The Goddess Hit the Female Nerves

Chapter 124

Chapter 118

Regarding Zhou Yulian and Duan Chen, Kang Jinhua took care of it.

When leaving the Kang family, Kang Xi was called into the study by Kang Jinhua. The two of them sat for a long time, and both were relatively speechless. I don’t know what to say to the other party at all.

In the end, Kang Xi only said ‘I’m leaving’ and then stood up. Kang Jinhua said suddenly, “Do you really like Ji Youze?”

Kang Xi turned around again and said, “Yes.”

After listening, Kang Jinhua stopped talking, and finally just stretched out his hand and waved it out, beckoning her to go first.

Zhou Yulian boarded the account that he had posted before. After logging in, he reopened a post, saying that the post he posted was because he was unhappy with Kang Xi, and the content in it was not true.

Part of the storm that had raged for a few days finally calmed down.

However, Kang Xi still has no plans to return to the entertainment industry.

Sitting in front of the computer, Kang Xi pondered for a long time, and then typed the first word on the document to quit the entertainment industry. After that, I deleted everything and changed it to a recorded video.

In the video, Kang Xi recalled the images of everyone working hard together over the years, and as he talked, her eyes were a little moist.

After the announcement of the withdrawal from the circle was issued, many people accepted that it could not. Many diehard fans who have been chasing since her debut, and continue to support her until now, said they couldn’t understand it.

“Is it because there are too many sprays and too much pressure? Kang Xi, no! Come back! Those who say that homosexuality should not come out to be a star, and will spoil the children are enough! Kang Xi is forced by you all Retired, are you happy now?!”

“Baby Xi said that she was tired, I think, it must be because of love being ridiculed…”

“Is it okay to give the celebrity a private space?! I will dig into other people’s sexual orientation for a while, and then dig into their family background. Isn’t the celebrity a person, can’t I have a little bit of my own private space?”

“Kang Xi, I don’t know if you can read my comment. Anyway, I just want to tell you, anyway, you are my favorite big sister. You said that you are tired and want to quit entertainment Circle, I also support it, because I just want to see a happy smile on your face.”

“Go and relax… but I welcome you back anytime…”

Ji Youze brushed his comments, thinking about what Kang Xi said before, his nose was also sour. Kang Xi said that her hobby is filming, and she can get the greatest satisfaction if she builds a role. Kang Xi also said that in order to have a better future for the two of them, she has to leave the circle anyway, so that she has more time and energy to manage the future.

Thinking about it this way, Ji Youze felt that Kang Xi must still be sad in the depths of her heart. After all, acting is her interest, but what happened during this period is really cheating. If you change yourself, you will probably want to leave the circle.

Considering that in the past, Kang Xi always liked to carry it on her own when he was in a bad mood and didn’t like to say it, so my friends felt that Kang Xi should be the same this time.

Otherwise, why would Kang Xi behave so free and easy?

I took the initiative to take Ji Youze out to eat and eat. I won’t talk about things like fun, and even asked Qian Jia and Yang Suhuan to go out to eat and have fun together.

Ji Youze thinks that maybe this is the sequelae of excessive sadness. All the sunshine and freedom are actually to cover up the despair and troubles deep in my heart.

As a result, Ji Youze’s brain hole began to extend indefinitely…

She felt that Kang Xi would wake up secretly crying when she fell asleep every night.

And Kang Xi must have watched all the movies she has participated in the shows that she has participated in over the years.

She shed tears every time before going out, and forced a smile after going out.

Well, Ji Youze felt that as a girlfriend, he would never do anything like this. So she decided to treat Kang Xi as a newborn baby with care.

That night, Ji Youze decided to talk with Kang Xi cautiously.

So after the filming was over, Ji Youze turned off a meal in the company, and then hurried back to his residence without stopping.

On the way, Ji Youze dialed Kang Xi’s number, but no one answered. After that, Ji Youze called a lot of people who had contact with Kang Xi, and then everyone said that they didn’t know where Kang Xi had gone, and Kang Xi did not ask them.

