The Goblin’s Pet (18+) (Now a CYOA!)

Chapter 15 – A Long Night Begins

I survey the surprisingly tidy space, trying to contain the tremble in my voice.. "It's... c- clean," I say, barely able to boil down the lump of shame in my throat.

Snib’s yellow eyes twinkle roguishly. "Aye. Tat’s right. I wanted ta make it a s-special place for me lil’ slut ta serve me," His rough voice grates on my ears, sending shivers down my spine.

My heart aches.

Heat floods my face, as I gingerly perch on the edge of the large bed, the provocative white bikini and skin-tight skirt bunching around my soft, stuffed thighs. The curvaceous protrusions of my asscheeks spill out with an obscene jiggle. My vast breasts settle with an obnoxious bounce, their weight a constant reminder of my predicament. I had made a deal with the devil, a deal that ensured some peace during the day. Now was the time to pay up, and the guilt gnaws at my insides.

As soon as my derriere kisses the mattress, the bed frame whines beneath us, echoing my anticipation. Snib shifts towards me, his body exuding the virile musk that has my stomach coiling in twisted anticipation.

Unable to meet his eye, my gaze falls to my breasts, encased in the unveiling tightness of the bikini top.

"Y’know," The gruffness of Snib's voice hardly drowns his perverse excitement. "I do fancy this outfit of yours, cow tits. Y’ look like a proper bitch. Not some daft, so-called warrior."

Heat prickles at my face, and my heart lurches viscously in my chest as he twirls the white string of my bikini top. The tug angles up my left boob provocatively, and he lets go suddenly. With a soft smack, my tit settles, jostling against its twin, causing an unwanted ripple of stimulation along my torso.

Blinking through my embarrassment, I catch sight of his loincloth, obscenely swollen by what lurks beneath. Choking down my protests, I twist the makeshift ring on my finger, Aldric's ring.

"Re-remember," I fumble with the words, latching onto the shred of power I have left. "I'm only... only giving you a handjob."

His toothy, disdainful grin splays across his face, as his yellow eyes leer into mine. "Yer job is to satisfy me, sugar tits. As long as I'm happy, ye can scuttle off."

My trembling hands reach for the paper bag I brought with me, the contents inside rustling softly. The gnome's shop downtown had been an embarrassing experience, but I had managed to purchase a small packet of a dozen condoms. The packaging is made of a rough parchment, sealed with a wax stamp depicting a stylized cockatrice - a fitting symbol for the contents within.

I open the packet, revealing a thin, rubbery sheath. It's smooth and cool to the touch, a stark contrast to the hot, pulsing flesh it's meant to cover.

Snib watches me with an conceited smirk, his yellow eyes sparkling as he lounges lazily, exuding an air of unwarranted superiority. "Hey, cow tits," he grunts, "Yer making a gobbo feel unloved. Y'don't fancy the musky scent of yer master?" His deep-rooted goblin accent makes my skin crawl, my cheeks growing hot at his crude words. "Looked like ye were trying to scrub ol' Snib outta yer sheets and yer life!" He jabs a pointed finger at me.

A twitch in my belly surprises me, a shameful surge of arousal making the silky fabric of my sparse panties cling to me in all the wrong ways. The wetness between my quivering thighs makes me feel as if I'm melting right there on the spot. I try so hard to suppress the feelings, stomp them down into the recesses of my psyche, but my now treacherous, feminized body has other plans.

Snib grins at me, lying back on the bed and crossing his arms behind his head. His loincloth bulges obscenely, his cock twitching underneath.

With a deep breath, I reach out and pull aside the brown cloth. His cock springs free, all twelve inches of it uncoiling and flopping out onto his leg.

The sight of Snib's goblin schlong, in all its monstrous glory, sends a shudder through my body. It's not fully erect yet, the length of it still semi-flaccid and heavy. It lies against his leg, a grotesque display of virility that leaves me feeling both repulsed and, unfortunately... aroused.

The skin of it is an unsettling shade of green, darker than the rest of his body. Spidery dark green veins beat with life, pulsating under the sickly green skin of the shaft. They're so prominent, so invidious, feeding the beast of his arousal. They're thick and bulging, a testament to the blood pumping through them, feeding the growing erection.

The head of his cock is a deep purple, almost black in the dim light of the room. It's bulbous and swollen, drooling precum onto his thigh. The sight of it makes my stomach churn with disgust... and something else.

His balls are nestled between his legs, splayed out in a display of pure dominance. They're large and heavy, covered in a thin layer of coarse hair that matches the color of his cock. The sight of them makes me swallow hard, an uncomfortable lump forming in my throat.

I can see every inch of him in horrifying detail. His cock twitches under my gaze, responding to my attention as if it has a mind of its own. It's a living, pulsing testament to Snib's virility, a weapon designed for one purpose only.

My eyes are drawn back to the tip of his cock, watching as another drop of precum oozes from the slit. It's thick and viscous, clinging to the head before stretching down to his thigh. The sight makes my pussy ache with unbidden desire.

I can't help but compare Snib's cock to what I used to have. His is so much larger, so much more dominant despite his gross little body. It's a constant reminder of what I've lost... and what I've become.

It’s repulsive. By that I mean, I SHOULD be repulsed by it. But am I?

His musk assaults my senses, continuously jolting my body into a state of arousal I bitterly resent. The intoxicating scent making my skin flush, my nipples tightening under the scanty fabric of the bikini top that serves as my only protection against Snib's lewd ogling.

