The Giant Creator

v3 Chapter 559 - Episode [559]: I am the waiting canary

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After killing these two little Japanese, Zhong Cheng did not relax, he was very cautious, and his spirit was highly concentrated.

Although this series of actions can be regarded as silent, there should be no leaks. But Zhong Cheng really didn’t dare to relax completely. Who can guarantee that there are other people behind me?

After all, it is my own subjective perspective, and there may be places to ignore.

Zhong Cheng observed the surroundings with a high degree of concentration and found that there were no problems, so he relaxed a little.

Fortunately, it was dark now, which gave him a lot of convenience.

If it is during the day, a few hundred meters away, or even a few kilometers away, people may only find him if they have a good magnification.

It’s pretty good now, and my sight will be blocked.

Far away, Zhong Cheng is not worried. Zhong Cheng is worried that the guy on the top of the mountain opposite will find himself?

The lone wolf opposite should be very powerful and cautious. Although his movement is slight, the other party may not find it!

Therefore, Zhong Cheng’s concern is justified.

Now Zhong Cheng hopes that the canal team can attract the attention of the lone wolf. In this case, his side is much safer.

However, this clock is based on the premise that it has been discovered.

Yes, Zhong Cheng is so cautious.

Zhong Cheng is not rushing to the top of the mountain right now. He is waiting, waiting for the Channel team to confront the lone wolf. Then he slowly touches it.

Zhong Cheng immediately picked up the equipment of the two Japanese.

To be honest, the equipment of these two Japanese is much better than Zhong Cheng. People’s equipment has been almost picked up, both of them have a rifle and a sniper rifle, and the accessories are almost complete. The only thing they have now is antidote, medical box.

Then there are the bullets.

The equipment is very good, but there are not many bullets!

No wonder they are going to set off in the evening and go up to catch a wave.

Zhong Cheng glanced at. The sniper rifle in both hands was Mauser 98k, and the magnification was not particularly good, only 4x. This is suitable for medium and long distances, and long-range sniping is difficult. And more often, 4x mirrors are more suitable for combat mounted on rifles.

For such a large map, Zhong Cheng felt that it was necessary to have a high-powered sniper rifle.

If you do not use a high-powered sniper rifle, his M4A1 can be used as a sniper rifle with a 4x lens. The accuracy is still okay, just a little less powerful.

However, now this 4x mirror Mauser 98K is still okay.

Zhong Cheng scraped the sniper rifle, and then scraped some bullets. For the rest, Zhong Cheng is about to be destroyed, but this is obviously not the time.

Zhong Cheng must not be able to reveal his position, at least to clear the enemy in this area before doing so.

Never leave weapons and equipment to the enemy!

This is not a game, it is a reality, everything that ca n’t be taken away is destroyed!

In this way, you can reduce your enemies invisibly, which is very effective for the best protection of yourself. Zhong Cheng gathered these equipments and put them here, ready to destroy them when he was leaving the next day.

After Cheng Cheng handled this, he started slowly moving along the mountain and slowly moving towards the opposite mountain.

At this time, the lone wolf should have changed into auspicious clothes, it should be difficult to find him this evening. The two people in this canal squad rushed up to deliver food, even if they were very cautious.

Zhong Cheng was waiting, he didn’t dare to approach rashly.

Zhong Cheng knows that there are only two people going up the mountain this time, but Duwol One does not know!

After Duwol One found the two men, the first thing to do was not to destroy the two men, but to look around and see if there were any companions around them. After confirming that there is no companion, the only wolf will choose to shoot it. If it is not determined, perhaps Duwol One will endure it, waiting for Tianming to say it tomorrow.

Obviously, at this time, Dulang No. 1 has moved its position and will not stay on the top of the mountain.

Staying on top of that mountain is the easiest to expose!

Therefore, Zhong Cheng was so careful, Zhong Cheng didn’t rush into it. Instead, he used his thermal imaging sight to observe, and observe where the Wild Wolf One had moved?

However, it is better to observe at this time, although the dead body cooling time after death is 5-10 hours, or even longer. But these deceased people were concentrated on the top of the mountain, and at this time, the wild wolf one should not be on the top of the mountain, so the thermal imaging far away from the mountain top should be the wild wolf one.

Of course, if the wolf one is more cunning, he still stays on the top of the mountain, but removes some corpses, then Zhong Cheng really has nothing to say!

Now Zhong Cheng hopes that the canal team can become his own perspective and find out where the lone wolf of the wild wolf one is?

At this time, Zhong Cheng also observed the position of the canal team to see where they were?

This was incredible, and Zhong Cheng frowned slightly.

These two guys are too cautious, one behind the other, one left and one right, moving at a reasonable position, slowly advancing layer by layer, as if the ants were crawling.

Too cautious!

Zhong Cheng felt that compared with the two, his patience was far worse.

These two are really too cautious!

However, Zhong Cheng also had to give a thumbs up for these two people. These two people seemed to be more German, careful and meticulous!

