The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 76

The cave was very shallow. After entering the cave, Ye Ting saw the sleeping Welsh green dragon at a glance.

It is about six meters long, has a green body, thin upper and lower jaws, and has relatively smooth epidermal scales without many spines.

After finding a suitable target, Ye Ting immediately decided to start, but he first arranged something at the entrance of the cave.

He took out a bell from his bag and hung it on a tree outside the cave. This is the Absolute Bell, a magic prop made by Ye Ting imitating Dumbledore’s light extinguisher. After it is turned on, it can absorb the surrounding sounds and can also cast all the absorbed sounds.

Through the Absolute Bell, Ye Ting can effectively prevent the shaman in the reserve from being discovered by the shaman in the reserve because of the excessive movement during the dragon slaying.

In addition, he also used a spell to conjure a black mist to block the light.

Preparing well, Ye Ting finally started the first transaction of this global journey.

In fact, the steps are very simple. First use Transfiguration to produce iron chains to bind the sleeping dragon, and then cut it off with a sword on its neck.

The real point is how to ensure that the dragon is asleep and whether the sword is sharp enough.

The latter is the most important, because not everyone can have an endless sword. Even an alchemist like Dumbledore or Nicholas Lemay could not make such a powerful weapon without Ye Ting’s talent.

In fact, the process of slaying the dragon went smoothly. This Welsh green dragon was cut off from the head with a sharp knife in his sleep.

The strong vitality just made the green dragon’s body instinctively go through a meaningless struggle, but with the triple insurance of iron chains, black mist and absolute bells, the green dragon was finally killed silently. .

However, when the green dragon in front of him was completely dead, Ye Ting suddenly saw some strange white light on the dragon’s body.

White light continuously emerged from the dragon’s corpse, and Ye Ting could vaguely see that the white light’s appearance was what this Welsh dragon looked like before his death, but it was translucent, with his eyes closed.

Could this be the soul of this dragon?

If so, then…

Seeing this strange light group, Ye Ting boldly guessed.

Suddenly, the white light moved.

Ye Ting’s body seemed to have a huge suction force, and Bai Guang was continuously sucked in the direction of Ye Ting, and then submerged in his body. But because the light cluster is too large, this absorption lasted for a long time.

During the whole process, Ye Ting himself couldn’t move, but he happily sucked all the light **** that entered his body toward his brain. At this moment, he could feel that his magical power, his spiritual power was constantly growing, and more importantly, he felt that his soul was sublimating-that was sublimating in the direction of a soul higher than dragons.

Ye Ting finally confirmed that the spiritual test when he turned into a dragon for the first time really changed his soul. Now he is a dragonborn, able to continuously change by killing the dragon and absorbing the dragon soul. powerful.

Unfortunately, this kind of strengthening is limited. On the one hand, fire dragons are not real dragons. They are much weaker than dragons, so the enhancement that can give Ye Ting is not as much as that of real dragons—they don’t even give it. Ye Ting has any knowledge of dragons.

On the other hand, most of the dragon soul’s transformation of Ye Ting is the sublimation of the dragon soul, and the essence of this sublimation lies in position rather than strength. And the power of this position, unless the sublimation is truly completed, it will not make him much stronger.

Just like the stocks of Internet companies, they cannot be realized before the company goes public, but they need enough accumulation if they want to go public.

This also gave Ye Ting another strengthening direction, which is different from the direction of accumulating magical knowledge, that is, continuously absorbing the dragon soul, so that he can get the sublimation of the soul.

According to his understanding, this kind of sublimation allows him to possess a soul like a demigod, and furthermore, it can reach the level of a guardian dragon, above the demigod but lower than the true god, and even become a true **** like Alduin. Dragon God.

However, with a soul of the level of the fire dragon, it is estimated that the fire dragon that kills the entire Harry Potter world is not enough.

Item 0106

Ye Ting quickly decomposed the hapless Welsh Green Dragon into materials and collected them, and then used magic to remove the traces.

Then, he began to look for the next victim, ready to further experience the feeling of absorbing the dragon soul.

Unfortunately, the reality disappointed him. The dragon soul of the second green dragon gave him less than one-tenth of the first one. This made Ye Ting disappointed. He didn’t know that the effect attenuation was only for the fire dragon, or even the dragon soul of the giant dragon.

But this could not suspend Ye Ting’s journey. Early the next morning, he left the Welsh Green Dragon Reserve and came to the Hebrides Islands in Scotland, where there lived a Hebrides Black Dragon compared to the Welsh Green Dragon. They are quite aggressive, so each only needs a hundred square miles of territory. For centuries, the McFasti clan living on the Hebrides has maintained a tradition of caring for the black dragons of the Hebrides.

