The Goblin’s Pet (18+) (Now a CYOA!)

Chapter 18 – Ties That Bind

Fair warning: this chapter is dark. If you don't enjoy the tags I really advise that you turn back, because the events of the final few chapters of this book are already determined.

The staircase creaks beneath our weight as we ascend, Elara's hand firm around my wrist as she guides me. Each step I take sends jiggling tremors through my breasts, the sensitive flesh spilling obscenely over the bodice of my dress.

"We'll prepare the water for Master Snib," Elara instructs, a strange, breathy excitement coloring her tone.

A lump rises in my throat at the declaration, yet I find myself unable to argue. Her touch guides me to the bathing chamber, its warmth embracing us like a comforting blanket. The scent of moss and yarrow wafts through the air from our most recent bath.

Yet now her gaze is focused solely on Snib.

With a gentle sigh, she begins untying the laces at her back - her movements slow and deliberate - each tug revealing another tantalizing expanse of creamy skin. Her dress crumples to the floor in a pool of lavender linen, leaving her standing in nothing but delicate lace undergarments that do little to hide her ample charms. Her eyes flicker up to meet Snib’s – a heated spark that sends a pang of jealousy clenching in my stomach.

My gaze sweeps over her form - freckled and curvaceous - seeing how she quivers with anticipation. With each labored breath she takes, her large breasts strain against their confinements; nipples puckered into hard nubs that press against thin fabric.

My heart wrenches at the sight: this is my wife undressing for someone else... for that goblin. But with each sniffle of his musk filling our shared bath chamber, I realize he owns both of us now...

She reaches behind to unhook her bralette then - its removal sending her breasts free with an erotic bounce that has Snib leering appreciatively. Next come her panties – lace and silk sliding down smooth thighs till they pool around slender ankles; revealing the neat patch of red curls crowning her womanhood.

"Let's fill his bath now," Elara instructs suddenly – voice dreamy and distant despite words echoing sharply in small chamber – "Master Snib will want it warm."

She leads me by hand over to the huge bathtub carved from local stone; its rounded edges cool and comforting beneath trembling fingers as we work together – filling the tub till steam rises off the surface and water shimmers with heat waves beneath flickering torchlight.

In stark contrast with past experience – where it was Elara washing away traces of Snib from me – now she’s filling it up for him; preparing it so he can enjoy it while we stand naked at his side: two women who’d lost everything, including each other.

Suddenly laughter echoes through the chamber then – raw and mocking as Snib steps closer; bare foot splashing into the water before he lowers himself down with a contented sigh that sends a ripple across the surface till it laps gently against our shivering bodies.

The sight before us couldn’t be more different than what we’d known; couldn’t be a crueler mockery of what once was.

A slow shiver crawls up my spine as Snib's laughter fills the room. He has removed his loincloth, casting it aside with a disturbingly casual air as he stands bare in front of us, his fat goblin cock dripping into the tub.

"Oi, look 'ere," Snib grins, his yellow eyes filled with undisguised lust as they roam over Elara's naked form. "A real lady ya got 'ere, not like ye with yer whore's body."

His words hit me like a punch to the gut. I try to object but all I can manage is a weak whimper, drowned out by Snib's raucous laughter and Elara's breathy moans.

Elara steps into the tub without a hint of disgust, her graceful movements making her seem more like a dancer than a woman about to bathe with an obscene creature. Her thighs part as she settles into the hot water beside him.

An animalistic groan echoes in my ears as Snib latches onto Elara's breasts - his grubby hands roughly kneading their softness before he guides one plump nipple into his mouth. The wet slurping sound causes my heart to pound painfully against my ribs, and my cheeks burn hot with humiliation and... arousal.

I watch in shock as Elara tilts her head back - her breath hitching in her throat while she arches against him - pushing herself further into his eager mouth. The sight causes an unwanted warmth between my thighs – made worse by Snib’s grinning face as he releases Elara’s nipple only to meet my eyes.

“See dat? Dat’s how ya do it.” His guttural voice reverberates through me – each word laced with crude satisfaction that has me wishing I could disappear beneath the floorboards – but there’s no place for me to hide; only stand and watch this grotesque mockery unfold before me.

Elara's actions are measured, each one deliberately seductive yet inherently elegant. Her slender hands move with the practiced grace of a seasoned performer, every sweep and brush of her fingers over Snib's skin is both a chore and an act of worship. It’s mesmerizing and terrifying all at once.

I watch as she takes Snib's flaccid cock in her hand - her fingers wrapped around its girth as she delicately runs a soapy cloth along its length. His shaft twitches in response, growing stiffer as she pays careful attention to the crown - cleaning away the day's grime. My own body clenches in sympathy, echoing the pangs of lust visible on Elara’s face.

Her cheeks flush beautifully under the steamy heat, eyes fluttering shut as she hums softly to herself - her own pleasure made evident in soft moans that escape her lips. The sight sets my blood aflame with a wild concoction of anger and... desire.

The feeling of discomfort prickles my skin, igniting an inferno that churns within me - an undeniable arousal that turns my once resolute will into ashes. My cheeks heat up under Snib’s mocking gaze – his cruel laughter echoing against the stone walls while Elara continues to service him, oblivious to my inner turmoil.

"Ye like watchin', don't ya?" Snib taunts then; his words slithering through my mind like a venomous snake – its poison tainting everything I once held dear.

His yellow eyes are alight with perverse amusement, one grubby hand reaching out to tug on Elara's fiery locks – pulling her head back till she moans aloud.

“Come ‘ere,” he commands me, snapping his other fingers towards me in an action that makes me feel like nothing more than a trained pet. "Take off yer clothes," he orders, his voice is a grating rasp that raises goosebumps up my arms.

It's not as if he hasn't seen me naked before - hell, my body is practically on display every day - but the idea of stripping down for him in front of Elara adds an extra layer of degradation that sends another sickening twinge of arousal shooting up my spine.

I reach down to the hem of my dress and hesitate - the unforgiving fabric clinging tight to every luscious curve. My hands tremble as I pull it upwards, trying to stifle the shiver that runs through me when the cold air hits my bare thighs.

The jiggling mass of flesh that is my ass shakes obscenely as I struggle to pull my dress over it, each strain sending tidal waves rippling through the excessive amount of fat. The struggle is real - an ever-constant reminder of the hypersexualized body I'm trapped in.