Absent-mindedly put away the mobile phone, looking at everything passing by the window, and then unknowingly, Ji Youze’s attention was attracted by the “Baiwei Cafe” program in the radio broadcast.

In this episode of the program, the topic the host raised was about [reverse]. It probably means that many things that happen in a person’s life are actually quite reversal and dramatic.

Sometimes you think you might be unlucky, maybe your whole life will be over, but you didn’t expect that you would win the lottery when you go out, and then you will become Bai Fumei and stand on the commanding heights of your life. Sometimes you feel that you are lucky enough to not want it, and the future is bright, but you don’t expect to forget it after buying the lottery ticket, and then you take it out of your pocket when you go to the toilet and drop it in the pit.

Originally, the chat between the host and the guests was quite normal, it was nothing more than a little heavy taste occasionally.

After a hotline was connected, the people over there began to cry, and Ji Youze was shocked.

“I have a friend who is very cheerful, beautiful, and has excellent academic performance. She can win prizes in any competition. When she is lucky, she is awarded for excellence. When she is lucky, she is awarded first prize. The company is rushing for it. It seems that it is definitely a winner in life. It is the kind that we can’t figure out no matter what, but if we go to her, she will figure it out. However, she did not expect that today, she committed suicide. Then I knew that it turned out that The reason why she worked so hard was only to meet the expectations of her parents. She herself could not bear this kind of life pattern. She was all pretending to be cheerful and strong every day… But thankfully, she failed to commit suicide. I I called her today and she didn’t answer it. At the time, I didn’t think anything was wrong. Now that I think about it, I’m really scared. Finally, the doctor rescued her.

After Ji Youze listened, his mind was instantly filled with a mess of thoughts.

Just think about it and be scared, in case Kang Xi is really the same as the friend that the hotline audience said…

She usually looks very strong and cheerful, she is the best in the crowd, always smiling… Ah yes, it is said that there is a huge difference between the real heart of a person and the side she shows to others!

Even, some of them are completely reversed, and those who look cheerful may be super withdrawn in their hearts…

Moreover, the phone turned off unexpectedly!

The more Ji Youze thinks about it, the more frightened by his own thoughts. So, after returning to the apartment, the first thing she thought about was to knock on Kang Xi’s door!

, no one is driving!

Make a call, it is shut down!

Ji Youze was in a cold sweat instantly. She hurriedly opened the door by herself.

“Kang Xi, Kang Xi, are you there?” After Ji Youze entered the door, Chihuahua rushed over and barked while looking at Ji Youze. But Kang Xi was not there.

Ji Youze turned around and searched every room. He didn’t even let go of the bathroom, but he didn’t see Kang Xiren. However, she discovered a very strange thing!

On the balcony, a brown-yellow rein hung! And the reins hang from the ceiling! There was a knot in the middle. Even more frightening is that under the reins, there is also a single chair that matches the dining table!

After Ji Youze saw it, he was frightened. All of the horror stories he had seen from childhood to adulthood gathered in his head!

Could it be that Kang Xi is going to hang herself? ! Could it be that… Oh my god, did all the recent blows have caused her to feel world-weary in her heart? ! Suddenly, Ji Youze remembered that Kang Xi had depression in those years. Thinking about it this way, it feels even more incredible!

Kang Xi will not have a relapse of the old disease, right? ! Thinking of this, Ji Youze was scared. However, Kang Xi should still be thinking about whether to commit suicide, so he just tied the reins and hung them there.

Without thinking about it, she immediately got on the stool and untied the rein a few times. Then rushed out and threw it into the trash can outside!

What should I do, I can’t find Kang Xiren, how can I fix this?

Ji Youze was so anxious that he entered the kitchen unknowingly.

As soon as he entered, Ji Youze almost weakened his legs! I saw a bright knife on the cooking table!

There is still blood on the knife! What’s more, there are blood stains on the ground!

Ruined! Ji Youze was shocked and covered his mouth. Knife! blood! Gosh! Does Kang Xi want to cut her wrist this time? ! No no, is this already cut? However, it is unscientific. If it is suicide, it will fall here, so…could it be homicide? !

My God, the case became complicated and confusing, and just then, Chihuahua ran in and continued to growl loudly at her.