It was still dispatched at night. This time, Ye Ting was surprised to find that the dragon soul of the Black Dragon of the Hebrides Islands had strengthened him, which was comparable to the dragon soul of the Welsh Green Dragon that was absorbed for the first time. This made Ye Ting understand. Come here-the dragon souls of the same type of dragon have repeated his strengthening, so the effect is limited. He must absorb different types of dragon souls to effectively strengthen.

Ye Ting spent the rest of the day on the road-during the day Oriana drove a bus between different countries, and at night he sneaked into the fire dragon reserve to hunt the fire dragon.

From Catalan fireball dragon to Portuguese long-nose dragon, from Norwegian ridgeback to Swedish short-nosed dragon, from Hungarian tree hors all over.

He then crossed the Ural Mountains and Siberia from Eastern Europe to Asia, then crossed the Pacific Ocean to Australia, from Australia to North America, from North America to South America, and crossed the Atlantic Ocean to Africa, including the Celestial Fireball Dragon, Australian Protein Eye, Dragons from all over the world, including the Peruvian Fangtooth, have also become the ghosts of his sword.

Finally, he went north from Egypt, crossed the Mediterranean, and returned to England.

After he flew all the way to Hogsmeade, the Christmas holiday was just over.

On the way, he ran almost to more than 20 major fire dragon protection areas around the world, collecting almost all kinds of fire dragons, plus the blood of seven or eight species of long-horned water snakes.

In his storage room, the fire dragon’s body material alone was filled with dozens of storage boxes that had been cast with the Traceless Extension Curse.

In addition, the dragon souls of so many kinds of fire dragons have strengthened him quite obviously.

Now, he felt that his mental power and magic power were several times stronger than before he set off, and it was already comparable to Dumbledore and the Dark Lord. In terms of soul, if his soul could only be compared to the young dragon, now His soul is already comparable to some ancient dragons in terms of position.

Of course, when he came back this time, he did not forget to prepare Christmas gifts. While helping him to drive, Oriana, his mechanic assistant, took the time to prepare this for him-that is, dragon leather gloves.

As one of the harvests of this journey, Ye Ting has too many dragon skins in stock. Oriana made a group of colorful dragon skin gloves from various dragon skins: the red one is the Celestial Fireball Dragon, and the brass The colored one is the Peruvian Fangtooth, the green one is the Welsh green dragon, and the dark green one is the Romanian longhorned dragon… Such a set of gifts is exquisite and special.

In addition, Ye Ting’s gift to the three girls is quite special: they are three amulets made from the horns of the long-horned water snake and the gems on the forehead. This amulet can resist the attack of black magic for the wearer, of course. Including the attacks of certain dark creatures-this is completely aimed at the basilisk wandering in Hogwarts.

Of course, no matter how powerful the amulet is, it cannot resist damage indefinitely, so Ye Ting also added a sensory magic text to the amulet. Once the amulet is triggered, Ye Ting can perceive the specific direction and then rush to proceed in time. Rescue.

Under Ye Ting’s strong request, the three girls carried the amulet close to their bodies and promised not to take it off, but this request inevitably made people feel wrong, but now Ye Ting can’t manage that much.

After relieving his worries, Ye Ting could finally get into the room of responsiveness and start his experiment on dragon blood with all his heart.

The main content of the experiment is to analyze how the dragon blood makes Ye Ting possess the magic power of the dragon, so that he can transform into a dragon through Animagus.

The method of dragonization for mixed species is through the purification of blood, while in the moon world, the heart of the dragon is implanted, and then the power in the heart is exploded when needed to perform the dragonization.

In other words, as long as the proportion of dragons in the bloodline can be rapidly increased in a short period of time, the goal of dragonization can be achieved-as for whether to obtain dragon blood through purification or to make dragon blood through the heart, it is considered the same result by different routes.

But how does dragon blood turn people into dragons?

One is to transform the flesh into a dragon through genes, and the other is to transform magic into a dragon through factors that can affect magic.

The reason why dragons possess powerful magic power is only related to two points-blood and soul.

The heart of the dragon is the dragon’s magic furnace. Unlike other fantasy species, the magic power produced by the dragon itself is the true ether. This is the most original magic power, and it is also the closest to the nature of the rules and the magic power of the gods. Therefore, in many worlds, the dragon’s power Existence represents the existence of mystery and magic, and even dragons and snakes are used to represent the mother goddess.

For those worlds lacking in magic and ether, the existence of dragons is the only source of mystery and magic.

But the combination of dragon genes and human genes has caused serious instability.

But Ye Ting doesn’t need to consider this, because the existence of Animagus can make him incarnate into a dragon at the physical and genetic level.

So what he needs to do now is to purify the dragon blood, and finally extract the part of the dragon blood that affects the production of true ether, so as to transform himself.

This was not a simple process, but fortunately Ye Ting had enough dragon blood stocks.

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