Without thinking, I reach out to touch him. My hand trembles as I make contact with his spongy green skin. It's hot and smooth under my fingertips, twitching and pulsing with life. It’s like a little burst of electricity as I make contact.

My breath catches in my throat as I trace a vein along his length. It's thick and hard under my touch, throbbing with each beat of his heart.

My pussy throbs in time with him, growing wetter by the second. I can feel the slickness between my thighs, evidence of my body's betrayal.

Snib chuckles, his laughter echoing in the room. "Ain't ya forgettin' somethin', cow tits?" he asks, smirking at me.

My cheeks burn hotter as I realize what he's talking about. The condom. I was so caught up in… whatever I was feeling, that I forgot about the very thing I brought to protect myself from him.

"Aw, don't fret, cow tits," Snib drawls, his voice dripping with an almost obscene amusement. "I know what ya really want, I can smell it. Can’t hide that from a goblin’s nose." His yellow eyes gleam in the low candlelight, roving over my body with a predatory leer.

Heat floods my cheeks at his crude words, an inferno of humiliation and shame. He's right, terrifyingly so. The scent of my arousal is heavy in the air, a thick, musky perfume that betrays my body's treacherous response to him.

I can feel the slick dampness in my panties, the aching throb in my clit, the painful sensitivity of my jiggling breasts under the strained bikini top. And my nipples, they are pouting and perky, straining against the thin white fabric, almost as if they are begging for his attention.

With hands shaking like leaves in a gale, I reach for the condom once again, trying to ignore the nauseating reality of what I'm about to do. My body is aching, practically screaming in its need, but my mind... my mind is a whirlwind of disgust, fear, and a morbid fascination I can't quite quell.

My hands are slick with sweat and precum as I keep trying to fit the condom onto him. Each failed attempt only adds to my humiliation, making me feel even more like a plaything for Snib's amusement.

The sight of Snib's cock encased in latex is strangely grotesque. The rubber distorts his size and color, making him look even more alien than before. And yet, despite the barrier between us, his cock continues to throb with need, visibly straining against its confines.

My fingers close around his girth, the rubbery texture of the condom pulsing against my skin. His cock twitches in my grasp, throbbing with anticipation. I can feel his heat through the latex, a reminder of the raw virility that lurks beneath it. His cock feels dangerous, a weapon of debasement. I can feel how much it wants me.

Snib grunts as I tighten my grip, his yellow eyes glinting with wicked amusement. He's sprawled out on the bed like some grotesque king, his short legs spread wide and his pudgy belly rising and falling with each gruff breath. Despite his diminutive stature, there's an undeniable dominance to him, a brute strength that belies his small size. His massive cock stands proud between his legs, a testament to his virility that leaves me feeling both disgusted and... intrigued.

As I move onto the bed on hands and knees, my breasts sway heavily beneath me. The skimpy bikini top is barely up to the task of containing them - they hang down like ripe fruits, their weight pulling down on my chest with every move I make. My nipples brush against the fabric with each sway, sending jolts of unwanted pleasure coursing through me. My whole body feels so sensitive.

The short skirt rides up as I bend over more, its tight leather barely covering my ample ass cheeks. The thin fabric of my panties digs into the soft flesh of my hips, creating an embarrassing outline that leaves little to the imagination.

The position is incredibly uncomfortable - not to mention degrading - but it seems to serve Snib's lecherous gaze well enough. He watches me intently from below, his eyes tracking every slight jiggle and bounce of my body.

Taking a deep breath, I begin to stroke him slowly. The rubbery friction of the condom makes it awkward to maintain a steady rhythm. But under it all, I can still feel him - feel the bulging veins that trace along his length beneath the latex's thin barrier.

My ears burn with humiliation as I continue stroking him. My belly tightens into knots - not from fear or disgust - but from something far more terrifying... arousal.

His chuckles ring out in the quiet room as I sit upright again and spit into my palm. The wet sound echoes off the walls and fills me with shame. "That's it," he croaks out in his rough goblin accent. "Get it nice 'n wet for me."

The words are like daggers in my chest but at this point, they only serve to stoke the fires within me even more.

Using both hands now slick with spit for lubrication, I return to stroking Snib's massive shaft again - this time with an added fervor that surprises even myself.

As time goes on, the room seems to grow hotter, the air thick with tension. I can't help but notice the way my own body is betraying me, responding to his every touch and lewd comment. I realize I’m fishing for his grunts, for signs of his pleasure.

Snib shifts beneath me, his grubby hands reaching up to explore my body further. His fingers find their way to the mound of my pussy, barely covered by the thin fabric of my panties. I whimper and quiver at his touch, losing my grip on his cock as zaps of pleasure squiggle through me.

It's so intense. Embarrassing cunt-syrup trickles down my inner thighs as my goblin tormentor continues to rub me through the fabric.

"You've made quite a mess of yerself, cumdump." he grunts, running a finger up my thigh and collecting some of the slick liquid that has escaped from beneath my panties. He brings it to his mouth and sucks it off with a disgusting slurp. "Tastes like a bitch who loves gobbo cock," he smirks, his yellow eyes gleaming with lust.

The humiliation washes over me in a fresh wave, but that only seems to fuel the fire burning within me. My body is so sensitive now, each touch sending shockwaves through me that threaten to overwhelm my senses.

I suddenly realize that my hips are swaying rhythmically back and forth as he lazily rubs the soaked mound of fabric covering my fat pussy. It's as if I'm unconsciously trying to give him better access - leaning into his touch as if it's something I crave.