Could it be that Chihuahua has witnessed something, and what do you want to tell her? ! A situation like this often occurs in TV dramas. Cats and dogs bark at you. Generally speaking, they have found some incredible clues and want to tell you.

When Ji Youze thought of this, his legs were already weakening.

At this moment, Chihuahua suddenly yelled for a few times, then suddenly grabbed her legs and grabbed the refrigerator next to her.

This refrigerator is a three-door refrigerator with a recent fire. It is so big that it is indescribable.

Ji Youze looked at Chihuahua and then at the refrigerator, as if they had reached a certain understanding with each other. Chihuahua sat down and held his foot against the refrigerator from time to time.

No way……

Ji Youze only felt that his heart was about to burst! Is it possible, is it possible that what kind of perverted murderer has been encountered, and after killing a person, he was dismembered?

Thinking of this, Ji Youze felt weak in his legs, dizzy, and felt like he was going to hang up.

“What do you mean!?” Ji Youze looked down at the Chihuahua.

After listening, Chihuahua yelled at her twice.

Ji Youze swallowed his saliva, and finally, mustered his courage, opened the door of the refrigerator.

I saw the freezing area with several **** bags!

Ji Youze was so frightened that she slammed the refrigerator door shut with a snap, and then she hurriedly took out her mobile phone and dialed 110!

Ji Youze, who was too frightened, was almost unable to hold the mobile phone in her hand. She trembles while dialing the number, and she almost can’t stand it. After dialing the number, she leaned weakly with her back on the cooking table. on.

“Hey, hello…is it the police? Me, my Ji Youze, here, me, Kang Xi, was, killed, killed, murdered, soon…”

“What are you doing here?” At this moment, a calm voice suddenly rang.

Ji Youze took the phone and was stunned.

“Hello, hello? Miss Ji, please speak, where is the location of the crime scene? Hello? Miss Ji…”

On the phone, the police continued to ask.

“Sorry, I, I made a mistake! I’m really sorry!” Ji Youze hung up after finishing speaking.

At this moment, Kang Xi was carrying several weird bags in one hand, feeling that there were vegetables, seasonings, rags and other things, while carrying a bag of bacon in the other hand and appeared at the kitchen door.

“What’s wrong?” Kang Xi walked over and put the vegetables and bacon on the cooking table.

Seeing Kang Xi’s return, Chihuahua moved around happily, scratching the refrigerator door from time to time.

“You can’t do this, you can’t have a little restraint? Do you want to become a big fat man? Okay, wait a minute, I will help you get it…” Kang Xi knelt down and petted the dog for a while, then stood Get up and open the refrigerator door.

After stretching out her white and slender arms, Kang Xi closed the refrigerator door again after taking out a jar of things placed in the fresh-keeping area, and then put the jar of things on the cooking table.

“What is this?” Ji Youze asked while holding his mobile phone.

“This is the nutritious canned meat I made for it with reference to the tutorial last night. It is pure natural, no additives, no preservatives. The little guy likes it, and I have been worried about it.” Kang Xi finished speaking, opened the canned meat, and went out and poured it. Half a can into the dog’s bowl.

That’s it! It turned out that the Chihuahua was turning around the refrigerator because it knew that what it wanted to eat was in the refrigerator! Really! You can’t be a dog without rape!

Ji Youze couldn’t help but throw 10,000 blank eyes to Chihuahua in his heart, a symbol of contempt.

“By the way, I don’t seem to have ever heard you call it its name? What’s its name? Tell me!” Ji Youze continued to ask, mainly to ease his overexcited emotions.

“Ya Lidie.” Kang Xi put on an apron, and while washing the vegetables in her hands, she turned around, smiled, and said, “Can I make you a good meal?”

Ji Youze couldn’t understand it a little bit, because Mao wanted to avoid this problem? Isn’t it just asking for a name? Why do you want to escape? It’s weird that I would rather take the time to cook something for myself than tell my dog’s name.

Ji Youze lowered his head and found that Chihuahua had actually stood up, as if smiling at Kang Xi.