Next are my stockings; coarse fabric clinging tightly to thick thighs. Peeling them off is an arduous process, made even worse by Snib's lewd gaze tracking every inch exposed. His laughter echoes mockingly around us as I finally discard them, leaving nothing but tiny panties between us.

I can feel his eyes on me, devouring the sight with raw hunger. My pussy clenches under his scrutiny, dampness soaking through flimsy fabric and trickling down trembling thighs. It’s horrifying how aroused I am – how much this humiliating display has turned me on.

Reaching behind me with trembling hands, I unfasten my bra; a mix of relief and dread settling in as I feel the strain against my shoulders lessen, only for gravity to take its toll on heavy breasts. They tumble free with a bounce - jiggling in sync with my racing heartbeats and causing painful throbs in my sensitive tips.

My nipples stand at attention – firm peaks on top of hills swaying with each nervous breath drawn. Goosebumps prickle the sensitive skin under Snib’s heated gaze – each one a damning testament to unwanted arousal coursing through my veins like wildfire.

Last to come off are my panties; sliding down my smooth legs till they land around my ankles in a crumpled mess – mere discarded pieces joining the forgotten clothes at my feet. The cool breeze sweeps over my moist folds then – making my clit throb needily while glistening arousal trails down my quaking legs.

With a deep breath, I step toward the tub - each movement causing my swollen breasts to sway and jiggle provocatively. The cool air of the chamber brushes against my damp skin, making me shudder in anticipation. I can already feel the warm steam from the water curling around my bare thighs, seeping into my skin and sending shivers down my spine.

I take a moment to glance at Elara and Snib - the intimate tableau they've created with their bodies is both revolting and titillating. Their naked forms press against each other in an obscene display of lust - Snib's green, pudgy belly rubs against Elara's soft curves while his thick cock rests heavily against her thigh. His greedy hands roam over her body with a perverse sense of ownership that makes my heart clench.

Elara turns to me then, her sapphire eyes softened with a strange mix of sympathy and arousal. "Join us," she murmurs, reaching out a hand towards me.

Swallowing back the lump in my throat, I hesitantly accept her offer - placing my hand in hers before gingerly stepping into the tub.

As my foot touches down on the bottom of the stone-carved tub, the scalding water rises up my calves and thighs, sending a shock of heat through my legs. Elara's supportive grip keeps me steady, guiding me further into the steaming bath. The tub isn't meant to accommodate three people, especially with two buxom women and one crude goblin. The difficulty of the squeeze only serves as a reminder of how perverse the situation is.

Despite my discomfort, I fully submerge myself in the water, my fat ass pressing up against Snib's slimy, pudgy belly on one side, and Elara's warm, curvaceous thigh on the other. My huge, pendulous breasts float atop the water's surface, bobbling and jiggling lightly with each subtle movement I make. Their sheer weight seems to have been lessened by the water's buoyancy, but they remain jiggly - fat udders swaying back and forth, never quite settling into place.

Snib leers at both Elara and me, his massive cock, fully erect, standing proudly like a lewd monument to his perverse conquests. The thick, green shaft brushes against my thigh, its girth almost comical as it throbs with each beat of Snib's heart. I can feel the droplet of precum that oozes from the tip, the sticky sensation leaving an unpleasant dampness on my soft skin.

Elara's eyes meet mine, a dazed, lust-filled smile playing at the corners of her mouth. With a trembling hand, she reaches across me to stroke Snib's chest, her fingers brushing over his nipple as she looks up into his yellow eyes.

"Now, Elise," she breathes, her voice betraying the arousal that courses through her veins. "We must wash our Master…"

Her words swirl in my mind, a sickening mixture of debasement and submission. My heart clenches at the sight of my wife doting on this pathetic goblin as if he were royalty. But, despite my humiliation and heartbreak, I find myself unable to resist the haze of arousal that has settled over me.

With a heavy sigh, I reach for a nearby sponge, soaking it in the hot water before turning my attention to Snib's greasy skin. As I scrub, I feel his grubby hands reaching out to fondle my massive tits, his fingers pinching and tweaking my sensitive nipples. The unwanted touch sends a shiver down my spine, my body betraying me as it responds to his dominance.

The water around us swishes and sloshes as we continue to wash and serve Snib. Elara's hand moves in tandem with mine, our fingers interlocking as they spread soap over his chest, his belly, and even his slimy cock - the soapy bubbles making his arousal all the more obscene.

Snib lets out guttural moans of pleasure here and there, his voice grating and rough. The sound of his satisfaction fills the room, echoing off the stone walls, and filling me with dread. Elara's moans harmonize with his, creating a twisted melody that beats against my eardrums and seeps into my very essence.

The goblin then grins, his yellow eyes narrowing in twisted pleasure as he watches Elara and me, our soapy bodies pressed against each other in the cramped tub. "Kiss," he growls, the single word an authoritative command that leaves no room for argument - not that our aroused minds could muster any resistance.

I glance nervously at Elara, her sapphire eyes clouded with a mixture of desire, and something else. A dread, buried too deep under the haze. It's not that I'm not used to kissing her - we've shared countless tender moments together as husband and wife. But the idea of doing it performatively, under the watchful, lewd gaze of Snib, makes it a grotesque mockery of our love.

Sighing in resignation, I lean forward, my lips meeting Elara's in a hesitant, almost desperate embrace. Our wet bodies press together, the feeling of her soapy skin sliding against mine sending a shiver up my spine. The sensation of our massive breasts squished together, the contact sending ripples through the generous flesh, forcing tiny gasps from both of us.

As we kiss, Elara's hand never leaves Snib's hardening member, her fingers gently stroking him as if tending to a prized possession. In turn, Snib's greedy hands roam over both our bodies, fondling and squeezing as he pleases, his touch a constant reminder of his dominance over us.

The taste of Snib's potent cum-load, the same one Elara feasted on downstairs under the table, lingers in her mouth - bitter, bleachy, and salty. Yet, despite its repulsive flavor, it only serves to fuel the arousal coursing through me. Elara and I moan into each other's lips, our arms wrapping around each other as we become utterly lost in the lewd, obscene moment.

