The Goddess Needs A Break!

[AFTER] Chapter 238 – I’m not drunk, I’m just lonely!

"Haruno Nishino. Third year student majoring in English. It's a pleasure to meet you both," the literature club president shook both of their hands.

Takei and Akari were currently visiting the clubroom of the literature club. They wanted to see what sort of club it was before joining, but neither of them had expected the clubroom to be an otaku's dream.

With mountain loads of different types of media strewn across the room, the two gulped as they realized how great of a place this was.

"Haaaah... It's been a while since we've had new applicants. I'm happy to see your interest in this club," Haruno smiled. "Well, fire away. What questions do you have for me?"

After the introductions were exchanged, Haruno planned to have the stage of their conversation be a Q&A session. She decided that this would be the most effective way to persuade the two to join the club.

"Hm, what activities does the club do?" Takei asked.

"We read literature and discuss it. Pretty simple, right?" Haruno laughed. "There are some events that we participate in, but they are few in number."

"When you talk about literature, what type do you mean?" Akari asked the next question.

"Oh, I love this question. The answer is all types of literature!" Haruno clapped in excitement. "It can be a manga, a history book, a novel, a diary, or anything for that matter! I have a belief that all types of literature are equal."

It looks like she really enjoys talking about books. And what a strong resolve! I'm glad her title wasn't just for show.

Takei was a bit skeptical of Haruno's competence due to her initial appearance as a slob, but conversing with her proved something different. After listening to her responses, Takei realized that Haruno was a very intellectual person with an abundance of passion.

"How often do we have to meet up?" Takei asked another question.

Haruno shrugged. "As much as I would like to say everyday, I know that everyone has their own lives to live. Let's say we meet up for at least two days and the other days are optional."

Takei looked at her with surprise evident on his face. "Only two days?"

"Haha, I'm not a slavedriver," Haruno laughed. "We're reading books anyways so we just need to meet up to discuss after we're done reading individually."

"Wow, a safe work environment!" Akari's eyes sparkled.

So far, so good. Now, to ask the question that will really decide my choice in joining the club or not.

"Why does this club have only one member?" Takei asked one final question.

"Dude, we're the literature club. Not a lot of college students read books voluntarily, so we've kinda fallen into obscurity," Haruno sighed.

"I see..." Takei nodded in understanding. This was something so simple that he had failed to realize. It wasn't because the president or club was lacking in any areas, it was because this generation of students lacked the passion to read.

Takei loved reading books and he felt bad for the president who had to take care of the club by herself, so he knew exactly what to do. Glancing over at Akari, she seemed to have the same idea as well.

Seeing her give him a light nod cemented Takei's resolve even more.

"Thank you," Takei mouthed to Akari.

"You're welcome," she mouthed right back with a light smile.

The two turned to Haruno and announced their decision simultaneously.

""We'll join the club!""

Hearing their response, Haruno's expression lit up with glee. There hadn't been any members in the club for a while, so she was happy to see some bright new faces.

"Alright! As our orientation for you two, let's go out and drink while reading manga!" Haruno exclaimed in delight.

"We're still underage," Akari replied with a wry smile.

Takei nodded in agreement. "Sorry, we'll have to get soda instead."

"It's fine, it's fine~" Haruno replied without a single worry in the world.


After they waited for Haruno to get ready, the three of them rented out a karaoke room and sat down to read. Yes, not sing, but read.

Putting aside the weird situation for now, Takei was surprised at how different Haruno's appearance was. Instead of the messy otaku appearance she had in the clubroom, Haruno had freshened up and worn a beautiful light brown cardigan alongside a long skirt.

She now had the impression of a reliable older sister who could do anything.

"Ah! F*ck you, evil priest! How dare you scheme behind the protagonist's back like that! I hope he clobbers the sh*t out of you!"

Well, she only had the impression. Reality was something much different than the expectations he had in his head.

Turning over to his left, Takei found an adorable girl reading an innocent romance series. "Ehehe, so cute~ Go get him, girl!"

Akari was diving deeper and deeper into the abyss of no return. Soon, she would become a member of the collective.

It looks like she's catching up to that weekly series she put on pause a while back. Hey, isn't that the chapter where the protagonist confessed to the girl he loves? Wait, I have an idea!

Takei waited for Akari to finish reading the confession scene. After a few more moments of page-flipping and reading, Akari finally got past the part where the protagonist confessed. Once he realized this, Takei leaned close to Akari's ear and whispered quietly into it.

"I love you. Will you go out with me?"

Immediately after he said it, Akari's cheeks flushed a bright shade of red as she looked up to him with teary eyes.

"N-Not fair. You were waiting for me to finish so you could say that!"

"No, I wasn't. I just felt like saying it."

"And how does that make sense?" Akari giggled. "You asked me out even though we're going out."

"Oh... Haaah..." Takei sighed. "I was just mimicking the confession in the manga."

"Hehe, you're cute when you make a mistake."

"I'm only cute when I make a mistake? I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing."

While the two were flirting happily, Haruno looked at them with great envy. Even though she had been alive for longer than them, she had never had a significant other in her whole life. Haruno didn't know the reason why, but that stayed the case even now.

Is it because I have too much of a dignified appearance? Or, is it because I'm too much of a slob at home? I don't know the answer, but couples should blow up!

Haruno looked at the flirty couple and accusingly pointed at them. "H-Hey! The next time you two flirt, that's going to be 10 push-ups on the ground!"

"What kind of punishment is that? Hey, I think the alcohol already got to her. She's most likely drunk already," Takei nodded understandingly.

Akari agreed with him. "She's definitely drunk."

"I'm not drunk! I'm just lonely!" Haruno wailed.

Takei and Akari join a club! You can expect to see more of the literature club in the future.

Serious-san: I'm proud of Takei graduating from the go-home club!

Sugar-chan: Now, it's your turn.

Serious-san: ...

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