“No, no, no, I want to know, after all, I don’t know what to call it every time, so…it still feels weird.” Ji Youze’s gaze turned from Chihuahua to Kang Xi, scratching Head, chuckled.

“It’s the Yacht Butterfly.” At this moment, Kang Xi suddenly tightened the faucet, turned her head, and said to Ji Youze with a smile.

Ji Youze Petrochemical. The Chihuahua below barked again.

For a long time, Ji Youze squeezed out a question from his mouth: “What? Oh, stop making trouble, just tell me what it is called!”

“It’s really the Yali Butterfly.”

“Why don’t you tell me? It’s just the name of a dog, why make it so mysterious? Yalidie, if you don’t say it, don’t say it. Give me some Japanese, really…what do you say Yalidie? , Yalidie… Yali…… Ya, what, you mean, its name is called Yalidie?!” Ji Youze finally came back to his senses after a long time.

“That’s right. When I picked it up back then, I found a small sign next to it, and it said that its name was called Yachidae. Although later I tried to change it to a more down-to-earth name, such as Laifu Ah, Xiaobai or something, but it’s useless. It will only come when I am called Yachidae.” Kang Xi said, shrugging, expressing that she is also super helpless.

“No wonder, it’s no wonder you don’t like to call it by name, after all, it is so hehehehe…haha!” Ji Youze couldn’t help laughing, and almost rolled around.

“Yellow thoughts of a brain!” Kang Xi couldn’t help but turned around and raised his fist, lightly hitting Ji Youze on the shoulder.

That strength, neither light nor heavy, soft. Ji Youze couldn’t help stopping his smile, and squeezed Kang Xi’s fist.

Kang Xi was wearing an off-white loose-knit sweater, and her hair was casually combed into a ponytail. On the right cheek, a strand of medium-length curly hair fell gently there. In addition, her apron is light blue, and there are cute Pooh bears printed on it, so it looks like this is really a virtuous look.

It looks very soft.

Ji Youze grabbed Kang Xi’s fist and swallowed involuntarily.

“Speaking of which, when I came back, why were you hiding here?” Kang Xi suddenly narrowed her eyes and asked.

“Ah, me, I’m just here to take a stroll. Don’t just ask me, I want to know, why is there blood on the knife and on the ground?!”

“I chopped ribs and chicken. I just put it in the refrigerator after I chopped it. Before I had time to pack the things here, I received a call from a friend. She said that her old family had sent her a lot of bacon and she couldn’t finish it. Just wanted to give it to me. Just now she went out to work, passed by here, and put it in the security room by the way, so I went down to get it. I wanted to come back and pack it up. But after I went out, I remembered that there were some seasonings and some I didn’t buy the necessary food. So I put the bacon on the property and went to the opposite supermarket. After shopping, I came back and brought the bacon with me. Then I opened the door and found you hiding in my kitchen with a horrified face. Phone.” Kang Xi felt that Ji Youze must be a ghost.

What, the truth is this? ! Ji Youze suddenly began to doubt the authenticity of his life. So, the blood…was Kang Xi chopped ribs and chicken? No wonder it doesn’t seem to have a lot of weight…

“It turned out to be like this, then why didn’t you answer when I called you?!” Ji Youze thought of Kang Xi not answering his phone, but still said that the baby was very unhappy.

“Because I thought I was just going out to get bacon, but I didn’t expect to go to the supermarket, nor did I expect that I would go shopping for two hours as soon as I went shopping, so the phone was left in the room. Did you call me a lot?” Kang Xi finished speaking, turned around and walked out of the kitchen, entered the bedroom, and then picked up the phone from the small drawer under the dressing table.

Ji Youze leaned forward and found that Kang Xi’s phone was set to mute. No wonder, even if I made a phone call in this room, I didn’t hear the phone ringing.

Speaking of which, my mobile phone also likes to mute it. But because she never leaves her body, she rarely misses a call. However, it seems that there is not enough electricity. So Ji Youze turned out the charging head and cable, and put it aside to charge. Then he turned and left the room.

“Now let’s talk about it, what did you just do in my kitchen?” Kang Xi continued to ask.

