The Goddess Needs A Break!

Chapter 199 – Yandere’s Attack

Every once in a while, Takei would wake up from his sleep drenched in cold sweat. He had eventually learned that this was a result of his sixth sense warning him of a coming danger.

Now that his sixth sense was going off again, he was beginning to worry about what was about to come.

I should name this sixth sense soon since it keeps on happening. Let's name it after a bug!

After naming his sixth sense "ant-sense" after a certain superhero that he liked, Takei cautiously got out of bed and went downstairs.

He heard someone moving in the kitchen, so he went to go check out who it was.

When he reached the bottom of the staircase, he saw some familiar golden locks of hair.

"Ah, Takei. You're awake already?"

"...Yeah, I am."

The person standing in the kitchen ended up being his girlfriend, Akari Akazawa. It appeared that she had come over early in the morning and started cooking breakfast.

"I made some rice and omelet for you since I knew it was your favorite!"

"Ah, thank you..."

Takei gratefully accepted the good will of his girlfriend and began to help plate the food.

"You were sleeping for so long that I was about to wake you up with a kiss. It's been a while since we did some lovey-dovey stuff, so I've been wanting to cuddle and make out with you..."


For some odd reason, Takei wasn't responding to Akari's neediness and affection for him. He looked at the girl in front of him as if she was nothing more than trash.



"Why are you impersonating Akari?"

Takei asked the girl in front of him with such a cold and detached tone that revealed a fraction of the anger that hid behind his calm facade.

"W-Wait... What are you talking about?!"

"Don't lie, I can see right through you. You aren't Akari at all. You're Mitsuki, aren't you?"


Everything about her was identical to how Akari looked and acted. She had a similar body shape, an identical smile and way of talking, and hair that was identical down to the very strand. However, Takei saw through the entire facade as soon as he saw her.

Having spent so much time with the goddess herself, there was no way Takei would mistake her with anyone else. The subtle ways that she acts and speaks, Takei knew them all.

That's why he immediately knew that the girl in front of him was a fake that was masquerading at the real one.

Mitsuki took the wig off when she realized that Takei knew who she truly was. "I didn't expect for you to figure out so fast... As expected of my husband."

"How did you get into my house?" Takei asked her with an angry tone.

It wasn't often that Takei got mad. He would say that he usually was a very calm and mild-mannered person, but that was only true until it concerned his loved ones.

Seeing his beloved girlfriend be impersonated, Takei was on the very brink of losing it. The only reason he could hold back was due to his inner self telling him to calm down and assess the situation carefully.

"I snuck in through the backyard, but that doesn't matter. We're married, so it's okay."

"We. Are. Not. MARRIED!"

As the seconds passed, Takei's anger was boiling hotter and hotter. Initially, he thought that Mitsuki was a good person even though she was a little weird, but his impression of her was quickly deteriorating.

"I'm not sure where you got this impression of us being married, but it's not true. I don't love you. Rather, I quite hate you."

Not mincing his words anymore, Takei let Mitsuki know of his true feelings.

"..." Mitsuki was speechless from Takei's outburst of anger.

Takei knew that he was being a bit harsh on her, but nothing else was working so the harshness was necessary.

"Please get out of my house."


He demanded her to leave his house, but she responded with a weak question instead.

"Why can't I be happy?! Have I been that bad of a girl?"

Mitsuki began bawling on the floor of Takei's kitchen. She hugged her knees as she hid her messy face from the man she loved.

"I've done everything that everyone has ever asked of me, and I get repaid with a horrible life. I just wanted someone to love me, but it seems that is impossible as well..."

Takei wasn't sure what to say in this situation where a cute girl was crying, so he just stayed quiet and listened.

"I feel in love with you because you were the only person to help me and acknowledge my efforts. You were the only one to see me for who I was. Why... Why can't you just love me back?"

The person in front of him reminded Takei of a certain someone. A certain goddess was in the same situation as Mitsuki, but she was saved by Takei. However, he couldn't do the same for Mitsuki. She would have to find someone else.

"I'm sorry, my heart is already taken. I can't be that person for you. You're going to have to find someone else to be your knight in shining armor."

When Mitsuki heard of Takei's refusal, she began to cry even harder. The loud sounds of sobbing could be heard throughout the whole Tanaka household.

Takei felt bad about refusing her and even worse about making a girl cry, but this was a necessary step in healing Mitsuki's heart. She needed to move on from the past and walk towards the future, so Takei deemed this a necessary action that he had to make.

After what seemed like an eternity, Mitsuki's cries and sobs began to get quieter and quieter until they couldn't be heard at all anymore.

"Are you okay now?" Takei offered her his hand.

Mitsuki nodded and grabbed his hand. "Yes, I'm very fine now."

When she stood up with the help of Takei's hand, Mitsuki grabbed a hidden bottle of perfume and sprayed it into Takei's face.

"Ack! W-What are you doing?!" Takei staggered back into the kitchen table.

"Don't worry about it, just hurry up and fall asleep please," Mitsuki creepily smiled at him.

Takei's consciousness was quickly fading as the contents of the perfume kicked in. It wouldn't be too long before he blacked out.

Gotta call Akari. Gotta call Akari. Gotta call Akari.

Unfortunately for him, Takei was fully robbed of his consciousness before he could call for help.

"Shall we begin the final act of this play?"

The arc reaches its climax in the next chapter!

Serious-san: Akari is going to be pissed

Sugar-chan: I feel bad for Mitsuki now...

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