The bathroom is filled with the sounds of wet, slick kisses and the slosh of water as our bodies shift and slide against one another. Snib's guttural moans of pleasure mix with our own, the symphony of debauchery echoing off the stone walls.

The hot water envelops us, its warmth seeping into our pores, adding to the flush of arousal that spreads across our skin. I can feel Elara's soft curves pressed against my exaggerated figure, every touch and caress igniting a spark deep within me. Our tongues dance together, exploring and tasting one another in a desperate, sapphic display of submission.

Meanwhile, Snib's presence dominates the tiny space, his mere existence enough to bring both Elara and me to our knees - figuratively, at least. The slippery water and soap make it difficult to find purchase, our hands slipping and sliding against each other's wet flesh.

As we continue to kiss and caress one another, I can feel Elara's emotions swirling around her like a tumultuous storm - the repressed horror and the overwhelming haze of lust threatening to drown her in their depths. Yet, she clings to me, her breaths mingling with mine as we lose ourselves in our shared passion.

Despite the perverse nature of this situation, I can't help but feel a certain twisted pleasure in it all. The hot water, the slippery slide of skin against skin, and the intense arousal brought on by Snib's cruel dominance all combine to create a whirlwind of debauchery that engulfs my senses.

My eyes fly wide as I suddenly feel Snib's sloppy, wet, freshly cleaned cock flop between the cleft of my ass cheeks. The sensation of his massive girth sends shivers down my spine, yet my gaze remains locked with Elara's, the intense arousal in her eyes betraying her own desire for the perverse scene unfolding around us.

As I mewl pathetically, Elara pulls me closer to her, our lips remaining locked in a passionate embrace. I can feel her slender hands guiding my trembling hips, positioning me to allow Snib more room to maneuver behind me.

The obscene lewdness of the situation only serves to heighten the torrent of arousal that courses through my veins. My cheeks burn with humiliation, and yet, I cannot deny the rush of excitement that floods my senses. My once heroic self, now reduced to nothing more than a vessel for Snib's pleasure – the cruel irony of it all.

I feel the monstrous girth of Snib's bare cock, his massive purple drooling helmet, pressing against my thoroughly unprotected, thoroughly wet cunt. The slick, steamy heat of the bathwater only serves to make my entrance even more inviting, my body unable to resist the insistent pressure of his massive, vein-laden shaft.

Elara’s grip on me tightens as she holds me still, silently offering me up to Snib, our alpha, allowing him to dominantly slide his massive 12-inch cock into me. The sensation of being filled by his throbbing member is both electrifying and agonizing – my once-masculine body now so undeniably feminine in its submission to his every whim.

As Snib’s throbbing helmet teases my entrance, a shudder courses through me. My pussy lips pucker, swelling, visibly aroused, glistening with my slick juices and the warm bathwater. The combined heat, the intimate contact of skin against skin, and the adrenaline-laced anticipation cause an odd cocktail of sensations to tingle down my spine.

Elara’s sapphire eyes meet mine, her own anticipation, lust, and dread mirroring my feelings. She holds me steady, her own hands trembling slightly as Snib positions his fat, goblin schlong at my entrance. My eyes go wide as I feel the tip nudge against my wet, aching hole.

The head of his cock presses insistently against me, my entrance stretching slowly, gripping onto him, welcoming the obscene girth despite the discomfort. I can feel every veiny detail of his footlong schlong, the warmth and texture causing me to gasp.

My eyes are wide, my breath hitching in my throat as the schlong begins its slow invasion. The wet squelching sound fills the room, each moment echoing loudly against the stone walls of the confined space. I can feel the rhythm of Snib's pulsing member, the pressure building in time with the throbbing within me.

Elara coos beside me, her breathy voice thick with arousal. "Good girl," she praises in a hushed whisper, her fingers softly running down my arm, tracing my trembling body. Her once-tender touch, now filled with perverse intent.

"Take it all, Elise," she murmurs, her voice encouraging, cajoling. Her sapphire eyes are glazed with desire, her lips curled into a slight smile as she watches the goblin alpha take what he wants.

I feel impossibly stretched, full to the brim with goblin cock, every nerve inside me screaming in overstimulation. My body feels heavy and languid, my senses overwhelmed by the feeling of Snib's member stretching me out, filling me, possessing me.

Snib grunts, his girthy cock sinking further into my yielding body, until his slimy, fat balls slap against my wet cunt. The crude sound resonates, echoing in the tub, filling the room with our debauchery.

His hands grip onto my hips as he starts to pull back, my pussy clinging to his withdrawal. Then, he thrusts forward again, pummeling into my soaked pussy. The sensation is electric, a jolt of lust shooting through me with each thrust, each rough slap against my fat ass.

The bathwater sprays around us, droplets cascading in the air with every thrust of Snib's mighty schlong. I let out a choked gasp, my heavy breasts bobbing, sloshing with the water, jiggling with each thrust.

Elara continues to stroke me, her fingers tracing over my slick, sensitive flesh. Her lips press against mine in a heated kiss, her tongue twining with mine as I moan against her mouth. Her hand cups my fat tit, her thumb teasing the taut nipple, adding to the sensory overload.

Snib's pace increases, his grunts growing more guttural as he pummels into my wet cunt. My asscheeks slap wetly against his groin, a perverse symphony of lewd, wet sounds filling the room. Elara's encouragements become a constant whisper in my ear, her voice guiding me through the haze of debauchery.

Each thrust sends a shudder through my body, my gaze locked with Elara's. Her eyes reflect the same heady mix of lust and subjugation that I feel, her body writhing in tandem with mine as we share in this twisted moment.

I feel stretched out, filled to the brim with goblin cock, the sensation both agonizing and pleasurable. I'm hazy with the perverse situation, lost in the sensations, the obscene symphony, and the overbearing presence of Snib, our goblin alpha.

"He’s... he's going to…” Something deep within me reacts to his words, a dormant part of this body awakened. "Elara, I..." It's overwhelming, intense.

My thighs tighten around his waist as I feel it - a pulsing, persistent prod against my innermost depths. His swollen cock-tip nudging, prodding, seeking entry. "He's... he's at my..." My voice trails off as I feel the fat goblin cock-head forcing its way into me, breaching the tiny, fluttering ring of my cervix. I gasp, my breath hitching at the sudden invasion. "It's in... it's in me, Elara." I try to step back, but my knees nearly buckle. "Gods, it's like... it's like he's in my womb."

