The Girl Who Married a Tycoon Husband After Disfigurement

Chapter 81: The Reason

Chapter 81

Qin Lie walked up to the two men, "Do you know what happened?" He had examined the corpses with his spiritual sense, and they had all died from bleeding from the seven apertures, which is something only a cultivator could achieve. So who might the culprit be?

"No idea," the two men shook their heads and retreated. They didn't know if Qin Lie was friend or foe.

Qin Lie glanced at their injuries and took out two healing pills from his pocket, offering them to the men. "Take these."

The two looked at the pills in Qin Lie's hand, exchanging glances, unsure if they should take them. They didn't know who Qin Lie was, so how could they dare consume his medicine?

Qin Lie showed them his identification, "I'm here to rescue you."

Upon seeing his ID, the two were stunned, filled with shock and disbelief. How were they so fortunate as to be rescued by the leader of the Fighting Wolves Group, the most mysterious and powerful force of Xia Country that carried out unimaginable missions?

Excitement welled up in their hearts as they trembled, taking the healing pills from Qin Lie's hands and putting them in their mouths. As the pills took effect, the agonizing pain from their wounds slowly subsided, and the shallower wounds visibly began healing at an astonishing rate.

"This..." The two men couldn't believe their eyes. Had they not witnessed it themselves and felt the pain subsiding, they would have thought it was a dream that so thoroughly shattered their understanding.

"Let's go," Qin Lie turned and headed for a car not far away.

"Oh!" The two men snapped out of their daze and hurried to follow. They truly felt like they were dreaming.

Qin Lie drove the two men out of Myanmar and handed them over to the border guards before driving back into Myanmar. Apart from rescuing these two, his main purpose for this trip was to see Ling Yue. He knew she would never forgive him, but he wouldn't give up.

Arriving at the hotel where Ling Yue was staying, it was already past 5 AM. Qin Lie had checked Ling Yue's schedule and knew she would be taking a 9 AM flight back to Xia Country that day.

Since all the hotel rooms had been booked by those attending the gemstone trading conference in Myanmar, Qin Lie paid extra to reserve the hotel's breakfast service and waited for Ling Yue in the restaurant.

After freshening up, Ling Yue glanced at the time and called out to the still sleeping Tang Xin, "Xin Xin, time to get up."

"Okay..." Tang Xin mumbled groggily, reaching for her phone. Rubbing her bleary eyes, she saw the time and sat up lazily, "I want to sleep more..." Yawning, she slipped on her slippers and headed for the bathroom.

Downstairs in the restaurant, which was already packed with people, Ling Yue felt someone watching her. Turning, she met a pair of deep, ink-black eyes, gentle as water. Why was he here?

Qin Lie gave a faint smile, his gaze even more tender.

Ling Yue's expression remained impassive as she averted her eyes, going with Tang Xin to another area. She didn't know why Qin Lie had appeared here, but she didn't want to see him, didn't want anything to do with him in this lifetime. If he had betrayed her in their previous life, why was he pretending to be affectionate now?

Qin Lie pursed his lips, swallowing the bitterness in his mouth. He knew Ling Yue must hate him deeply, but in their previous life, he had no choice but to act as he did to protect her.

In their previous life, he was the regent prince of a neighboring country. It was he who had requested to be sent as Ling Yue's male consort. For so many years, he had stayed by her side, not for his own country, but for her. The first time he saw her on the battlefield, his heart was lost to her.

He had been by her side for so long that she eventually fell in love with him too. But their happiness didn't last. He received word that the kings of several other countries had secretly enlisted the help of experts from the Four Deities Temple and Celestial Pavilion to set up the Demon Slaying Formation at the Dragon Vein, intending to kill Ling Yue, whose immense power had become a threat.

Once activated, the Demon Slaying Formation would cause Ling Yue's soul to dissipate, preventing her reincarnation.

When Qin Lie received this news, he had just returned to his own country after being summoned with word that his mother was deathly ill and wanted to see him one last time. Only then did he realize it was all a ploy.

He rushed back as quickly as he could, but the Demon Slaying Formation was already complete. Realizing he couldn't save Ling Yue, in that critical moment an idea struck him - to use the Qian Kun Transfer Soul Formation. Their primordial souls would transfer to another world through the sword meant to kill Ling Yue as a medium. As the Demon Slaying Formation activated, the Qian Kun Transfer Soul Formation would simultaneously activate, sending their souls to be reborn in another realm.

However, he didn't expect that it would take ten years in this world before Ling Yue appeared.

"Yue Yue, it seems like he's been watching you. Do you know him?" Tang Xin also noticed Qin Lie's gaze and turned to look at him, immediately captivated by his ethereally handsome face. How could there be a man so devastatingly good-looking in this world? He was a perfect match for Ling Yue's beauty.

"No," Ling Yue didn't even spare Qin Lie a glance.

After hurriedly finishing breakfast, Ling Yue left the restaurant and returned to her room to get her luggage before heading to the airport with Lan Ji, Tang Xin, and the others.

Once on the plane and in her seat, someone immediately sat down beside her. Thinking it was Lan Ji, Ling Yue didn't look until the refreshing scent of wood reached her nose. Then she knew it was Qin Lie.

Ling Yue's face turned cold as she gazed out the window.

"Yue Er," Qin Lie's gaze was gentle as he studied her profile, savoring her faint fragrance. He had dreamed of being with her like this countless times, only to wake and find it an illusion. Now, being able to see her up close filled him with immense joy.

Ling Yue stood up, "Move!" She didn't want to be around Qin Lie for even a minute.

Qin Lie pulled her back into her seat, his deep black eyes serious as he gazed at her. "Yue Er, give me a chance to explain. I..."

"Let go!" Ling Yue shrugged off his hand and closed her eyes, ignoring him. No matter what he said, she wouldn't listen. Betrayal was betrayal.

Qin Lie watched her for a long while before slowly averting his gaze. He shifted slightly closer to Ling Yue, a faint smile on his lips. Being this near to her made him happy.

Throughout the flight, Ling Yue didn't spare Qin Lie a single glance until the plane landed safely. Only then did she open her eyes and, seeing he was still there, stood and said, "Move!"

Qin Lie didn't budge, only gazing at her tenderly. He didn't want to part from her so soon.

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