After listening, Ji Youze swallowed. What to do, is she going to tell Kang Xi truthfully? Don’t do it, after all, my brain hole just now is really not a general shame! What a shame! If you say it, Kang Xi will faint with a smile!

No, no, don’t expose it!

So Ji Youze coughed slightly and replied: “I just…Of course I was practicing the content of the script! Hahaha! You know, I am extremely dedicated!”

Ji Youze looked very proud of his bangs.

“Okay.” Kang Xi nodded, and then turned around and walked out of the kitchen. Ji Youze also hurriedly followed out.

“Huh? It’s strange, where is my rope?” Kang Xi walked to the balcony and looked around.

rope? ! Could it be the rein that I just threw away next? !

Ji Youze’s mind started to get confused when he thought that the thing had been thrown away by him because of a misunderstanding, and Kang Xi was looking for it again.

“Rope? What kind of rope? Why do you use it?” Ji Youze pretended to have never seen it before.

“It’s here. Did you see that? I asked someone to make a big hook on the ceiling, and then the rein was put on it. My friend was going abroad for a month, and her cat was sick again, so she said she couldn’t worry about leaving it at the pet shop. . So I want to keep it here, so I plan to make an aerial swing for her.” Kang Xi said, turned around and took out a unique cat litter from a large cabinet.

Said it is a swing, it is actually more like a chair and a bed. After all, there are cushions and nests on it, so it looks pretty.

“It’s just a little weird, why didn’t the rope disappear in a blink of an eye?” Kang Xi held something, condensing her brows there.

“Oh, don’t think so much! I bet you must have remembered it wrong! Haha! Maybe you can find it by accident when you look back! Oops, I’m so hungry, let’s cook and eat!” Ji Youze With that, she coaxed Kang Xi into the kitchen.

too frightening. The reins weren’t used for hanging! The reason why the reins exist here is so pure… Ji Youze even feels that he is sorry for the upcoming cat!

After entering the kitchen, Kang Xi cuts the vegetables, while Ji Youze lay hands beside him, washes the vegetables and hands them forward.

In fact, this feeling is really good. There is a feeling that the family is really living. When Ji Youze peeled the garlic, he couldn’t help but start to imagine every day that he would live with Kang Xi in the future.

After about forty minutes, Kang Xi, who was extremely fast, finished four dishes.

A braised eggplant, a garlic lettuce, a stir-fried chicken and a winter melon shrimp skin rib soup.

Each one is so delicious.

Ji Youze just smelled it, and he felt a sense of turbulence. I wasn’t very hungry at first, but when I smelled that smell, my stomach couldn’t help but growl.

After serving the dinner table, Ji Youze couldn’t stand it for a second, rolled up his sleeves and started to work. The eggplant burns soft and waxy, the key is that it is not as oily as the restaurant. When I bite it down, I feel that the beautiful taste will melt from the tip of my tongue.

After eating the eggplant, I added a piece of raw fried chicken. I saw that the chicken piece was stir-fried so that the skin was slightly yellow, and the mouth-watering juice hung on the meat. It was so fragrant that people kept swallowing before it was eaten. Up.

There is also the soup, with the right intensity, as if it has been infused with endless tenderness, and there is a subtle umami taste in the entrance.

Ji Youze once again sighed whether he did too much of the good things in his previous life, otherwise, how could he meet a girlfriend with such a superb cooking skill in this life?

“How does it taste?” Kang Xi asked while serving the soup.

“It’s delicious…” Ji Youze replied with a meal.

“I want to eat what you make every day for the rest of my life!” Ji Youze said very seriously.

“Okay.” Kang Xi nodded.

“I mean, I’m serious.” Ji Youze held the chopsticks and fixedly looked at Kang Xi.

After Kang Xi listened, she clamped a piece of chicken with enough meat and few bones and placed it in Ji Youze’s bowl.

“What then?” Kang Xi looked at Ji Youze with a smile after retracting her hand.

“I…I…we, come out.”

“We can’t come out now, is there something wrong?” Kang Xi took a small bite of the ribs and asked, raising her head.