Elara holds me, her hands threading through my hair. The water sloshes around us in the stone bath, steam enveloping us like an erotic veil. "Tell me, love. What does it feel like?" Elara breathes, her blue eyes wide with morbid fascination.

I can hardly form the words. "His cock... it's so fat," I gasp out, my fingers clutching at her arm. "Feels like he's stretching me... pushing against the walls of my womb." It's an intimate invasion. His goblin anatomy is freakish, but it's real. All too real.

I try to focus, to detail every sensation for Elara. My muscles clench around the invading cock. I remember the slave girl at the Gobboree. “Tell me more, Elise.”

"It's full... I feel so full. Like he's filling up every part of me."

The cock inside me throbs, each pulse pushing deeper into my womb.

It's an alien feeling, a sensation of being penetrated so deeply, so thoroughly - his cock lodged in my soul.

My voice breaks, my breath hitching as his cock throbs inside me. "I can't... I can't move, Elara. I feel stuck... locked onto him."

Each word is a gasp, a hitched breath, a whimpered moan. This invasion is brutal, yet the pleasure is overwhelming. Snib's grotesque biology, his goblin anatomy, the fat cock that's currently invading my deepest parts... it's all too real. It's insanely intense, the obscene pleasure radiating from my lower belly, spreading through my body. This isn't possible, but it's happening. It's happening to me.

His cock throbs inside my womb, a constant, insistent pulse that drives me to the edge of pleasure and beyond. I gasp for breath, feeling the tight clench of my womb around him. It's an invasion. A thorough, brutal invasion that's driving me wild with a pleasure so perverse, so intense, it's unbearable.

I'm locked, pinned in place by a goblin's fat cock. My body twitches helplessly, reacting to the impending climax. A twitch. His cock throbs, a warning of the storm about to unleash inside me. My heart skips a beat, my breath hitching in my throat as I brace for the inevitable.

"He's..." I barely manage to whimper, my eyes rolling back as a thick, potent wave of goblin cum surges into my womb. It's the first pulse, just one fat rope enough to essentially fill me to the brim. The pressure is immense, filling every inch of my womb with his heated seed.

"I can hear it," I gasp, the spurt audible in the quiet of the bath. Fat tendrils of stinking, pheromone-laden goblin cum escape around his lodged cock, running down my legs, and muddying the waters of the tub. "He's cumming... in my womb, Elara."

"Take it deep, Elise,” Elara coos in my ear, her voice breathless, hushed. "Take it all. Take all our goblin master’s seed.”

The sound of Snib's squealing voice mingles with the obscene squelching noises, echoing in the steam-filled room. "Get pregnant, bitch..."

His words bounce around in my head, the gravity of it not quite hitting me until I feel the next pulse. Another massive, hot wave of cum, injecting directly into my womb. I can't help the silent scream that escapes me as I feel him flood me. I can't think, I can't move, I'm just a vessel for his virile, putrid, smelly goblin sperm.

It's so much. So much cum. I can feel it. The wriggling sperm, his seed seeking out my eggs. It's an invasion, a deep, thorough, intense invasion of my body. My womb is filled, flooded until it can take no more. And still, he keeps spurting, keeps cumming.

My belly starts to stretch, a testament to the obscene amount of cum he's pumped into me. My mind is a whirling mess, every spurt making my thoughts more muddled. My body jiggles, my fat tits swinging wetly, slapping against each other with each pulse of his cock.

And then, it's too much. His cum is spurting out of me, overflowing from my pussy and running down my legs. It's steaming hot, a stark contrast to the cool bath water. I can't help but whimper, my body sagging as the intense orgasm wracks my body. Elara's there, catching me as I fall limp in the tub.

As the last powerful spurts of Snib's thick cum flood my insides, I can feel him gripping my wide hips tightly, holding me in place as he grunts with satisfaction. "Oi, titcow! Never thought I'd fill ye up, huh?" he sneers, and I feel the familiar sting of humiliation deep within my foggy mind. “Felt good.”

With a wet, squelching sound, Snib slowly pulls out of me. His fat, green cock glistens in the dim light, covered in a mix of his cum and my own glistening juices. The sheer size of him, the obscenely swollen tool of reproduction that had just filled me up, dangles heavily between his legs, dripping.

Elara, lost in the daze of his pheromones, quickly leans in to clean him, her blue eyes – so elegant, so full of memories – heavy-lidded. Her full lips part to take in the goblin's length, her tongue swirling around, cleaning him of the combined mess. She makes soft, aroused noises as she works, her hands delicately cupping his balls, squeezing them gently. Snib, the ever-dominant master, caresses the top of her head with an odd gentleness, clearly pleased with her subservience.

It's heartbreaking to watch, yet I can’t get enough. The elegant woman that once stood defiantly against Snib now eagerly serving him. As she works, I can see how her breasts sway under her, and think about how they’ll never be only mine, ever again.

Then, I’m struggling to stand, my legs shaking, my body still feeling the aftershocks of Snib’s intense orgasm. The weight in my womb, the stretch of my belly, feels impossible. The putrid scent of Snib's seed fills the air as more of it trickles down my legs, pooling around my feet in the tub.

Elara finishes with the goblin and then turns to me, her beautiful sapphire eyes clouded with lust and subservience. She helps me out of the tub, our bodies brushing against each other, her slender, elegant form contrasting my plump, overfilled one. As I step out, she supports me, her hands on my hips, as we both stagger toward the bed. Snib follows, chuckling, his still semi-erect member swaying with every step, reminding me with every glance of the sheer amount of cum he had just squirted into me.

It feels like I’m carrying a dense, foreign weight, packed wriggling inside me. A million goblin sperm seeking my eggs out. Every step I take reminds me of the thick, putrid seed oozing out of me, the smell almost bleachy in its intensity. It trickles down my thighs, a constant reminder of my debasement.

Elara, my once beautiful and dignified wife, now almost floats over to the bed in her haze, her sapphire eyes clouded and distant. I can see the vestiges of her elegant self, but it's like looking through a foggy window. The same one that has clouded my vision and mind.