My mind is spinning, dizzy from both shame and this all-consuming arousal that has taken over my entire body. It feels like an itch that just won't go away - frustratingly intense and maddeningly out of reach.

Desperate to distract myself from the aching need that's building within me, I focus all my energy on the task at hand. My hands tremble as I grip Snib's cock tighter, stroking it with renewed vigor.

The sound of his grunts and groans fills my ears as I work his shaft, trying to ignore the burning desire that's threatening to consume me whole. It's a feverish dance of lust and humiliation, a debauched symphony played out on our bodies. And despite every ounce of my being screaming in protest, I can't deny that it's affecting me - that it's making me feel things I never thought possible.

Snib watches me intently, his gaze traveling over my flushed skin as if he can see right through to the shame and arousal swirling within me. He knows what he's doing to me - how he's making me feel - and he revels in it.

Tears sting my eyes as I pump Snib's massive cock harder, my small hands straining with the effort. The constant friction of the condom is a cruel reminder of what I'm doing. Every stroke elicits a grunt from Snib, each one louder and more lewd than the last.

"Keep goin', tit-bitch.”

My massive tits bounce heavily with every pump, their weighty sway causing a dull ache in my chest. They slap against his thighs rhythmically, the soft thuds echoing in the room. My nipples brush against his rough skin and I can't suppress a whimper at the unexpected jolt of pleasure that shoots straight to my core.

The thin fabric of my panties is soaking wet now, clinging to my swollen lips like a second skin. He tugs them aside roughly, revealing my drooling cunt to his leering gaze. Strings of my arousal connect the soaked fabric to my slit and he laughs at the sight.

"Look at ya," he grunts out between harsh breaths. "Ain't nothin' but a needy slut."

The words make me sob harder but I can't deny their truth - not when every inch of me is burning with need, not when I'm so wet that it's practically dripping down my thighs.

He lets go of my panties then and they snap back into place over my pussy, making me yelp out in surprise. The sharp sting sends another jolt through me and I moan embarrassingly loud at the sensation.

Desperate to distract myself from the mounting pleasure inside me, I focus all my attention on finishing him off - if I can make him cum fast enough, this nightmare will be over for tonight, and I’ll have another peaceful day tomorrow with Elara.

Time wears on. I think of my wife, waiting at home for me.

"Come on, Master," I plead, trying to keep the desperation from my voice. "Just... just finish already!"

"Heh, make me.”

"I'm... I'm trying!”

"Nah, tit-bitch. Yer not trying hard enough. Talk dirty to me."

"I... what?" I stutter out in disbelief.

"Ya heard me, sugar tits. Talk dirty."

"I can't..." I whisper out, a fresh wave of tears stinging my eyes.

"Yes ya can," he laughs mockingly. "Tell me how much ya want it."

"Master, please..." I whimper, feeling my cheeks burn with shame.

"Tell me how much ya want my cock," he grunts out between heavy breaths.

I can't. The words stick in my throat as the reality of what he's asking dawns on me.

"You think Elara would like watchin’ ya? Seeing her 'mighty hero' drooling over goblin cock?"

A sob rips through me at the mention of her name and I shake my head fervently. "No... she wouldn't..."

"But yer a slut now, ain't ya? Yer not her husband anymore."

"No..." I choke out the word and look down at the massive cock in my hands. The thought fills me with shame.

"You like this don't ya?" he asks in a gruff whisper and rubs his thick fingers over the swollen lips of my pussy again. “Tell me you like it. And maybe I’ll cum.”

I whimper at his touch.

"Yes..." The word is barely a whisper but it seems to please him enough for now.

"That's it, sugar tits." His voice is laced with satisfaction and a little bit of surprise. "Tell me more..."

More sobs rack through me as I struggle for words. But they come anyway - lewd and crude just as he likes them - tumbling from my lips like a shameful confession.

"I need you... need you to cum..." I choke out between heavy sobs.

"Yeah? Ya want all that gobbo spunk?"

A blush creeps up my face as the words hang in the air between us but still I nod - because that's what will end this torment tonight. That's what will give us another peaceful day tomorrow with Elara.

"Alright then," he chuckles darkly before demanding again: "Use yer tits."

I freeze for a moment, shocked by his words.

"Get on yer back, cow tits."

My body automatically obeys, falling back onto the rough sheets, my huge tits bouncing and jiggling with the sudden movement. I wince at the harsh landing but stay silent, watching as Snib clambers onto me.

His pudgy belly presses against mine, his weight driving the air from my lungs. I can feel his balls dragging against my quivering tummy as he positions himself over me, and the sensation is both grotesque and shamefully arousing.

"Alright," he grunts out, pulling on the strings of my bikini top. "Time to put them fat milkers to use."

I can only watch in horrified silence as he slides his cock under my bikini top. The rubbery tip prods against my chest for a moment before sliding between the deep valley of my cleavage.

My bikini top stretches painfully tight around his girth but stays secure in place. "Squeeze 'em together," he orders.

I hesitantly obey, bringing my hands up to cup my own breasts. The soft flesh yields under my touch and I can't help but whimper at the foreign sensation. My hands look tiny compared to the enormity of each breast as I press them together around Snib's fat cock.

"Now start movin', tit-bitch."

The command sends a fresh wave of shame washing over me but I grit my teeth and obey.

