The Goblin’s Pet (18+) (Now a CYOA!)


I hope you enjoyed my first book! I am planning to edit and revise it once I have the time, plus get some proper illustrations done (in progress). I know there's a couple plot things to tighten up, and some sex descriptions that could be shorter... oops. If you are interested in being the editor for this book, please do shoot me an email at [email protected] with your qualifications, thanks!

This series will be continued in "The Courtesans of Sirath", coming in 2024.

In the meantime, if you like my writing you can check out the #1 gender-swapping RPG, X-Change Life, which you can play for free at Or support my work on SubscribeStar

The sharp bite of the wind is dulled by the heavy, fur-lined cloaks we wear, their warmth seeping right into our bones as our horses gallop tirelessly through the snow-dusted mountain pass. The sun is just beginning to crawl above the distant peaks of the Ironspike Mountains, blushing the crisp morning in hues of gold and rose. The soft glow lends an ethereal beauty to an otherwise harsh landscape.

Elara rides a horse-length away from me, her auburn hair streaming in the wind like wildfire. Her sapphire eyes are bright and focused, her leather-clad body moving in effortless sync with her horse's rhythm. The bow strapped across her back is a stark reminder of our chosen life – a life on the road, of swords and magic, of revenge and justice.

We're not husband and wife anymore, not really. We're much more and much less at the same time – we're warriors, each bound to the other. Connected by a shared destiny, a shared past, we now stand as two pillars - resilient, steadfast, and unbroken.

And we still fuck, of course! It’s important, especially in the cold nights we’ve been spending, up in the Ironspikes.

Drawing in a deep breath, I signal my horse to halt. The tracks we've been following are fresher here, the goblins’ haphazard footprints marring the otherwise pristine snow. "Look here, Elara." I point to a crushed patch of snow just off the trail. “Fresh. They're close.”

She reins in her horse next to me and studies the indentations in the snow. There's a determined glint in her eyes as she looks up at me.

The scent of wet earth, pine and wildflowers fill my nostrils as our horses trot alongside a winding brook, heading further into the heart of the mountains. Elara is quick to comprehend the tracking nuances I share, her observant gaze scanning the surrounding woods for signs of goblin passage.

We rise a hill, and down in the distance, nestled between the broad shoulders of two mountains, is the city of Thuulk. Spires of shimmering opal and onyx, tall towers with colored glass, and a massive citadel perched on a hill, its gleaming metal domes imbued with the colors of dawn.

The city of Thuulk

We've been tracking a group of goblins to the north, and perhaps this time, we'll finally catch Snib. And, if the Ephemerals are kind, we'll make him pay for what he’s done. We'll do it together, as Elara and Elise. 

Underneath my heavy cloak, my tits jiggle with each trot, each gallop, serving as a constant reminder of the woman I am. And yet, I no longer feel the frustration I once did. I've embraced this body, accepting its weaknesses and strengths as my own, and using them to regain control over my destiny.

Elara, too, seems more at ease, more alive than ever before. Our journey has changed us, hardened us, stripped away the last vestiges of our old lives. But it has also brought us together, bound us in a shared quest that goes beyond mere vengeance - a quest for freedom, justice, and a second chance at life. A chance that had been very close to slipping away, just weeks ago.

Our horses clatter down the mountain pass, their hooves kicking up clouds of frosty dust that shimmer in the soft rays of the sun. In the near distance, we spot the goblin camp, nestled in a tight valley, two crude tents poking out like boils against the pristine snow.

The remnants of a hastily abandoned fire smoulder in the snow, the smell of charred meat hang heavy in the cold mountain air.

"It's too quiet," I whisper, urging my horse to slow.

Suddenly, there's a rustle of foliage, and goblins spring out from the shadows, their yellow eyes glowing with malicious glee. My horse rears, her ear-splitting neigh echoing across the snow-covered mountains.