"Come, Elise," she murmurs, her voice soft, sultry, and inviting. Her elegant, slender fingers grasp my hand, pulling me with her, and I can't resist. The bed seems so far away, every step feels laborious, like I'm wading through deep water, and the constant, warm dribble down my thighs doesn't help.

Lying down feels almost like a relief, but not for long. Elara’s weight soon presses down on me as she climbs atop. Our breasts, vastly different in size, press together, creating a sensation that is both confusing and erotic. Her body, though elegant and slender, feels heavy against mine, grounding me in this reality.

Snib is behind us.

Elara gasps, and her eyes, those clear sapphire eyes I've known and loved, widen in surprise. They’re looking directly into mine, searching, pleading, maybe even trying to find some solace in them. Her soft lips find mine in a kiss that's both desperate and passionate. And through it all, I feel it. The thrusts. Each powerful push sends a vibration through Elara's body and into mine. The bed beneath us squeaks, the rhythm unforgiving and constant.

Underneath my wife, I'm hyperaware of every nuance of my body — the way our engorged, sweaty breasts glide against one another, the sheer weight of my own cum-laden body pinned by hers. Our skin sticks in some places, slippery in others, the moisture creating a salacious symphony of bodily noises as we writhe.

My mossy green eyes flit downward, catching sight of where Snib, the disgusting creature that he is, drives his thick, veiny 12-inch cock relentlessly into Elara's stretched pussy. I can picture her beautiful, natural pussy, now gaping around him. I can envision the obscene contrast of his muddy green shaft against her pink insides feels sacrilegious.

I can’t blame her. This is my fault.

With each of his brutal thrusts into her, Elara’s body lurches forward, hammering her abdomen against mine. I feel the undulating bulge of his cock, a pulsating reminder of his dominance, through her belly against my own sperm-filled womb. The once-familiar bed, where Aldric and Elara shared countless intimate moments, now bears witness to this defiling act, its sheets stained with the neverending stream of cum leaking from my overfilled cunt.

The room's air is thick and heavy with lust. It’s intoxicating — the overpowering smell of Snib's musk mingled with the bleachy stench of the cum inside me. Elara’s moans are both pitiful and erotic, a mix of pain, pleasure, and complete submission. It’s heartbreaking, hearing those sounds come from the lips I've kissed a thousand times before. Her once brilliant sapphire eyes are now glazed, lost in a haze of ecstasy and humiliation. She’s no longer my wife — she’s Snib’s plaything, just as I am.

Snib grunts and groans with pure, unabashed delight, the sound animalistic, echoing around the chamber. Each noise is a declaration, a proclamation of his conquest. With every thrust, he’s claiming not just Elara’s body but her very essence, driving the final nails into the coffin of our dignity.

Their combined warmth and weight atop me, combined with the steady ooze of cum and the overwhelming cocktail of pheromones, makes my head spin. This isn’t just physical — it’s a torment of the soul, a roller coaster of pleasure, shame, and the haunting realization that our lives, as we knew them, are irrevocably changed.

The rhythm grows faster, more frantic. Elara's lips press against mine, desperate and needy. I can feel her breath against my face, short and ragged. There's a distant rumble, a sound that's both low and deep — Snib's growl of impending climax. Even though it feels far away, I recognize the forewarning, having just experienced it myself.

Snib's enormous balls tighten, pressing up against Elara's ass. I can feel the pressure through her, the way she tenses up. Her eyes, so clouded moments before, suddenly have a sharp, terrible clarity, and I understand. She's realizing what's about to happen, the full implications of the goblin's seed.

Elara's moans shift in tone, mixing fear with pleasure. Her voice reaches a higher pitch, a sound that resonates deep within me. She breaks our kiss, her head thrown back, exposing the long column of her slender throat. She's so lost, so vulnerable in that moment, and it’s heart-wrenching.

As Snib thrusts harder, faster, I picture the virulent flood about to be unleashed within Elara. I remember the tales — of goblin seed's potent, vile nature, the way it erases any trace of another's offspring, replacing it with its own. The vision in my mind is disturbingly clear: a swarm of aggressive goblin sperm racing toward her womb, where the tiny life Aldric and Elara created is just beginning to grow.

I visualize those millions of predatory cells, honing in on the fragile fetus. They don’t attack it directly but instead, as if by some cruel, deliberate design, sever its connection to Elara, to its lifeline. It's a grotesque dance of nature — of one species asserting dominance over another at the most fundamental level. The tendrils of Elara's womb that once nourished our child are now slowly being replaced, rerouted to nourish the monstrous spawn of Snib.

The air is filled with obscene, wet sounds — a symphony of spurting and squelching, of Snib’s triumphant grunts and Elara’s moans. The scent of fresh cum mingles with the lingering stench in the room, pungent and overpowering.

It's an act of pure, brutal dominance, and I'm forced to bear witness. The sensation, the weight of it, presses down on me — not just the physical weight of their joined bodies but the emotional weight of the realization that the life we were about to bring into this world is now being replaced by something twisted, something monstrous.

As Snib's thrusts begin to slow, I hear Elara whimper, the sound soft and forlorn, lost amid the cacophony of the goblin's grunts and the squelching sounds of our violated bodies. Her sapphire eyes find mine, the horror mirrored in them. The clarity is short-lived, however, as her gaze soon grows hazy again, lost in the throes of the cruel ecstasy that Snib has thrust upon us.

My mind spins, and the edges of my vision blur. The room seems to tilt, and everything fades to a soft, dim gray. The last thing I hear before slipping into unconsciousness are the combined moans and whimpers of Elara and myself, punctuated by the low, satisfied chuckles of Snib.

Hours later, the room reeks of debauchery. The metallic tang of the cursed collar around my neck has faded beneath the overwhelming stench of goblin seed. The bed sheets are drenched, stained with puddles and streams of off-white, putrid cum that leak from Elara and myself. Even hours after the act, both our pussies continue to overflow with the evidence of Snib's virulent potency. My body feels sore, glazed with a mixture of sweat and goblin cum. Every inch of me is sticky, every crevice filled and coated.

Snib, still brimming with that disgusting goblin stamina, leans over, allowing his semi-erect cock to drape heavily across Elara’s delicate face. She whimpers, her lips trembling as they're brought close to the base of his shaft. He grunts, a command more than a request, and she starts lapping at his oversized ballsack with a resigned obedience, her tongue sliding over the wrinkled, sweaty skin.

