The Goblin's Leveling System!

Chapter 204: Divine Transformation: Ascending To Demigod

Axel's PoV:

I channeled divinity around my body which further strengthened both my physical body and soul.

For some reason, divinity could be used to attack both the physical body and soul so if I used it to strengthen myself, it would strengthen both my physical body and soul.

My soul was already considered durable and strong since it was made from a system's fragmented soul.

I released divinity from my body and transformed the released divinity into a sword just like how I used my mana to create a condensed mana sword.

I held tightly the sword made out of divinity that was tightly gripped by my right hand.

I executed serious stabs, thrusts, and slashes using my sword that was made out of divinity.

I kept on improving my control over divinity since I would need it later when I would fight against the demon lords' army or even the demon lords themselves.

I don't know how much time had passed after I kept on practicing my control over my divinity but I do know that it was considered a long time.

I rested afterward since my body was a bit tired due to overexerting it.

A few seconds had passed, I suddenly felt my divinity running rampant inside my mana and divinity pool which resulted in both my mana and divinity bursting out from my body.

"Congratulations, Axel! You have now attained the rank of Demigod!"

The God Of Worldly Systems announced and congratulated me as his body was starting to shine in bright light.

"It seems that my time is up. Oh, well. It's good that you have mastered divinity. We will meet again, Axel."

The God Of Worldly Systems bid me his goodbyes as the bright light turned into small particles until the God Of Worldly Systems body disappeared.

The space filled with white color shattered into pieces along with me which caused me to wake up from my meditation.

I opened my eyes and saw that all of my teammates were already awake.

I felt that my teammates were much stronger than before and they might be able to withstand an attack from a demon lord.

I wouldn't even be surprised if my teammates and I could defeat a demon lord as long as we teamed up to fight against a demon lord.

With my new gained power, I could defeat a demon lord in a one-on-one fight as long as it wasn't the top 3 strongest demon lords.

My teammates and my goal, for now, should be to defeat the weakest demon lord.

It would be an obvious outcome if my teammates and I boldly fight against the strongest demon lord. The strongest and demon lord title wasn't just for show.

I decided not to ask my teammates about their newfound power unless they wanted to reveal it themselves since it was their power. I will still respect their decision if they wouldn't disclose the thing they had wished for.

I also wouldn't tell my teammates about divinity but I would be willing to tell a lie that it was just new energy aside from mana if they asked me about it.

I wouldn't know if there was a traitor amongst us or not so telling them about my divine energy would be one of the worst decisions that I wasn't willing to make.

I was only willing to disclose the information about divinity to Alex and Aerin since the two of them were my most trusted allies.

Since the two of them had yet to ask me about it, I wouldn't tell it yet unless they do so.

Some of my teammates took this chance to practice the new abilities that they had acquired. Since the demons weren't attacking us yet and the place where we at was wide, my teammates and I could practice our abilities here without worrying about hurting people.

Destroying the environment with the use of our attacks wasn't that much of a problem since Aerin and I were proficient in restoring the environment using our nature magic.

I saw Alex taking a rest under a shade of a tree so he must have been tired after his system of light got a level up.

Satomi was being Satomi. He volunteered to become the practice dummy for my teammates after he heard about their problem in not having a target.

Ferros Malum was currently using his destruction magic to obliterate Satomi out of existence. But, even if Satomi was wiped out completely, he could still regenerate his body since his soul wasn't killed or destroyed.

I had planned to use my divinity to attack Satomi but I was kind of worried that my divinity would also harm Satomi's soul and end up killing him so I decided not to.

I wasn't sure whether Satomi would still be resurrected if his soul was destroyed but if his immortality was time-related such as rewinding time when he died, then it was highly possible that Satomi wouldn't die even if his soul was destroyed.

"Don't go overboard! Satomi is kinda human, sort of, so don't torture him that much! If possible, kill him immediately using your new abilities!"

I yelled towards Ferros and a few of my teammates that were waiting for their turn to use Satomi as a live dummy. All of them nodded in response so I guessed that I didn't have to worry about Satomi for now.

I channeled my divinity around my body while I had turned off the divine aura effect of divinity which was that almost all mortals that see me when I use divinity would worship me and mistake me as a God or divine being.

Now, my divinity was similar to mana but much stronger since it has better quality than mana. Even Ferros' destruction mana and Grace's creation mana weren't comparable to my divinity since divinity was still better in terms of quality.

Dragon mana and demonic mana weren't also comparable to divinity and I had confirmed that myself since I could use it much better than the dragons and demons themselves.

Maybe I could use my divinity to strengthen the effect of my current skills and it might result in something even more powerful.

As I thought of that, I experimented on casting one of my weakest but somehow powerful [Fireball] skills and it was already strengthened due to one of my titles.

I used my divinity instead of using my mana to cast a small fireball on my palm. The small fireball on my palm was covered by a thick bright yellow light on its surface.

Darkness Systema was still beside me and was currently using the system avatar system feature so she was observing what I was doing.

She must have studied what I did so that she could imitate it herself when I would activate the [System Takeover] skill. After all, it would be useless if she would take over my body without knowing how to properly use my skills.

I threw the small fireball covered in divinity that was the size of a tennis ball towards a nearby tree and the results of it its age was shocking.

The small fireball kept on passing through the trees while causing the trees to be obliterated as they passed through the trees.

Before the small fireball would travel out of my sight, I detonated the small fireball which caused it to explode in a large radius. The explosion could be similar in terms of damage to my [Ruthless Sun] skill.

Wait, if that was what a small fireball was capable of after it was covered in divinity, then what would happen if I use my [Ruthless Sun] skill along with divinity?

Wouldn't it cause a much larger explosion than before? After all, divinity was the strongest energy and was dubbed as the energy of the Gods themselves aside from chaos energy which was considered to be the most mysterious yet powerful energy found in some parts of the universe.

I couldn't use chaos energy and I was planning on learning how to wield it after I get another wish. A combination of divinity and chaos would result in much stronger energy.

For some reason, Distere wasn't training his new abilities and when I asked him about that, he told me that he didn't obtain new abilities but instead, the information about all of the demon lords' weaknesses.

Distere was one of the sanest heroes in the heroes' party since, unlike my other teammates, he was the only sane person to not be tempted by power and had his vision clouded by a hunger for power.

Distere was responsible enough to ask his God about the information about the demon lords despite him being a child.

Well, Distere doesn't need any power-ups and new skills since his current power was enough for now. It's not like we were planning to head towards the demon country and attack the strongest demon lord.

Mathew also didn't need to wish for power but for some reason, I didn't see where Mathew was currently at.

I still slightly felt the presence of Mathew near me but at the same time, I couldn't.

It was like Mathew was still in the location where my teammates and I were at but at a different dimension.

Wait... What if...

Now, I see! I know what skill Mathew had obtained from his wish!

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