Of course, Zhong Cheng didn’t think it would make much sense to do so, saying that all their actions were under the attention of Yelang No.1. Now that the wolf one hasn’t shot them, they just want to determine if there are other people around them?

The wolf one is also a cautious and cunning and fierce guy.

Zhong Cheng held it right now, and they have already played in the finals!

This wolf one is definitely capable of entering the finals, of course, it is very likely that he will explain here now.

Zhong Cheng watched from a distance, and did not advance rashly.

Wait, wait a long time!

The canal squad is really too inky and cautious. By this time, it was still so slow. It can be seen that the two are very level. Zhong Cheng held that these two people should kill the people on the top with the least expectation, but unfortunately they don’t know that the people on the top of the mountain have been killed by others.

Zhong Cheng is not yet able to determine the location of the Wild Wolf One, and has not rashly acted.

At this time, the canal team is about to reach the top of the mountain, and the two will definitely find that the situation on the top of the mountain is not right. So what happens next? Will the wolf one act?

With a stunned gunshot, the No. 1 member of the Drainage Squad was snatched.

From the perspective of the thermal imaging sight, Sui No. 1 was not hung up, and he was snatched into the thigh position, which should be his luck.

At this point, another ambush began.

Through the sound of gunshots, Zhong Cheng was probably able to determine the location of Wild Wolf One. I really did not expect that this guy would have moved nearly 300 meters in the future. This guy is really too cautious, he definitely guessed that someone must be nearby, so he made this choice.

Knowing the approximate location of Wild Wolf One, Zhong Cheng started to use thermal imaging sights to find the location of Wild Wolf One. At the same time, it was moving forward slowly, preparing to give the wolf one a cardinal behind.

Zhong Cheng hopes that the canal team can persist for a longer time, so that he can be closer to the wolf one and can easily kill the wolf one.

Of course, Zhong Cheng didn’t dare to lean too close, because the wolf No. 1’s nerves were very sharp.


The Drain Squad also seems to have discovered the location of the Wild Wolf One, and the two sides have begun a fierce battle. Of course, both sides hope to make a quick decision so that they will not attract the attention of others around them, and then have more time to move.

Obviously, the first consecutive battles have been exposed here, and everyone is not like staying here.

Shuiqu Squad two people are also very powerful, Shuiqu No. 1 who was hit in the thigh directly found a shelter in place, grabbing Wolf No. 1 for Shuiqu Squad No. 2 players. Then the Channel No. 2 team quickly moved around, preparing to advance towards the position of Wild Wolf One, and the two cooperated to attack the small head of Wild Wolf One.

To be honest, only three people participated in the battle, but this battle was also relatively sharp.

The sniper guns of Shuiqu No.1 and Wild Wolf No.1 kept ringing, threatening each other.

When Zhong Cheng heard this, it was a shock in his heart. The strength of both sides was very good. This battle has been going on for so long. It seems that it has not ended.

Of course, this is a good thing for Zhong Cheng.

Now Zhong Cheng has arrived in a very good position, he is able to solve the wolf one very easily. But he didn’t take the shot right now, because the two members of the canal team have not been killed yet. At this time, killing the wolf one is not good for himself.

What Zhong Cheng has to do now is wait!

Of course, Zhong Cheng hopes that the two sides can end the fighting as soon as possible, so that he can end it. After finishing, be sure to leave here as soon as possible, saying that many people have already begun to flock here.

Suddenly, Zhong Cheng’s eyes tightened and his heart trembled.

Not far before him, the No. 2 team of the Drainage Squad appeared, less than three meters from him. Zhong Cheng’s heart was mentioned in his throat. Oh my gosh, did he find me?

Zhong Cheng was really nervous. If Shuiqu No. 2 found himself by accident, would it be troublesome? This battlefield situation will also undergo a huge change, and it will be chaotic like a pot of porridge.

Zhong Cheng tightened the M4A1 in his hand and was ready to kill the No. 2 drain in front of him at any time.

Once Channel 2 turned around, Zhong Cheng would immediately trigger the trigger, shoot Channel 2 and then transfer as soon as possible. Because the situation here will surely alarm Yelang No. 1, which is the situation that Zhong Cheng is most unwilling to see.

Zhong Cheng was naturally praying at this time, praying that the No. 2 canal did not turn his head, and all his energy was concentrated on No. 1 wolf in front. At the same time, Zhong Cheng also hoped that the No. 2 movement of the canal should not be too big, and not to be discovered by the No. 1 wolf.

If the wolf one notices the situation here, with his position advantage, it is likely that Zhong Cheng will be found in the same way. In that case, Zhong Cheng was exposed, and everything that Zhong Cheng had done before was meaningless.

However, Zhong Cheng already knew in his heart that most of this time he was exposed!

The position of Shuiqu No. 2 is very suitable for shooting, and he will never miss such an opportunity. As soon as the No. 2 Canal can’t kill the No. 1 Wolf, Zhong Cheng must be exposed.

Now Zhong Cheng hopes that the No. 2 channel can kill the No. 1 wolf, so that he will not be exposed.

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