My breasts sway heavily with each movement and the friction between their sensitive skin and his girthy shaft makes me gasp. The movement is obscene, lewd in a way that's difficult to process.

Every drag of his cock against my squeezed-together tits sends an unwanted jolt of pleasure shooting through me. It's so wrong, so utterly debasing that I have to bite down hard on my lip just to keep from sobbing.

But still I continue - because this is what he wants; this is what will give us another peaceful day tomorrow with Elara.

“That's it, slut," Snib grunts above me, the overpowering scent of his musk filling my nostrils. His hands grip my wrists tightly, keeping my hands trapped around my breasts and his cock sandwiched between them. "It ain't too bad right? Having my fat schlong all snug between your jiggling udders? Tell me how much you love it.”

At his words, fresh tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I can't say it, I can't. But the hard gleam in his yellow eyes tells me he won't stop until I do. "I... I love... it," I choke out the words.

A satisfied hum echoes from above me as his hips start to buck faster against my tits. "That's a good cow," he grunts out, each word punctuating a particularly harsh thrust between my chest.

I groan as I feel his heavy balls dragging along my tummy

"You know what else yer wife would love?” The question laced with cruel mockery makes my stomach twist in knots of anticipation and dread. “If she saw her once brave husband acting like a proper cow milking my cock with her big fat tits."

"Don’t... talk about El…" The plea dies on my lips but he ignores it.

A glint of satisfied cruelty flickers in his eyes. “She’d be so disgusted seeing her mighty hero husband, turned into a goblin's tit-slut.”

His words are like a slap to the face but they pale in comparison to the shock that courses through me when I feel another dribble of wetness slip down my inner thighs. Even amidst my horror and humiliation, there is a part of me that is starting to enjoy this.

"More," Snib grunts out roughly, feeling too much friction.

More what? More spit?

With trembling hands, I gather as much saliva as I can before letting it dribble onto the rubber shaft lodged between my breasts. The condom stretches taut against his wide girth and purple helmet that protrudes lewdly out from between her squeezed-together breasts. Every movement sends a new wave of sensation crashing through me - sharp and intense - making me writhe beneath him.

My over-sensitive nipples graze against the smooth rubber stroke after stroke - creating an intoxicating friction that sends shivers down my spine ebbing arousal in its wake.

"I... can't," I sputter out desperately, hot tears rolling down the sides of my face.

But Snib just chuckles harshly at that. "Ye will... and ye'll enjoy every fuckin’ minute of it."

His thrusts become more fervent then - more demanding - and all pretense of gentility disappears as he ruts against me like an animal in heat.

The sounds fill the room - obscene squelching as his cock slides back and forth between her pressed together tits - slick with spit and lust unleashed – heavy grunting from Snib – gritted teeth holding back moans from myself – this whole ordeal sounding like some depraved orchestra playing only for us.

All rational thought flees from me as the pleasure builds up inside me to an alarming peak. And despite every cell in my body screaming at me to stop - to fight back - I can't help but moan right along with him.

I continue pumping my tits along his girth, but nothing more seems to happen. I don’t feel his tension building. He’s enjoying it, sure, but… ugh.

"Awww, cow tits... What's the matter?" Snib's grating voice rings out above me. "Is this too rough for ya?"

I whimper in response, meeting his gaze with teary eyes. "I... I can't make you... with just my tits..."

A low chuckle resonates from above me as Snib pulls back and straddles my belly - his massive cock resting against the underside of my breasts. "Then ye best figure something else out."

"Perhaps... I could..." My voice trails off into a whisper. I don’t even want to say it.

But he hears me anyway, his yellow eyes sparkling with interest as he leans forward, grinning. "What was that?"

"I could... use... my mouth?” The words feel unnatural on my tongue and it takes all of my willpower not to retch at my own suggestion.

His reaction is immediate – a toothy grin that rivals the size of his monstrous girth. “Well now! That’s not a bad idea.”

“But,” Snib grins down at me, his yellow eyes gleaming with cruelty. "This would be so much easier for ya without this." He tugs on the inflated end of his condom, filled to the brim with his slimy precum.

"No...don't," I whisper, whimpering at the inevitable, "I don't... I can't swallow... any…"

His laughter echoes in the room, a harsh, grating sound that slices through my pleas like a blade. "Ye should have thought about that before ye just agreed to suck me off. With this rubbery thing, ye’ll be here all night."

He starts to roll the condom down his shaft and I can see it's internally glistening with his spunk - heavy, murky and opaque. My stomach twists at the sight but it's nothing compared to the smell that floods the room as soon as it's removed.

Goblin musk. Pure, concentrated, pheromone-ridden goblin musk.

The scent is pungent, and overwhelmingly male. My head swims as I draw in a deep breath, my body reacting instinctively to the scent. My nipples pebble sharply beneath my bikini top and another rush of wetness trickles down my inner thighs. My lower tummy clenches and blossoms with warmth.

I protest weakly, my limbs trembling in terror and revulsion - but also tingling in an excitement that only seems to grow stronger with each passing second. My protests get whimpery and soft.

"Hmm? What was that?" Snib grins down at me, his voice slick with amusement.

He’s holding his used condom in one grubby hand. His swollen cock bobs in front of my face, thick and oozing with arousal.

"Look at this," he sneers, waving the condom in front of my flushed face, "An’ I didn’t even cum yet. But we can't have ya forgetting yer place now, can we, cow tits?"

