The Goblin's Leveling System!

Chapter 206: The Demon Lords Of Greed And Envy

Axel's PoV:

I created a thick layer of mana barrier in front of me to block the incoming blob of demonic mana that was heading towards my teammates and me.

The blob of the demonic mana exploded after it came in contact with my mana barrier but luckily, my mana barrier was durable enough to withstand the explosion caused by the blob of the demonic mana.

I felt a sudden release of the enormous amount of demonic mana and it came from two beings.

I didn't know if my teammates and I were lucky that we didn't need to bother in finding the demon lords or if my teammates and I were unlucky that we kept on being attacked by the demon lords.

Before I could even take a rest, I saw multiple spheres of demonic mana being launched at high speed towards my teammates and me.

I reacted in time to put up a huge barrier in front of my teammates and me so that I could defend against the multiple spheres of demonic mana.

The sound of explosion rang throughout the forest and mountain range as my mana barrier was being continuously bombarded with multiple spheres of demonic mana.

Seeing that defending was no longer an option since it was getting me nowhere, I deactivated my mana barrier and went in front of my teammates.

The multiple spheres of demonic mana were aimed at me and were heading towards me at high speed.

I didn't dodge but instead, I opened my mouth while channeling my mana towards my mouth and stomach.


I yelled as the multiple spheres of demonic mana were devoured by my mouth.

The devouring process wasn't enlarging my mouth but instead, it turned the multiple spheres of demonic mana into a gaseous state and the gas was inhaled by my mouth.

The multiple spheres of demonic mana were sucked in my mouth like a vacuum cleaning a pile of dust.

I obtained a decent amount of mana from devouring the spheres of demonic mana. It wasn't that much but it was still decent.

Afterward, I channeled my mana towards my right palm and transformed the condensed mana in my palm into demonic mana.

The demonic mana in my right palm was released from the surroundings and was now in front of me in a shape of a sphere. I imitated the blob of demonic mana attack of the demon lords but at a much stronger version.

Unlike the previous attacks of the two demon lords, my version of the blob of demonic mana was much concentrated and contained an abundant amount of compressed demonic mana.

A huge blob of demonic mana was generated in front of me and I kept on increasing the power of the huge blob of demonic mana so that it would at least be able to deal a considerable amount of damage towards the two demon lords.

The two demon lords that I had sensed from their presences had not yet revealed themselves and although I knew what part of the forest they were hiding at, I still didn't know the exact location that they were hiding.

The two demon lords weren't that proficient in hiding their presence but also not that bad since they hid their presence well enough for me not to be able to find out their exact location within the forest.

This situation was kind of similar to when I was able to notice Mathew's presence but not where he was hiding at.

It was unlikely that the two demon lords had a skill similar to Mathew's which could create dimensions or sub-spaces since it was at least a God Rank skill.

But even if the two demon lords didn't possess any God Rank skills, they still had a powerful sin skill which was similar to the demon lord of lust's sin skill which was [Seduction] or something like that.

As I thought of that while feeling slightly relieved, I decided that I would destroy the part of the forest where the two demon lords were hiding at.

By doing so, the two demon lords would be forced to come out from their hiding and change their locations. In that period, I would be able to notice the sudden changes of the surroundings which would let me see the two demon lords even if they had an invisibility skill.

I channeled my mana towards both of my hands and performed multiple slashing motions towards the part of the forest where the two demon lords were hiding.

Compressed mana blades flew towards the part of the forest where the two demon lords were hiding at.

Trees and grasses were cut into numerous pieces as soon as they came in contact with my compressed mana blades.

The part of the forest where I had assumed that the two demon lords were hiding was obliterated by my compressed mana blades attack.

Two black figures escaped from the trees to the sky as the two black figures' appearance was revealed.

As I had expected those two figures were demons and since they exuded a powerful presence almost similar to mine or maybe a bit more powerful, the two of them must be demon lords.

Two horns protruded from their heads while they wore a black robe that concealed most of their figure except for their face. They weren't wearing a hooded robe or a mask so their face wasn't concealed.

Both of the two demon lords had the same hair color which was pink while the male demon lord had a short haircut while the other female demon lord had a waist-length haircut.

"Who are you two?"

I asked while releasing some of my killing intent towards the two demon lords. I didn't release my divinity yet since I decided to keep my divinity as my trump card in case I ran out of my mana.

"I am the demon lord of greed while my older sister here is the demon lord of envy."

The pink-haired male demon lord said as he introduced both himself and the other long pink-haired female demon lord.

"Oh, a pleasure to meet your acquaintance! I am the Anti-Hero of Darkness, Axel Everheart. I am also the one who will let you meet your maker!"

I threatened the two demon lords while increasing my mana pressure by another level.

"My, my~ I'm jealous of how you are so carefree when you meet the two of us~ Do you perhaps have a trump card to deal with us?"

The demon lord of envy asked me while I silently responded to her. I maintained a serious face on my face so that she wouldn't be able to read my face and intention.

I was kind of a master when it came to performing a poker face since I, no, Alex had met a lot of high-ranking officials and rich people that had an ill intention towards him so he made sure not to expose his intention towards them.

Since I was observing him during that time, I was able to familiarize myself with how to maintain my face from being expressionless and I got the hang of it.

"Tch! How boring of a person you are! And here, I was expecting a monster such as yourself to have a wild personality but my expectation deceived me."

The demon lord of envy commented after she saw that I wasn't giving her any hint on my face.

"Sis, aren't we ordered by Pride to eliminate them so that they will not become stronger than they are now? And before you forget again, I will be the one who will keep all of their equipment! It's all mine!"

The demon lord of greed asked the demon lord of envy while eyeing my teammates and my equipment.

It seemed that the two of them had a sinful personality just as their title befitted them.

"Oh, silly me! How can I forgot such an important thing! Well, it seems that we will end our conversation, dear Anti-Hero of Darkness. It was nice hearing your last words!"

The demon lord of envy said as she started to channel her demonic mana around her body as her strength and powerful presence became even more powerful than before.

She must be activating her [Demonization] skill. Unlike the demons below her rank, her appearance didn't change much compared to her huge increase in strength.

The only noticeable difference in her appearance was that the white color in her eyes became black while her pupil became red.

After the demon lord of envy finished her transformation, the demon lord of greed then activated his [Demonization] skill which caused the atmosphere in this part of the forest and mountain range to increase in tension.

I had not expected that I would have no choice but to deal with two demon lords at once and not to mention that those two demon lords were in their demonized form.

Satomi was lucky and cautious enough to defeat the demon lord of lust without letting her activate her [Demonization] skill.

It seemed that those two demon lords didn't even hesitate to activate their transformation skills. Well, I was fine with that.

After all, I will also activate my [Berserk] skill.

As I thought of that, I activated my [Berserk] skill while letting Axel 2 take care of the side effect of the [Berserk] skill.

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