The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 95

At the same time, Ravenclaw’s captain Roger also had to face a new problem: Ravenclaw’s absolute ace, Ye Ok, actually asked him to withdraw from the Quidditch team.

“What? You won’t participate in Quidditch competitions anymore? Why is that, Ting? Our winning streak has only lasted for two years. Are you going to quit halfway? I said that after I leave, the next term The Quidditch Captain is you!”

“You know, Roger, I don’t care about the position of captain at all.” Ye Ting shook his head and said helplessly, “In fact, Quidditch has no challenge for me anymore, and unilateral massacre has no power to fight back. His opponent is not interesting at all. Besides, I am very busy, and there is still a lot of research waiting for me to do.”

“But, you are our core. If you leave, what should we do?” Roger’s voice was imploring, “If you think Quidditch is a waste of time, you can not come to the training. If it’s you, everyone Won’t care about this.”

“Ah, Roger, there is really no need to be like this,” Ye Ting persuaded patiently, “but you don’t need to worry, because the rest of Ravenclaw actually played well. You see, last semester was right. In Hufflepuff’s game, you won even if I wasn’t there, didn’t you?”

To put it bluntly, Roger finally agreed to Ye Ting’s request to quit the team, but he also offered to let Ye Ting take time to teach Zhang Qiu. As the most talented player in the team, he also had a super flying broom made by Ye Ting. Zhang Qiu immediately Become the next core of Roger’s appointment.

To be honest, Zhang Qiu’s flying skills are actually quite good, that is, she is less timid and afraid to make dangerous moves at critical moments. But now that she has been trained by the Patronus Charm, she is much more brave than before, and she is training one. Around the month, Ye Ting even thought that she was already capable of participating in the Quidditch World Cup, and he made up his mind to give it a try-Quidditch is held every four years, and the next Quidditch World Cup will be Held in August next year.

Halloween is the day when the little wizards of Hogwarts can leave Hogwarts and go to Hogsmeade. All the little wizards have great expectations for this day.

But Ye Ting is an exception. He has lived in Hogsmeade for a long time, and now his bus is still parked there.

Secondly, he is too busy at the moment. Although he has been able to open a door of time and space, the door is too unstable. He has to try different methods to maintain the stability of the door. This is possible. Next step.

On the morning of Halloween, the little wizards all happily set off to Hogsmeade. Even Penello got out of the heavy review and went to Hogsmeade to relax with friends. Ye Ting continued to try to stabilize the space-time gate experiment alone, but he did not forget to give the keys to the bus to the three girls.

By the way, because the time-space gate will have a strong impact on the surrounding space, Ye Ting dare not experiment in the room of responsiveness, because the room of responsiveness itself contains sophisticated space magic. In case it is destroyed by the time-space gate, Ye Ting would probably cry without tears.

And his new laboratory is the original Slytherin secret room: since Ye Ting successfully killed the basilisk and destroyed the Horcrux outside the secret room in the second grade, the location and entry method of the secret room were completely unaffected. Others discovered that Ye Ting carried out a series of transformations to the secret room—mainly altering the way of entering—and then it became his private space.

In the evening, Hogwarts held a splendid Halloween dinner as usual. The food was abundant and the performances were wonderful-the dinner ended with the entertainment program provided by the ghost of Hogwarts. The ghosts suddenly appeared from the walls and tables to slide in a line; the almost headless Nick of Gryffindor Yard successfully reproduced the situation where he was beheaded.

The white blood flying all over the sky really scared many people.

However, shortly after Ye Ting returned to the lounge, a ghost floated in.

“Ms. Gray?” someone cried out in surprise.

Ms. Gray is the ghost of Ravenclaw. She is responsible for helping the little wizards of Ravenclaw. Her real name is Helena Ravenclaw and the daughter of Ravenclaw.

Ms. Gray is an arrogant and well-mannered lady. Generally speaking, she rarely appears in the common room in Ravenclaw.

“All the students of Ravenclaw, go to the lobby now! This is Dumbledore’s order!” A worried look appeared on Ms. Gray’s beautiful face. This is the first time Ye Ting has always been indifferent to her face. I saw such an expression on the Internet.

This order surprised everyone, but soon Professor Flitwick rushed to the lounge. Under his leadership, the Kitty Hawks lined up back to the auditorium, where they saw Gryffindor. The little wizards, and Hufflepuff and Slytherin also arrived one after another.

In the auditorium, Ravenclaw’s kitty finally got news from Gryffindor: Sirius Black had invaded the castle and wanted to enter the Gryffindor lounge. He actually destroyed the portrait of the entrance to Gryffindor when the fat woman blocked it.

“The faculty and I will conduct a thorough search of the castle,” Professor Dumbledore said to the students.

At this time, Professor McGonagall and Flitwick closed all the doors of the auditorium.