It’s sickening, the entire scene. The low lighting of the room reflects off our cum-glazed bodies, turning us into grotesque displays of lust and humiliation. I reach out, and our hands find each other amidst the mess. Elara's fingers interlock with mine, and for a fleeting moment, there's a sense of solidarity, a mutual understanding of our shared plight.

Though the physical act has ended, its repercussions have just begun. A new era of subservience dawns, and I know it deep in my bones. Soon, our bodies will swell with the next generation of goblin spawn. A testament to Snib’s victory over Aldric, the hero, and his beautiful wife. The pheromones ensure our bodies will be ever ready, ever compliant.

My vision is hazy, the world tilting and spinning, the combined effect of the pheromones and the cum-drunk euphoria. We're ruined, both of us. Bodies that once symbolized love and unity, now marred by Snib's seed. There’s no going back from this. We’ve been thoroughly fucked in every sense of the word, our identities and past lives obliterated.

As the weight of the situation presses down on me, the room seems to grow dimmer. I hold onto Elara’s hand tighter, the last thread of my former life. A wave of fatigue hits me, and my eyelids feel impossibly heavy. As the world fades away, my last conscious thought is of Elara and the future we now face as mothers to goblin spawn. The next chapter of our lives awaits, a chapter filled with darkness, submission, and the constant reminder of our utter defeat.

Two Weeks Later.

I waddle through the house, feeling the weight of my growing belly. The scent of fresh bread fills the air, emanating from the oven. Elara, her auburn hair tied back in a messy bun, stands beside me, kneading dough. I can't help but glance at her body, her slender form seeming even more exaggerated with the swell of the rapid, goblin-induced pregnancy. A strange pang of envy strikes me as I compare our changing bodies, her belly seeming to hold its shape better than mine.

“They're so tender," Elara mutters, looking down at her breasts. There's a flush on her cheeks, probably from the oven's warmth but also the arousal that courses through her. Snib’s pheromones cling to the air, ensuring our unwavering submission, ensuring we’ll make the perfect mothers.

“My nipples are getting darker too,” I glance down, seeing how they've deepened in hue.

With a sigh, Elara reaches out and gently rubs my belly. “They’re growing so fast.” Our fingers entwine, the last semblance of our bond. But it’s more like the bond between ‘sister wives’ than any sort of marriage.

Snib's voice, gruff and commanding, interrupts our moment.

"Oi, Tit-bitch! Hurry up with that bread. Master's hungry," he sneers, standing at the entrance of the kitchen. His bulbous, half-hard cock dangles visibly, a constant reminder of the potency and virility that binds us to him. The smell of him makes my knees weak.

I nod submissively, "Yes, Master." And with a little more urgency, I continue helping Elara, kneading the dough and setting another loaf to bake.

When I arrive with the loaf, Snib's grubby hand suddenly closes around my massive breast, squeezing it forcefully. "Oi, let's see if these udders got any milk in 'em yet," he growls, his fingers digging deep into my swollen flesh.

A rush of sensation tingles from my chest to my very core as I gasp, my nipples painfully hardening under his rough touch. They've become increasingly sensitive, betraying my body's preparations for motherhood.

A strangled moan escapes my lips as he rolls the nipple between his fingers, pulling and twisting it as if testing its functionality. There's an intense pressure building inside, a need for release. But I can feel that it's too soon, that my body is still adjusting to its new role.

I can barely believe it when I feel a tiny trickle of warm wetness drip onto my exposed skin. A mixture of humiliation and shock runs through me. I hadn’t expected this so soon. I can feel the beginnings of the sweet, rich liquid, my body's way of preparing to nourish another life. The sensation is overwhelming; a mixture of discomfort, arousal, and a curious warmth that spreads from the point of Snib's touch to my very core.

"Heh, just a wee bit," Snib chuckles, flicking the dampened tip. "Soon, you'll really have the cow tits you was always meant to have." His words echo in my ears, reinforcing what I've become, a vessel, a source of sustenance.

I can't form words, my mind blank, only a deep moan of arousal escapes my lips, my body betraying me, the pheromones drowning out any other sensation. The remnants of the mighty hero Aldric, buried deep within, are silenced by the sheer weight of my latest transformation.

One Week Later.

My swollen belly strains against the fabric of my dress - at least Master allowed me to wear something today. Snib's chuckles, gruff and lewd, cut through the hum of my daze as he prods my wide hips forward. Next to me, Elara's delicate hand reaches out, fingertips brushing against mine, as if in search of the comfort and familiarity we once shared. But that hand now feels so different, so strange.

"Lookit the once mighty hero!" Snib cackles, gripping my arm with a greasy hand, emphasizing every syllable with a rough squeeze. I can't fully grasp the extent of my humiliation, but an undercurrent of discomfort prickles my senses. His musky scent, overpoweringly male, permeates the air, making my body betray me with an unwelcome warmth. "And his luscious wife, all swollen with my seed!"

The townsfolk of Eboncrest surround us, their eyes fixed upon Elara and me. Whispers and murmurs create a dissonant symphony of judgment and morbid curiosity. Pointed fingers and hushed voices tell me they're talking about us, about our visible pregnancies. The weight of their gazes, some pitying, some condemning, presses down on me, making it harder to move.

Suddenly, a booming voice cuts through the hum of my haze. "Snib!" Mayor Bramble's strong, forceful tone shakes me momentarily from my stupor. I vaguely recognize his face, concern and anger evident in his eyes. "You bring them inside this instant!"

The goblin sneers, his massive bulge twitching visibly beneath his loincloth. "Wizard gave me permission. More I do to 'em, the better!"

Before Mayor Bramble can retort, a tall figure in an indigo robe appears. His cold eyes survey the scene, and with an elegance that belies his intentions, he approaches the mayor. "It's quite alright, Mayor Bramble," he murmurs, his voice smooth as velvet. "Let's discuss this privately."

I watch, through a clouded veil of pheromones and confusion, as Zephyrion takes the mayor aside, his words too quiet for me to discern. I feel a tug on my arm, Snib urging us onward, but his steps are slower, more deliberate.

"Take 'em home, goblin. Don't draw more attention than you already have," Zephyrion commands, not even sparing us a glance.