My heart pounds, the familiar rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins as I draw Whisperwind. Beside me, I hear the soft whoosh of an arrow being released, and a goblin squeals as he drops to the ground, Elara's arrow lodged deep in his chest.

She maneuvers her horse with an unusual grace, an almost feral grin on her face. She is enjoying this, the thrill of the fight. Her bow sings again and another goblin falls.

“Elara, keep your back to me!” I say, my voice cutting through the chaos. “Watch your flank!” I slice through a goblin that lunges at me, the sharpness of Whisperwind meeting no resistance as I cleave him in half. The sickening smell of viscera fills the air, but there's no time to think, only to react.

The goblins rush us, their razor-sharp claws slashing as they try to bring us down. Their cocks bob with each jump, ugly, fat things, and a wave of disgust washes over me. They think we’re easy prey, and I know for a fact, that they’re envisioning dragging us into their tents once they’ve subdued us.

Elara’s arrow finds its mark, taking down another. She has a natural knack for archery, it seems. She's still a little clumsy, her grip too tight, her pull a little strained, but her eyes... In her eyes, there is an undeniable determination. Almost… frightening.

One goblin sneaks behind her, lunging and pulling her from her horse. Her bow skitters off to the side. His schlong twitches excitedly as he looms over her.

Then, Elara smiles - too wide.

Her hand morphs into a writhing mass of tentacles. The goblin's squeals are cut short as her tendrils wrap around his tiny head, snapping it with a sickening crunch.

I stop mid-swing, staring slack-jawed at Elara. She just shrugs.

“Guess Maraan left me a little present," she shrugs.

I laugh, despite the situation, despite the chilling sight of Elara's new abilities.

“I’m just glad you're on my side,” I say.

"Always." she replies with a wicked smirk, as I skewer another goblin. "And, I discovered a few nights ago… I can grow these tentacles anywhere if I try..."

My cheeks flush at the implication, images of a very different kind of battle flashing in my mind.

The last goblin falls to the ground, its sickly green limbs twitching in the virgin snow. One of them, however, still clings to life.

Dragging the injured goblin out of the snow, I press Whisperwind against his throat. His yellow eyes widen with fear, and his cock, once hard and eager, wilts pathetically against his belly.

"Where is Snib?" I ask, my voice a chilling whisper in the silent, snow-filled woods. “Was he traveling with you?”

"S-Skulgaroth!" the goblin squeals in terror, his yellow eyes darting between Elara and me as he stammers out the word like a death curse. Skulgaroth. A name whispered with dread among their kind.

“I’ll never say nothin’! Skulgaroth, Skulgaroth!” He repeats the word like a talisman, a protective charm against death.

Elara tuts, a gleam in her sapphire eyes as she steps forward. "I believe you," she murmurs quietly. With swift, brutal precision, she stomps her boot down on the creature's throat. Its eyes widen in shock, then dull as the life seeps out of it.

I shudder involuntarily. As much as I understand the need to kill, the casualness of it sends a chill racing down my spine. Yet, Elara just wipes her boot on the snow and turns back to her usual cheerful self.

“There should be other goblin tracks we can pick up, right?"

I nod, and my gaze slips to the distant city of Thuulk. The morning sun reflects off the opal and onyx spires, bathing the city in warm hues. A glimmer of hope sparks in my heart, and I feel a small smirk tug at my lips.

"I think I know someone who could help us," I reply. Elara grins at me, her bow slung snugly against her back and her eyes sparkling with the thrill of the hunt.

“Ah, I get to meet that pretty little goblin girl you’ve been telling me about?”

“Yes, but keep your tentacles off her!” I wink.

It seems light, to joke about the remnants of an ancient god that seem to be festering inside Elara. But, I figure we haven’t learned much, if we can’t learn laugh at the sick jokes the gods have played on both of us.

As the sun finally peeks over the horizon, we mount our horses, leaving the grisly scene behind. What lies ahead is uncertain, but we ride together, as Elara and Elise.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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