The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 84

Suddenly, a translucent figure appeared before her eyes.

This scene really shocked her.

But feeling Ye Ting’s hand patted her back, Hermione immediately calmed down—someone was protecting her behind her.

“You have been controlling Ginny, right?” Hermione pointed her wand at the figure and said softly, “Are you Tom Riddle?”

“It seems that the humble mudblood told you everything, huh?” The figure showed a young and handsome face, but the expression on his face was disproportionately hideous: “That humble fellow, how dare you ruin my plan? ! And you, you are another Ravenclaw genius,’Miss Know-it-all’ Hermione Granger, right? Another disgusting Muggle.”

“What the **** did you do?” Hermione ignored the other’s mockery and asked anxiously, “What’s wrong with her now?”

“Oh, this is an interesting question,” Riddle said happily. “It’s a long story. As far as I can tell, the real reason Ginny Weasley became like this is because she opened her heart to an invisible stranger and told all her secrets.”

“What… what do you mean?”

“Diary,” Riddle said, “My diary. For months, Little Ginny has been writing her heartfelt words on it, telling me her distressing troubles and sorrows: how she was made fun of by her brothers, and how unpleasant Come to school without wearing old robes and holding old books…”

When Riddle spoke, his eyes never left Hermione, he looked at her with a hateful and vicious look.

“It’s too boring. Listening to an eleven-year-old girl talk about her childish annoyances,” he continued, “but I be patient and write some words to answer her. I am kind and understanding. Jin Ni just fell in love with me. Oh, Tom, no one understands me like you… I’m so glad to have this diary, I can tell you my best things… It’s like having a friend that I can carry with me in my pocket …”

Riddle let out a cold, harsh laugh, unlike a sixteen-year-old. This made the hairs on the back of Harry’s neck stand up.

“It’s not that I brag, Miss Granger, I have always been able to confuse people as I want. Therefore, Ginny opened her whole soul to me, and her soul happened to be exactly what I needed. I devoured With her most secret fears and deepest secrets, her appetite grew stronger and stronger. I gradually became stronger, much stronger than the little Miss Weasley. Strong enough to reveal some of my secrets to Miss Weasley , Began to open a small part of my soul to her…”

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“So,” Although she had guessed, Hermione still gritted her teeth when she knew it all in person: “You controlled Ginny Weasley to open the secret room, strangled the **** in the school, and Those scary words were smeared on the wall. It was you who controlled her to release the Slytherin basilisk and attacked the students and me, right?”

“It’s really a’Miss Know-it-all’, it’s really good to be able to guess this point.” Riddle said coldly, with mockery in his tone, “Unfortunately, you shouldn’t be wrong, you shouldn’t appear alone in me. In front of you! That arrogant Muggle ruined my plan and killed the supreme legacy that Slytherin left me! I said I would make him regret it!”

Riddle gave out his sharp, piercing laugh again.

“Unfortunately, that guy is strong enough, and now I am not his opponent, but at this time, you actually took the initiative to deliver the door!” Riddle said with a happy smile on his face, “You are the two who were caught yesterday. One of the little girls who attacked. She endured the sight of the basilisk, but did not die… It seems that he really cares about you. He actually gave you such a precious magic item. Unfortunately, now, I want you to be cruel. Torture to death! I want him to regret against me, and let him finally die in endless regret!”

Riddle put on a very ugly expression and pointed Ginny’s wand slowly at Hermione.

Suddenly, behind him, there was a cold voice, which was not loud, but immediately caused Riddle to stop in a panic.

“You are delusional!”

It was Ye Ting, who came quietly behind Hermione when Riddle’s attention was drawn.

Although his phantom spell was strong enough to have a real invisibility effect, Ye Ting could only slow down as much as possible in front of a master like Riddle to prevent being discovered.

But now, he has no scruples.

I saw Ye Ting raised his endless sword high and pierced the diary on the bed.

“No—” Riddle yelled, trying to stop this movement, but the sharp demon-breaking sword penetrated the diary smoothly.

With a terrible, long-lasting scream that pierced through the eardrums, torrents of ink spurted violently from the diary and dripped down the tip of the sword to the ground. Riddle twisted and struggled, waving his arms non-stop, screaming in his mouth, and… he disappeared.

“He… just died like this? Just because he ruined the diary?” Hermione couldn’t believe it, looking at the shattered diary in front of her, the harsh screams still echoing in her ears, everything was so simple Is the single over?

“Of course it’s not that simple,” Ye Ting shrugged and said to her. “Actually, the defensive power of the diary is very strong. Ordinary weapons or magic can’t be effective on it. Unfortunately, mine is sharp enough, and it’s also There is a demon-breaking effect.”