The rubbery balloon of goblin precum squishes as he bunches it in his fist. I can't tear my eyes away. It's a humiliating reminder of how this vile creature has power over me, of what my body is being forced to respond to. The slick, creamy preseed looks heavy and obscene in its rubbery confines, wobbling with each of Snib's jerky movements.

My eyes widen as my crude goblin master reaches down, his grubby fingers tugging at the string of my bikini top. I suck in a sharp breath as he ties the inflated end of the condom to it, his rough fingers grazing against the fat swells of my breasts. "There," he grins, stepping back to admire his handiwork, "A perfect decoration for a slut like ya."

The condom sways from its perch between my heaving breasts, its weight pressing down against my belly. My skin crawls at the warm, slimy feel of it against me, and I can't help but whimper in shame. It’s so obscene, so degrading.

Snib's guttural laughter echoes in the room, making my cheeks burn even hotter. His stubby fingers wrap around his erect cock, stroking it leisurely as he watches me squirm. His musk fills the air, making my head spin and my body flush with unwanted arousal.

I swallow hard, my gaze flicking up to meet his. He's waiting for me, his yellow eyes gleaming with anticipation. I can't believe this is happening to me. That I, once the great hero Aldric, am now lying beneath this wretched goblin, about to pleasure him with my mouth. My heart thumps loudly in my chest, a steady rhythm of humiliation and fear - and yet, as I inch closer to him, I can’t deny the steady thrum of arousal coursing through me.

"Go on," Snib coaxes, his voice gruff and raspy, "Ya got a lot of work ahead of ya." His eyes flit down to the condom tied to my bikini, a crude smirk playing on his lips. It's a stark reminder of what I have to swallow, what I have to do to protect Elara.

He slowly strokes his freed member a few times in front of my face - purring in satisfaction as precum leaks from his purple tip and lands searingly on my breasts.

“I think yer gonna love how I taste.”

I whimper and turn away from him, but he grabs hold of my hair and forces me back into position. His cock brushes up against my lips – leaving salty trails of precum behind. The taste is vile – bitter and metallic – making my stomach churn with disgust…but still…there’s this small part of me that craves more.

“Yer gagging for it,” he sneers, forcing me to look up into his yellow eyes filled with repugnant triumph. “So why don’t you show yer Master some proper respect?”

I know I need to refuse – I should fight this horrible compulsion welling up inside me – but somehow…I can’t.

As the tip of Snib's fat cock enters my mouth, the taste of him assaults my senses immediately. His putrid precum is buttery and thick - like molten lava pooling on my tongue and sending a shiver of disgust down my spine.

I choke on the strong taste, pulling back and spitting the vile liquid onto the bed. "I don't want to get your cum in my mouth," I plead, eyes brimming with tears, "Please, I know what it does, what it contains… the pheromones…"

But the goblin simply scoffs, amused by my feeble protests. "Too late," he growls mockingly, "Ya promised ta use yer mouth, so yer gonna use yer mouth." His grubby hand holds me firm as he presses his drooling purple cock-head between my thick lips.

Time after time I try to protest - mewling breathlessly as his girth fills my mouth - but each attempt only seems to excite him more. My words are muffled by the presence of his wide shaft invading me deeply. The relentless thrusting in and out of my pliant lips is taking its toll on me.

His condescending comments echo in my ears as I slowly submit - feeling disgusting for being so irresistibly aroused by his cruel dominance.

He finally snaps, impatience clear in his voice. "Just shut up and use them fat tits of yours too!"

I reluctantly bring both of my hands up to press my massive breasts together around Snib's shaft. My soft flesh seems to envelop him entirely while my tight bikini top still clings to each little cup, emphasizing the lewd curve of each mound. The heavy presence of the condom full of Snib's repugnant precum continues to hang between them, a nauseating reminder of what awaits me at the end of this.

Snib smirks down at me and says with a grunt, "Lick it, cow tits!"

I shudder at his degrading command but find myself obeying without hesitation. My tongue tentatively traces the thick urethra on the underside of his pulsing cock as it slides in and out of my mouth. The texture of his throbbing member is hot, spongy, and alien against my exploring taste buds.

With each swirl and lap around his glistening helmet, I feel my resistance slipping away - my body betraying me further as pleasure coats every nerve. I can't help but let out tiny moans while I graze his oozing tip - the erotic taste spreading through my senses like wildfire.

Snib grins wickedly as he watches me give in. "Ya like that, don't ya? This is what you want?"

I deny it internally, ashamed by how much of a slave to pleasure my own body has become… but before I can stifle them any longer, mewling moans escape my throat. Flesh impacts against flesh as he slaps one of my plump tits - the sting only serving to further heighten my perverse arousal.

His filthy hands grip both sides of my chest, squeezing down on the generous mounds that now straddle his fat goblin cock. My white bikini top soon gets soaked from where it brushes up against his throbbing meat, stained from the predrizzle that lingers along his shaft and oozes like lava with each squelching thrust.

"Can't believe ya didn't want me to touch these fat udders," he teases with a demonic grin, pumping his cock between the valley of my bound tits.

The sensation of his heavy, pulsing shaft sliding through my cleavage leaves me dizzy, veins of arousal pouring through my huge breasts and sending shivers down my spine every time they're squeezed together. My resistance evaporates into wisps of lust, while the feeling of my juices soaking through my panties is yet another testament to my body's traitorous desires.