I don't fully comprehend the gravity of his words, but something within me mourns the loss of the life I once knew, replaced now with the weight of my belly and the thick fog that clouds my mind.

Another week passes.

Sweeping the kitchen floor, the cool breeze that sneaks in through the window grazes my exposed nipples, causing a shiver to travel down my spine. My I-cup breasts are so heavy, swollen and glistening with milk, pulling downward as I move. The sensation of the milk inside them feels like there's a constant warmth inside, waiting to escape, tingling at the slightest touch or movement.

The muffled moans from upstairs do little to distract me. I know Elara's with Snib. The rough, animalistic rhythm of their lovemaking punctuates the otherwise silent ambiance. I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy; why her and not me? Yet, at the same time, a part of me is glad for the respite. There's too much going on inside my head.

Suddenly, the kitchen door creaks open. Startled, I instinctively pull the skirt higher to cover my chest, realizing too late the futility of the action. The familiar sight of Master Fendril steps through, his eyes wide behind his spectacles. He tries not to stare at my exposed chest, but it's evident he's struggling. Clearing his throat, he whispers, "Elise, it's me, Fendril."

"I see you, Master Fendril," I say, voice dripping with the haze of pheromones. "Do you like my new look?"

His expression is one of sheer horror and sadness. "By the gods… this is what’s become of you…” He tries to keep his voice steady but the tremble betrays his emotion. "I heard rumors, but this... Zephyrion has truly gone too far. This is madness.”

While his words should strike a chord, make me feel something, anything – they don't. The fog is too thick. My mind feels blank, my thoughts slow and sludgy, like trying to wade through knee-deep mud.

"We have to be quiet," he continues, his voice dropping even lower. "Snib can't know I'm here."

Oh, that's right, Snib is upstairs, occupied with Elara. The memory floats to the surface of my mind like a dream. I can hear her upstairs, moaning, whimpering, a soundtrack to Snib's gruff growls of pleasure.

Fendril hastily reaches into his robes, producing a small vial filled with a shimmering aqua liquid – Moonshade. "You can't drink this yet. It would be toxic during your pregnancy. But once you've given birth, Elise, you must take it immediately."

Confusion clouds my mind further. "Why?" I manage to ask.

"To start reclaiming your mind," he says, his tone urgent. "Zephyrion has played his cards. You and Elara are just pawns in his game. But with this, you can begin to push back."

"But I feel fine," I murmur, though the words sound distant, even to my ears. Everything feels like it's underwater.

Fendril's face contorts in frustration, his fingers twitching. "Listen to me, Elise. You're drowning in that fog. You have to fight it. For now, keep the potion safe. And when the time is right, you drink it. Promise me."

Somewhere, deep down, a small part of Aldric resonates with Fendril's plea. "I promise," I whisper back, holding the vial close.

Fendril's gaze shifts from me to the room's interior, and the weight of regret presses on his shoulders, evident in the slump of his posture. "I'm so sorry, Elise," he says, anguish evident in his voice. "Sorry that I ever involved Zephyrion. I never anticipated he'd descend to such depths of madness. He used to be a scholar. A mentor. But alas, curiosity has mutated and warped into power-lust.”

My thoughts are cloudy, struggling to grasp onto the tendrils of understanding. But I feel the need to do something hospitable, this poor guest seems haggard.

With shaky hands, I take a glass, feeling the weight of his slack-jawed stare on me. I lift my already engorged breast, the skin stretched taut and hot to the touch. The pressure inside is evident as, with careful squeezing, milk streams forth. It pulses out in rhythmic squirts, each droplet capturing the room's light, reflecting the amber glow of the fireplace. I can feel the relief as the pressure subsides, even as the intensity of the sensation sends another rush of hormones flooding through me.

"Master Fendril," I say, offering the glass, my voice dreamy and distant, "Would you care for a drink?”

The wizard's eyes widen in horror. "No, Elise... I cannot." There's a pause, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows hard.

With a shrug, I place the glass of milk on the table. Snib would enjoy it later, I think vaguely, although he usually prefers it direct from the source.

The wizard takes a deep breath, the strain evident on his face. "Zephyrion has begun excavating the ruins beneath Ironrock Mine. Rumors suggest he’s found the sanctum of Maraan. If true, his power will be unmatched."

I try to comprehend, but it’s like he's speaking in riddles. Everything seems distant, intangible, as if I'm trying to capture smoke with my hands.

"He wields too much influence in the king’s courts,” Fendril continues, pacing the room with growing urgency. "None of the other wizards dare to oppose him. I feel so isolated. I have no hope of challenging him.”

The room grows tense, Fendril's anguish palpable, like a physical entity. The very walls seem to absorb his despair, the air thick with it. The wizard's pain contrasts vividly with my pheromone-induced haze.

He looks around, then back at me. "Remember, the Moonshade. It's important," he urges. But there's no promise of a return, no plan, just resignation.

Without another word, Master Fendril turns, leaving me alone in the dim kitchen. The only sound is the soft crackle of the fireplace and my own ragged breathing.

The vial he gave me seems to shimmer with importance. Even in my hazy state, something tells me to keep it safe. I tuck it away, the cool glass a small anchor in my swirling world.

Two weeks later.

Each step sends a wave of discomfort jolting through my overstuffed body. It feels like I’m wading through quicksand; my movements sluggish, heavy, burdened. My engorged breasts weigh down heavily on my chest, filled to the brim, ready to nurture the goblin whelps that churn within my equally engorged belly. The warmth between my legs is incessant, as if every part of me is primed and on fire, yearning for some kind of release.

The weight of being so pregnant is agonizing. It's like I'm carrying a bundle of rocks, and I struggle to keep my balance. The sensation of three goblin babies squirming inside me is bizarre - their little fists and feet prodding my insides with an alien rhythm. From the corner of my groggy vision, Elara looks just as dazed, her belly protruding, albeit not as prominently as mine. I catch a brief glance of her azure eyes, hazy with the pheromones, before a veil of lustful stupor clouds them again.

Zephyrion's attendants, donned in indigo robes, work around us with a focused efficiency, transforming our once cozy abode into a makeshift birthing chamber. They lay down thick blankets, place various bowls filled with steaming water, herbs, and a curious assortment of instruments on a side table. Candles light the space, casting an ethereal glow that only serves to further distance me from reality.