Hermione wanted to ask something…a soft moan interrupted her.

Upon seeing this, Ye Ting snapped his fingers, and immediately disappeared before Hermione’s eyes. He still didn’t want others to know that he was a big man in the wizarding world and sneaked into the girls’ dormitory.

Ginny started to move, she sat up, her blank eyes fell on the destroyed diary for the first time.

She shuddered and gasped, and tears flowed down her eyes.

“Granger—Miss—oh, Miss Granger—I—I want to tell you—I did it—but I—I swear I—I didn’t mean it, it was— Riddle forced me, he—he controlled me. You—how did you kill that—that guy? Riddle was—where? I—I just remember him coming out of the diary in the end— —”

“It’s okay now,” Hermione comforted her, showing Ginny the big hole pierced by the sword. “Riddle is done. Look! He will never show up again.”

“I’ll be fired!” Ginny cried and said as Hermione helped her to get up from the bed danglingly, “I have been looking forward to coming to Hogwarts since Be-Bill came. Studying, now I have to leave, what will mom and dad—how do you say?”

What happened later was very simple. Hermione took Ginny to find the professors and confessed all this, but she did not mention Ye Ting sneaking into the Gryffindor lounge-Ye Ting felt it was too shameful. So she put the whole credit on Hermione: she found out the truth about the diary alone, then destroyed it with Ye Ting’s sword, and put an end to Voldemort’s conspiracy.

After examining the wreckage of the diary, Dumbledore believed this statement. He did not blame Ginny for it, because she was also a victim in this incident. However, he still called the Weasleys, hoping that they could comfort Ginny who had been controlled by Voldemort for an entire semester.

Not long after, Mr. Weasley hurried over and took his daughter to the St. Mungo Magical Injury Hospital for an examination, but before leaving, they warmly thanked Hermione and invited her to visit before the holiday. , I hope to entertain her well.

Dumbledore also praised Hermione, thinking that it was she and Ye Ting’s wisdom and courage that saved Hogwarts, and each of them added two hundred points to Ravenclaw.

In addition, regarding the source of the diary, a conflict broke out at the Hogwarts school board. As a result, Lucius Malfoy was expelled from the school board. Draco no longer walked around the school arrogantly, as if he were the master here. On the contrary, he now has a gloomy face all day, as if his heart is full of resentment.

A few days later, there was good news. The mandela grass was fully mature. Professor Snape prepared the resurrection potion. All the petrified students used the potion, and they would wake up after a while.

Of course, in the whole matter, since Ye Ting solved the basilisk and diary neatly and neatly, for the teachers and students of Hogwarts, the specific location of the secret room is still a mystery. After some changes in the way of entry, this place can be used as another secret base for him-after all, there are many people who know the Bing House.

To celebrate all this, Dumbledore organized a celebration banquet.

Before the banquet, Ye Ting specifically found the house elves in the Hogwarts kitchen. At Ye Ting’s request, the elves made the meat of the basilisk he had mentioned into a variety of dishes, which will be used as the main ingredient of the banquet.

A basilisk weighs several tons, enough to give a whole snake banquet to the little wizards of Hogwarts.

Ye Ting’s decision made the professors dumbfounded, but Dumbledore seemed quite happy.

According to Ye Ting’s words, this rectification of the whole snake banquet is even for the little wizards to be overwhelmed by the fear of most of the semester.

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At the dinner that night, the little wizards were surprised to find that there were surprisingly many meat dishes in this dinner.

Although it feels strange, everyone still eats with gusto.

Dumbledore happily announced at the dinner that the monster in the secret room had been killed, and the heir of Slytherin had disappeared forever, and the cloud covering Hogwarts had completely disappeared.

He also happily told everyone that the meat tonight is all taken from the basilisk, and everyone can have a good meal.

It is indeed a rare opportunity to be able to eat the meat of a basilisk. Many people will never even see the basilisk in their lives. This time there is an opportunity to taste the basilisk meat, which is unprecedented in history.

Many people almost didn’t vomit the meat out of their mouths after hearing about it.

However, more people felt that this basilisk meat feast made them breathe out a sigh, especially the victims who were petrified by the basilisk.

Only the Slytherin snakes were a little unhappy.

Because the basilisk is the symbol of their academy and the monster in the Slytherin secret room, they are all proud of it, but now their pride has become everyone’s belly lunch, and they don’t even have the opportunity to express their opposition. .

While eating the basilisk meat, many little wizards from other academies looked at the Slytherins with sarcasm and pity in their eyes.

During the rest of the summer semester, many things happened one after another.

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