“No, I mean, that is, we announced it ourselves. Although most people think we are together, after all… how to say it, it’s not our own…”

“We didn’t make it public, right?” Kang Xi saw that Ji Youze was hesitating there, so she said her thoughts by herself.

“Yeah. It’s someone else’s business that others accept or not. But, I just want to be with you and live a life. I hope that in the future, even if the two of us are secretly photographed, the title will also be’Ji Youze Kangxi’s Sweet Love “Shopping arm in arm” instead of “Ji Youze Kangxi is suspected of being in love, counting the suspected **** stars in the entertainment circle…” or something.” Ji Youze expressed his opinion simply and frankly.

She just wants to have a good relationship. After all, she is also a human being. Repressing emotions is something that no one can do in itself. Besides, as soon as people become popular, there are always evildoers who want to harm people.

After Kang Xi finished listening, she looked up at Ji Youze, and suddenly smiled for a long while.

Ji Youze saw her smile, and hurriedly asked: “What are you laughing at?!”

Kang Xi shook her head and said, “Okay.”

After hearing this, Ji Youze felt completely incredible. Kang Xi actually agreed to that? !

“You, have no other opinions?” Ji Youze scratched his head.

“No. Because you are right. These days, I have been reflecting on myself. Work, what is it, dream, and what is it. Think about it, work is to protect yourself and the people you care about. Become strong, and then Protect yourself and important people. If work itself hurts yourself and friends, what is the meaning left? And dreams come from the pursuit of my own soul. And my current dream is not filming, but being with you . My current hobby is not to create characters, but to be with you.”

Hearing Kang Xi’s words, Ji Youze was very touched, and then inexplicably said “Yeah” in his heart. The psychological activities are as follows: Hahaha, my mother is more important than acting in Kang Xi’s heart!

“Yes, in my heart, you are more important than acting.” Kang Xi added.

Hey! Does she know how to read minds? ! Ji Youze stared at Kang Xi and blinked inconceivably.

“Then, when shall we… make it public?” Ji Youze asked excitedly and nervously while biting his chopsticks.

“Well, let’s…”

“Ding Dong—”

However, before Kang Xi finished speaking, the doorbell rang.

“You have an appointment?” Ji Youze’s attention was immediately attracted by the doorbell.

“No, I have no appointment today.” Kang Xi said, planning to get up and take a look.

“I’ll go.” Ji Youze felt that his position was more convenient, so he let Kang Xi sit down first, then got up by herself, walked around the screen, and walked there.

After walking over, Ji Youze was shocked when he looked at the video intercom!

For Mao, there will be a policeman for Mao? !

Ji Youze opened the door slightly. Poke his head out and asked: “What’s the matter?”

“Miss Ji, did you call us two hours ago?” asked a police comrade who was very majestic.

Ji Youze remembered only then, yes, she… indeed made the phone call.

“I’m sorry, Miss Ji, I’m sorry, before your call was answered by one of our trainee police officers, she is not very experienced. We just learned that you called us today, and we found that you were calling At that time, I was very nervous and flustered. We suspect that you were controlled during the reporting period. In addition, there has been a serial kidnapping and homicide case in the city recently, so in order to make sure nothing goes wrong, we come to see…”

“Sorry, sorry, I’m really sorry, but how did you find this place…” Ji Youze seemed to be a policeman, and she was almost stupid. If Kang Xi saw her, she should lose face in the future. Where to put it!

She would definitely be laughed at for being too stupid, and would be laughed at for a lifetime. _(:3ゝ∠)_ will definitely be a mockery in a different way. No matter what happens, I will habitually pull this out for a walk. No, she doesn’t want such a fate, she refuses such a fate!

“Excuse me, you said that Miss Kang Xi was murdered, and why?” The police continued to ask.

“No, that, because there was no murder! In fact, I said on the phone that I made a mistake…” Ji Youze continued to reply quietly.

“Because we have a fan of yours in our bureau, she checked it and found that the owner of the alarm number is indeed you. She also firmly believes that you will not play with the police. It’s off state…So just check your ID number, and then know that you have a room in this community…”

“I know, I know, it’s like this, in fact, this is really a misunderstanding! My phone is charging and it is set to mute, so I didn’t receive your call…” Ji Youze put a hand On the lips, he answered quietly.

