The Goddess is a Little Pitiful, I Invested in Her!

Chapter 43: Qi’s Mom: Knock Out!

Chapter 43 – Qi’s Mom: Knock Out!

Seeing this gesture from Qi’s mom, Qi Yun couldn’t help but quietly ask his father, “Who is she? Does she have some sort of grudge against my mom?”

Qi’s dad also stopped eating and quietly introduced her to Qi Yun.

“She is Aunt Zhang, your mom’s old colleague from 30 years ago.”

“Hmm? Does she have a bad relationship with Mom?”

Looking at the situation, Qi Yun couldn’t think they looked like friends.

“Their relationship is not bad. It’s just that…”

Qi’s dad lowered his voice and explained.

“Aunt Zhang likes to show off when she talks, and your mom does not like to lose. So when they meet, they argue. But they have been in different departments in recent years, so they see each other less often.”

“I understand,” Qi Yun nodded.

“Aunt Zhang’s family conditions are slightly better than ours, and I heard that her children have been well-behaved and have good grades since they were young, while your grade was not very good when you were young…” Qi’s dad looked at Qi Yun: “So your mother used to be at the downside and couldn’t argue with her. That’s why she is acting like this.”

Qi Yun: “… Is it my fault again?”


At this time, the war on Qi’s mom’s side had already started.

“Having family dinner.” Aunt Zhang glanced at the private room. Lian Qingxue was behind Qi’s mom. She didn’t see her and only saw Qi’s dad and Qi Yun.

“Perfect timing. I’m also here to have a meal with my son. My son got admission into one of Shanghai’s universities. He’s so busy now. Finally found time this weekend to come back and see me!” Aunt Zhang proudly shared, highlighting her son’s achievements.

Aunt Zhang pulled out a young man of about twenty years. The young man was quite silent, with a hint of little arrogance, and always looking around the store with a disgusted look. As if he was from a big city and didn’t like this kind of small, fly-like store.

Throughout the interaction, the young man remained silent, without saying a single word.

Qi’s mother, displaying politeness, complimented Aunt Zhang’s son, saying, “He’s a college student who knows how to show appreciation to his parents. Impressive, indeed!”

“Yes, my boy is filial! I told him not to return, but he insisted on returning! By the way, your child took the college entrance exam this year, right? How are his grades? Do you want my son to give your child extra lessons?”

The more Aunt Zhang said, the more proud she was.

“No, no, my son’s grades are fine.” Qi’s mother said with a fake smile.

“Why not? I’m telling you, my son is very good at tutoring, and he’s a tutor at the university!”

“No need. Qi Yun’s grades are great. He just scored first in the whole school.”

“…… He is from Yizhong?”

“Yes, Yizhong!” Qi Yun’s Mom seemed unwilling to say more. There was a sense of forced bragging.

Critical hit +1!

Yizhong was famous in Spring City.

Aunt Zhang also knew that the top student of Yizhong could definitely get into a prestigious university.

Even the highest academic institutions like Mizuki University and Beijing University have enrolled students.

It wasn’t like her son, who was getting a university degree, could compare.

Looking at Qi’s mom’s nonchalant expression, Aunt Zhang’s heart became alert.

After so many years, her invisible ability to kill greatly improved!

She hurriedly changed the topic.

“It’s good to have good grades, but this child can’t just be a nerd. Otherwise, they won’t be able to adapt to society. My child is a member of the student council in school!” Aunt Zhang said proudly.

Qi’s mother nodded, “A member of the council? He’s got a lot of talent!”

“You know, there are many girls who like him. I saw the pictures. They are not bad! But my son has high standards and doesn’t like any of them!” Aunt Zhang continued to boast.

At this moment, she glanced at the figure of Lian Qingxue.

“Who is she? A girl from your relative’s family?”

Seeing Lian Qingxue, Aunt Zhang felt slightly confused because she didn’t hear that the Qi family had a daughter.

Aunt Zhang’s son was no longer aloof‌.

His eyes flickered, and he looked at Lian Qingxue again and again.

“How could my relatives have such a beautiful girl?

This is my son’s girlfriend!”

“…… girlfriend!” Aunt Zhang covered her heart.

Such a beautiful girlfriend?

Much prettier than those girls I saw in my son’s photo gallery!

Looking at his son’s expression, if he was still dissatisfied? He couldn’t wait to get together!

Critical hit +2!

“These high school students, it is not good to be in a relationship!” Aunt Zhang still wanted to struggle: “Good academic performance is good, but you can’t slack off at this age. After all, studying is the most important thing.”

Qi’s mother nodded along: “You’re right. I used to think the same before.”

“But let me tell you about my son. His grades were actually not that good before, his ranking was over 300th in the entire school. But this time, he got first place!”

“When I asked, he said his girlfriend gave him extra lessons!”

“Do you want to justify this? We all think that early love affects the performance, but my son got a first place after falling in love. And his grades soared. Isn’t that strange? This dinner is specifically to thank his girlfriend for tutoring him in studies!”

Knocked out!

Aunt Zhang couldn’t stay any longer. She turned around expressionless: “I just ordered food. It’s getting cold!”

Watching Aunt Zhang fleeing with her son, Qi’s mother felt completely refreshed and relaxed all over her body.

For so many years, she had been defeated, but this time she had a complete victory!

Looking back at Lian Qingxue, she was very excited!

“You are a great success for our family, my child! Eat some more!”

Lian Qingxue had just finished the meat on her plate and barely had a moment to relax.

She saw Qi’s mother picking up two more pork ribs and putting them in front of her.

Tears almost burst out of her throat.

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