, marking the first time I had ever done this willingly. The sudden rush of magic that ran through me caused my body to shimmer in a blue hue.

In the reflection of her eyes, I could see my brown eyes also turning blue. With a brief hesitation, I handed them to her, clasping her hand in mine.

"If I’m right, then I can show you what I see if—" I tried to explain, but the moment I removed the second bracelet, the whispers became louder than my thoughts.

Even so, I held onto her hands, feeding the dark aura of her curse with my magical power and making it visible to the naked eye. It was a simple trick we witches had if we wanted to show a curse on an item or person. However, this didn’t work on all of them, and the amount of magic used to reveal them varied.

This could’ve been why they never told her, but her race was the biggest reason. No witch would risk angering an eternal witch but couldn’t care less when they wanted to punish a girl she never met.

Feeling it flow through me as my mana fed it, I quickly realized this was a generational curse from an ancient witch.

"What’s this?" Melody asked, eyes wide open.

The aura was thicker than smoke, turning darker than the night sky. However, the whispers prevented me from answering her. I couldn’t separate my thoughts from theirs.

"It’s what Lily sees when she looks at you with the eyes of what you call the nether realm," Shade answered, causing Melody to pull away from me.

The more magic flowed through my body, the more it allowed the black feline to interact with our world, much like when she warned Ben about what my death would bring. However, I fell to my knees when the black wolf pulled away, unaware the whispers were drowning me.

Kill her... She’s just another enemy... She’s a sin! A Lycan! Enemy!

Hitching my breath onto each other, I soon started to hyperventilate, triggering Shade to act over a mortified Melody.

"Girl, quickly put the bracelets back on, Lily!" she ordered a stunned wolf, who heeded her words and swiftly put both inhibitors back on me.

The whispers slowly died down, allowing my thoughts to become clearer. However, the toll that it took on my body was another story. I wasn’t used to the amount of power that suddenly coursed through me.

"Lilith, what’s all this? Are you okay?" Melody worried, bombarding me with more questions.

An invisible clock ticked, and my time was running out. The spell would be impossible without an anchor, and there was my only shot of having one. Without a second thought, I stood up, wobbling towards the table where the ingredients were.

Melody was right behind me while my head throbbed, wobbling my way to get a pot and then back to the table. The lights were becoming bothersome, ensuring my thoughts wouldn’t be coherent.

I prepared the ingredients, knowing my body would fail me soon before closing my eyes and preparing myself for what was coming next. The black wolf wasn’t in the dark anymore about her curse.

Perhaps it would’ve been better to keep you in the dark, but I can’t. I don’t want to do that to you. Not when you’ve been so kind to me.

"Melody, you’re cursed, and I can break if..." I trailed off, thanks to a sudden sensation of dizziness.

Everything I did with Fenris the night before affected my body. Thanks to it, I was weaker than I thought. Even though the magic hadn’t surged out of control, my body wasn’t ready for the sudden burst.

Perhaps all of this was a mistake, yet I pushed forward, feeling my body grow hotter by the second. Noticing my discomfort, Melody touched my forehead before swiftly going for her phone. Instinctively, I grabbed her hand, preventing her from doing anything to stop this.

Shade faithfully grabbed the phone from her pocket and ran towards my side of the room.

"Don’t... call him," I muttered.

There isn’t any going back. If Fenris finds out, it’ll be the end.

I couldn’t allow him to prevent me from casting this spell.

Not to tell how angry you’ll be when you know why I am trying to do this.

"But you’re burning up! We can figure this out another day." Melody tried to sway me.

No! This is the only day we have! There aren’t any others!

It wasn’t easy to fight her because I also wanted Fenris there to hold me. This left me trembling where I sat, yet my choices would’ve been limited if he were there. I had to move forward—not only for my desires anymore but also for Melody.

Perhaps I’m pushing my emotions into you. But am I wrong? Don’t you want to be cured?

I wouldn’t know unless I inquired.

"Do you want to be free, Melody?" I asked, noticing her pupils dilated.

Ah… I’m a menacing witch—the most dangerous one in this era. Does that scare you? Or are you worried about me? I can’t tell you anymore.

Instead of answering me, it was as if Shade had stolen her tongue while she gazed at me like a deer caught in headlights. Even so, I need an answer, as the anchor would only work if she were willing.

"Do you?!" I asked again, clasping her slightly trembling hand.

Tears rolled down her eyes once again, “Yes, I want to be cured!” she finally responded, leaving me with little doubt about what I was going to do next.

"Then... as payment, I’ll have you be my hold to this world for this spell," I announced, pulling her hand before nipping her finger with a needle.

With the fall of a single droplet of blood into the cauldron, I let go of her hand and grabbed a small knife before slicing my palm with it. Melody squealed, running to find a cloth on the side while I ignored her, allowing the blood to flow into the pot below.

Are you sure about this? Shade asked me.

I couldn’t help but chuckle slightly, closing my eyes before a strange call came over me.

Ah… is this what freedom feels like? I didn’t know I’d feel so exhilarated to cast a spell without holding back.

"Dulce somnium dicam tibi futurum ostenderet praeter me ducat." I chanted, turning the blood that flowed down to the cauldron black and shifting the liquid inside towards the same color.

When the incantation took hold, a white light blinded us before it dimmed, revealing the potion that would send me back into my past.

All that’s left is to ingest it.

Glancing around the room, I saw Melody running towards me with a cloth to cover my wound.

Ah… you’re blessed not to be fully connected to your wolf.

The strength of the spell alone could’ve sent any nearby Lycan's ears ringing to no end.

But that's a blame that can easily shifted to the witches here.

The spell wouldn’t have affected them as much if they had worn their nullifying earrings. However, Fenris never did, and he wasn’t around. The simple fact that Liam was the one to come in case of an emergency was enough to let me know my wolf wasn’t in the building with me.

It was quick enough to cast that it could not be identified or located, but I imagined complaints being filed to the building's magic department because of it. Wrapping my hand in the cloth, Melody scolded me harshly, pleading with Shade to return her phone.

"Melody, whatever you do. Don’t let go of my hand." I struggled to serve the potion into a cup with my free hand.

My body quivered slightly, alerting me I was about to shut down.

"What?" she questioned, confused.

Without answering her, I chugged the liquid without giving the taste a second thought, causing her to gasp.

After I gulped, a soft giggle left my lips. "I’m going to relive my past. So, please don’t let go," I whispered as everything became blurry.

"Wait, what? No!" she tried to plead with me, but it was too late.

The spell was already taking hold of me, making my eyes heavier. This triggered Melody to grab me and carry me over to the bed.

"Why aren't you saying anything now?!" The black wolf huffed at Shade, who tilted her head.

"Meow,” she replied.

A soft groan left Melody’s lips before she stomped to the cauldron, approached me with it, and grasped my hand.

"Why are you all so selfish?! I may be stupid for witchcraft, but I’m not letting you do this alone!" She chugged whatever liquid was in the pot, throwing it on the side.

Her action alone stunned me to my core.

"Mel..." I mumbled, feeling my eyes close to me.

Lying next to me, she held my hand in hers. "Together!" She huffed.

What a stupid girl... Do you think she’ll handle it? Shade commented, jumping onto the bed and placing the phone beside us.

I… don’t know…

I never expected Melody to do anything like this, but it was like her, much like when she jumped between Layla and me. However, it wasn’t long until we fell into a place where my dreams would take me back into the past I dreaded to relive.

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