“Really?” The police comrade expressed suspicion.

Ji Youze was already nervous and sweating.

After the police comrades saw Ji Youze’s sweaty head, his suspicion in his heart was involuntarily deepened.

“If you are really okay, can you open the door and let me confirm it?” Comrade police is extremely serious.

If nothing really happened, if it was really just a misunderstanding, then why did the other party sweat so much? Sweating so much, usually because of a high degree of mental tension.

Why is the spirit highly tense? It shows that it is very likely to be controlled by criminals!

Facing the eagle-like eyes of a police comrade, Ji Youze felt that this was really impossible to hide.

So she had to open the door.

When the police saw Ji Youze directly opened the door, they were also a little dumbfounded. If Ji Youze is really being controlled and threatened by others, is it possible to open the door so quickly? So, there are only a few possibilities!

Either the criminal escaped through other channels, or the criminal was still hiding somewhere in the house. But the floor here is so high, it is difficult for ordinary people to get out of the sky quickly!

But if you hide, there is a possibility that the prisoner must have set up some ambush inside!

Thinking of this, the police comrade’s face became particularly serious. Even a hand was clasped on the gun on his waist.

“Don’t worry, I will protect you.” After the policeman whispered, he cautiously opened the door.

Ji Youze helps the amount. Decided to tell the whole story and tell the truth.

“Um, comrade police, in fact, things are not what you think they are, let me tell you, things are like this…”

“You come out first.”

“Oh.” Ji Youze sighed, took a step and walked out.

“You leave here first, I’ll go in and take a look.” After seeing Ji Youze come out, the police comrade grabbed the door and opened it after saying a word.

“Aze, who the **** is here?”

At this time, Kang Xi also walked around from the living room over to the living room here, and walked towards the door.

After a few seconds, everyone was stunned.

Kang Xi didn’t expect to die. As soon as she walked out, she was grabbed by the wrist by the police and threw it outside the door. At the same time, the Chihuahua inside roared barkingly.

“Hurry up!” After the police comrade finished speaking, he put his hand on the handle of the gun and continued to go deep into the living room.

“What’s the matter?” Kang Xi was a bit stunned and turned to ask Ji Youze.

“This…” Ji Youze felt at this moment that he had fallen into a weak and powerless situation.

She felt very sorry to make such a big oolong.

After the police comrades were very responsibly inspected, they did not find any dangerous situation, and they were also stunned.

“There are really no criminals?” Finally, the police comrade walked to the door and looked at Ji Youze and Kang Xi.

“Really not.” Ji Youze wiped his sweat. She really wants to press herself into the floor now.

“Really a misunderstanding?” The police comrade asked again.

Ji Youze nodded again.

The comrade police originally wanted to ask something, but when he looked up and saw that Kang Xi was good and there was no injury at all, he finally believed it.

After asking Ji Youze some more words, the police comrades left with peace of mind.

After closing the door again, Ji Youze sat on the sofa with Kang Xi, almost stiff all over his body.

Kang Xi poured herself a glass of water, took a sip, and asked: “Okay, tell me what happened just now. Why did the police come to my house? Why did the police think that my house was invaded by bad guys?”

Ji Youze slowly turned his head and found that Kang Xi was watching him motionlessly, instantly feeling like he was about to finish.

“Actually, it’s like this…”

“Huh?” Kang Xi put down the water glass and looked at her with interest.

“The plot of the script! The little brother just now is cooperating with me!” Ji Youze didn’t believe his own words.

The next day. Kang Xi suddenly remembered to check the surveillance in the room.

Yes, because she wants to contain a friend’s cat, but she doesn’t know whether the cat and dog will fight each other when they are away, so she installed some surveillance in every corner.

In this way, she can watch them well.

Although the cat hasn’t come yet, it’s not enough to try out the monitoring, so she has been turned on from yesterday to now.

As a result, after Kang Xi turned on the surveillance playback, she was dumbfounded.

“Idiot idiot, hahahahahahaha!”

Ji Youze didn’t expect that he would still be laughed at. When I don’t know it.

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