While I continue to moan and mewl, Snib's laughter mocks my humiliation. He savors every inch that slides past my plush tit-flesh and wet lips, delighting in the slow degeneration of willpower present in the trail of prepearls dribbling down my chin. The invasion of his invasive tip inside my mouth is overwhelming, each thrust weaving further into the hot, hazy fog that is so quickly replacing all conscious thought.

More of the potent precum begins to leak into my mouth, the thick salty coating sliding steadily down my throat. With each successive gulp, I can taste more of the smoky bitterness of goblin seed. The texture is heavy and oily, coating my lips and tongue with a humiliating sheen that speaks volumes about how far I've fallen.

A deep flush spreads across my body, heat prickling at my skin in waves as the goblin pheromones take hold. I can't fight down the unwanted arousal that blooms within me as those disgusting droplets travel down into the pit of my stomach. Perversely, I yearn for more.

My brain grows hazy, fogged up by a perverse warmth that's spreading through my chest and leaching outwards to every corner of my body. All of my limbs start tingling with an increasing array of sensations, micro-movements jiggling my curves and enhancing everything I experience.

Every knead from Snib sends shockwaves throughout me, rendering me more sensitive to each intrusive detail. The tight pull of his fingers mashing my fat udders together, his lewd cock pistoning up between them violently - everything adds onto the dizzying spiral of degradation eliciting weak keens from the back of my throat.

My panties are thorouhgly sodden, soaked through with evidence of my traitorous arousal. As Snib thrusts harder between my fat tits, pushing his heavy cock deeper into the confines of my mouth, I feel an acute, muffled squirting against the fabric of my underwear.

My cunt throbs in time with every suckle on his veiny length - soaking itself further as though preparing for some pleasurable war that leaves me quivering from its ruinous call to arms.

“Why be a hero,” Snib’s voice is guttural and labored, “when you're so fucking good at being a cow?”

His crude words slice through any lingering threads of defiance in me as he relentlessly pushes on into this obscene act. He gropes and fondles at will - manhandling me whenever he pleases - reducing me to nothing but a panting mess trying to avoid swallowing his preseed down whole, whilst completely drenched under layers upon layers of sheer debauchery.

Snib’s husky voice fills the room as he further amplifies his lewd commands. “Takin’ yer medicine like a good lil’ bitch."

The sensation of my own breasts being used as a sheath for his monstrous cock is almost too much to bear. My nipples feel like they're being scraped raw under the rough fabric of my bikini top, straining frantically against the constraints as though in a desperate bid for escape. A rush of warmth fills my chest every time he buries himself between the valley of my plump flesh, feeling the yielding softness give way under his demanding thrusts.

A testament to my body's betrayal, my breasts have become far more than just an unwelcome burden on my chest - they have become a weapon against me, each jostle and bounce reminding me of their very existence. The way they envelop him only fuels the sparks of arousal building within me. They mold around him so perfectly - every ridge and vein of his monstrous member sinking into the pillowy embrace. The squelching sounds echo loud in the room, stoking up uninvited waves of pleasure that ripple through my body.

The constant pull from the weighty tits leaves a dull ache under the heavy swell, their fat melons begging to spill out from under the constraints of my skimpy bikini top. Each squeeze around Snib's cock sends tingles radiating across their surface, making them shiver in response. The slick precum coating their surface only intensifies these sensations, making them feel even fuller and heavier than before.

As I moan louder and louder under Snib's continuous assault against both my dignity and my body, I can hear an erotic symphony bubbling within me. Each gasp and whimper that escapes past my lips is echoed by the wet sounds our bodies make together - the obscene squelch of thick flesh sliding against yielding skin rings out in harmony with soft gasps escaping from between swollen lips.

Each throb, each pulse of my traitorous body serves as a reminder of the humiliating pleasure I'm drowning in. My mind tries to latch onto something, anything, to escape from the hedonistic haze clouding my senses but it's all in vain.

The taste of Snib's precum still coats my tongue, the bitter musky flavor seeping into every taste bud. My lips tingle from the lingering sensation of his monstrous member sliding against them, leaving behind an obscene trail of arousal that has me panting and gasping for breath.

Trying to think is like attempting to swim through molasses, each cog in my mind sticking and slipping as if covered in a layer of Snib's slimy precum. My brain is awash in a sea of debauched thoughts that leave me feeling dizzy and disoriented, the world tilting dangerously around me.

As Snib pulls away, his greasy, glistening cock leaves my mouth feeling empty and deprived. My lips tingle from the sensation, the undeniable craving for more making me whimper in humiliation.

My body is awash with arousal, dripping with the evidence of my own desires. The crude moisture soaking through my panties is a testament to my state of mind. Against all reason and dignity, the taste of Snib's seed on my tongue only makes me want more.

My skin feels hot and flushed under his leering gaze, each breath I take seems to fan the flames of desire within me. The cool air does nothing to soothe the burning need coursing through me. My nipples are as hard as pebbles, aching and straining against the tight fabric of my bikini top.

The ripples of pleasure pulsating from between my thighs are unbearable - insistent waves lapping against my senses that make it nearly impossible to focus on anything else. My plump pussy lips glisten with arousal, their swollen form peeking out from my soaked panties in a silent plea for more.

I'm writhing on the mattress, back arched like a drawn bow as I struggle to cope with this overpowering sensation. The leather skirt hitched up around my waist reveals every trembling inch of my thick thighs and drenched panties - a lewd display for Snib's hungry eyes.