“For your own safety, I think you may be staying here for the night. I ask the prefects to stand guard at the entrance of the auditorium, and the heads of the male and female student unions stay in the auditorium to take charge of management. Report anything to me immediately.”

Professor Dumbledore paused, was about to leave the auditorium, and said, “Oh, yes, you will need…”

With a random wave of his wand, the long table flew to the edge of the auditorium and stood against the wall; another wave, and hundreds of purple sleeping bags were spread on the ground.

“Sleep well,” said Professor Dumbledore, closing the door as he went out. There was an excited buzzing voice immediately in the auditorium.

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All the little wizards talked about this, and they began to discuss how Black invaded Hogwarts.

“Did you say that Black is still in the castle?” Hermione asked quietly anxiously.

“Dumbledore obviously thinks so.” Ye Ting shrugged.

“Do you think he is still in the castle?” Zhang Qiu said worriedly while choosing sleeping bags, “but how did he break into the school?”

“He picked Gryffindor. It’s his luck, isn’t it?” Hermione said, and they went into their sleeping bags with their clothes, and put their upper body on their elbows to talk.

“Maybe he knows how to Apparate,” Marietta said a few feet away. “It just appeared from thin air. You know.”

“God, don’t say you are a Ravenclaw student, don’t you know? Hogwarts can’t Apparate.” Hermione gave Marietta a contemptuous look.

“Don’t say that, Hermione.” Zhang Qiu pulled her gently.

“It’s probably coming in in disguise.” said a fifth-grade student at Hufflepuff College.

“Or it flew in.” Dean Thomas said.

“To be honest, am I the only one who has not been afraid of the trouble to read “Hogwarts, a School History”? Oh, Ting, I didn’t say you.” Hermione said grimly.

“It’s very likely.” Zhang Qiu asked, “but why do you say that?”

“Because this castle is not only protected by the walls, you know,” said Hermione, “the castle was also casted with various magics to prevent outsiders from sneaking in. Light latent form can’t get in. And I thought. See what kind of makeup can fool those dementors. These guys guard every entrance. If he flies in, they will see it too.”

“What about the compound medicine? Through the compound decoction, it becomes the appearance of other people.” Qiu Zhang said suddenly, “I don’t know if the Dementor can see through the compound medicine.”

On the other side, Weasley’s twins were whispering: “Blake must have entered through secret roads. Hogwarts has many secret roads leading to the school. If he knows the location of these secret roads, he will break into Hogwar. It’s not difficult.”

“Maybe the mysterious man taught him some powerful black magic!” Anthony Goldstein said with a certain face: “After all, Blake was once the number one general under the mysterious man!”

“Ting, what do you think?” Hermione turned to Ye Ting, looking at him curiously, “Don’t you care about such things?”

“Yes, let’s talk about it,” Zhang Qiu also looked forward to.

The little wizards nearby agreed. In any case, Ravenclaw’s genius was the smartest of them, and everyone valued his opinions.

“In fact, Hermione is right. Hogwarts can indeed prevent most infiltration methods, and dementors can also distinguish most disguises, because they distinguish targets by emotion and smell, not by appearance— So the compound decoction has no effect on the dementors.” He glanced at Hermione appreciatively, and Hermione gave him a sweet smile, “But in fact, there are still several ways to get in and out of Hogg freely. Woz.”

“There are several kinds?” Zhang Qiu’s voice raised a few points involuntarily, obviously shocked by Ye Ting’s statement.

“The first is the secret road. The school itself has many secret roads leading to the outside of the school. Although Filch knows most of them, there are still a few hidden.”

“The second is Apparition. Although Hogwarts prohibits apparition of wizards, fairies and house elves are not restricted. Their magic is different from wizards.”

“As far as I know, the Black family is one of the ‘Holy Twenty-Eight Clan’. There is a high possibility that their family will have house elves.” On the other side of Ye Ting, Penello said sullenly.

“‘Holy Twenty-eight’? What is that.” Hermione asked curiously.

“Oh, Little Hermione, you will not be interested in this. This is the fact that the pure-blooded wizards summed up the 28 families of’true pure-blood’ British wizards in order to promote their theories. All in all, they are the most Twenty-eight families who look down on Muggles.” Penello said disapprovingly.

“That’s right, it’s the families of Malfoy, Lestrange, Flint, Parkinson, Greengrass,” Marietta chirped in. “They all sound like Slytherin’s last name.”

“You are not right,” Zhang Qiu reminded, “In fact, there are Longbottom, Ollivander, and Weasley in the ‘Holy Twenty-Eight Clan’!”

“Oh! Weasley,” Hermione frowned. “Redhead Weasley?”

“Red-haired Weasley!” Zhang Qiu nodded vowingly.

“I can’t believe it.” Hermione smacked. “They don’t look like they have house elves.”

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