The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 47

Margaret didn’t doubt anything, and distributed the medicine directly to the wounded without temptation. From this point of view, they were indeed a noble and proud race.

Next, Margaret invited Ye Ting to attend their celebration banquet, but Ye Ting tactfully refused. Before leaving, he said that if the raw materials collected from the young dragon were made into potions, he would remember to give the horseman a share.

The two parties said goodbye, Ye Ting hurried back to Hogwarts in the night, but he found out that the horseman with blond hair and blue eyes had been escorting him to the edge of the forbidden forest.

This journey of slaying the dragon was really rewarding. Not only did he further research the dragon, he harvested many precious magic materials, but also gained the friendship of the horse tribe, which means that he can find all kinds of things in the forbidden forest. Precious magical materials-without the help of horsemen like earth-headed snakes, just finding the location of medicinal materials is a difficult problem.

After learning about the ending of Norbert, Hagrid was decadent for several days, but his troubles had not been completely resolved, because he had to find a way to apologize to the horse tribe and repair the relationship between the two sides.

Harry and Ron were surprised when they heard about the battle between the horseman and Norbert, and they realized the real danger of the fire dragon.

Of course, the current Harry and Ron did not have the opportunity to care about Norbert and Hagrid, because they had to face a unfortunate thing-they were asked to be locked up for night tours and fights. They were thought to be on Friday. In the evening, I had a fight with Malfoy and burned Malfoy’s ass. The dragon’s affairs were concealed.

It was Malfoy who was confined with them. Malfoy’s **** was about to heal, so the confinement was delayed for several days.

Finally, the day of confinement arrived, and it was Filch who arranged their confinement content. This old man was very unwelcome to the little wizards, and he himself would seize every opportunity to punish the little wizards who violated the rules.

Facing Filch’s ugly smile, all three of them shuddered. They believed that the punishment would be terrible, because Filch smiled very happily.

However, what happened afterwards made Harry almost laugh, because Filch had brought them to Hagrid.

If they were to work with Hagrid, it wouldn’t be too bad. Harry thought so, but only heard Filch say: “You probably thought you would have a good time with that idiot? Think about it again, kid—you are going to the Forbidden Forest! If you can get out safely , Even if I’m wrong.”

After hearing this, Ron couldn’t help groaning, and Malfoy stopped abruptly.

“Forbidden forest?” He followed, his voice far from being as calm as usual, “We can’t go in in the middle of the night-there are everything in there-I heard that there are werewolves.”

“You can only blame yourself, isn’t it?” Filch said in a happy voice, “You should think of these werewolves before you get into trouble, right?”

Filch threatened them a lot, and then he was happy to go back.

Hagrid told them about their mission tonight.

“Look over there,” Hagrid said. “Do you see that shiny thing on the ground? Silver? That’s unicorn blood. A unicorn in the forbidden forest was hurt by something, hurt It’s very heavy. This is the second time in a week. I found one dead last Wednesday. We have to fight to find that poor unicorn and get it out of pain.”

“What if the thing that hurt the unicorn finds us first?” Malfoy asked, his voice with uncontrollable fear.

“As long as you are with me or Yaya, no creature in the Forbidden Forest will hurt you.” Hagrid said.

“Don’t leave the path. Okay, now we have to divide the soldiers and look for the bloodstains separately. There are bloodstains everywhere. Obviously, it has been stumbling and bumping around since at least last night.”

“I want Fang,” Malfoy said hurriedly, looking at Fang’s long teeth.

“Okay, but I remind you, it’s a coward,” Hagrid said.

“So, Harry and I will go one way, and Malfoy, Ron, and Ya Ya will go another way. If anyone finds a unicorn, shoot a green spark, understand? Take out your wands and practice-yes Now-if anyone is in trouble, just fire a red spark and we will all come to you-all right, everyone be careful-let’s go.”

Item 0069

At this moment, Ye Ting, who was collecting magical materials in the Forbidden Forest, also received help from the horsemen.

