The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 50

After returning to Hogwarts, Ye Ting soon had to face the interrogation of the girls—he had not returned to the Ravenclaw lounge until late at night for several days.

Although others have not discovered all this, how can the girls who follow him do not know?

In desperation, Ye Ting had to selectively tell them some of his experiences.

When they heard that Ye Ting and the horses had made friends, they were just curious and envious, but when they heard about unicorns, whether it was the school sister who was always calm and calm or Zhang Qiu who was afraid of the forbidden forest, They all became excited immediately, and the girls were all Yankong as expected.

The three of them kept asking questions about unicorns. Hermione even questioned Ye Ting because of the common sense that “unicorns are only close to pure girls”, but in the end, they all asked to see La with their own eyes. Rui.

However, this is impossible, because Hogwarts’ final exam is about to begin, and Ye Ting only seemed to promise that they would take them to meet Lu Rui after the exam.

Of course, there is still a problem, that is, Professor Quirrell has disappeared since that night.

He probably thought that Ye Ting might tell Dumbledore the truth, so he hid first.

On the day of the exam, the weather was very sultry, and it was even more uncomfortable in the big classroom where they answered the questions. The new quill pens that the teacher sent them specifically for exams were all chanted anti-cheating spells.

But for Ye Ting, these questions were too simple. He completed all the written tests within half an hour and then left the classroom, which put a lot of pressure on the other little wizards.

There are also practical exams.

Professor Flitwick asked them to walk into the classroom one by one to see if they could tap a pineapple across a desk.

Ye Ting waved his magic wand at the pineapples. A row of pineapples lined up on the desk. Following Ye Ting’s command, they tapped and danced until they walked around the table for a week. Everyone was stunned. Professor Liwei immediately gave him a perfect score.

Professor McGonagall watched them turn a mouse into a snuff box-the more beautiful the box, the higher the score; if the mouse’s whiskers are still on the box, points will be deducted.

Ye Ting turned the mouse into a gorgeous enamel snuff box—he had seen such a handicraft with his own eyes when he was in Russia—so he got another full mark.

When taking potions, their goal is to make a potion of oblivion. Snape stood behind and watched closely. Everyone could feel his breathing behind their necks. This made them very nervous, but Ye Ting never cared about it. He was the first to complete the potion, and Professor Snape couldn’t fault it at all, so he pinched his nose and gave him a full mark.

The last exam is the history of magic. Although Ye Ting didn’t study much, he used the same method he used to study history when he was studying science in high school-temporary assault back to the test center. Actually also got a full mark.

In other words, all his grades are full marks, and the professors are very satisfied with him.

Of course, the real results have not yet come out, they still have a week to spend leisurely at Hogwarts.

Chapter 0072 Harry’s Judgment and Harp

After the exam, Harry and Ron followed the crowd to the sunny field outside to bask in the sun. They walked down the **** slowly, came to the lake, and sat under the tree with a plop. Over there, a big squid is lying in the warm shallow water basking in the sun, and the Weasley twin brothers and Lee Jordan are flicking with its tentacles.

Since the exam was over, Harry has been unhappy, his scars have been hurting.

Ron suggested that he visit Madam Pomfrey, but Harry thought it was an omen, a warning, that danger was imminent.

He couldn’t get rid of a faint feeling, as if he had forgotten to do one thing, a very important thing.

He recalled Hagrid, recalled what he said about the secret of the trapdoor at the end of the corridor, recalled the role of Nicol Lemay and the Philosopher’s Stone, recalled that in the Forbidden Forest that day, Ye Ting mentioned to him The role of the blood of the unicorn, and the black wizard who attacked the unicorn in his mouth.

“It’s Voldemort who wants the Sorcerer’s Stone.” He suddenly said loudly, startling Ron.

“Can you stop saying that name!” Ron said in a low voice.

“Voldemort is still alive, but he is about to die,” Harry continued with extreme excitement. “He wanted the Sorcerer’s Stone to extend his life, and he went to the Forbidden Forest to kill unicorns before that. “

“What—the mysterious man is alive?” Ron couldn’t believe this.

Suddenly, Harry jumped up.

“Where are you going?” Ron asked in confusion.

“I suddenly remembered something.” Harry said. His face turned pale. “We must go to Hagrid immediately.”

“Don’t you think it’s a little weird?” Harry said as he hurried down the grass. “What Hagrid hopes most is a dragon, and a stranger happens to have a dragon egg in his pocket? How many people are there? Walking around with the dragon egg all day? You know it’s against the wizarding law! Don’t you think they were too lucky to find Hagrid? Why didn’t I think of this before?”

After arriving at Hagrid’s cabin, they learned from him that Hagrid had indeed told the stranger who gave him the dragon egg how to deal with the three-headed dog.

Then Hagrid showed a frightened expression.

“I shouldn’t have told you this!” he blurted out, “forget what I said! Hey-where are you going?”

Ron and Harry ran towards the hall and ran into Ye Ting, Hermione and Zhang Qiu halfway through. They had just gone to the Forbidden Forest to see La Rui, and now the two girls were excitedly discussing the pure and beautiful unicorns.

Sister Penello didn’t make it. Ron’s brother Percy Weasley asked her out and said that there was something important.

“What are you doing running so fast?” Hermione asked curiously.

Seeing the three people in front of him, Harry’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly explained his entire conjecture to them.

“My point of view is the same as yours as a whole.” On the way back to the castle, Ye Ting said to them: “I think Voldemort is indeed conspiring to resurrect, but in terms of who is behind the scenes, I still insist on my own point of view— Snape is innocent here. The dark wizard I drove away is definitely not Snape.”

“You said that name.” Hermione screamed.

“That’s too dangerous.”

“I’m not afraid of Voldemort.” Ye Ting snorted and said proudly: “Now he is just a bereaved dog. If we are afraid of a name, how can we fight him?”

Of course he is not afraid. He cleaned up Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest the other day.

“You’re right,” Harry cast an approving look at Ye Ting, because he was the second person besides Harry himself who dared to say that name. “We must keep courage.”

However, when Ye Ting took them to the office of the principal’s office and opened the office, only then did he discover that Dumbledore was not there.

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind them:

“What are you five doing in the principal’s office?”

It was Professor McGonagall with a large stack of books in his arms.

However, from Professor McGonagall, they knew that Dumbledore had been called to London by an urgent letter from the Ministry of Magic.

Harry told Professor McGonagall about his speculation about the Sorcerer’s Stone, but Professor McGonagall didn’t believe it, and they had to leave angrily.

On the way back, they also ran into Professor Snape, who was obviously in a good mood with a weird smile.

So Harry decided to get the Sorcerer’s Stone in advance.

Ron, Hermione, and Zhang Qiu all thought this was a crazy idea, and they would be fired if discovered.

But on this point, Ye Ting offered an agreeable opinion.

“Although I don’t think Snape will be the real murderer, I think there is such a person who wants to get the Sorcerer’s Stone to resurrect Voldemort. If they really succeed, then what should we do? Huo Gwarz doesn’t necessarily exist anymore, are you still worried about expelling?”

These words were righteous (hou) and Zheng (yan) and words (wu) and remarks (chi) were ashamed of the other three people, and they all expressed their intention to join this task.

They made an appointment to do it at night, but another accident happened at Gryffindor.

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