The Goblin's Leveling System!

Chapter 199: The Kingdom Of Delltra

Axel's PoV:

The humans wearing fancy clothing stood up and started exchanging glances with each other.

I guessed that they were deciding who would introduce themselves to me.

After several seconds of waiting, the human adult in his forties walked towards me and performed a slight bow.

"I am Jonathan Deuce Delltra, the King of the Kingdom Of Delltra."

The human adult in his forties introduced himself to me while he proceeded to introduce his family to me.

In the royal family of Delltra, there was one king, one queen, one princess, and two princes.

After they finished introducing their name to me which I didn't bother listening to except for the name of the king, Jonathan told me what happened before I arrived at Delltra.

The demons managed to conquer the kingdom of Delltra in just a few hours because of the Great Sage Of Sword leaving the kingdom of Delltra for a while.

The brave knights of Delltra weren't able to defeat the army of demon nobles so it led to the kingdom's demise.

Just like Sylmys, the kingdom of Delltra was also protected by one of the guardians or also known as the Great Sages.

The Great Sage Of Sword was the powerhouse that repelled the forces that tried to invade Delltra but since he decided to go to someplace for a while, the kingdom of Delltra was left vulnerable to attacks from their opposing forces.

The sword knights of Delltra were powerful enough a demon noble but because of a previous monster horde that attacked their kingdom, the sword knights were rendered having their energy and strength reduced.

Not to mention that one supreme demon and one archdemon attacked the kingdom of Delltra, the kingdom of Delltra had suffered casualties because of that.

Most of the citizens of the kingdom of Delltra were killed and eaten by the demon nobles while the supreme demon decided to execute the royal family for fun.

The archdemon then erected a demonic mana barrier to prevent outsiders from interfering with the royal family's execution and that's when I arrived at the kingdom of Delltra and ruined the demons' fun.

What happened next was me defeating the demons and toying with the demons' lives, like how the demons' toyed with the life of the citizens of Delltra.

Although I wasn't against killing the citizens of Delltra, what made me disgusted by the actions of the demons was that they toyed and tortured the lives of their victims before killing them.

I believed in an ethical killing in which I painlessly kill all of my opponents unless my opponent was a serial killer or a madman that deserved a session of torture.

I could understand and feel the sufferings of the citizens that were tortured by the demons since I was also like them because of the scientists back on my home planet torturing Alex.

That was why I was against torturing my victims unless they deserved to be tortured.

After I sorted out what Jonathan had told me about what had transpired before I arrived and saved the kingdom of Delltra, I was thanked by the Delltra Family and was even offered by them to have a meal with them in the royal palace.

Of course, I didn't decline and I even told them that my teammates would be joining and they weren't bothered by it. They were getting nervous since they would meet the rest of the heroes that would save the world.

Jonathan had offered me a hand in marriage with his only daughter but of course, I declined this time. I already had one princess in my life and that was all I need.

Aerin would surely beat the hell out of me if I agreed so I made sure to decline but in a polite manner. After all, they might change their mind in giving my teammates and me a free meal if I declined in a rude manner which would be equal to insulting them.

I called Pedonar and Aileen to come over to the kingdom of Delltra via telepathy and I had assured them that all of the vermins in the human kingdom were exterminated by me.

After I finished relaying my telepathic message to Pedonar and Aileen, I saw figures flying towards the kingdom which was Pedonar, Aileen, and the rest of the heroes' party.

They all landed beside me as they observed the damage that the demons had caused towards the kingdom.

My teammates and I especially Satomi had sensed some life signals inside the houses while even some of them were underground.

Those life signals should be humans who managed to hide from the demons and were fortunate enough that the demons were occupied with dealing with the humans that the demons' had caught.

For those humans who were underground, I guessed that at least one of those humans had an affinity with earth magic so they burrowed on the ground and hid underground.

Since those humans had sealed themselves underground without any source of air, the only possible reason why they didn't die was that one of them was proficient in wind magic so that wind magic users created air for them to breathe while they were hiding underground.

I didn't further continue checking up on the humans since I still had a meal with the royal family to attend with my teammates.

Jonathan along with his family led the heroes and me towards the royal palace that was situated slightly at the center of the kingdom of Delltra.

Castle walls were surrounding Delltra but it was destroyed by the monsters that attacked the kingdom of Delltra.

It was fortunate for the citizens of Delltra that the previous monster horde had only dealt slight damage towards the houses near the destroyed castle walls but was unfortunate that the demons invaded their kingdom after all of the monsters were slain.

I had thought that my luck was bad but now I had witnessed the worst luck.

It was thanks to the God Of Worldly Systems that my bad luck was suppressed and my luck was even boosted in the process.

Systema Kami sure had offered me tons of benefits so that was why I didn't decline in assisting with his plans no matter how dangerous it was for me now that I was supporting the plans of Systema Kami.

I had planned to meet with Alex and tell him that I had regained my memories but I decided to do it after my teammates and I finished our meal with the royal family of the kingdom of Delltra.

After all, eating food was the utmost priority. Telling Alex about my meeting with the God Of Worldly Systems could wait.

I should be able to tell Alex about my meeting with the God Of Worldly Systems and tell him about the God Of Worldly Systems' plans without being restricted by the God Of Worldly Systems.

Persuading Alex to join me in assisting the God Of Worldly Systems shouldn't be that much of a problem. What I was worried about was that some troubles would befall Alex and me after the two of us assisted the God Of Worldly Systems with his plan.

From what I had heard, the God Of Worldly Systems was the most neutral towards the other Gods' actions and seeing that the God Of Worldly Systems decided to commit a scheme that would harm all the Gods excluding him and his friends.

All I knew was that assisting the God Of Worldly Systems wouldn't affect me that much for now but I would be later on.

Having the most neutral God in the Divine Realm turned against most of the Gods would surely cause disaster towards the Gods in the Divine Realm.

As I thought of that, I suddenly noticed that Jonathan, the royal family, my teammates, and I were outside the gate of the royal palace.

Jonathan opened the gate to enter outside of the royal palace since a medium-sized wall surrounded the royal palace.

I examined the medium-sized wall and I found out that there were some inscriptions written on it which caused a protective barrier to surround the royal palace.

The protective barrier that surrounded the royal palace should be durable enough to withstand an attack from a demon at archdemon rank so that must be why the archdemon and the rest of the demons weren't able to destroy the royal palace.

The royal family was able to pass through the barrier without any problem including the heroes and me so that meant that the protective barrier only prevented the demons from passing through it.

Or, the royal family was the only one able to pass through the barrier but they allowed the heroes and me to be able to enter the protective barrier.

Either way, all of us were able to enter the protective barrier without any problem.

Like the royal family, the heroes, and I were now outside the entrance of the royal palace, Jonathan opened the door and we entered the royal palace.

"Make yourselves at home."

Jonathan said to us while some maids and a butler bowed at us.

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