“I’m sorry, powerful little pony.” A horseman with red hair and a beard said to Ye Ting in a melancholy and slow tone: “My name is Ronan. We never involve troubles with the foal, but this time we have to ask you for help rashly.”

“It’s an honor to serve you.”

Ye Ting nodded to him politely. During this period of time, he would go to the Forbidden Forest every day to find magic materials, and the horse tribe would always send a member as his guide, so the friendship between the two sides was maintained well. Asked for help, he was happy to help.

“What trouble are you having.”

“Mars is bright tonight, but Jupiter is dim.” Ronan sighed, “Innocent people are always the first to suffer. This has been the case for hundreds of years, and it is still the case.”

These horsemen are always mysterious, and they can’t get a straightforward answer from them. They always look up at the stars and don’t pay attention to other things.

However, Ye Ting still knows a little about horse people’s astrology, and he quickly came to the conclusion:

Mars represents conflict and war. It is a evil star. He rules the unfortunate sixth house, so it also brings evil omens. Therefore, the brightness of Mars probably means that the Forbidden Forest is invaded by some troublesome guy, usually black wizards or dark creatures.

Jupiter here refers to something threatened. If it is placed in the forbidden forest, it is either an animal or a precious plant. Jupiter corresponds to many plants and animals. When combined with Mars, it means…

“Could it be that the unicorn was attacked by something?”

Hearing this question, Ronan glanced at Ye Ting in surprise.

Among the wizards he knew, except for Dumbledore, most people complained that they were mysterious and difficult to speak, but even Dumbledore would not speak his words like the child in front of him. Real information.

“Yes,” Ronan nodded and sighed sadly. “One unicorn has been accidentally hit, and now there is another wounded. The murderer is not only strong but also very cautious. We need your help.”

“If it is to save the unicorn,” Ye Ting’s expression became serious: “I have no shirk.”

It can be known from the original work that it was Voldemort who hunted unicorns in the Forbidden Forest in order to continue his life.

So Ye Ting bid farewell to Ronan and searched alone in the forbidden forest.

By the side of a stream, he saw a silvery blood stain, which was the blood of a unicorn, but when he used the tracking spell, there was no response.

“Voldemort is really cautious. Even in the forbidden forest, he considered the wizard’s tracking method.” Ye Ting sighed: “Unicorns are worthy of nature’s darling, and the tracking curse has no effect on them. Sure enough, they can only rely on external plug-ins. .”

So he whispered “Feiju”.

The little white cat immediately understood, stepped forward to sniff the blood, and then chose a direction to gracefully lead the way.

Feiju turned around among the bushes, and soon brought Ye Ting to a lake.

The bright silver moon hung in the black sky, shining the moonlight on the black lake, and on the quiet lakeside, a beautiful silver-white creature bathed in the moon, forming a beautiful picture.

However, there was another long wound on that beautiful creature’s leg at this time, and silver blood flowed from the wound to the grass, shimmering like white pearls, and the whole picture changed from that. It’s poignant.

“It’s cruel.” Seeing this injured unicorn, even if Ye Ting is so cruel and sometimes ruthless, the researcher also feels compassion, sympathy, and anger towards the attacker, he lightly stepped forward. , For fear of disturbing this beautiful creature.

This is only a half-large unicorn. It has a silvery white body and a soft silver mane on its back. The spiral-shaped horns on its forehead have not faded from the golden yellow of its youth.

It is slender, not as strong as a horse, nor as short as a donkey. It is very fit and agile.

At this moment, facing Ye Ting’s approach, the unicorn just raised his head, glanced at him with that melancholy and pure eyes, and then continued to lick his wound.

! !

how come?

Shouldn’t unicorns be only interested in pure girls?

Is it that I’m so handsome that I can’t recognize a unicorn without a woman’s dress?

Ye Ting was really taken aback by its reaction, but immediately remembered another saying about unicorns.

Unicorns do not really only like pure girls. In fact, only male unicorns have such characteristics, while female unicorns are more willing to contact young men.

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