Zephyrion himself, towering in his slender elegance, watches everything with a keen eye, occasionally scribbling something on parchment. His sharp, stormy grey eyes land on me for a split second, and I feel like a specimen under examination. "Make sure everything is in order. The birth of these goblin children will catalyze the power we need," he says, his voice soft, yet filled with cold authority.

A group of Eboncrest’s midwives shuffle in hesitantly, their expressions a mixture of fear and curiosity. They know me. Know who I was. Yet now, they see me in this debased state, ready to birth goblin offspring, and it’s evident they struggle with their own emotions. They begin by gently checking over Elara and me, their fingers probing, eyes assessing. The touch of a familiar hand against my swollen belly momentarily grounds me, before another wave of intoxicating fog envelops me.

Snib stands away from the proceedings, his bulging goblin cock swinging with restless energy. He leers, his voice dripping with pride, "Oi, tit-bitch! 'bout time these brats came outta ya!" He chuckles darkly, but even in his typical crude demeanor, I detect a hint of unease as he keeps glancing warily at Zephyrion.

Elara’s whimpers break my concentration. She’s feeling it. The contractions. The impending moment of release and life. Our shared foggy reality is broken by spikes of sharp pain. The weight of my pregnant body, our connection to Snib, the anticipation of the impending births – it's a sensory overload.

Zephyrion’s attention sharpens, “It’s time,” he states coldly.

The room's stifling air seems to press down on me, making every inhale feel shallow. From my blurred vision, I make out the wizard’s figure approaching the midwives, some sort of paper in his hands and that rod with the eerie glowing crystal tip in another. My body, my once-heroic form, is reduced to a fleshy incubator, preparing to bring Snib’s spawn into the world. Elara, beside me, is in no better state. Her moans sound so distant, so detached, as if echoing from another world.

Zephyrion, that clinical, detached bastard, begins speaking, his tone firm yet without a hint of excitement. “This isn’t your typical human birth, and it will be nothing like what you have experienced before. The goblin seed has transformed these women’s bodies, making them the perfect vessels for goblin pups. Do not be fooled by their human appearance; within them, they carry the next generation of goblins.”

One of the midwives, a younger woman with a sprinkling of freckles across her cheeks, raises her hand slightly. "What... what effects should we expect, sir?"

"The human body has a miraculous adaptability," Zephyrion begins, his voice devoid of wonder. "The two will likely birth simultaneously due to the synchronized hormonal waves. And mind the pups. They are born with a primitive instinct and might bite. Ensure they are separated from the mothers immediately."

Elara's choked sob next to me amplifies the unease in the room. But my own body feels distant, detached, as though I'm floating somewhere above the scene, watching it unfold below.

Elise, the one whose body was once mine, carries triplets. Because of my prolonged exposure to goblin pheromones prior to impregnation, the wizard explains that my spawn are larger, more potent. Elara, on the other hand, was impregnated before her body was fully ‘in heat,’ which means her pups will be weaker, unlikely to survive long on their own.

Snib growls at this, a hint of anger flashing in his eyes. My heart aches, a sensation of longing and sadness wrapping around me, tethering me to Snib.

Zephyrion’s cold gaze lands on me, and with his rod, he measures my collar. A chill runs down my spine. There’s something bigger at play here. It's not about the goblin pups toe the wizard, not really. It's about the connection, the link Snib and I share, magnified by the collar and the children I bear.

"Prepare them," Zephyrion finally commands.

The midwives hesitantly approach, their faces masks of determination mixed with trepidation. Their hands, cool and firm, start attending to both me and Elara, preparing us for the imminent birth. Everything around me blurs, the weight of my situation and the unknown intentions of Zephyrion pressing down on me.

The weight inside my belly feels immense, pressing against my insides with every movement. Sweat drenches my skin, making it glisten and matting my raven-black hair to my forehead. My birthing attire, if you can even call it that, consists of a sheer cloth that's draped across my chest, barely containing the weight of my I-cup breasts, which are swollen and leaking with milk. Every contraction makes them jiggle, as droplets of milk drip down, staining the cloth.

Above me, I grip onto a rope, my knuckles white from the strain. It's there to help leverage the force I need to push these abominations out of my body. Beside me, Elara, her beautiful auburn hair plastered to her face, is in a similar state, gripping her rope and wailing in agony.

The midwives rush between the two of us, their eyes wide with a mixture of horror and determination. They’ve probably never been part of such an obscene scene, where the joy of childbirth is replaced with terror and grotesquerie.

As the first contraction hits, I can't help but scream out, my back arching in pain. One of the midwives, her hands trembling slightly, moves to check my progress. I can feel her fingers, cool and firm, and then her sharp intake of breath as she feels the scaly head of one of the goblin triplets. "It's coming!" she shouts, signaling to her colleagues.

Beside me, Elara's screams join mine, creating a haunting chorus that fills the room. Her body strains and shudders, fighting to bring forth Snib’s spawn. Her own midwife braces herself, her hands coated in some slick substance, preparing to receive the smaller goblin offspring.

As I push with all my might, I catch a glimpse of the first goblin baby emerging, its greenish skin slick and mottled. It's far larger than any human baby I've seen, its tiny arms flailing wildly. Its sharp, little teeth, already visible, sink into the hand of one of the midwives, causing her to cry out in pain, blood staining her pale hand.

From the shadows, Zephyrion watches, a statue of indifference, cold eyes fixated on the obscene spectacle, while Snib, on the other hand, can barely contain his glee, his eyes shining with pride as he welcomes his monstrosities into the world.

Elara’s cries crescendo as her first goblin child emerges, smaller than mine but no less grotesque. Her body trembles, and milk spills from her chest, a stark contrast to the dark leather of her outfit.

The entire chamber, which was once a symbol of elegance and grandeur, now reeks of sweat, blood, and the metallic scent of birth. Glistening fluids and blood stain the floor as, one by one, the goblin children are delivered into the world.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the last of my triplets emerges, its wailing cries joining those of its siblings. I collapse backward, exhaustion taking over, my body feeling empty yet scarred from the ordeal.

The midwives, their expressions a mixture of relief and horror, quickly wrap the goblin whelps in cloths, separating them from us, and Snib moves to inspect each one, his crooked fingers gently caressing their grotesque faces.

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