Fueled by the debauched sight before him, Snib's laughter echoes through the room again, a cruel reminder of the dominating presence he has over me. His gruff voice makes me shudder - every crude remark only serves to stoke the flames further.

"Look at ye," he chides, "a wet mess."

The words twist my stomach into knots but it doesn’t halt the flow of juices streaming down my thighs nor does it quell the throbbing heat radiating from between them.

I cannot stop touching myself. Can't halt the urgent rhythm that seems to have taken over my body. I can't even think straight - every thought is drowned out in a foggy haze of arousal that clouds my mind.

The memory of Elara taunts me, her loving words whispering faintly in the back of my mind... but they're quickly swallowed up by an all-consuming focus on Snib’s cock – its smell, its taste – oh gods – its deliciously bitter taste that lingers on my tongue.

Every thought is invaded by images of Snib's cock – its grotesque size and color seared into my mind. Each time I close my eyes, it's all I see – an oppressing specter haunting even in absence. The rampant desire coursing through me is unbearable and yet – I am compelled to imagine him back inside me again.

But worst of all are those moments when his image is replaced by something else entirely – replaced by thoughts so perverse they make me shudder in horror: My own body... myself... as Elise...

My hands roam over soft hills and valleys foreign yet familiar – acquainting themselves with plush flesh and tight corners alike. Each touch sends jolts throughout me - an electric pulse compelling me further into this rabbit hole laden with despair and arousal alike.

My tormentor’s fingers find their way to my panties, pushing them aside as if they were no more than an inconsequential nuisance.

“Oi, sugar tits.” his gruff voice invades my thoughts, “Ready to take this cock, eh?”

My mind is screaming in protest, a whirlwind of denial and horror at what’s happening. But my voice—my damned traitorous voice—doesn’t obey. All that escapes my lips are pathetic whimpers and gasps, the words lost in the wake of my overpowering arousal.

Snib doesn’t wait for any answers; his brutish hands are already at work. His fingers slide over my clit, sending sparks of pleasure shooting up my spine. I whimper in response, my body writhing under his touch in a display that makes me cringe internally.

The goblin just grins down at me, his yellow eyes filled with a gleeful malice that sends chills down my spine. He grasps his monstrous cock and starts slapping it against me. Each heavy smack sends shockwaves of pleasure-pain coursing through my hypersensitive flesh. My mind goes completely blank at the assault, only able to focus on the obscene sensation of his thick length against me.

My hips buck involuntarily as I grind against him without thinking. Somewhere far off I hear myself moan while the rest of me is consumed by the feeling of raw anticipation. My clit throbs under each impact, sending jolts of pleasure radiating through me with every rough slap.

“W-what...are you...d-d...” My speech is fractured and uneven; I can’t even finish the query before my voice trails off into another whimpering moan.

He winks down at me knowingly, “Oh? What was that dearie? Want me to put it in?”

"No!" I manage to gasp out between moans and heaves of breaths but it's lost amidst the slap-squelch-slap rhythm dominating our obscene symphony —the sounds resonating off the inn walls are too lewdly deafening.

The sight of Snib’s giant lewd log slapping against me shouldn't be arousing but it is—so very much so—that I'm almost afraid to admit how much this situation is arousing me: precum dripping from Snib’s meaty cock onto my pussy; our mixed fluids connecting us in a sticky bond of debauchery.

Every slap echoes throughout the room and each echo fans sparks within me until they ignite into a burning flame. He feels victorious already—he has won this round—and deep down—with growing dread—I know I have lost.

As Snib continues to grind his length against me, I can feel my carefully constructed barriers start to crumble. The rhythmic pressure against my sodden mound creates pulses of pleasure that crash through me like tidal waves. My body instinctively arches up to meet his grinding thrusts, causing our bodies to slide together enticingly.

"No... n-no..." I continue to whimper out in protest, but the words are weak and shaky - a poor reflection of my diminishing resistance.

"No?" Snib chuckles at the feeble protest, his gruff voice taking on a raspy tone of amusement. "Are ye sure 'bout that?"

Despite my pleas, the goblin doesn't stop his torment; if anything he only increases his efforts. His bulbous cock continues grinding and humping against my sensitive flesh, teasing the entrance of my dripping cunt with tantalizing pressure.

Snib's actions send cascades of pleasure ricocheting through me, each burst melting away more of my will. My mind is a whirlpool of paradoxical desires — an internal tug-of-war between my innate self-preservation and these new waves of arousal threatening to drown me.

But even as I fight for control, I can feel myself slipping away. My body is betraying me — it craves him — it wants the disgusting goblin's cock inside me. I can practically feel myself opening up for him; my body instinctively preparing for penetration.

With each passing second, I can feel the mounting heat within me reaching critical levels — an unbearable tension coiling tighter and tighter until it threatens to snap. The sensations are so intense that I close my eyes tightly against them — hiding in shame from the mounting humiliation.

"Alright then," Snib drawls out slowly, pausing momentarily in his grinding. "I'll stop..."

For a moment there is some relief but it’s short-lived as he starts again with even more intensity than before.

"But how 'bout now?" he asks with another cruel grin.

Before I realize what’s happening he resumes grinding against me again—his cock sliding along the slick folds of my heavy mound—each push bringing him closer to entering me.

The barrage of pleasure grows too much and reality dissolves around me—I am lost in this sea of sensations—the room, Snib’s grunts—it all fades away leaving just Snib’s pulsating length rubbing against me—pushing, sliding…

My head tosses back as an involuntary moan slips from between lips that yearn for another taste of his musky seed—I am succumbing—my body giving in—and it is this realization—that I am losing—that sparks some semblance of sanity within me.

“Just…” My voice chokes out past gasps and sobs “…wear a condom if you’re going to do it.”

The moment Snib pulls out the condom, my heart lurches. The goblin grins down at me, yellow eyes glinting with cruel delight as he begins to unroll it onto his massive cock. The sight is obscenely erotic - each inch of his girth being slowly encased by the thin layer of rubber.

A cold dread starts to settle in my stomach as I watch him fumble with the condom, trying to fit it over his oversized member. My mind races with thoughts of impending penetration. I've never... not like this...not...

But my body has other ideas. Each moan and squirm that escapes me is a traitorous testament to my own arousal. My legs coil and twist, squeezing together in a futile attempt to stave off the throbbing need building within my wet folds.

My thick, heavy tits heave with each panting breath I draw in, a bead of sweat trickling between them and pooling around the base of my overtaxed bikini top. Yet their jiggling movements only serve as a reminder of the obscene bulges they've become – another part of me now shaped for Snib’s pleasure.

As if thinking about him summons the goblin into action, Snib suddenly barks out a raucous laughter drawing my attention back to him. He waves his fully sheathed cock before me - rubber straining against the monstrous girth - a symbol of debasement I'm doomed to endure.

"Look here, sugar tits." His gruff voice cuts through my hazy thoughts, bringing me back to reality. "Yer gonna get fucked today. No stoppin’ that now."

The words hit me like a punch to the gut, sending shivers down my spine and igniting butterflies in my stomach – but they're not exactly borne out of fear... more like anticipation...

"I-If're going...please..." I whimper out weakly, closing my eyes against this shameful sight and the wave of unwanted arousal it ignites within me. "...just... just be gentle."

Snib raises an eyebrow at that before letting out another round of gruff chuckles.

"Gentle?" He smirks at me mischievously before grabbing onto one meaty handful of tit flesh, causing me to gasp aloud. "We'll see about that."

As he squeezes harder and pulls me towards him roughly, there's an offer - something that helps cut through the foggy haze clouding my mind.

"If ye manage not ta cum before I do," he says, leering down at me with gleaming yellow eyes full of excitement and lustful anticipation. "I'll leave ye and yer little wife alone for a whole week."

My heart skips a beat at his words – freedom? An entire week free from Snib's disgusting hands? The stakes are high but so is the reward ... Maybe if I can just endure...

"But," He adds with a devious smirk on his face while tugging harder on my breast making me whimper in both pain and pleasure alike, "If ya do cum before me... yer in for a long night.”

The lewd sight of my massive tits jiggling under the weight of the precum-filled condom tied to my bikini top sends shivers running through me. Heat flushes across my skin, staining my cheeks a deep crimson as I watch Snib leer at me eagerly.

His stubby fingers wrap around the waistband of my skirt and with one gruff tug, he yanks it down. The sudden force sends tremors running through me, my body shaking in response. My flesh jiggles with each pull, the leather fabric catching on the generous swell of my asscheeks.

"Fuck," Snib grunts, tugging harder at the stubborn piece of clothing. The strain is too much for it and with a sharp rip, my skirt comes free. A soft gasp leaves me at the sudden exposure; a gust of cool air kisses my heated skin making goosebumps rise all over me.

I lay there, sprawled on the bed in just my once-white panties and bikini top. I can feel Snib's gaze roaming over me - a predator eyeing his prey - sending shivers running down my spine.

My panties are so soaked they cling to the inside of my thigh like glue. The fabric is stretched taut against me, digging into the soft flesh of my child-birthing hips.

"Oi! Lift yer legs up," he orders gruffly.

Despite myself, I respond to his command; lifting my legs up in the air and exposing myself even further to him. My heart races wildly in my chest; I’m so vulnerable under his hungry gaze.

The position forces my tits to bobble up and down on my chest, their heavy movement causing more precum to dribble out from the tied-off condom hung around them. The sensation makes me whimper in involuntary pleasure as another wave of arousal courses through me.

My hyper-sensitive nipples rub against the tight fabric, making them strain even harder against their restraints. A low moan escapes from between tightly clenched teeth as they respond to each slight movement with an electrifying jolt.

Each heartbeat sends another rush of blood through them – keeping them hard and achingly sensitive – another constant reminder of what I have become.

Snib's crude laughter echoes throughout the room, breaking through the foggy haze clouding my mind. My face flushes hotter as embarrassment creeps up on me once again.

Suddenly, he's reaching for me again; his grubby fingers wrapping around one thick thigh before spreading it wider apart – opening me up for him. Each touch sends shivers running through me – sparks igniting deep within that fan into an inferno consuming all thoughts but one: anticipation.

The first touch of his cock against me makes me gasp aloud; caught between a moan and whimper as his precum-slicked length slides along mine. The overpowering scent of his musk fills the room – making it hard to breathe – invading every sense till all I can think about is him.

The world spins around me as I feel his rubber-sheathed cockhead press against me. Against the slick, swollen lips of my pussy. My heart beats wildly in my chest, each hammering thump echoing the impending doom of his invasion.

The moment of penetration is both painfully slow and devastatingly quick. One second, I'm trying to prepare myself for his thrust - the next, I feel the tip of him pressing inside me. The sensation is immediate and overwhelming; a sickeningly erotic mix of pleasure and violation. His cockhead nudging past my folds, pushing into my body.

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